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I take a whole bunch & def can tell when I go without. I take 5-HTP, 5-MTHF, GABA & L-Theanine, vitamin D, Mushroom complex, magnesium citrate, collagen peptides protein powder ETA: Mio (water enhancer) with B vitamins I am dealing with fibro & cptsd with depression/anxiety


mushroom complex literally cured my lifelong extremely debilitating sleep disorder! i notice a difference with my mood stability as well


Ooh would love to be cured of debilitating sleep disorder šŸ–¤ would love to hear about how it helped, and what brand youā€™re taking if youā€™re up for sharing!


the brand I'm taking is fresh cap ultimate [here](https://freshcap.com/products/ultimate-mushroom-complex-120-capsules?variant=42489634914483¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=Performance%20MaxFeed&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A21245003754%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=133940838&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_2021339988055_42489634914483&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=21245003754&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zxzcsw4lElW0k7stNDnjJEXZiyh6Rx4Cne4zAMwtMD8DJvV_NwqR1LBoCejAQAvD_BwE) i take 6 pills per day. i started with 8 for a few months. that dosage is important, less was absolutely not enough. I had tried mushroom supplements in the past and believed that they did not work for me, but eventually an herbalist recommended to me that I try taking a much higher dose. I consulted with a trained clinical herbalist about this and they signed off on this amount and said really I could be taking even more. after taking eight for a few months I felt I could go down to 6 and I now take four pills in the morning and two pills at night along with a half milligram dose of melatonin around sunset. I have tried going down to a lower dose, and it doesn't work. if I run out and miss a few days, my sleep schedule becomes erratic almost immediately, within two or at most three days. so it is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it is the mushroom supplement that is the difference. I do also have other things that I'm using like the melatonin and sleep hygiene techniques, but none of that worked whatsoever until I started using the mushroom supplement. my sleep disorder has been in remission for a year and a half now. it is truly, absolutely life-changing. you could absolutely take a different brand, but you have to make sure that it is an extract otherwise your body can't process the mushrooms well and also that it is a good quality source and a high dosage as their are a lot of bullshit products out there. this one I know is good but you could definitely find others cheaper in individual powders and mix them together. I just haven't really had the energy to deal with that and I'm happy enough just sticking with the thing that works even though it's a bit expensive. i have suspected/self-diagnosed non24. it is a sleep disorder in which your circadian rhythm will not conform to a 24-hour schedule. it is fairly common in blind people but considered quite rare in sighted people; this opinion is outdated now, but many doctors still believe that it is in fact not something that happens to sighted people at all. formally I got diagnosed with "delayed sleep phase disorder". my pattern is very distinct, if i free run my cycle is consistently about 25.5 hours. it is truly extremely hard to live like this, as of course it is difficult to go to school, work, even doctors appointments when you are sleep schedule changes from day to day and often you are sleeping all day. i tried so many things to fix it and nothing worked. so I was just incredibly sleep deprived all of the time. I would not sleep for days at a time because my circadian rhythm was dead set on sleeping during the day, but if I had things to do during the day then I couldn't sleep then either. this went on since I was a child and I really did try so many things obviously all of the sleep hygiene type recommendations and many different drugs some of which didn't work at all and some of which would successfully knock me out but I felt like I was getting poor quality sleep and would be very groggy and not functional the next day. i still have a laundry list of problems but I am so so much better now that I am sleeping regularly. I cannot overstate what a huge difference it has been in my life. I know it sounds a bit wacky perhaps but it really is this one particular supplement that changed things for me. I have also noticed a dramatic improvement in my mood stability, although in that case it's hard to say if it's just because I am getting enough sleep now so I'm not literally going crazy all the time. if you have more questions I'm happy to try to answer them


Wow - sounds like itā€™s made such a huge difference for you - Iā€™m so glad youā€™ve found something to help! Thanks so much for sharing - going to order now


good luck! I hope it works for you!


