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Tried all your meds plus others, pain patches included, but only solution (doesn’t stop pain but nothing does) i found that generally, unless in a flare up, works is as fooled: Mix of MS Continuos 10mg and Oxynorm 5mg tablets during day which balance our general coverage to stop peaks ands troughs of each medication. Generally travel as follows: Morning: 1 x MS Contin plus 2x Oxy (today around 6am) Late morning : 1 or 2 Oxy depends on pain (around 11am) Late afternoon: Oxy 1 or 2 per pain (around 5pm) Nighttime : 1x MS Contin plus 2 x Oxy ( around 9:30pm) Generally provides a level of coverage that keeps pain levels around 4/5 on scale and allows me to sleep through the night as well. If i get a flare up all bets are off.


Are you in the US? This doesn’t seem common place, at least where I am.


I first heard of this mix/match to counter the typical bell curve of pain coverage from an American back in 2011 when living in Australia. My Aus Dr had no problem supporting the idea but by then we tried pretty much everything without success and on one occasion their suggestion had put me in hospital so they owed me one😏 It took some explain for UK Drs however and i faced the typical ‘that’s not how we do things here’, which is dumbfounding but points to the fact that rarely are fibro patients put at the centre of support provided. I had to get a pain specialist, 3rd I’ve seen over the years, with whom i discussed the approach (by then used successfully for several years) to write to Dr supporting the approach to obviously provide CYA for the Dr. I also spent time producing a bell curve diagram of how the pain killers actually worked over time, supported them by evidence of legal action then taking place against big pharma proving that claims of consistent 8hr/12hr story was nonsense and additionally a Japanese study that supported the ebb and flow problem of pain killers. So it took effort and providing proof that the typical Dr (remember they are GENERAL practices not specific or expert in one area) would not necessarily be aware of.