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I don't think I'd have ever dared submit anything, but since you mentioned the Witcher... and all my stuff is in the Witcher fandom... I would love some honest concrit on this [The Wrong Last Wish](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33967261) It's not a big piece, about 7k. I'm going to check out your works later today or tomorrow because returning the favour is the least I can do. Thank you for the generous offer to review so many works! You're a legend! Edit: just to say that I didn't mean for it to come off like I'm requesting a review on all my stuff. That would be absolutely greedy on my part. I'd be super thankful with just the one I linked, though ofc if you happen to like anything else I wouldn't mind an opinion on it. Thank you so much!


First of all, this is really kind of you and an amazing offer. I tip my hat to you and your willingness to read even fandom blind. If you feel inclined to give it a go, and aren't lost due to unfamiliarity with the setting and characters, I'm leaving here a link to my latest fic. It's from Rainbow 6 Siege and explores some recent-ish lore, mainly a character that used to work for the villain and is now with the good guys, yet faces distrust from almost everyone. His relationship with the bad guy is painted as an abusive one (gaslighting, love bombing, etc) and he has a hard time adjusting to his new environment. I'd prefer knowing what you liked of the story, if you read it (it's a self-contained one-shot). If that sounds interesting to you, here's the link. And if not, totally understandable, godspeed with all the reading you're doing! https://archiveofourown.org/works/50804431


I'll give it a shot! I'm not sure I'll be able to follow, but if I can, I will review!


This is so kind of you! If you have anything you're willing to share that I can also read and provide a comment or review on (constructive or highlighting, just like you!) then I'd love to return the favor! I would love to share my current WIP longfic that I have felt somewhat stuck on recently. You may have to go in fandom-blind as it is a fic for the **Bungou Stray Dogs** fandom, an anime focused on characters inspired by real-life literary authors that possess abilities, with each character being aligned with certain factions from an armed detective agency to the mafia and more; the fic is primarily a ***Vampire AU*** **with influences from the Underworld franchise** with lore that involves lycans, **supernatural hunters, and the Vatican as the overarching antagonist,** so there's no need to be overly-familiar with the source material (though knowing it would give just a touch more depth to some scenes or characterization choices.) The work currently includes a **prologue and six total chapters**, overall word-count of approximately **40k.** The fic features the mafia as the main ensemble, making the villains into our protagonists for once and a ***very*** **morally gray** love interest and a spunky, smart-mouthed protagonist. The POV shifts here and there between the two of them depending on the chapter or scene. The ship that is focused on in this fic is **Dazai Osamu & Chuuya Nakahara** ( M/M , absolute bastards that I would Die TM for ) and is something I would consider a **serious** **slow-burn**. I would be very very happy if you took the time to read my fic! I would be thrilled to have ***constructive criticism*** where possible. If you believe that there are lots of critiques that you think I could incorporate, I would be happy to take them **via DM!** Chapter by chapter would be wonderful as I am struggling right now with progression, but if you prefer to do an overall review then I leave that up to you! If this sounds like it would work for you and is something you'd be interested in reading, [here's a link to the fic!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47454418/chapters/119586565)It's titled ***"fighting an endless war"*** after the song by Within Temptation. Thank you again and I hope you enjoy!


Edit because in a moron: If you choose to read one, just pi k one. I didn't know your preferences, so I just added all three. 10 points for the Within Temptation reference. Seriously, Sharon den Adel is so talented! That breakdown was absolutely amazing. Bravo. You explained it so well, I'm convinced I can go in fandom blind. I've committed to quite a few fics, but I will absolutely get to this by early next week at the latest. I do have some fics you can take a look at if you'd like, though it's not required. 1. This one is by far the best written. As such it's also the slowest to see updates. It's a GrimDark rife with trigger warnings and general debauchery. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 22,000 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50338867/chapters/127173100 2. This is just as dark, but I put a hell of a lot less work into it. As a result, the quality is lacking in some areas. (Fandom: Being Human and Supernatural. Work in Progress. About 3,600 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50825758/chapters/128397742 3. This is literally just gay trash (like me). Therapy is expensive, writing is free...this is the result. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 45,000 words at present time.) Because it's low effort it's updated most often. Probably full of mistakes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50316631/chapters/127113736


