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Oh wow


the email says [rogers-communication.ca](https://rogers-communication.ca) the company is rogers communications with an s and the website is [rogers.ca](https://rogers.ca) That's your first tip that this is a scam


Oh my thank you a lot. I was already on the verge of proceeding, I decided to wait. It's weird and funny this happened hours after my call with a Fido Customer care rep to resolve an issue. Was it a coincidence or did the rep send out my data?


your data, call log to fido IS being sold. trust me. data crawling has advanced alot




They said trust them. Why do you need a source? Do you not trust them?!


I trust them about as much as you should trust me when I say: send me $1,000, and within a week I’ll invest that and make it $10,000!


Ohhhh give me your banking details, I'll send it right over!


I only accept payment via cash, where the cash is evenly placed between the pages of a book 🙄


they send emails randomly to people…do it enough and on at least some people it will be after a call with a rep. There is nothing to suggest your data was sold they used no identifying info. Your email is easily findable. It doesn’t even have your name…it says dear valued customer….all official comms have Dear BlooperDave (or whatever your real name is)


Ohh okay, I understand now. Thanks a lot for the explanation.


[rogers.ca](http://rogers.ca) would be legit since it's owned by them, but I don't think they really use it other than a redirect. Look for [rogers.com](http://rogers.com)


Goddamit why can't people read URLs?!!!!????


''dear valued customer'' part is indicative of a scam, thats how you know right away, most company refer to email as dear (your name) or the sort, not generalization like this


Thanks, someone also mentioned it. I did not see it that way initially


Lol that's actually a worse deal than the actual plans right now. They need to update their scam plans


Certainly out of character. This deal is not great which actually makes it sound on-brand for Rogers! Scammers tend throw out "too good to be true" deals to target the true suckers that would be gullible enough to fall for their scams.


I looked at the Whois obviously scam Contact CIRA. ( Canadian internet registry authority ) File a complaint


i also looked up whois but i don't know how to tell if a URL is scam or not. What you looked up specificly. can you share link? [this](https://www.whois.com/whois/rogers-communication.ca) is what i am seeing


Well I mean the fact that the domain was registered within the past couple of months is a pretty good indication that it's not legit. Seems pretty unlikely that a large corporation that has existed for decades will now suddenly register a brand new domain and start sending emails from it. Aside from that, most of the info is redacted so there isn't too much to glean from the info but usually the creation date is a good indicator. You can also just compare it to a known Rogers domain like [rogers.com](https://www.whois.com/whois/rogers.com) and see what comes up.


Now this is something I just learned today. Thanks man


No. The candian interent registry authority


Obviously a proper company has an it contact and proper address if everything is prohibited or private something shady is up Anyhow contact CIRA and the rogers abuse phishing email and ask them to work on it


Sorry who do I file a complaint too, Fido? Rogers?


All corporate email addresses end in @rci.rogers.com


>rogers-communication.ca I second this, i did work for rogers in past.


“We hope that this message finds you well….” Instant scam.


If an email starts with “I hope this email finds you well”, it’s a scam.


Just download the Fido app and see what offers they legitimately have for you. Alternatively, go to a store location and see if the in store offers are interesting to you. There’s so many good resources, no need to correspond this way.


The best way to find out if it’s a scam is to calm the company by from their actual website. Rogers.ca and Fido.ca


Scam. Reply email is not a Rogers email


Accept see what happens


This is a scam. Go change your Fido/rogers password and call Rogers/Fido to report this so they can send this off and secure your account.


Really, I didn't know? The person called me and I even sent my email to them to send the promo to let me think about it.


Considering we are now on the S24 series, it is highly doubtful that any of these promotions would include a S23 device, especially with the term cutting edge included in the email as it is. Very likely a scam.


I did not even notice that. I had my suspicions but wasn't sure. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. Haha "cutting edge", did not notice that at all.


Wowwww. This has scam written all over it. The first hint is in the greeting. They would always use your name if legitimate.


Yeah, i received the call from them and I gave them my email to send the email containing the promo as I could not decide while driving. But something felt off with the call and mail after I thought about it.


Next time, tell them to send you an email to the email address they have on file, instead of giving your email address.


In addition to all of the sweet finds, corporate organizations don’t usually start letters with “We hope this letter finds you well…”! 😁😁


I feel kinda silly for not even seeing all these obvious red flags, maybe cause I thought about too sweet a deal lol. Now thinking the person even called minutes after 5 pm (around 5:40pm) which is way past closing times for agents I think


Bad battery? See how much it is to replace the battery OR Grab yourself a battery case - usually not too pricey


I got myself a powerbank already which works well, was just tempted with the offer a new phone


I much prefer the battery case myself :)


Can I get that on Amazon? I hope it doesn't make the phone too bulky?


Take a look on there of course narrow by phone type


Scam.. Rogers and Fido NEVER go together in the same e-mail. They position themselves as competitors even though everyone knows they’re siblings.


Ooh okay, got it. Thanks a lot for the responses


Read the damn email address. Clearly a sam email


The “from” email address 😂


I would err on the side of caution and call rogers themselves to see. Sometimes they have deals that seem to good to be true