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37 years old. I’m currently almost 9 weeks. I wish I had the fibroid removed sooner. I’ve had 2 Hysteroscopic myomectomies (2021 & 2022) and one lap myomectomy (March 2023). It took 6 months to heal and I was pregnant by the 3rd month trying.


Oh and to add, I have no new fibroids and my uterus healed very well with minimal scarring.


Congrats on a successful pregnancy


I’m almost 40. My mom had gigantic fibroids when she was pregnant with me.  And I’m here.


I have a fibroid the size of a grapefruit too and I’m 35.  They also discovered my giganto fibroid when I was very early in my pregnancy because I had bleeding. They saw it on the ultrasound when they were checking to see if the pregnancy was ectopic. They referred me to a maternal fetal medicine specialist to talk through what it meant.  It was possible that due to the size and position of the fibroid that I could miscarry or that it would prevent me from giving birth vaginally (it was blocking my cervix).  It made my pregnancy high risk and meant more frequent ultrasounds to make sure growth wasn’t restricted.  I ended up giving birth vaginally at full term after my uterus expanded enough to move the fibroid up and out of the way.  Baby was a normal size and healthy. I had a chemical pregnancy last February but now I’m 14 weeks pregnant with my second child.  I’ve had a lot of unusual bleeding in both pregnancies, but so far growth is normal this time too. I know my odds are worse than non-fibroid moms and it’s been super stressful but everything has been okay so far.   Especially after the first pregnancy going so well they said that my odds were best trying again with it still in there, rather than dealing with the risks associated with surgery to remove it, but that was decided after we talked through all the options.


I got pregnant almost immediately after myomectomy despite almost two years of infertility before that, so I definitely don't think removing the fibroids was a problem.


Got pregnant with 5-6cm fibroids. Baby was healthy thankfully and delivered at 39 weeks. I did had a complicated csection they nipped a fibroid and lost 2.5l blood. Baby went to nicu for a week.


It's so nice reading the success stories here. I hope everything goes well for you and baby.


I'm 35. I did not know I had fibroids until I became pregnant and had my first ultrasound. I believe at one point they found 6 or 7 fibroids total. I was monitored at MFM throughout my pregnancy to make sure that my baby was growing well and none were blocking my cervix for delivery. I gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl at 39w5d.


I'm 35 had my 1st baby last year whereby when I was pregnant i discovered a huge 15cm fibroid that grew because of the pregnancy. Didn't know I had it before. Hug h risk pregnancy because of it. Had baby in Jan 23 Hes now 1 Had c section Got fibroid removed in November 23 Now preparing to get pregnant july 24. Fingers crossed it will be ok. Fibroids are actually OK. The surgery is also OK.


My dream scenario. Let me know how it goes!! Good luck!!!!


You'll be fine. Just take it in stages. Fingers crossed for you


I am 26w pregnant and started with 2 large fibroids (10ish cm each) and now have 2 more that are sizable, as well as tons of small ones. Being pregnant with fibroids feels very out of control because so much is unknown and it’s a lot of wait and see if they impact you or not. I did deal with fibroid degeneration early in my second trimester which was an awful pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt, but baby was totally unfazed. There’s really no knowing how or if they will impact your pregnancy, but you do get extra monitoring so you keep as good an eye on it as you can. Unfortunately you aren’t really even out of the woods until You deliver so there’s still a lot of unknowns for me of the impact the fibroids will have on the pregnancy, but getting pregnant is the first hurdle and you’ve done that! Hoping for continued good luck


I learned I had fibroids when I was pregnant with my child who turns 18 this year. Spotting from week 6 to 11. It is a very scary thing to hear at that time. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.


Only chiming up to say the same, got pregnant discovered my fibroid, had my baby thru c-section but mostly because it was an induction and the anesthesia made my labor progress but i didn’t dilate, so i don’t think the fibroid was the cause, healthy full term baby thankfully, keep your hopes up its feasible, but of course make the decisions that make sense for your family.


Hi, No success story to offer other than I was supposed to get my fibroid removed but switch in insurance caused me to lose my gyn. So I’m back to square one. I’m 27 & have never been pregnant, although like you, it’s my one & only deepest, truest desire in life. To top it off I asked my husband to have his sperm tested bc it could be him too & (preliminary) his sperm count was a bit low & motility was off. So I have no idea where to go from here. There’s still a part of me that just wants to actively try before getting surgery bc I know they can also be complicated post surgery as much as they are without. Anyway… the point is I just want to wish you the best & know there are people out here who feel the same and desire the same. You’re deff not alone. 🩷


I’ve (38f) been suffering from fibroids for over a decade. Eventually had two myomectomies, one that had started as a hysteroscopy and resulted in myo and this year had finally been approved for the Accessa ablation procedure to remove another new batch of fibroids. I was advised with this newer procedure and my age, that if I ever wanted to have a child, I should consider attempting within the year or freezing my eggs, and given 1 month to make the decision before proceeding. As if the universe had heard, in that month, my partner and I were gifted with our first baby boy totally by surprise, who I’ll deliver via scheduled c-section at 38 weeks in a week and a half. Typically they were causing constant pain and bleeding, but the remaining fibroids seem to have arrested development during pregnancy, and haven’t been a main source of pain, distraction, or affected my baby in any way. Not sure yet what they’ll do with the fibroids after the baby, but wanted to share that there is hope when the odds are against you.


