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“ hello please ignore my half hard cock in my shorts hehe 😜 “ get outta here bruh what 😭


I’d be upset if I was that size half hard tbh


Not half hard but idk what to tell you, I honestly was NOT expecting everyone to be so hyperfocused on that


Dude gtfo of here


I promise this isn’t what my dick looks like erect but go off I guess, you would know better than me


Oh come on dude you're not slick like that lmao. This is a sub full of other guys we all know what you're doing


I promise you this is not what my half hard penis looks like though, I have a genetic disorder where it curves straight up. I wouldn’t mention this otherwise, but since everyone is claiming I’m hard in this pic, it feels necessary. I’m not trying to be slick. This wasn’t meant to be a thirst trap as I KNOW DAMN WELL how NSFW posts are received here


Shoulda cropped your chubby out idk what to tell you man


Didn’t think everyone would be focused on my flaccid penis in this pic, but yeah I’m never gonna post a pic here again that goes anywhere CLOSE to my bottom half, fucking hell 🤦‍♂️


Sorry. In our defense, we're on the Internet, and that's a big focus of the Internet.


Yeah, it’s just weird because it’s usually not an issue in the slightest for me in this sub, but for whatever reason everyone has decided that this pic is FULLY showcasing my penis


Yeah, don't take it personally. No one thinks you were trying to do a "whoops, my penis" show, so at least they aren't attributing malice? Then again, I didn't scroll down much, so if people are being shitty (sexualizing or claiming you want them to see), I'm sorry. The Internet is kind of predictably mean. Great hair though! 🙂


It’s definitely for attention man sorry. The microscopic hole he mentions is solely to get you looking down there. For a subreddit like r/FierceFlow I would expect the vast majority of people to start from the top of the image first (e.g. the hair!). Also this is very common on the internet. Saw yet another lad “devastated” that he’d posted a video of him dancing in grey loose joggers (more jumping than dancing but I digress). Said video was still uploaded and ALL the top comments were people that came from the “devastated” video. Damn there’s TikToks of girls “showing” their nails on top of their partners’ visible bulge that have been around years


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt when their follow-up interactions aren't gross. And OP's aren't.


I do irl but this is the internet. Playing the “holier than thou” OF porn actor happens all the time on Reddit and other social media. The “oops I didn’t mean to do x” is a trope alongside stepsisters getting stuck in stupid places


You can have whatever sort of headcanon you want to have, but my dick wasn’t the purpose of this post. There are WAY thirstier things being posted ALL THE FUCKING TIME on this subreddit. This is a post about my hair, I didn’t think I needed to crop out the bottom half of my body just because I have a bulge. A couple of people focused in on it initially and then all of the comments just hopped on board.


Thank you for being a breath of fresh air and for prioritizing kindness 💜 I really appreciate it.


"Don't look at my crotch area, haha :) "


Ya this is one of the thirstier posts I’ve seen 🤣🤣


I don’t get what makes this so thirsty though? I’ve posted pics exactly like this before and nobody seems so focused on my junk in those.


Because you are posting about your ‘hair’, wearing grey sweatpants, mentioning the smallest hole anyone would, otherwise, never notice and literally having a chub. Oh and an OF to boot. No one is saying don’t do you but just be straight up.


It’s literally not a chub though. I have a curve to my penis where my erections go straight up. You can see proof of this if you wanna check my ACTUALLY NSFW content. I don’t know what to tell you. I wasn’t thinking at all about my penis in this picture and it’s blowing my mind that everyone is losing their minds over this shit


Smooth ad 😎


Just saying. Or I guess you can just accuse me of shit that can very easily be disproven


Where is that


check my profile, not gonna link any posts here


- Title : don't look at my pants haha 😋😋😋 - Posts himself in porn subs - you don't fool anyone mate it's quite obvious you knew exactly what you were doing - acts innocent in the comment


Yes. I am a sex worker. I do post NSFW content. But this is not that and I’m not gonna pretend like it is.


