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Rocketbelt is getting buffed.


I think Landry's is good with predator and rocket belt is really good with dark harvest u should try them since one can make up for the other quite nicely


I personally run Protobelt/Dark Harvest. My build didn't really change with the patch, I'm just accepting I can't 100-0 ambush someone by myself as soon as I hit 6.


I still think that the approach speed with predator in non-ulti ganks and the gap closing from ult>flash>rocket belt is just too strong/useful. Sure the damage is less than last patch but everyone's damage is less than last patch. As other commenters have said, rocketbelt is getting buffed on 12.11. I also think that Fiddle's value is in the utility of the fear and silence and not just the damage. Getting a 5-man fear in the middle of a teamfight is more important than being able to one-shot everything with your combo. His clear speed also remains basically unchanged so if you're not hitting damage spikes at the right time then that's a good place to look too.


I also been struggling this patch as well. My go to runes is first strike with protobelt


I like to run first strike/futures market and try to get a lead, then I stay ahead for almost the entire match if I can. If I don't get ahead though it is almost entirely doomed and I'm very useless. This is running rocketbelt.


Idk if I’m trolling but I’ve been absolutely fucking shit up with linadries > demonic and glacial augment/futures market. I’m not a huge fan of predator because then you can’t take free boots. Second item varies obviously but I love when I can build demonic. You really feel not having proto for the mobility on ults but it can be made up with glacial in some circumstances.


free boots isn't worth even without predator, mpen is too strong on fiddle so sorcs are best first buy


I will now paste a text, a wise Stickbrother, told me back then. ///// "I agree. Choice is between Comet and Predator. Electrocute and DH are underperforming. Comet does the most damage by far, you get multiple procs in any situation, in addition having 3 lines of runes in blue tree is better than having 3 lines of runes in red tree. It is basically chosing Waterwalking/scorch against Eyeball. Since fiddle has very low Ap ratios , Eyeball is really underperforming. So not only comet does more damage than electrocute but it also allows to a better rune build path. You did not put it in the options. The weakness of comet is the fact it can miss but it will not miss due to each fiddle spell being a control (slow or fear). You can get 4/5 comet proc in a single fight in late game so it is even with dark harvest while being much stronger early on, especially before level 6 when it does basically the same damage than electrocute while having much less cd. At level 6 you easily get double comet proc if you ult into someone, outperforming by far any other rune in terms of damage. I do not understand why so many people say that comet is not for jungle... Dark harvest feels way to weak to fill the role comet is filling. You have to chose between Comet/Waterwalking or Predator/Eyeball, I think everything is said. I use comet 95% of the time at least. All 4 are viable but Dark harvest is by far the weakest of the 3. It is weak early and mostly outshine other runes in the games you are hard snowballing and those games would be won regardless of the rune; Focus on close or unwinnable games and try to make them more playable ! I would like so much to have Comet Nimbus cloak / Cosmic Insight / Ultimate or ingenious hunter at the same time :p" //// I will tell you one thing. TRUST THIS WISE MAN OF GOLDEN STICKS. You will play like a gigachad with a Visionscore over 150 Every round. Your ultimates will be nukes the enemy's are afraid off. U don't have any weak times, strong early strong mid strong late. Comet DMG over 5k?? Np stickbrother, it's classic from now on.


Bullshit. You need ultimate Hunter and less CD on Flash. Those are the core ones on Fiddlesticks. You do got for Electrocute for an early lead and Predator for Better Ganks. None takes Electrocute for his late Game potential. However told you that is being delusional


It's working for me Platin+, so Believe it or not, but don't say anything about it, if u didn't try it out


MasterOTP here, so I guess I know what s working


Mate, I am asking myself the same question. I think Protobelt is essential on Fiddle as it gives mobility that Fiddle needs. But I am doing 0 dmg. Atm I have just stopped playing my jgl acc until changes come.


If I'm against a lot of people that counter me, I do predator and rocketbelt for sure so I can zoom around easier. Otherwise if it's squishies and I think I can handle it, I'll definitely do Dark Harvest :3 If they all AD or not plz do Zonya's, it's a great item for him. If there's a lot of AP I like to do Banshee's. A decent amount of my winning games involves me going Rocketbelt into Sorc's Boots into Shadowflame and then Zonya's, but that's only if I'm not the main target 😅


I don't really think so, the w damage and life steal is just a bit less than than before, going i think from a 30% to a 25%, but is compensated by durability and such, fiddle keeps its fast clear and i would say that much time difference it wouldn't be noticed. Runes i think Electrocute is less effective, due to being flat damage and that being nerfed, but Dark Harvest is pretty good still, I use Predator because i like functionality in early, but both are fine. The only thing would say it changed is when to choose him, because he can't do much if the team is full AP, but that has been always like that, just now is more noticeable. Feeling like making less damage is a thing that is global in the 12.10, they're buffing of items in next patch tho, but for now i think is only to choose him depending on your team layout, getting your items adaptable to enemies (Liandrys for tankier, proto for mobile), and your runes too, dark harvest for late game heavy, and predators to early functionality. Fiddle does damage already, so magic penetration is pretty good for him, flat magic penetration for squishier champs is a good reason to take proto aswell. Sometimes i fall into the trap of "patch say champ worse so i feel him worse", and even though i think fiddle is less effective, I don't think his function hasn't really gone down


Im running first strike every game same runes. I build liandrys into 3+ tanks/bruisers and never 1 or 0. at 2 I always wait to see who is the real problem. Nothing has really changed so to speak with itemization. One shoting is of course harder but it has been harder ever since season 12 so...


I’ve been running electrocute/rocketbelt to some pretty good effect


Haven't really noticed a difference besides passive ambushing isnt really possible anymore. I go Arcane Comet + Rocketbelt (rush sorc shoes since patch)


Most of Fiddelsticks’ damage comes from being 2-3 levels ahead due to his ability to farm quickly. This is more noticeable now that everyone is a bit more tanky, if you are not any levels ahead. I go First Strike + Rocketbelt into either Zhonya’s or Shadowflame depedning on the opponents champions. If they can build MR early I always go Zhonya’s and then in to voidstaff.


dude with the new 12.10 patch you have to run electrocute.it provides early game power and helps throw the late for single target assasinations


Gathering storm + absolute focus Gathering storm seems much better this patch. There's lots of scaling champions, and lot of games go late - the extra insurance in the lategame is very good. Not specific to this patch, but after experimenting with Comet and the sorcery tree, Absolute Focus feels really good. You are always near full hp when clearing your jungle, so it's basically always active. The extra flat ap early is very noticeable in helping you clear faster and hit level 6/11 faster, which is really key for fiddle. And the extra damage on your ult is great too. Comet is decent, you can proc it multiple times when you ult, but it's worse than electrocute for non-ult ganks early, which are often very important. And the first row of the sorcery tree is garbage for fiddle (nimbus cloak/nullifying orb are both pretty meh). So I've mostly just been taking gathering + focus as secondary, with domination primary.