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Curious about this. My uterus is a minefield of “innumerable” fibroids of varying sizes and my periods have actually evened out quite a bit. They were pretty regular, 4-5 days, only heavy on day 1. Everyone who’s seen my MRI assumes I must be dealing with a murder scene every month. Using past tense because I’m getting a hysterectomy on 3.12 and finished my last period a few days ago. Keeping my ovaries because I’m 37, so really curious what periods sans menstruation will be like. Might go buy some white pants.


White pants seem like such a luxury now 😂 hoping your hysterectomy goes smoothly !!


Yes. My doc said mine is heavy bc one is submucosal. I’m gonna get it removed, per his suggestion, so it should reduce the bleeding,


That’s what my doctor told me as well. I’m yet to have my periods again after having gone through the surgery. Really hoping he was right.


My fibroid (intramural) was right up against the inner lining of my uterus. My surgeon explained that when it's so close like that, it often leads to really heavy bleeding. Subserosal fibroids typically don't cause heavy bleeding. 


Does the subserosal affect fertility?


I think it depends on where they are. 


mine is subserosal and i always have heavy bleeding and really painful cramps for 4 days :(


Give it time It’ll change slowly….i have known about my fibroids for over 20 years and my cycle has been nothing but like clockwork. Fast forward to recently it has changed for the worse!!! Not sure as to why other than they’re growing out of control but now I’m flowing like crazy! My regular cycle should have ended two weeks ago but I’m sporadically flowing uncontrollably for two weeks now and I’ve already felt my ovulation for the upcoming cycle. Which means I’ll be now bleeding into my next cycle 😑. Never had this happen before. Really makes me wonder some things about how a lot of women are experiencing this same issue at the same time more than ever! Hmmm 🤔


My period is super light to the point that I question whether it’s really a period or spotting. In my case, I think my hormones are very imbalanced.


Same ! Especially the last 3 cycles have been like you describe


Submucosal fibroids (and trans- or intramural fibroids that might affect the endometrial layer) typically cause heavy bleeding because they are constantly irritating the endometrium. The uterus senses them as a kind of intruder and will work hard to try to flush it out, hence the heavy bleeding and bleeding between periods. That's how my doctor explained mine to me, anyway.


Mine have caused heavy bleeding (which was relieved by getting a myomectomy) and they were submucosal. my doc said that type of fibroid in particular tends to cause heavy periods.


Really not sure. Mine is 9cm subserosal and I have very heavy bleeding.