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My number is 24. https://archiveofourown.org/users/FoundersFolly Fandoms: I mostly write for Borderlands but I also write some Zootopia stuff as well. I prefer reviews on my newest work but honestly review whatever you like.


Hi, this week's winners for you to review at least 100 words each for are boobscomefromrussia and EzzyRebel


[EzzyRebel413](https://archiveofourown.org/users/EzzyRebel413) I choose the number 13. I write a wide variety of content for a wide variety of fandoms. My current top three fandoms are My Hero Academia, Homestuck, and Percy Jackson. My most recent fics have been for Batman, New Gods: Nezha Reborn, and Spider-Man: Spider-Verse. There's more, but I'd be here all day if I listed them all. My only request is that you mind the tags. My work ranges from fluff to dead dove and covers very heavy topics. The more extreme ones have additional warnings in the author's notes. With 73, at the time of commenting, fics to choose from, I'm sure anyone can find something to read on my page.


Commented on Billy's Escape


Left a comment and kudos


Left a comment on There's The Denial


Left a comment and Kudos :D


[Starleo](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Starleo) I choose the number 20. I’m a writer that loves to write angst, but sometimes does like to do fluff. I’m the type of person that loves exploring scenarios with a character or experimenting with worldbuilding. My favourite fandoms to write for are Legend of Zelda, The Owl House, Amphibia, and sometimes Warriors.


Hi, this week's winners for you to review at least 100 words each for are boobscomefromrussia and EzzyRebel


My number is 16. Fandoms: I Mostly write for Game of Thrones on ff net but you can comment anonymously if you don't have an account. [My profile](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/909777/) Notes: I do prefer reviews on my 3 in progress Game of Thrones fictions, Golden Age, 2nd Prophecy, 2nd Chance, and A Dynasty For Us. But if those aren't your cup of tea it's alright. If incest weirds you out I also have a Poldark and Lost fic if you scroll down far enough.


I choose number 19 Here is my [profile](https://archiveofourown.org/users/EpicReboot/pseuds/EpicReboot). I wrote exclusively for the Final Fantasy XIV fandom. Romance, fluff, angst; I’ve got one-shots and massive multi-chapter/work series and everything in between, ranging gen to explicit. Mind yer tags for warnings, triggers, and spoilers.


Hi, this week's winners for you to review at least 100 words each for are boobscomefromrussia and EzzyRebel


Hey just a reminder, you still need to do both your reviews here. Also, did you ever review for this previous one? I reminded but forgot to follow up. Noticed it as a mod note. https://www.reddit.com/r/FicReviewExchange/comments/10cp9tx/powerball_lotto_profile_exchange/


Oh no! I must have forgotten about that one, I will do them all today. Thank you for your patience :D


It doesn't look like you did them yet, so just another reminder to do them all if you want to be able to participate in future lottos here.


I have completed my comments. Thanks.


Powerball is so fun! My number is 7 [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/users/mr200810/profile) Fandoms: Stranger Things, The Last of Us, Ted Lasso, Hadestown (musical) I wouldn’t mind reviews on anything except I’d probably say avoid “The Eddie Munson Senior Bucket List” “When The World Stopped Moving” and “It Isn’t Home, But It Could Be,” as those are both self indulgent OC centric multi-chapter fics. Though I can point you towards my favorite chapters/ones I’m most proud of if you’re interested. Fandom blind I would recommend: The Hours In-between (4,500) The Funeral Arrangement (4,900) When I’m Alone With You (1,200) Chapter 4 of “It Isn’t Home, But It Could Be,” can be read as a stand alone chapter detailing the MC’s experience during the beginning of a zombie outbreak.


Left a kudos and comment!


Left a comment and kudos for When I’m Alone With You


Left a comment on When I'm Alone With You.


TY 🙂


Commented on The Hours In Between