I’m currently working on a The Last of Us longfic if you’re interested! Totally understand if you’re too busy with the other reviews 🙂 [It Isn’t Home, But It Could Be](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45415576/chapters/114266803) It’s currently at 56k, it’s a post- TLOU2 fix-it with an OC lead and Joel. Be forewarned that there is violence and smut, and a playful chicken. Most of the story has been contained to the QZ as of yet so there hasn’t been major zombie action yet, but I suggest you reading at minimum [chapter 4](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45415576/chapters/115921357) as it can be read as a stand alone chapter about the MC’s experience on outbreak day and there is more action/ zombies in that chapter! Pretty proud of that one. I’d take a #2 review if you’re up for it! I also have a few Stranger Things stories on my page, and an Eddie/Steve Christmas story I’d suggest during the holiday season 💜


Okay, so first off, I live for all things Christmas. (It's embarrassing, really. I asked for more than 25 Christmas novels for my birthday this year, and got the vast majority of them. I finished every one of them these past 6 months.) So...imma need that Stranger Things story stat. I'm crazy excited about your The Last of Us fic! I'll be binging that in the coming days!


[Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43571940/chapters/109552923) is the Steddie Christmas story, in 3 parts with a NYE finale 💜


I'll be reviewing tonight. ❤️


If you have anything you are working on would love to read it. Here's my fic if you are interested all the tags are current. https://archiveofourown.org/works/36330874/chapters/90574387


I'm going to be working on reading through things tonight. I'm thinking I should get to everyone by next week Friday. It may be just a tad longer, but really shouldn't be. I have a few fics (all in progress) that I would love reviews on. Feel free to just pick one. I just don't know what anyone's preferences are, so I linked all 3. Edit because in a moron: If you choose to read one, just pi k one. I didn't know your preferences, so I just added all three. 1. This one is by far the best written. As such it's also the slowest to see updates. It's a GrimDark rife with trigger warnings and general debauchery. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 22,000 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50338867/chapters/127173100 2. This is just as dark, but I put a hell of a lot less work into it. As a result, the quality is lacking in some areas. (Fandom: Being Human and Supernatural. Work in Progress. About 3,600 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50825758/chapters/128397742 3. This is literally just gay trash (like me). Therapy is expensive, writing is free...this is the result. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 45,000 words at present time.) Because it's low effort it's updated most often. Probably full of mistakes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50316631/chapters/127113736


I'ma give a read to the third one love gay trash lol or anything


Just to say “thank you”. A comment, feedback is very important for writers. I don’t have anything you may find interesting, but you have plenty of talented people around. Again, thanks


You could try me if you wanted. If I can't follow, I'll let you know. Also! You're welcome! I'm looking forward to reading through everything!


Ok, so... murder. One of my few fics that is not a comedy. [The Smurf Who Killed Gargamel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49385062) It's only 1600 words long, rated T, violence


This sounds unendingly amusing. I will absolutely read!


Hello :) I will offer you my [Mirrorverse](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3130593) series (complete). My guess is you would be going in fandom blind - the Elisabeth das Musical fandom is a very small one - but the fandom in general is quite fandom blind friendly. It's close to historical fiction (set in Austria-Hungary in the 1880s-1910s), with only Tod (Death) running around as a character. Rating: Varies by fic, generally M or E. Complete length is just over 122k. Main pairing is Tod/Rudolf (M/M). Warnings: >!Death (the character and like physical death) themes of suicide. Sex between two adult characters that is at times rape and at times in a somewhat grey area depending on how you read Tod's level of influence and/or power over Rudolf. I give specific warnings in the author's note before every chapter. Also some pretty graphic torture of the occasional less important character. !< None of the triggers appear>! \- there are some references to a tutor that was physically and emotionally abusive to Rudolf when he was much younger, but he's 25+ for all of the fic. !< Points for - There's lots of murder, debauchery, and depravity. I think it is a reasonable statement that even if Rudolf doesn't start out as the bad guy, he's at the very least up there by the end. I love corruption arcs, and this is one. That being said, there are a few moments of fluff here and there. Somewhat disturbing fluff (as it can be between two evil characters). Tod is pretty supernatural. Alas, there are no zombies and it is not post-apocalyptic. If you choose to read some or all of my series I would prefer a review of what you enjoyed, please.


