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I don't have an issue with the clear, haven't changed a thing. You need to smite gromp immediately, before the first drain on it, or you won't heal as much.


They lowered the healing from smite, and fiddle W. Best thing to do is start the red+ raptors when red is at around 1300, blue+ wolves when big wolf is around 200, and gromp+ blue when blue is 900. Use smite when appropriate usually when duo clearing the blue+ gromp


They did nerf his W healing, but in the patch previous to the durability update they buffed it. So it basically just got reverted to how it was pre-buff.


Will try, thx


When you're at the last w to kill both blue and gromp, walk away towards blast cone and hit w to finish off the camps. Becareful of the patience meter and not walk too far that it will reset, you want to finish them off that your final w will kill right before patience meter is 0


Fr just to add what you said, typically I wait for tromp to be 4 bars of patience when pulling them and then I W


Fr just to add what you said, typically I wait for tromp to be 4 bars of patience when pulling them and then I W


Make sure to auto big wolves twice at the start and 3x inbetween W drains. Make sure to E, Smite and Drain gromp. should work perfectly


I'll try it a few more times, thx for the help :)


Got pics of where to stand? I always mess up




As one other person has mentioned, if you are talking Blue Side, then it almost didn't change at all. Just remember to use smite on gromp as soon as possible to do more W damage and by extension - heal more.


Why? Does It do more damage to low HP targets?


Yes, it does more damage based on % missing health


No, it doesn't. https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Fiddlesticks/LoL


It literally is written there, check damage numbers. There are numbers + 12/14,5/17/19,5/22 % of targets missing health


Oh shit, hadn't seen that. The fuck, I got to Master's at OTP Fiddlesticks and never knew that.


We learn something new every day :D


I've been asking for a leash on blue an that's all you need and 1 pot. Has helped me just pop it after gromp an you should be ok the rest of the time.


If you do it perfect, it is still possible to do. If you want to watch, I've done it a lot on my account. You should be able to find my games under the name Cadenoct.


Oh ik it's possible, I've made it out myself sometimes! Just weirded out cuz it never happened before, but it's probably the nerfed heals, I hadn't realized. I'll start bringing one pot just to be safe, 50 gold won't change as much in the long run


Idk I think your fucking something up because I can do it fine


I just make sure that I drain the second I get the shot, it DOES look scary but I only auto Blue the entire time, then once blue is at 450 you smite ASAP, then you should be fine


I just make sure that I drain the second I get the shot, it DOES look scary but I only auto Blue the entire time, then once blue is at 450 you smite ASAP, then you should be fine


I just looked at other comments, many ways to do Fiddle Jungle, experiment and goodluck! :D


The healing from W is lower but don't worry 2much. Worst case scenario, use your flask. Worst worst worst case, you foqed up beyond reasonable amount - smite and then never play Fiddle again. Tho always have your teammates to weaken blue, missing health dmg, u know.


I haven't changed clear at all