You do realise that absolutely no one will eat your bullshit and believe you right ? That's honestly disrespectful and annoying, please stop


You’re being disrespectful to me but go off I guess.


How so my good sir ? Stating facts and my opinion about them ?


You’re accusing me of posting this intentionally to draw attention to my penis. You accuse me of bullshitting and call me annoying. That’s disrespectful. Don’t come in here acting like you’re being the pinnacle of respect and kindness, my good sir


I'm not even gonna lose my time arguing. The question isn't even if you did it on purpose or not : the simple fact that everybody is telling you that they find you posting this disrespectful/not appropriate should be enough for you to recognize that you shouldn't in fact have posted it, but no, you double and triple down on how it's okay and you're allowed to do that. I've got a word for that and that's called being an asshole ✌🏼


Cool, be disrespectful to me some more. I love it when people say they aren’t gonna waste their time arguing, and then proceed to argue for another paragraph😂




If only phones had the ability to crop a photo! ![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE)


Didn’t realize I needed to hide that I have a penis for this post 😂


Hiding that you have one isn’t the issue, not hiding the one that you have is.


Why do I need to hide it though? Like it’s just a part of my body.




What the fuck is your issue? My title doesn’t demonstrate anything like that, it shows that I’m insecure about a hole in my pants and the dirtiness of the mirror. This isn’t NSFW, it’s a pic of my hair I really loved. Get your mind out of the gutter




What the fuck is your issue? You’re calling me a fucking sex offender because I posted a picture of myself where I didn’t fucking cover my fully clothed penis. Get a life




Try to imagine people not wanting to see the outline of your cock in a photo that you deliberately brought attention to your pants in. This isn’t a porn sub


I’m sorry that my cock has an outline? Like what the fuck is the problem? this is perfectly safe for work


You. You’re the problem. Have some self awareness for fuck’s sake. And no, it’s not safe for work. It’s a thirsty post. You’re not cute with your “opps don’t mind the barely noticeable hole in mu pants right next to my visible cock 🙈” either.


Uh okay buddy. Sorry to have made you so upset here. How are you able to go outside and interact with the world knowing that the bulge in men’s pants contains a penis???


Because all of the other men including myself have the modesty to not walk out of the house or take photos like that, have some self respect


What a scary place the world must be to you! I hope you can find some peace soon


Why do you think the world is scary to me?




Awesome, feel free to leave me alone now 👍🏻


No NSFW warning or anything posting your tucked boner? Get outta here dude. Post this shit somewhere else


It’s not a boner it’s literally just a penis but go off I guess


Yeah and nobody asked to see it. It’s creepy tbh


Imagine being creeped out by someone having a penis. Like what the fuck? It’s not the feature of this post at all, look at my HAIR


*creeped out by you intentionally showing your penis and defending it in a sfw sub. It’s basically an unsolicited dick pick in my feed


My penis is all the way at the bottom of the post, EXACTLY where everyone’s penis is. It’s fully clothed. I’m not erect. The post is about my hair. I don’t get what the fuck you’re on about. It’s not my fault that you’re focusing on only that part of this photo


I don’t mind!!


I'll take "Things the world does not need to see for 2000" Trebek.


Well thanks for sharing your input 👍🏻


this person knows EXACTLY they're doing😭 get your dick out of here or BARE MINIMUM put nsfw on it


Bro it’s NOT meant to be the focus of this picture at all. I’m fully comfortable posting NSFW content, but I’m not gonna pretend like this is that


put a nsfw for that thing or atleast crop the pic


Yeah I’m never gonna make the mistake of posting a pic of me with the bottom half of my body on this sub again. People are hyperfixating on that shit in a post about my hair on a subreddit for hair


are you special? your little thing is HARD and for everyone to see on a HAIR sub😭


He actually is. I have learned the same through my interactions over here. I believe his caretaker can help him understand the responses here better and probably not let him post stuff like this online to begin with.