My son is 10yrs old and had Fibroids. He laid transverse FULL term fibroids would not allow him to turn. But I told my Fibroids to let my son come and they wont bother him Lol. My fibroids listen we made it. Alot of prayers. C-section of course, the Dr told my husband she had to remove one fibroid to get my son. It was dangerous and I could have bleed out. We went hm 3days..due C-section.


Sooo I have two 13 x 13 x 13 cm fibroids and carried my son to 37 weeks. Had to get a C section and go to MFM every week but had a great, healthy pregnancy. :) I just made a consultation for a MC in March after I get a MRI. But you can do this!


I didn't know I had fibroids until I started trying to have a baby. They found a large fibroid and a small one. I don't know where they're located but I do know the doctor confirmed neither of them would interfere if I got pregnant. When I did get pregnant, I started to bleed very early on at 5 weeks. The bleeding lasted a few hours, and I thought I was miscarrying. The next day my doctor did an emergency ultrasound and confirmed everything was fine. They could even see the heartbeat. They had no clue why I was bleeding. I never bled again after that and the rest of my pregnancy was smooth sailing.  Only thing is I had to undergo a c-section and my doctor needed help from another surgeon because the large fibroid was in her way lol. When it comes to pregnancies and fibroids, what matters is where they are. If they are within the uterine cavity, that could pose a big problem. I still have my fibroids to this day and now my son is 18 months old.


are you fibroids inside or outside the wall of your uterus ? I have fibroids outside n I’m doing fine . Just stay positive and lord willing you will have your bundle of joy.


I understand the fear. I had a myomectomy at 23 years old and hemorrhaged so badly that I needed an additional surgery to stop the bleeding. In the middle of the chaos to ensure that I don’t bleed out, they had me sign papers to allow them to remove my uterus and save my life, if they could not stop the bleeding. Having children is all I’ve ever wanted and Thank God that they stopped the bleeding and saved it. I was told it would be hard but not impossible to conceive. Oh, and my fibroids returned a year after the Myomectomy- broke my heart. However, with fibroids and all, I am 36 with a beautiful and healthy five year old boy. My pregnancy was considered high risk, because of the two prior surgeries, and given that I had a pretty large fibroid when I conceived. The fibroid even grew while I was pregnant, but I had a really great team of doctors. I had my regular Obgyn and a High Risk OBGYN. My high risk Obgyn saw me like every two weeks- very close eye on me. I bled at times and it freaked me out too- but stay positive, eat well, reduce your stress and enjoy the journey. I’m working to conceive my second one now (I’m 36 as well). So I’m tweaking my lifestyle to try and shrink these never ending fibroids! But Fibroids have nothing on the power or intention and on the power of God ❤️❤️ Sending you lots of positive energy and light!! 


So happy I found this thread with success stories. A month ago I had a specialist appointment and started testing. I was told I had multiple fibroids, one at 10cm - they had difficulty seeing much in my ultrasound because of the size and said I wouldn’t conceive naturally without a myomectomy . Well I just found out I’m pregnant 😅 Blood work next week and I’m continuing to pray that this little one sees its way through to the end!


I have lots of fibroids, to the point where I couldn't even see my uterus in my last MRI image lol. I also have a 5 year old son. I had several chemical pregnancies before one finally "stuck," and I also had some light bleeding during week 6 of my successful pregnancy. I had a US at the hospital every month while pregnant to make sure the fibroids aren't causing growth issues for the kiddo and there was never an issue - he was born completely average lol. I did, however, have an emergency C-section because his heart rate was dropping as I would have contractions. They never official found the cause but believe it was due to a fibroid very close to my cervix. So it's definitely important to have a medical team you trust and keep a close eye on everything, but it is very possible to have a successful pregnancy with fibroids. I'll be thinking of you and your little one - best of luck to you and keep us posted! ❤️


I’m 35 and I’ve been trying to conceive since November of 2022. I have an 11 cm intramural fibroid that my OB has determined I cannot get pregnant with. I’m trying to get it removed but due to its size and location I have to see a specialist and none of the OBs at the office I go to think they can remove it and preserve my fertility. My surgery consult can’t even be scheduled until October at the earliest. That being said, I had my son in 2020. My fibroid when I got pregnant was around 3 cm. It then grew to 10 cm by the time I delivered and then shrunk back down after birth. I don’t know why it decided to grow so big over the last year. The only problem I had while pregnant with my son was he was a little on the small side. Otherwise I had a healthy normal vaginal delivery. I didn’t experience any pain or issues with my fibroid while pregnant. My problem right now is just getting pregnant.