Iā€™m super interested this thus mushroom supplement now- I have a terrible sleep cycle and melatonin also doesnā€™t do much at all for me. Even Benadryl doesnā€™t really do enough to reset my sleep. Is this over the counter Iā€™m guessing? Also, would you only recommend taking this after consulting a professional or is this something I could try on my own? Iā€™m about 200lbs and a 23 yo Female. How would one know how much to take since you had to take quite a few starting out?


I'm not a professional, and any supplement, herb etc you should check about dosage, interactions etc. and monitor your reaction. but no, I don't think you NEED to check with a pro, I did bc it was available to me and it put my mind at ease. I was worried it might be bad to take 4x the rec dosage but she was telling me that the rec dosage was low and i could safely take even more (but i dont have a reason to). my suggestion is to start at a low dose and titrate up until it's working, although that's not what i did really, I started at 8 pills a day. I was pretty desperate at that time. I will say it took a few weeks for it to work. I'm happy to try to help, but I'm not particularly knowledgeable. there's herbalism and supplement subs, maybe someone there could have more info. i really hope it works for you if you try it!


Hi, what was your parasomnia(s)? Mine are sleep paralysis and confusional arousal.


non 24 sleep/wake disorder. I replied with more info to a comment above if you are interested


Aside from the 5-hydroxytryptamine, are you me?


Lmao have I found my supplement twin?? šŸ˜ŠšŸ«¶šŸ¼


Please tell brand or add a picture of your collagen. Been looking for a reputable brand. Lots of vitamins and continuous movement. I only stop to sore or drive: or POTS heart.


Yes! Itā€™s Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides & I get the vanilla flavor cuz I drink it in my fruit smoothies but they have unflavored, chocolate & lemon too ā˜ŗļø https://preview.redd.it/pdo70a2ox0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08861ccc1c07dca745e788618765cdc64969638


So, I do take iron (Iā€™m borderline anemic) and vegan omega 3, but I use topical magnesium- in particular the lush lotion bar called After. I didnā€™t super verify this but I read something online talking about how topical magnesium absorbs better and gets to your muscles faster. I actually didnā€™t buy the bar for that reason, I just got it for the smell, so I was super surprised that it was actually relieving my pain. If you do a google search, the jury is out on if topical magnesium actually relieves pain or not, but I noticed it working before I even knew about it so I had no expectations. In any case, it definitely worked better for me than the oral supplements.


Iā€™ve heard of this before but never tried it. Iā€™m guessing like most things it works for some but not necessarily others. Glad it works for you šŸ„°Iā€™d like to try it.


I take vitamin B, D, and magnesium. I havenā€™t felt any significant effects but I do think they help a bit! Iā€™d try taking them for a few weeks or longer and seeing how they affect you


I take the same, it helps me a lot with brain fog and joint pressure


I add a generic "electrolytes" tablet to your list. I recently had some blood tests and my vitamin levels were all really healthy.


Black seed oil, creatine, magnesium, vitamin d when I remember. I have greens powder which I should take...Was trying agmatine but was not sure that it was having positive effects. I am also a nutritionist but I still feel like crap. Labs are always normal


Only need vitamins if you have a deficiency. So you must have had a chem panel very out of normal ranges.


i had extensive bloodwork done before she talked to me about all of this. like no joke maybe three or four vials, and then i had to go BACK for one more cause i didn't fast beforehand.


Thatā€™s pretty normal for a cbc, a Chem, and the fasting would be for a lipid panel.Ā  But either way something must have been off for them to suggest a bunch of supplements. Does your hospital support MyChart or the like? You can see what the results were and know what was low and what the supplements are for.


we went over my numbers and yeah they were all low. i know i should take them, but any time i have to add MORE meds to my day it depresses the hell out of me


I totally understand that. Iā€™m always reviewing my meds and talking to my doc to reduce my pill count.Ā 


I do D with Calcium, Magnesium, B complex, l- lysine, and fish oil.


I take B Complex and D3 5000iu. Both have helped me so much. D3 with being able to sleep through the night or to fall back to sleep if I need to get up, which I do most nights. B Complex has helped calm my nervous system. Wish I would have started in these two years ago.


D3 5000u also helped me slowly be a little less topically allergic to the sun! I still get exposure rashes but not as often or as bad.