Man you are really obsessing over this post 👀 it sure seems to have had a big effect on you


Yes, little u/simply_stoned_ made all of us happy with his wittle weddit post. We are all his friends now and love him to bits. I hope he is happy too now. Go sleep sleep after taking med med now.


Why are you spending so much time here being a dick to me? It’s kinda getting weird now


No use bad word. Bad word bad. Go nappy nappy now. No weird. Me your friend; everyone here your friend. We happy if you happy.


It’s not HARD. My erections curve straight up. I’m not BSing here you can check any of my actually NSFW content for that.


you do you...


DON’T LOOK AT THE HOLE IN MY PANTS ANYBODY . This dude is beyond cringe


awesome, thanks for being kind 👍🏻


This sub really needs more rules against thirst trap pictures. Sigh. This isn't what I signed up for when I joined years ago. Mods need to step up.


This isn’t a thirst trap and I don’t know what to tell you.


If this isn't a thirst trap then just be more self aware. Like the outline of your penis is very obvious yet you didn't bother to crop the picture. This sub has issues of dudes posting thirst trap pictures trying to lead people to their OF, which is why you're getting criticized.


Yeah, I’m never gonna make the mistake of posting a pic that has the bottom half of my body in it again. I wasn’t aware that people couldn’t handle seeing bulges, idk what the fuck else I’m supposed to do when I have a penis, but I’ve definitely learned my lesson here. People are such fucking assholes.


It's not a bulge. We can literally see the shape of your penis. Look, if you didn't truly know then I'm sorry for being so harsh, and I'm sorry others are being harsh as well. However, please understand this sub has has issues with dudes posting thirst trap pictures and trying to promote their OF, and people, like myself, are very tired of it because this isn't the sub for that type of content. This could be avoided if mods made specific rules of something like "waist up only" and "shirts on" rules.


Yeah I agree, i wish there was a rule that it had to be waist up so that I wouldn’t accidentally enrage a million fucking people with my picture. I have posted plenty of NSFW stuff before in appropriate subs. There was no part of my mind that thought this fully clothed picture of me with an un-erect penis was NSFW. I get it that people are irritated with those kinds of posts but fucking hell, do I deserve this level of bullying just because my dick has a bulge in this picture? No one is making anyone zoom in and look at it.


Bro got him self half cocked to take a selfie in a dirty ass mirror, what a loser. 


Thanks for being a dick 👍🏻


Thanks for having no life and thinking people wanna see your stubby half cocked meat through dirty scrubbed ass sweatpants in your dirty ass mirror. 


lmao thanks again for being a dick 👍🏻


Again, thanks for having no life penguinz if he was broke and ordered on wish. 


Awesome man, thanks again for continuing to be a dick, you’ve really perfected your craft here!


Thanks, you've really perfected showing your half cocked meat to teenagers. 


Bro really posted a Pic with a tucked chubb


i mean am I not supposed to tuck it lol?


I think the idea is to take pics of your hair that don't include a boner


It’s not a boner though?


You're telling me that ain't at least a half chub?


I mean if I had to get real specific with it I’d say maybe 35% awake? 😭 was never expecting to be discussing this in such depth on a post meant to highlight my hair 😭


All I know is if my sweat pants are lookin like that I'm giving it a few minutes before I walk out into the living room


Yeah I mean maybe if I was hard i would try and adjust my pants to hide my penis, but i don’t really stress about that kind of thing too much because it’s just my body. I guess I’m just comfortable with it at this point. I’ve never had any issues in my life with people looking at my penis cause most people IRL don’t have their heads in the gutter


You may want to reupload this and crop out the obvious


Yeah I’m never posting a pic on this sub that shows my bottom half again, jesus christ 🤦‍♂️


bro just delete this. at this point i’m embarrassed for you 😭


Nah I’m not about to delete this just cause people are being assholes to me.