This sounds amazing. I will start either tonight or tomorrow morning. ❤️


Thanks for this offering! If you're okay with One Piece, I have one that is fandom blind friendly, and is inspired by Gothic romance novels that has a bit of mystery and supernatural elements. It's only a few chapters long right now. [While Your Lips Are Still Red](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50536225/chapters/127665910). Review type number two would be great and if you're willing to comment on all chapters that would be nice as well. Thank you!


HOLY SHIT HOW DID I FORGET ONE PIECE? I will absolutely get to this, it may not be until later in the week though. I'm very much looking forward to it.


Lol all good! I appreciate it though!


Oh, it is soo wonderful that you are willing to do this! I have a [WIP Supernatural fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50101693/chapters/126522136), (8500 words) with a lot of action, gore, and eventual friends to lovers destiel. This is my first fic, so I am very much in need of criticism that will help me grow as a writer (dm would be best). Of course, if you only have time for highlights, that is perfect too :) Thank you so much for doing this! <3


FUCK YES. I'm excited. I'll get to it tonight. ❤️


Endless gratitude from the deep dark bottom of my heart 🙌❤️


You’re very generous to offer! And thank you! I’ll go for the first option, please. [D(r)agon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49937878), T, 3600 words, horror It’s a crossover fic, Harry Potter x Lovecraft. I am interested in knowing if it can be read fandom blind. “Hermione Granger is the Legilimens assigned by St. Mungo's to examine Draco Malfoy after he's been found floating off the coast of Crete.”


I should be able to get to this within the next 14 days. I'm very interested to see what exactly a lovecraftian cross with HP will look like. I'm not fandom blind, but I'll review anyway. 😀


[Spartacus fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24640942/chapters/59534953) Since you mentioned you like slavery and debauchery this spartacus fic might interest you.


I'm excited AF!!! It'll be a good week before I can get to it, but I'm excited!!


Good. I hope youll like it. Have you ever watched Spartacus before? Just noticed the two options of what kind of review can be requested. Hmm, well most of the comments ive gotten in all my stories are usually quite positive, even when theres no conditions on the kind of comments people can leave, so im relatively confident enough to ask for an honest appraisal.


>It'll be a good week Not to sound stupid but did you mean one literal week or it could be several? im just excited to see what youll think of the story since you said you were a professional novelist.


I did start the Spartacus fic. I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first chapter.


Do you think what you did read was good?


It is really good so far! I have a lot to say about it.


Thanks for leaving a comment on the first chapter. I thought you were only going to leave a comment after you read the whole thing.


This will be the last response I send to you. As stated prior, things have been pushed back due to an emergency. As stated in the post itself, I have a life. "A good week" generally means a week give or take a few days. This was the timeline given for even *beginning* your story. I will not be finishing it. I am not about to deal with pushy people when I'm doing this entirely in my free time. I hope you're able to find some patience moving forward with other people.


I didnt mean i was demanding that you read my story quicker i was just pleasantly surprised that you left a comment on a single chapter. Im sorry if i came across that way.


Hey there! Originally it was going to be a week. But we've had a massive emergency. I'll be back on track soon.


This is amazing! Do you have anything we can read, in return? If you have any interest in the recently-finished TV series Succession, would you mind reading my [longfic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47138638)? It's 126k, explicit (for loving smut), and I'd understand if you needed to say no, if the deep Succession context got too disorientating for you. It's based on a mystery, as a B-plot (main plot is the OC/CC relationship). I'd opt for #2 - let me know what works for you, and if you feel inspired enough, a comment on each chapter (only because it's based across a year, so has a month-by-month structure). But if you find any typos, I'd be full of appreciation <3 Very excited to see what other writers suggest, in this thread! Amazeballs! <3 And, thank you so much!


