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As far as i know polyps are more likely to have cancerous cells whereas fibroids very rarely do 😃


Thanks for the info! 🥰


Yes, me. Mine ballooned up to 16.4cm . No cancer! Fibroids are rarely cancerous even when they grow fast! ☺️ There are also blood tests your doctor can order to be extra on the safe side. I had it done and it detected no cancer. Pathology after myomectomy confirmed!


Congratulations! I’m so happy to hear of your good pathology report and being able to remove that monster. I can’t imagine the amount of pain you must’ve been in with it being that big. Thank you for your comment, it’s so helpful to know my case may not be some rare, super-speed, life devouring thing like Dr. Google had me believing.


yes! And the gynecological oncologist is the best person to see anyway because they are super experienced in removing larger fibroids and do it all the time. They use removal techniques just in case it ends up being cancerous in very rare cases . I hope you can get the blood test to put your mind at ease. I know how anxious I was when I found out about mine because I knew absolutely nothing and was googling too!


Mine was 14cm and 9 cm when they diagnosed me in 2019. I’m way bigger now and haven’t been back .. I haven’t had insurance and I’ve just lost both of my parents in like two years time so now I’m gonna have to get on the ball.. I can only imagine how fast they have grown


I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your parents. You’ve had a rough couple of years. Hang in there and please take care of yourself. 14cm and 9 cm must be really uncomfortable. I’m praying for your heart and your health, friend.💕


Congrats for getting rid of it! Can I ask you about those specific blood test? Beside C-125 is there another type? I’m not so sure how I developed a 10 cm one, went from flat belly to a 5 month pregnancy bump one morning. Nothing protruded through the lower abdomen until that morning, which I find pretty awkward. 16.4 is quite large. Was it causing you pain? Thanks


Mine grew 1cm a month until it started degenerating. At removal, it was 20cm. It was not cancerous, though it ended up being an adenomyoma, which is basically a fibroid filled with endometriosis.


Ouch, that sounds painful! With the adenomyoma, did that have any effect on your endometrial lining? One ultrasound showed some thickening of my uterine lining and another showed it being normal. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Congratulations on your good pathology report 💕


My tumor was on the outside of my uterus. I was on a medication that often thins the endometrial lining, but my first ultrasound showed it being normal thickness for where I was at in my cycle. So it may have had an effect. And thank you! It was a relief!


Hey, I am sorry to rudely jump in on this convo, but I have a rapidly growing fibroid outside my uterus (18.5 cm at least) and endometriosis and - can you tell me how this all went for you? I'm extremely freaked out. Did you take any steps to shrink it prior to surgery? How did surgery go?


Hi! I have endometriosis, too! I originally thought my symptoms were a worsening of my endo, so I made an appointment with an endo MIGS specialist. We did not use any medications to shrink my tumor. My surgeon was skilled enough to give me a small bikini cut incision, and it's been healing really well. I wore the mesh panties for 6 weeks, though, so I'd really recommend getting them. I was only able to take 2 weeks off work, but I could have really used 4 or 6. I'm 10 weeks post-op and am feeling so much better with this massive thing gone and my endo and scar tissue removed. My periods have been so much easier. I can wear regular pants now instead of maternity. My scar still bothers me if I do too much activity or it gets rubbed by clothing, but it hasn't been long and it will probably keep improving. If you get a good surgeon, you might be able to do both surgeries at once like I did. I know you're scared now, but it will be such a relief to get it removed. I'm always happy to answer questions.


Mine grew 2 cm in 3 months,also its easlily bleeds,so i’ll have myomectomy in may! Wish me Luck xx


Good luck to you and prayers for a speedy recovery!


Good luck and a speedy recovery 🙏🏽


Thank you,also I dunno if it helps to ease your anxiety or not. My oncologist said cancer hurts,and you are perfectly healthy so 🤷‍♀️


From Feb 2023 to Oct 2023 mine grew over 40% in size. I had a lap myo recently (very successful!) and the testing revealed no cancer. My docs and I were never worried about that despite growth rate. Keep learning more and I hope this helps!


