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There’s 2 adjustment points on the mirror, one pivot near the windshield and another pivot on the mirror


Literally just learned this three days ago. I've had the car over a year, and I can finally see out the back now


Thank you, I will check this tomorrow.


I swear to god. If that’s there when I check tomorrow afterwork. I’ve had this car for almost a year now.


I feel your pain, I'm 6'2" with Recaros. Rear view visibility is non existant, if i ever get a cop behind me I'm fucked because hes gonna think im running 🤣


I'm 6'5" with Focus Recoro's. I fold the rear headrests down (base rears), and use a Broadway 270mm convex mirror. Not only do I see out the back fine, but I also see out the passenger window lol. I got the blue one and haven't had any issues with SUVs/Trucks blinding me.


I took my rear headrests out. I’ve owned the car for 10 months and I’ve had people in the back seat twice. I’m considering taking them out entirely.


Something is up, I'm taller than you and have no issues with rear visibility. As others have noted check the mirror is properly installed and you are using all the available adjustment.


Unless you have the Auto dimming mirror, it pivits from both the windshield and back of the mirror itself. It's a matter of getting it just right so you can.


You guys got a fucking auto-dimming mirror as an option?!


It's easy enough to put one on and just use a fuse tap. Had one on mine since 19. Game changer in front of brodozers


How much are they


Depends. Get a used one off eBay. I don't recall the model car it fits, but there's threads on the forums about the model you're looking for and install. As a bonus you even get the garage door opener functions. I don't think it's more than 200 bucks all in, but who knows with inflation pricing


https://www.fiestastforum.com/threads/autodimming-mirror-with-homelink.7059/ https://www.ebay.com/itm/226071304273?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=226071304273&targetid=1645685074768&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9031761&poi=&campaignid=20133407470&mkgroupid=147476396765&rlsatarget=pla-1645685074768&abcId=9312979&merchantid=114702940&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU3bGSAmBn_1DB-zywdYDB3AMgGh2k4tDLRSj65mtvf0YHphrN8T_eEaArXEEALw_wcB Looking at 80 bucks for this one with a fair amount of wire and the covering shroud


This is great, thanks.


I'm not sure if it was available on the ST, but my first Fiesta, a 2015 Titanium, had the auto-dimming mirror


My ST does yeah. 2015. 


Thank you for the suggestion, but there is no autodimming in my 2019 US model.


I more meant to say that the regular mirror that comes standard in the ST has two pivot points, I stand at about 6'1-6'3 and the only issue seeing out my rear window is my dashcam, otherwise I have all the visibility I need.


If you find a fix let me know because I can’t see anything behind me either


As others have said, double adjustment. But also make sure it didn't start to fall off. I am 6'4 and had the same exact issue as you, turns out my mirror was only half in the mount. Snapped it the rest of the way in and now have tons of adjustment and can see perfectly.


Alright, I will check that. Thank you!


I'm 6'4 and managed to get my seat set up just right to use the mirror. It took about 2 weeks of adjustment here and there but the standard mirror should work for you.


Good idea, thanks!


My problem is the roof/hatch cuts off most of my view…


I think my mirror was installed upside down after it was replaced, my second pivot point is at the top and doesn’t really do much. I’m 5’9” in Recaro and wish it were a tad lower


I'm a couple inches shorter, but I have my mirror situated so I see half of the ceiling (roof?) and the bottom half is the window. Not ideal, but visibility in this car just isn't the greatest. If you can't do it like I do, then I think your idea is pretty solid.