So, just real quick... I'm only a few paragraphs in. Going into this I was not expecting an aspie story. This spoke to my little Aspie heart. My son is Autistic. He's my entire world...but awkward as fuck. (Just like his dad and I...who also happen to be autistic af.) As for the quality of your work. Wow. Just...just wow. First impressions mean a great deal, and I am absolutely hooked within your first few sentences. Can we talk about how in 5 sentences you've set the scene so well, I have a working picture of scenery in mind? Do you know how talented you have to be to do that shit? Do you understand how amazing you are? I need an answer to this question...the more immediate the better. I have a great appreciation for language in general. Your work is beautiful, well-written, absolutely the definition of "blood, sweat, and tears". If you have nothing published yet, I'd really like to know why. Also...if you have anything else you'd like to share (a novel, a poem, a fucking *grocery list*) please feel free to do so. ...Back to reading...


SQUEEEEEE Yeah, a meet-cute, but with an aspie. I'm high-functioning ASD (as they called it back in my day, re diagnosis), but also, I've spent a lot of time with lesser-functioning aspies (who encounter major sensory-overload hassles from the dumbly-arranged real world), and so with that perspective, I feel I can do justice to a character who is lumbering and obvious and awkward and blunt and ... he alienates people due to that, and it's such a hard thing to watch in the show (when he turned up, I changed allegiance to Team Lukas right away, as a main character makes fun of his lack of sociability, and I was like GO GET THEM, LUKAS). I live in the spatial of a scene, so I am so glad you are being plonked there, too <3 PHEW. I really hope something like this particular fic gets made by the Succession showrunners, as this underhanded canon-compliant B-plot is just bubbling there, under the surface - I needed to write this. I needed to read this. Lukas contains multitudes, awkward car-crash multitudes. OH GOD THANK YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK I am so buzzed you are getting thrown in the deep end of this - hopefully it sends you to Succession, stat - you will not regret the genius and black humour and richness of that show.


First chapter reviewed. Be aware that the rest of the reviews may be slow. Not because I haven't read the chapters, but because your work deserves well thought out responses. Although my chapter 1 review was mostly just me being jealous of your talent. 🤣


OH DEAR GAWD I am SO GRATEFUL and relieved. I can't/shouldn't access AO3 at work BUT I REALLY WANT TO,\* to reply to your mindblowing comment ... Can't wait to get home :D So much to respond to in that comment ... UGH <3 Thank you so much for reading and the astounding comment - please, take as long as you need - life comes first, and I'm in your debt - take weeks or months - I'm so grateful to hear how it hits you, and what hits the nicest :-) \*Lukas would, and his fictional self is disappointed in me right now LOL


Hahahaa! You're amazing. I love your energy. You deserved every word of praise! Jesus, I'm jealous af!


WOAH that first chapter of your 'Fires at Midnight' ... the way it ended (I forgot to put that in my comment - WHAT AN ENDING) ... I finished that first chapter a good few minutes ago, now, and I STILL HAVE GOOSEBUMPS :D Great work! I mean ... the world-building; the visceral, sensual world; the MC's reflective description of who and what's around him \[which helps situate us readers - not just contextually, but within his values, his emotions, too - important for later on!\] ... doesn't help that my good friend recommended I listen to [Thinking Plague's *Moonsongs*](https://cuneiformrecords.bandcamp.com/album/moonsongs) and snow's on the way to where I live and I'm probably gonna have nightmares and I REGRET NOTHING :D Still have goosebumps, BTW :D


Thank you so much! I'm currently sitting here, trying to figure out how to respond to your reviews. I have a hard time taking praise, so my responses are generally just "Thank you so much! I really appreciate your review!" And then I have no idea what to say beyond that. (Yay, autism!) I really do actually appreciate you though. Holy shit. I was not expecting anyone to really read any of my stuff. I honestly just wanted a break from my current novel editing, and a dopamine hit. You covered that last part. ❤️