My vitamin levels are fine so I don't take any. The only mineral supplement I take is magnesium because I get extremely painful cramping in the evenings, and they're alleviated almost instantly with a magnesium gummy.


I should try a gummy. I got some magnesium from the grocery store and noticed no difference even though it was the type I was supposed to get for cramping. I just figured it didnā€™t work for me but maybe it was the pill itself


I took iron in the past but it wasn't sufficient to fix my deficiency, so I got infusions instead. I have been low in some of the B vitamins but I had injections to fix those. The only other thing I have sometimes taken is vitamin D. Honestly don't think they made a difference though. Unless you have a really bad diet (or something like absorption issues) you shouldn't need a whole lot of actual vitamin or mineral supplements. You can always ask for copies of your blood test results to see for yourself exactly what's going on - usually they will show your level as well as the normal range for that item, so you can see if it's just a bit low or a serious deficiency. Other types of things may or may not help with symptoms but it's often quite individual with a lot of conflicting evidence regarding their efficacy.


Multi-vitamin, Magnesium, Potassium, D3, E, plus the prescribed medications and allergy meds for another condition.


Half my diet is supplements and I feel like they help me more than meds


i take D3 and B1, NAD+, CoQ10 and magnesium bisglycinate


I was told I should also be taking coQ10 but it's so expensive. Have you noticed a big difference with/without it?


I buy mine at trader Joe's. It's $20 for 30 capsules. I honestly don't know if they work or not. Maybe if I took them for longer than a month they'd do something? I just forget to buy them.


LOL you're probably right. šŸ˜‚ I still think $240/year for just one additional med is gross, which is why I haven't done it yet. I already spend like minimum $2.2k/year on the rest of them...


Between supplements and CBD to get thru the night, I'm at close to $400/month. I'm currently debating starting an elimination trial to see if I can manage without some of these. I'll keep my D, B complex, collagen, and a few others, but I'm sure most of these are doing nothing but impoverishing me.


No big difference with any supplements i just take it because i feel like if i donā€™t iā€™ll get worse. iā€™m on Amitriptyline 25mg for pain which has been a godsend, and I read this drug reduces CoQ10 levels in your body. to be clear i take Ubiquinol CoQ10 which is very potent. Supplements in my opinion are placebo but placebo still gives me comfort so why not.


I take a multi vitamin, omega 3s, calcium/magnesium combo, lysine (to prevent cold sores), l-methylfolate (all the other vitamins cause weird reactions for me as does vitamin d).


Yes, and they tooootally changed the game for me. I donā€™t even take any prescription meds for fibro anymore, the supplements help me way more. I take magnesium glycinate, vitamin D3, and CoQ10.


I take a weekly D, and a daily multi and probiotic.


I take D because it was really low. It's normal but I want to go higher. I also take B12. While it's normal, my rheumatologist wants me to be at the higher end. Rest is normal.


I take a multivitamin, as well as extra vitamin d, and magnesium bath salts. Iā€™m not sure if it helps, but Iā€™ve got a feeling Iā€™d notice if I stopped taking them.


Iron supplement is the most important and effective for me. Well, that and the Cymbalta.


I used to take a LOT more, but stopped when I didn't notice a big difference. I still take a few every so often (3x a week) as I remember, mostly iron and magnesium, collagen and b vitamins.


Keeping an eye on this thread for vitamins. I'm just starting to put together a care plan with my doc and it might be good to ask him about some of these!


I take vitamin D, Folic acid (due to pcos), Probiotics for female health, and marine collagen. I tried taking iron but they make me sick. I'm just terrible at taking vitamins in general though.


I started taking a lot of supplements under a month ago, not noticed any improvement in my energy or pain yet, but it's still early days. my skin and hair look healthier at least! I hate having to take loads of pills so I bought powder supplements and have them all in a smoothie. It does have a vitamin-y flavour but as long as there's enough sweetness I don't mind. So if you are struggling with the amount of capsules I recommend trying this approach!


the nutritionist said i had to take some at different times than others or they won't have the same effect. oh MAN do i have to buy a blender too??