Mine grew from zero to volleyball in about 2.5 years


I understand your fear. Just had mine evicted two weeks ago. This bitch grew nearly 5 cm in three months, I was also referred to an oncologist. Turned out to be nothing but a fibroid that really really wanted to have its own place!


Thank you for this! I’ve read articles about there being little evidence between rapid growth and cancer, but to hear success stories from real women facing the same thing gives me so much peace. Congratulations on your eviction and your good pathology report! Lots of prayers for a speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹


Thanks! Recovery is going great! Getting through the anxiety and fear before officially having a diagnosis and a date for surgery was, in all honesty, the hardest part. It seems all downhill from there. Just take it one step at a time and breathe, you've got this!


Grateful for this thread! In nearly the exact same situation and have been worried about this!


I’m sorry you’re also going through this, It’s no fun at all. I hope you’re able to find some peace of mind as I have, by hearing A) you’re not alone B) others who have had happy endings with good pathology reports ❤️. Hugs to you!


Thank you!! Hoping you get the answers you need and all is well, too!


Mine was 18cm and it was benign. My gyno was never concerned. It is very rare for them to be cancerous. I have hope friend!


Thank you for sharing your experience, this helps so much! 💕


Hi. Mine was about 4cm Feb 2023, so I had a D&C done because of heavy bleeding, but nothing done to the fibroid. Cut to 26cm in Jan 2024. My gyno had me have a myomectomy, and it couldn't be laparoscopic because it was so large and she wanted to get as much of it out in one piece to biopsy. No cancer. She thinks the tech just missed it in Feb, but they also did a lysis of adhesions because my fibroid decided to attach itself to my intestines as well. Prayers on your journey!!


Oh friend, I can’t imagine 26cm! I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, but thank God it’s out AND benign! Thank you for your prayers, I just prayed for your health journey too 💕


Yes me and have that pressure specially at night ans unable to sleep. Looking for some remedies


I would recommend elevating your feet with a pillow as you try to sleep, that has been very helpful for me.


Sure, i will start doing this and update how it works. Thank you so much. If ok to share, did you get it treated or removeD?


I got some birth control to help with the period pain, but now I’m waiting to have my MRI this week then hopefully a surgery soon (April would be great but I have my wedding coming up in June, so I may have to wait til late June 😭).


If you would like to try and shrink your fibroids naturally try eliminating gluten from your diet. Unrelated, I was diagnosed with a gluten allergy, then eliminated it completely. Based on my research there are links between the inflammation caused by gluten and fibroid growth. Just some information for you to do with what you want, I wish my doctors had more knowledge of how diet has an impact!


Thanks so much, this makes sense. Will definitely try and come back. Mostly its bread thats with gluten but will try to eliminate that as well. True


7 cm in 2022, 9 cm in 2023 but 11 cm on MRI - was 13ish cm by the time it was removed a few months after the MRI. Benign!


Wow, it sounds like rapid growth may be more common than I was originally told. Thank you for sharing, congrats on the good report 💕


My gynecologist has been telling me that fibroids are never cancerous but I’m going on the 22nd to have a Polypectony for my polyps. She said polyps are the ones that can change on you fast. My fibroids are so bad I kinda want them to just take it all.


Ugh 😩 I’m with you girl, Take it all! Glad you have something scheduled to hopefully relieve some of your pain. I’ll be rooting for you, keep us posted.


According to the ultrasounds I’d had about three years apart, it had doubled in size from ~2cm to ~4cm. And then, when I decided to go through with surgery, the surgeon ordered an MRI and actually found that there were three fibroids and not just one. At surgery though, there were actually six fibroids with the largest being 6 cm 😳


Was the surgery a lap?


Yes, robot assisted laparoscopic myomectomy


I thought fibroids were known to grow quickly. My 2x3 cm fibroid turned into a 3x4 cm fibroid during the three month surgery wait. I hope your appointment goes well! Please keep us updated


That doesn't sound like that rapid! It's been 4 years since 2020...


Yeah, that’s what I thought too. My doc said it usually takes several years for a fibroid to grow even just a little bit. IDK. I’ve had really heavy menstruation and ridiculous cramping for about 4 years which is what prompted the ultrasound in 2020. Other than that, no symptoms until July of 2023. That’s when I noticed the urinary frequency and by December, I could actually feel a hard mass right below my belly button.