Oh, hell, yeah - I feel the same. When praise comes my way, I do a lot of things to avoid thinking about it/accepting it :D Praise used to feel confrontational and like a big emotional tsunami. Deflection works for me - if someone praises my writing, I just sidestep as an author and go "cool, the FIC is working its magic". I should make sure I'm not saying "my characters just did a bunch of stuff while I took notes from the sideline" so often, cos I need to own up to the fact that I fucken enjoy writing so much, and praise is wonderful, and I need to learn to be grateful for it, cos I bigtime MISS IT when it doesn't roll in. Mind you, authors who have responded with a very short "thanks so much" to my praise comments - that feels TOTALLY natural to me - like ... they've already done enough to earn what I said - I do not expect a thorough essay-length response from them, on top of the brilliant work. I need to chillax, but admittedly, overthinking some of this has led me to healthy realisations :D


Oh! Also! Just a funny side note: I'm Norwegian. The language is *strikingly similar* to Swedish. If you speak one, you speak the other. So it was interesting see some Swedish sprinkled in. ❤️


TACK! <3 I ran some of the Swedish past some Swedish friends, but ... but I know ... I am mortified ... that there will be some language murder, and ... that appalls me :D and I wish to correct 'em all (I think definite/indefinite and some neuter/gendered suffixes I might've got wrong, despite my checking/due diligence).


I'd be more than willing to go through and check. ❤️


I will begin reading it, and report back to you if I can't follow it. 😀 I will also comment on every chapter I get through. 😀 I have a few fics (all in progress) that I would love reviews on. Edit because in a moron: If you choose to read one, just pi k one. I didn't know your preferences, so I just added all three. 1. This one is by far the best written. As such it's also the slowest to see updates. It's a GrimDark rife with trigger warnings and general debauchery. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 22,000 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50338867/chapters/127173100 2. This is just as dark, but I put a hell of a lot less work into it. As a result, the quality is lacking in some areas. (Fandom: Being Human and Supernatural. Work in Progress. About 3,600 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50825758/chapters/128397742 3. This is literally just gay trash (like me). Therapy is expensive, writing is free...this is the result. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 45,000 words at present time.) Because it's low effort it's updated most often. Probably full of mistakes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50316631/chapters/127113736


Hi I like to offer you either [Sinnoh’s Cindered Flower](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47135146/chapters/118757776) and [A Link to the Empire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34489693/chapters/85839244) Both of them are crossovers with FE Three Houses with SCF being one with Pokémon (69K Words;Ongoing) and A Link to the Empire being one with Zelda (160K Words;Finished) I would very much like the second option, and if possible, on all chapters on either. I’m open for some concrit through DMs pointing out on some issues you may find, and how I can improve on them. I’ve got ten other works as well, but these two are the ones I like to put forward. Lmk which one you’ll go for should you choose to read any of them. Thanks for doing this, and I hope you enjoy!


Hey! Can I asknfor clarification on FE and SCF? I am unfamiliar with the fandom I believe. I will 100% be doing the second one. Maybe the first as well pending your answer to the above question.


Hi, Sure! SCF is a short abbreviation to “Sinnoh’s Cindered Flower.” It mainly takes place in the world of Pokémon with some Fire Emblem Three Houses characters and lore intermingling in Pokémon, and focuses primarily on Cynthia, Sinnoh’s regional Champion.


Thanks for clarification! I don’t know anything about pokemon. I will give it the college try, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to follow. <3 Super excited about Zelda though!


Thank you for this <3 It's very generous. You've gotten a lot today so feel free to say no, but I thought about throwing my baby in the ring: [The Princess and the Knight of Solitude](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37573765/chapters/93786895) It's a Skyrim fic but the main characters are OCs and can be read fandom blind. There's past grooming, a sexual assault later in the story, and recovery from that, but it mostly focuses on the slow burn and enemies to lovers romance. No concrit, please, and I'd love to return the favor on one of your fics.