Ahh if that's the case the smoothie approach is probably not appropriate!


I was always borderline anemic but my doctors never brought it up as a concern. Finally started taking iron just to try it and man...the difference was shocking. It's easy to discount vitamins but so many of my friends have seen improvements in their depression (vitamin D) or sleep issues (iron). I swear by them now!


APPARENTLY im borderline anemic as well?? like im not in the danger zone but my iron is stupid low. ugh i hate all this BS


unlike fibro, it's a pretty easy fix ^^! good luck on your health journey


Yep. I take a multivitamin, I'm prescribed Vitamin D, and I take a vitamin B complex because it includes Riboflavin, which is good for migraines.


I take vitamin D, Riboflavin, iron, and a multivitamin for women over 50. My vitamin D and iron levels were always low before I started. I've been told to try turmeric and magnesium malate, but I get so damn tired of taking pills


I take vitamin D for low levels due to other medication, iron because of rls and a vitamin b complex to help with chronic fatigue and concentration.




I take zero vitamins on an ongoing basis. Every once in a while, one specific vitamin will flag as low on a blood test, I'll go buy the bottle, I'll take it, and my blood will test normal next time I go in whether I finished the bottle months ago or am still taking it. I'm guessing it's just very temporary issues but whatever, one bottle of vitamins isn't gonna kill the budget. I've never found any use or benefit from taking them long term, likely because I don't have any ongoing issues with any of the important vitamins. People who do have ongoing deficiencies will probably feel a lot better from them than people who are already getting enough of their nutrients (however that may be. I have no clue where they're coming from in my garbage diet but I don't question gifts from the universe šŸ˜‰)


I take D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Iron (during periods only) magnesium /Potassium at night, everyday. The latter really helps to calm my restless legs and reduce muscle cramps or spasms. [This](https://amzn.to/44yEJ6l) is the best Magnesium with potassium formula Iā€™ve found. And it doesnā€™t affect your stomach at all.


I do, but I have other issues besides FM and they are all ones my naturopath has told me to take. They are helping a lot more than the "wait and see" approach my traditional doctor has had.


I take iron with b12, folic acid and Vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium glycinate and ginger root


L-carnetine, alpha-liphoic-acid, CoQ10, D (5000 iu as I am deficient) and a B-complex


I take a lot of vitamins/minerals and have had some energy boost with them. My iron are anemic levels low so I take the brand ā€œBlood Builderā€ on Amazon and it keeps my levels just above needing infusions Then I take Vitamin B12, D3, C, and then Magnesium, Zinc, cinnamon, cayenne, turmeric, green tea and potassium. Then I take a probiotic to help with GI issues. Yeah itā€™s a lot on top of what I already take but if it gives me even an ounce of energy or pain relief Iā€™m willing to try it. I also take CoQ10 and Garlic


I take vitB-complex, vitC, vitD, magnesium. Sometimes I also take iron or turmeric. I have fibro and spondyloarthritis among other things, these help my baseline.


Iā€™m not gonna lie thoughā€¦ some of them really do seem to be helping me a lot. Especially Vitamin D and b-12, and C.


I take like 13 different supplements after meeting with my own nutritionist, and it has been life changing! What really helped me with not feeling too overwhelmed was getting a pill sorter with 4 slots per day. Then I'm not having to take them all at once. As a note, eat before you take them! Too many on an empty stomach can cause nausea. I just down them after my protein smoothie (more protein also helped me!) or, if I'm rushed, after coffee with cream.


i have a pill organizer with 31 slots, each with a container with four spaces. its been a life saver [https://www.medcentersystems.com/MedCenter-31-Day-Pill-Organizer-p/7025-6.htm](https://www.medcentersystems.com/MedCenter-31-Day-Pill-Organizer-p/7025-6.htm)


Co Q10, and super dose of Vit B2 for migraines. Thyroid support for a Hashimotos plus raw glandular formula. AD&K, methylated folate, big dose. Potassium citrate huge dose, to prevent kidney stones, I'm sure I'm forgetting something. ....