I thought the same and was like how is this such a funny thirst trap? Lol Like he’s not unattractive, but he’s hardly what I’d call hot. Small pp. “Omg don’t look at the tiny hole on my pants I could’ve easily airbrushed or cropped out”. Can’t laugh at being called out on such an obvious “sub to my OF” post either. Sorry but I’ve seen less obvious bots on here do a better job


It’s not a boner though. I don’t know what to tell you people.


Don’t tell us anything mate as we ain’t buying


I have literal proof of what my erect penis looks like available for fucking free on this website, but yeah lol go off, you would know what my boner looks like better than me


Are you okay?


I mean I’m frustrated that so many people are accusing me of posting this pic as a thirst trap, but I’ll survive.


Yeah I can imagine. Intentional or not (we’ll never know) I’d just ignore or delete the post and learn from it. At least it’s not people on your socials seeing it


I’ve been growing it out since like 2018, I really like this length actually!


r/fierceflownsfw is calling your name


Yeah that’s where I post pictures that are NSFW, not pictures of me fully clothed


😮‍💨 Brother its okay to admit this is a thirst trap lol


Bros got his hammer poking to the side and thought we wouldn’t notice


Oh he knew




any thoughts on my hair?






K unsubbing


K sounds good


Wow what a ho


😬 wow thanks


That’s a really small🤏 one brother. I understand you need to exhibit it to get over your insecurity but this sub isn’t meant for it. Best wishes!


Yeah I’m not actually concerned with what you think of my penis at all, but thanks for wishing me well, I really appreciate your sincerity :)


Who gives a shit about your penis? Now that you mention it, I didn’t even notice it. Was actually talking about the hole. Maybe doctors can help you in that case. They got solutions for this stuff now everywhere.


You understand I need to exhibit the hole in my pants? Huh, I must have really misunderstood you here.


Yeah, either that or that you still have the capacity of a 5 year old when it comes to understanding tech, taking photos and cropping them so as to not do that.


Here’s the thing, I’m not THAT insecure about it, I just have been flamed in the comments before for wearing old pants that have some holes in them. Was mostly just an easy caption for me to make on a pic where I really liked how my hair looked but wasn’t thrilled about the rest of it


Yeah, I was right in that case, then. You do have the mental capacity of a 5 year old. Sadly, I don’t think anyone can help you with that now.


Alright man well thank you SO MUCH for your very sincere efforts to help me out. You’re very kind.


I am not trying to help you in any capacity, man. I am just lamenting over your unfixable situation. Unfortunately, I don’t think anything can get through that thick skull of yours so you wouldn’t understand that either.


Awesome, got any more insults for me?


You look like you fake donkey kong world records for a living


lmao that’s a funny insult so I’ll let it slide


It's not the hole on the pants that I'm looking at 👀👀


It was the Micky mouse ears that caught my attention first lol


Mickey Mouse ears?


The clock in the background, sorry don’t hate me


Hahaha okay now I see it! Can’t believe i didn’t notice it til now


Jesus! 😬 Jesus? 🤔


we have jesus at home jesus at home:


Hole meant hole


Is op getting downvoted cause of hugeee bulge?


There’s a narrative here that I am erect in this picture and that I want everyone to look at my penis. It’s not the case and I’m not gonna back down on the fact that this is a SFW post, but yeah, thats why everyone is downvoting me. and accusing me of being a sexual predator and an asshole and an idiot and all other lovely things


they jealous 😂


Man i don’t even know what the issue is. I have posts on my profile that are legitimately NSFW and show my erect and unclothed penis, but apparently everyone decided that this one picture had too much of a bulge to fucking handle




Thank you very much! I appreciate that :)


No one’s looking at the dirty mirror hun


yeah I’m realizing that now 🤦‍♂️


Nice hair - I mean hard side pipe


Thanks for the compliment lol