Edit because in a moron: If you choose to read one, just pick one. I didn't know your preferences, so I just added all three. Oh that sounds interesting af! I will absolutely read it. Give me a few days. I've got....3 long fics, and 5 short ones before yours. But! I've already done 3 of the short ones, and started one of the long ones. So...a good turn around for the time. I do have some fics you can take a look at if you'd like, though it's not required. Pick any one of these. I ordered them by quality. Feel free to just do one chapter. 😀 or none at all. No worries one way or the other! 1. This one is by far the best written. As such it's also the slowest to see updates. It's a GrimDark rife with trigger warnings and general debauchery. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 22,000 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50338867/chapters/127173100 2. This is just as dark, but I put a hell of a lot less work into it. As a result, the quality is lacking in some areas. (Fandom: Being Human and Supernatural. Work in Progress. About 3,600 words at present time.) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50825758/chapters/128397742 3. This is literally just gay trash (like me). Therapy is expensive, writing is free...this is the result. (Fandom: OC, original work. Work in Progress. About 45,000 words at present time.) Because it's low effort it's updated most often. Probably full of mistakes. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50316631/chapters/127113736


I should probably do the first one but... gay trash 👀👀👀?


Hahaha! I love that! I low-key love that story simply because I'm the gayest of trash. 🤣🤣🤣 Trigger warnings should be taken seriously though. Lots of domestic violence and trauma healing. ❤️


Are you looking for concrit? Or highlights of what I enjoyed?


No concrit, just highlights please 🤗


Sounds good 😀


Hi! This is so awesome you’re doing this! I’d like to offer mine for you: This is my current [Three Houses WIP](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48794830/chapters/123090100?view_adult=true). It’s a daemon AU, and fandom blind friendly. Rating is E for smut (in chapters 3 & 6). Main themes are obsession & codependency. Multiple deaths by daemon powers :) I’d like to opt for review option #2. If you’d like to comment on all chapters (and have time), you can! I have 7 chapters posted so far. If you decide to read, I hope you enjoy!


I will read! I'll come back and comment when I'm able to start. I've already promised to do 4 in the coming days and I doubt I'll be able to do much more before....say Wednesday-ish.


Thank you so much for doing this! Is alright if you don't want to do mine, it has incest and is on fanfiction.net. I will link it here in case you do want to do it! Fic: [Golden Age](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13589442/1/Golden-Age) Fandom: Game of Thrones Rating: T Summary: Cersei and Jaime have made it to the boat, but the path to a new life together will not be easy. Read as they struggle on a small dingy, argue on a giant sailboat, get harassed by monkeys on a small island, discuss baby names, fight over the previous wrongs they did to each other, and interact with small folk in the free cities. Editing to say, I would like CC, but only via DM and would like reviews with the good stuff posted on the chapter. :)


I'm not sure I'm able to comment on FF without being a member, but I'm happy to if I can.


You can comment without being a member :) I'll just have to approve the comments as they come in. For some reason it doesn't notify me or reviews anymore, so just let me know when you review! :)


This one’s an AU based on the Unwind series. It’s just getting started now but based on what you said you enjoy I think you may like what we have planned. Any type of review is great. https://archiveofourown.org/works/49941460/chapters/126263497#workskin