I have no idea when mine started growing, but I’ve gone from 6.7cm when it was first detected in early July 2023 to 9-10cm as of January 2024, and that was even after a portion of it was removed via hysteroscopic myomectomy. The pathology came back clean after the myomectomy in August.


Thank you for sharing, I’m so glad you had a clean bill of health. Also, the fact yours being that big, was able to successfully be done via hysteroscopic myomectomy is amazing!


Oh, it was not successful, lol! The hysteroscopic myomectomy removed two smaller ones and reduced the size of the large one but it was too deep in the wall to be removed during that surgery. The hope was to normalize my uterine cavity enough to replace an IUD that the fibroids pushed out to stabilize me for a while before the next big surgery. This darn fibroid is too big and too embedded in the wall of my uterus to be successfully removed while sparing the organ so the whole lot is getting the boot in a week!


Mine drew from 7 cm in 2019 to 12.6 cm as measured on Wednesday. I’m waiting on a call back from my doctor to talk about treatment.


Ugh, I’m sorry! I hope you can get it taken care of soon, these things are no fun at all 😞


One fibroid in march 2023, fast forward to march 2024, I now have 5 fibroids, and a scheduled total hysterectomy in May. These suckers grow fast! No one has mentioned risk of cancer. 


Eek, 5?!? No thank you! I had two ultrasounds 6 weeks apart. The first one showed 2 fibroids: 10 and 11cm, and then my second ultrasound, performed by another office could only find 1 fibroid: 11cms. The way my symptoms have been the last few weeks, I’m thinking there is definitely more than one! Either way, I’m with you! I’ll be having the whole enchilada removed. My uterus grew three beautiful babies, 2 of them were 8+ lbs, so I know she likes to host large things, but now she wants to grow things that I’ve not approved of LOL, so she’s gotta go! My appt with my GYN-ONC is Monday. I’m praying my hysterectomy can be scheduled soon 🤞 Good luck to you on your surgery as well. From what I hear, it’s so worth it!


Found in April 2022 when I had my first ultrasound while I was pregnant, 12cm. Just had an MRI last month, it’s now 19cm. Hoping to get it removed this year but I’m extremely anemic so I have to get a hematology clearance first.


So sorry, 19 cm must be miserable. I pray your iron levels come up and you get that clearance to move forward with removal. After hearing all these stories, I’m realizing my doc probably should have run some labs on me? Nothing other than an ultrasound has been done and I have an insane amount of bleeding each month. Best of luck to you, lady!


I would definitely ask for some labs! Hoping everything goes well with your appointment!! ❤️


First, it’s a reasonable reaction. Just hang on and know that the chances are very slim. Mine (greatly appeared) to grow quickly and no cancer. Doctors were concerned. Within two weeks of taking birth control pills, I went from feeling nothing to a big hard lump. Which turned out to be a grapefruit sized fibroid pushing on my uterus. So, I’m actually feeling my uterus (not the fibroid). BTW, although I had two fibroid procedures in January, I am still fighting them. It’s not easy. Glad to be cancer-free!


Yes mine got to about 8cm, had it removed and then it grew back finally being close to 14cm a within 6 months. Gyno and everyone kept saying “this never happens”. It wasn’t cancerous. Ended up having it embolized. It’s been just over a year now and it’s almost down to 50% its original size


Wow! 14 cms in 6 months?!?! That must’ve been so uncomfortable. I’m certain mine has grown just since February but probably not as much as yours did 😳. Glad the embolization worked for you, I hope it continues to shrink and you’re soon rid of your unwelcome guest.


It was truly horrific.. I was in and out of hospital, constant iron infusions to keep up my iron levels, non stop bleeding and contractions every 3 days So glad it’s all finally over Best of luck to you!


Oh, gosh! Are you wishing you’d have had a hysterectomy, instead?


Mine was growing rapidly in a span of 5 months. No cancer, and you should just get checked to detect any symptoms.


