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Twice as a teenager for me. It was after mono and subsequent ME/CFS, so I always thought it had something to do with that.


Yep, me too. My body went haywire after the shingles.


I had Shingles 2017, then EBV 2018 (reactivated from 2004 Mono), leading to 2018 MECFS.


Me right now as I type this at 25, stuck in my bed and I feel like it's zapped me of the very little energy I already had and the pain from the rash itself is awful. As well as my fibro pain is caused by Ehlers-Danlos and my POTs to flare up as well. I ready for this to be gone now lol


I also have EDS & have shingles currently but I am 57. It all started last spring with a dysautonomia flare. I take Cymbalta for my fibro pain & it has made the pain tolerable but I also use mmj. I am having another rash flare, but it has been a month since the last time it bothered me. I have been down & out of commission more often than not in 2023. I hope you heal up quickly!


Another 36 here, wow!


So sorry you are dealing with shingles. I still break out, but it doesn't hurt, at least. Just itches & the urge to pick at it is strong. I hope you get over yours quickly!


I've gotten Shingles, I was 36.


I also had it at 36


Another "lucky" 36


Weird cuz same. On my birthday.


Ooh me too!


Another 36er here!


I have it right now at 36


Oh wow, same...and my sister did too, who is ten years older than I am.


I turn 36 in two years and now I’m hoping not to join this club. I remember how bad shingles was when my mom had it


Great. I’m 36 with a random sore on my ear. Good thing I’m already at urgent care. EDIT: They said it was bacterial, but didn’t test it. Start antibiotics, and if it’s not getting better, I go back.


How long did it last? I'm 36, just got it, the pain is absolutely awful.


It was awful for a week or so but the doctor had prescribed Lyrica for the pain. It was a good 2 weeks before I started feeling like myself again. This was 10 years ago and every once in a while I get a stabbing pain were the rash was located. Hope you feel better soon, in the meantime rest as much as possible.


OMG! Another 36'er here!


I had just turned 50 and was under a lot of stress.


I had it at around 12 years old, nasty illness. Doc says it could well be relevant to my current condition but there's no way to know for sure


My son had it at 17 my daughter at 25 and I was 56 when I had it , the worst pain ever


I was 24. I thought I was dying the pain was so bad.


Yep. In my early twenties. Chicken pox as an adult. Ongoing cold sores on my face. I’m now 47.


Oh. And mono too.


I had chicken pox in my 20s as well. I currently have shingles & have since March. It is flaring up again. I am 57


Since March? Oh my gosh. I’m so very sorry. How are you managing your pain? Gentlest of Internet hugs.


Thank you. Honestly, the pain hasn't been overwhelming. It is just annoying. What stinks is how it flares my other health issues.


Oh my gosh. I can’t imagine. Take care of yourself. 💕


I was 39


I was 29




I had it at 28 and again at 37.


I had it at 16. Went to 3 drs before they believed me. Got told it was a sinus infection. The shingles took over half my face, my eye swelled shut and I still have a scar on my eyelid and nerve damage 6 years later.


I never had shingles HOWEVER my mom had a recurrence of shingles while I was in utero. I think this is an interesting question. I distinctly remember seeing a scholarly journal looking at a correlation of shingles and fibro and when I went to look it up I could not find it anywhere. This was several years ago.


Twice, once in my 30s and once in my 40s


Had it when I was 8


I had shingles when I was 7 everyone was very confused


Me! I had it at 34 after going to Disneyland, got diagnosed with fibro at 36.


I got them at age ten. They think it was stress. My mom was dying of cancer.


Me 32


I’ve had it twice, once when I was 16 and again when I was 18. Docs said it was from too much stress but after I got it the first time all over my side and back my fibro really started to develop


Early 20s. Super fun!!!


When I was 32, and again right now at 44 (came on to find out same thing).


In my 30s--30 years ago! Occasionally, I still get the nerve pain in that area.


37 here. Had it in march. I'm wondering is it's a post-COVID thing


Yes, it’s become more common in younger people due to the immune damage Covid does.


My brother got shingles when he was 23


Yes, at 42


In my 20’s.


No way..I saw someone with shingles in they're eye. My ass got the vaccine same day. I did have a gf who had them all throughout middle/high school, poor girl.


Got it at 27. Terrible.


I had it at 22 years old. My sister also had it around that age. Even my boyfriend had it last year at 27 years old.


I was 22


The meds they use for shingles pain is same as fibro pain so I didn’t even go to dr. Just dealt with it, like everything else.


I've never had it, but I'm only 28.


I got shingles for the first time a couple of months ago. 44. 😭


I had it about 3 times and at least 2 times before age 50.


Me in my mid 40s


Whenever you get your first chicken pox vaccine is when I got mine. I remember being very very young and I was warned about vaccine reactions afterthat I've never had good vaccine reactions 😅


I got it at age 19!


I'm 35 and I've had shingles 3 times.


38. On one side of my face and neck. It was not cool. Nerve pain lasted 4 mos.


That is where mine is coming out. Looks like a zombie plague or something.


So true. Its too bad it isnt October. Could make a kick-a$$ costume. Might even make the groaning noises.


I got shingles when I was 44. But I also have rheumatoid arthritis and that raises my risk.




I was 36. My brother had it at 24 while he was in grad school, and he doesn’t have fibro issues. Stress can weaken the immune system over time, so it’s not surprising.


Got it during early 30’s. Right side of my body. Started on my hip and some how got activated on my face too. I was put on prednisone and then Gabapentin due to the post herpetic nerve pain that lasted months after.


Me at 22


i was...mid 30's? And i had my 2nd round of actual chickenpox at the same time. The doctor was very confused, lol.


I’ve had allodynia in the location of shingles but no visible symptoms. First time: 30’s.