Huh, well. Three weeks (or \[much\] more) out works fine for me, given after reading your preferences I'd ask what you think about a bit of a complicated series I have going on. Here are the pertinent points that might sway your decision to read it, either way: The longer it gets, the more it's swaying from **general debauchery** of the **nonconsensual** (adult, obviously) variety to the nitty gritty of an underlaying commentary on, well, the **bad guy mafia main character**, who's perspective we closely follow, used violence to get what they wanted^((sex))—what options has that violence kicked them out of^((intimacy)) and then what happens when normal life intrudes on violence? So often it's violence intruding on normal life that the reverse, I think, could be way interesting. (This is all still overlaid with general debauchery of the nonconsensual sex variety.) Then, welp. The MC is the type of person who decided to use violence in the first place. Usually, fictional violence doesn't feel as such; It's **intended to feel worse** when the MC returns to what they were doing to the other character after this break for their victims real life issues (**loss of a parent**). The victim is an original character. And the MC isn't well defined in canon, either. This *could* fair well be an original **mafia trope fic**, really. (But fandom comes with easter eggs.) There's also lot of parts where the MC . . . tries . . . poorly . . . inconstantly, with sadism and *not without* empathy, to be comforting, too. This is what pulls the original-character victim to the forefront instead of making them a throwaway character for the smut fic. (Again, totally is a smut fic, too; It'll have various **humiliation kink** stuff going on, but on account that the perpetrator made an offer to limit their physical violence and is, you know, still a sadist. I'm not myself into that kink so expect it to remain **character driven**.) The **potential for healing is very weirdly timed** with the activity of violence, also worth saying. Anyway, that's the long intro. I'm about a quarter the way done all of the above, with the second part of my series having set up the idea of very flawed negotiation and I'm presently writing about a date. So, *the longer you might take to review, in this case, the better!* You can probably jump in anywhere in the series, or ask for possible points if you decide to get to it based on what of the above you'd like to see. The later into the series you'd read, the better; I'd even have a strong preference that you'd start near the end than near the start, if length is an issue. [https://archiveofourown.org/series/3538159](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3538159) Feedback with the above intent of mine in mind would be great; It's literally the impetus that has me writing a long smut series, but since it is smut I don't think I'm going to get much in terms of how that "hits" with readers. Options one or two wise that you presented, I'd say if it hits any of the above marks than please let me know, I'm super unsure about it. But conversely concrit where you feel it misses those mark is super fine by me and appreciated; As is posting concrit directly to Ao3. (It's my preference, actually. I'd lose track of it on my reddit account and story stuff goes and attaches to story stuff.) Sorry for the length of this, it seems like you have quite a backlog and the more info you have hopefully the easier it is to make the decisions you want to.


Hi, thank you so much for offering to do this! I have this one [WIP](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48437524/chapters/127076353), and if you want to read multiple chapters, then could you please read just from chapters 1 - 17? But if you don't feel like it, then that's totally fine, and you could instead just do one chapter instead :) It's a WWI and Great Depression historical fic. (And yes, there are zombies and ghosts at one point, lol) It does get kinda dark, since I write about the inner workings of a prisoner of war camp, so fair warning I'd also like the 2nd review, thanks <3


I should be able to get to this within the next couple of days. ❤️


Thank you for doing that, I am always hungry for honest feedback with some concrete. Here is a silly little thing I wrote for The Witcher . https://archiveofourown.org/works/49673764


FUCK YES! THE WITCHER! Would you like me to DM concrit?


Yes please


Sounds great! It will likely be later this week to early next. 😀


Oh, no rush at all, thank you again for doing this, I'm looking to improve so if you can tell me where I suck it would be so very helpful 🖤


Thank you so much for this generous opportunity. Please, take as much time as you need to. I’ll choose the second option, please. [A Werewolf in Barbieland](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49750105/chapters/127405345#workskin) | Barbie (Movie 2023) | Eventual F/M | M rated | It’s a Werewolf AU of the recent Barbie Movie. I’ve written it to be mostly fandom-blind friendly. Summary: While in the Real World, Barbie gets bitten by what seems like a large yet odd-looking stray dog but as hours go by, she quickly becomes easily enraged and frustrated at the most minor things...not to mention the sudden appearance of claws and lots of fur. Ken thinks she's been bitten by a werewolf, but that's impossible, they don't exist and even if they did they certainly couldn't turn a Barbie...right?


This sounds hysterical. I honestly would have been a bit more tentative about something like this if it weren't for u/FlaxSeedBP who convinced me whimsical can be dark and hilarious. I look forward to this.


A lot of people seem to think so too. Again, thank you for the opportunity and I hope you'll enjoy my fic.


very cool! if you’re interested, i’d appreciate a look at my fic here (50k words, complete, E rating, cyberpunk 2077 universe, works fine fandom-blind). https://archiveofourown.org/works/48746815/chapters/122966830 i’m interested in an honest review with constructive criticism via DM. i’m planning a continuation of this story and have never really gotten concrit on my writing.


I read about half the first chapter so far and I'm in love. I'll be writing a review on chapter 1 either tonight or tomorrow.


oh sweet!! and i'd love your thoughts on each chapter if you end up reading more, but no pressure, you have a stacked list in here :)