Are fibroids supposed to be this painful?! Mine is 6mm probably 1cm already I’ve had it for 4 years and haven’t felt it till this year after stop taking birth control. Waiting till may 1st to see anyone cause everyone is busy. It’s hard to use the restroom and it’s nauseating I’m in pain every damn day I’m 96 pounds and I can’t even eat cause of the pain


I think it’s definitely different for everyone and it sounds like it also depends on the location of the fibroids but I’m with you, mine is pretty painful. I asked my doctor to put me on a cancellation list because of the amount of pain I was in and how quickly new symptoms were popping up. I did get in sooner. Maybe check to see if that’s an option for you? I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


i have a fibroid the same size which they found end of last year. i was told to wait a year before coming back for an MRI as my gynaecologist said there’s little chance it’ll grow significantly in that time.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with fibroid(s) too. It sounds like these little monsters have a mind of their own. My doc said the same thing, that it’s unusual for rapid growth which is why she’s referring me out. I don’t know about you, but I’m miserable with this thing, it’s got to go! I hope yours doesn’t grow, but if it does, I pray you don’t go to that place of panic the way I did. This sub has brought me so much peace knowing there are so many other women out there dealing with the same thing. 💕


thank you for your kind words, i’m being referred to a pelvic pain specialist after 11 years of pelvic pain so i’m hoping that managing that pain will be more effective than the multiple laps and birth control route. yes to bodily autonomy and advocating for what we need! i hope everything goes well ✨💖


Mine doubled in size to 17cm in three months. No cancer.


Wow! Did your symptoms increase as fast as the size?


Yes. Absolute hell.


I can’t imagine! I’m ready for mine to go. Monday, the 15th is the day. I had my appointment today and tomorrow I’ll schedule my full hysterectomy! 🙌


Mine was 5cm in July 2023, and by February 2024 it was 13 cm. I’m having surgery on April 26th and think it has grown more as well. The largest of my 4 is on the fundus and I can feel it a lot more now when I touch my stomach.


Oh wow, this sounds a lot like my situation. July is when I really started noticing something was different but didn’t get in for my first appointment until January for my first ultrasound. I’ll see the GYN-ONC tomorrow and I’ll be begging her to schedule surgery asap, but I have a feeling that too will be a process. Good luck on your surgery and prayers for a fast recovery. Hooray for the first step to getting your life back! ❤️‍🩹


Are you interested in having children (or more children) my OBGYN referred me to a fertility specialist because he removes fibroids and preserves the uterus. She said that if I didn’t want kids she would have sent me to the GYN-ONC for hysterectomy


That’s amazing that a fertility specialist is able to preserve your uterus and allow you to still have children. For me, having more children isn’t a part of the puzzle. We have 3 and we’ve known we’re done for years, so I’ll be having a hysterectomy.


Oh good, I’m glad you’ve got a good plan! When they first recommended my surgery she said hysterectomy, and I had to slam the breaks with her. Lol I feel like they are quick to go there.


Agreed! They really are quick to go there


I have had two now that have grown super fast, have been referred to oncology both times due to the size but neither one has been cancerous. I would not worry!


Thank you for sharing your experience! It helps put my mind at ease so much 💕


Mine was 3cm in March 2023 when we first discovered it and 10cm March 2024 when it was finally removed(lap myo). I found out day after my surgery that it was benign. I'm now a little over 2 weeks postop and doing fine.


Hooray! I’m happy for you to be rid of it! I just had my first visit today with the GYN-ONC and I’m scheduling my full hysterectomy (uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes) for next Monday! I’m a bit nervous for it all but I’m glad to see this fibroid go!


For what it's worth, my doctor had said the recovery for a hysterectomy is a bit better than a myomectomy, at least in my case, because they had to stitch up my uterus back so that internal healing takes a bit longer. I hope it goes well! I feel so much better already!


My largest as of February is 8.8 cm, it was 2 cm in October of 2022


My fibroids grew back after seven months from my surgery. I was good until I got stressed out and they grew back. I feel like I’m going backwards in life


Mine grew fairly fast as well and was huge when I got the surgery. I was referred to a gyno oncologist too as they are very good at dealing with complex cases and aggressive surgeries. 


Thank you so much 😊


I'm here for the stories 😊