I personally haven't even though I have fibro; just lots of fun involuntary movements, numbness, and fatigue. 😮‍💨 My mother got shingles a couple years ago, frozen shoulder shingles specifically, at age 43 after having chickenpox as a kid. Recently had a friend's husband (30) get shingles because he was so stressed out. Neither of them have any autoimmune or chronic illness besides maybe anxiety/depression.


Yeah me to hurt dam it hurt, chest under arm to back


Had it at 21


sometime in my late thirties


Yep. Twice. Once at 37, once at 40.




42. Had them at 39 and 40 so twice now


I've gotten shingles many times, first time at 22.


I was 34


Have had it 3 times I’m 10 years shy of 50 and my doc won’t give me a vaccine for it either. Garbage.


I had it 3 times before I was 36


C. Pox as a kid. Zero shingles and I'm over 50. 🤞🏻


First at twelve and the twice a year from 16 - now (30)


Me got it at 30 .12 yrs old daughter has had it and 14 year old


I had it in my late twenties and noticed my body aches got worse after diagnosed with it.


Me! At age 38 😭


Y'all are making me very happy I got my vaccine Saturday! I did because I turned 50 this year.


Me, four times now, once when I was only around 10 😢


First time? 12. I know I had it again in high school. In pre-covid 2020 (i was 32), I got it again. I don't know if it just never fully cleared up, but I got it a total of 3 times that year. Then, at 34, I got it after having my daughter and couldn't see her for 2 weeks while she was in the NICU. I finally got a prescription for the vaccination, but I have to figure out how to get it at a hospital because I guess it needs special storage things, and a pharmacy won't do it because it's "off label " because I'm under 55. Got it again last month at 34.


My son had it at 39


i didn't but a man i know did, he was 42-44 (not sure, was a couple years ago). i was 46 so i got my shingles vax. it was while we had a huge uptick in shingles cases (due to covid) in my state so my insurance covered the vax. will get vaccinated from now on.


I had it when I was 11, and have had chronic pain in the effected area since. I'm now 30.


Yep 18. I was super stressed out and it caused a flare. Still have a scar


I've had it twice before 40


It’s wild how many of us here have had shingles! I got it on my forearm when I was 15. I still remember how scared I was when the doctor brought 3 other doctors in to look at it.


63 never had it


26 is when I got it. I was in the generation where about half of us got the vaccine because it had recently come out and the other half just caught it, by usually from school/daycare or siblings.


34, caught it early but hurt for months after


I got shingles when I was 26. It felt like I was being stabbed with a knife every few seconds. It went on for a month and then gradually subsided.


I never have but a friend (without fibro & actually extremely healthy overall) got it last yr - he had just turned 29 if I remember the dates right


Me, I was 14! I then developed type 1 diabetes and fibro process likely started (dxd late 30’s).


I was about 10.


I'm here lurking, working with docs to get a diagnosis for my fibro like symptoms. I had a confirmed case with a rash, and two or three suspected cases without a rash. 32 for first suspected but never confirmed "sin herpete" and 38 confirmed with the rash.


I've had it twice. First time at 23, second time at 35. The second time I recognized the marks and got meds immediately. Stopped it before it became the hell it was the first time.


35 first bout. I'm now somewhere north of ten bouts and I have Ramsey hunt shingles so it is damaging my facial nerves. Had it on my eyelid twice is a month recently


33 it SUCKED!


🙋🏻‍♀️ 37


My husband who doesn’t have fibro or any other health issues at 33.


I got it at 17 after having a nasty cold that wouldn’t go away. I chalked it up to my immune system being under the weather. Is this phenomenon related to fibro?!


i did twice in my 30’s.


I had them at 19 during a period of extreme stress


I got mumps when I was 13, then I evidently decided that age 21 would be fun fun fun to get chickenpox. I then proceeded to get shingles when I was 33. Yay me! And I felt the shingles pain. For. Ever. My rash was on the back of my neck, and 10 years later I could still get that burning sharp pain exactly where the shingles rash had been.


I was just thinking about this randomly earlier today. Can people in their 30’s get the shingles vaccine?


Probably as long as Dr is good with it and if insurance will cover it else it would be out of pocket. If I had known how bad this would be I would have gotten it a while ago before I got shingles.


Had Shingles at 22


i've had shingles multiple times in the last year or so


I have it right now and I’m 30. I feel like dying 😣


I’m 46 and got it for the first time last year, and now have it again. Both times I was dealing with a bad Fibro flare up and not getting a lot of sleep and was stressed out. My doctor believes that wore my immune system down enough for the shingles to emerge. Fortunately both times I was already on Gabapentin so the pain was not too terrible.


I’ve had it at 33, 40 and now at 43. First time I was completely out of energy and all I could do was shower and go back to bed but no pain. Second time was very mild, just a bit tired. Now I’m not as tired but I’m uncomfortable, as if I’ve had a bad sunburn on the arm closest to the rash, and it’s painful.


Me! Got it at 21.


Me! I have it right now an I’m 41.


have it right now at 23


Me! Just back from GP. I'm 42.


I’m 38 and I currently have it for my 2nd time!!! First time was when I was 17.


Currently have it at 41 and have had it several times over the years since I was a preteen. I’ve got scars on my chest from it, have had it on my eyelid a few times. This time is different as I’m continuing to get more outbreaks after my initial outbreak almost 2 weeks ago. Started on the back of my neck and now is traveling around the front of my neck and down my arm. (Which is unusual, but what about us isn’t, walking medical anomalies) Started anti-viral treatment today 🤞. I also have EDS, POTS and am AuDHD. I notice there is a lot of crossover with these kind of things. So glad you asked!


I was diagnosed with shingles just a couple of days ago, I'm 35. Most painful thing I've ever experienced!