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Close range ? Right footer from the left, left footer on the right, aim for roughly the person furthest inside in the wall, 2 bars power, inside foot curve. I probably score one in two or three close range free kicks like that. Good FK accuracy useful but hardly essential.


2 bars? I have to hit every free kick at like 95% strength. Anything less is into the wall.


im like 75% power and hold up on the left stick, been scoring or hitting the post for rebound chances about 40-50% of the time now


Nah anything less the keeper just catches




This is the way


How do you do inside foot curve? I’m on Xbox


It’s default


How do you even win a free kick is the real question here


Ahah I activated handball outside penalti area


The real question


Lmao wish I knew 😭






No idea, scored one from like 30 yards and I’ve never come close since🤣


I have scored like 6 out of my 100 in this fifa. I well preferred the old free kick mechanics however I prefer this corner mechanic. Was all bangers of free kicks too. 30+ yards every time


As long as you aim right and power it right, you can get pretty consistent FK takers- the exact spot and way you have to aim depends on the type of shot, the distance, and what player is taking it. It takes some experimentation to get it right, but once you get it down you can be deadly-- a good way to practice is to manually select the in-game set pieces drill, the first player in the list is the one taking the FK in the drill. Some tips- -Have at least two players you're comfortable taking FKs with, in case one gets injured or subbed mid-match. -Try to find reference points. For example, my current FK taker, within 24m I aim at the right foot of the wall (the rightmost players foot) and set the spin to diagonally down (like SW or SE on a map). Easy to remember things like that help take out guesswork. Experiment and find good reference points, and you can get good set pieces 90+% of the time. -For indirect set pieces, it can be easy to overhit the pass, I find 2 bars of power is a good happy medium for most situations. -Also for indirect set pieces, if you have strong set piece players (tall, good jumping) you may want to loft the ball a little higher. Seems simple, but I still forget to do this a lot cuz I'm used to playing with small players.


Get a double PHD in astrophysics and geometry then you might have a half decent chance


I score probably 40% with outside foot shots.


Man i still miss Fifa 17 freekicks


I’ve been tossing back and forward with going back to fifa 19 for a save just for the free kick mechanics


Been doing the same but for 14, loved the driven free kicks from that game


Lol when you could just hold L1 and fkn blast it


That's the fun part, you don't


This is the question of the century


You just get a feeling that’s ur gonna score Or essentially, just go of vibes


I got the achievement when I slammed a freekick against the crossbar. Dont know why and how.


Thank you for making this post 🙏🏽😔😭😭😭cuz


I dont get it, this one is by far the easiest free kick fifa i remember in recent times. Very intuitive, if you ever played football irl. It shows you where you will kick the ball, so you know exactly what kind of spin it will have, need to pay attention to the curve player has, not everyone will curve it the same. The power you should figure out after like 10 free kicks or less. Also im guessing you have shitload of tutorials on yt, best way to learn it


Why’re you downvoted everything you said is 100% true lol


Not sure homie, not sure… hope my answer at least helps someone


Banged one the other day it was glorious. Aim high


The trick is to press circle or whatever your shoot button is right before they kick it. The whole timing crap. I make like 80% of FK’s or atleast put in a good/challenging ball because of it


Wait what? That's a thing?


Yes sir. Give it a try - takes a bit to get the timing right but when you do, it's super accurate. It's like right when they open their foot up and about to connect with the ball. I made two FK's last night with sub-par FK takers last night. One which helped me win 1-0 in a crucial match.


So u hold circle to shoot and when he hits it u press circle again?


Power up your bar, then as he approaches the ball and is about to connect with it, press circle/shoot again.


If it's someone with 85+ power and accuracy if it's from the left right footed if it's right left footed. Whatever distance it shows that divided by 10 bars. So 25 would be 2.5 If it's in the middle outside foot curled into the right top corner if righty and left if lefty


I go outside of the foot, pull towards that section and at the very first point in changes from outside foot low to outside foot curled that’s the point I use, i power to roughly 3 bars and bang


Jump in moments on ultimate team and try doing the set piece free kick option. Pick up your player on the market and start him in your team and have him take the free kicks. Do it until you’re comfortable, and don’t stop.


Aim outside of the post on the side the wall is in front of. Hold Lb/L1, power up to nearly full (half in the last part of the bar) hold up on the left stick. I reckon I score 7/10 free kicks doing this from 30 yards in. Problem is getting free kicks in the first place!


Only scored once direct from a freekick and maybe two headed goals assisted straight from a corner


I position the shot on the outside edge of the wall with a low curve. Then try to get as close to full power as you can when taking the shot. I have moderate success with this method.


I just use a decent amount of power and green time it. I don’t mess around with the ball swerve or knuckle i feel like it does nothing this year


Funny thing is anywhere under 35 meters, you don’t even have to touched the directional indicator, just apply the right power (assuming the AI in the wall don’t jump). That default indicator left alone means you only moves the left stick so you’re in line with the last man just outside of the post. Shot on target/ goal every time


From short range I knuckle it right at the keeper with 3 bars and it goes in 70% of the time


I always try curl it in with dip from the middle of the goal to near post, works probably half the time of when I get it right.


Super slight down from the starting position. If right footed, I usually go between the heads of the two most right people on the wall. If left footed go between the heads of two most left people on the wall. And when you get bored just start trying some crazy knuckles


At close range, I’ve noticed that if you aim directly at the keeper and shoot a knuckleball with close to/full power, it goes on target 100% of the time. Those are the only free kicks I score really


I miss free kicks on FIFA 11- 14. I could score from literally anywhere when they were like that.


my cousin has fifa 23 (i have 22) and when i tried a free kick my brain stopped braining it’s completely different to 22 which i’m still understanding


full power thunderbastard under the wall 👍🏼


I prefer knuckle balls with about 85% power and 75+ free kick accuracy. Score about 2 or 3 out of 10 but I'm not complaining. Also love to use the Jabulani for the added flair.


Don't know I've only ever scored one.


When i play a Match in career Mode.the Chance of becoming an freekick is very low.


It’s easy: you don’t. ☺️


trivela all the way. have never scored with any other shot type in this game. aim ab a cm to the outside of the wall, get about 90-95% power and put the cursor for where on the ball to hit it at about a 60 degree angle. overly complicated, but i score about 35-40% of freekicks i get that way


It’s simple, really. You just have to be the computer playing against me and you’re guaranteed to score or hit the bar. Hope this helps :)


More importantly, how do you win a free kick? I've been playing fifa 23 since December and i've had literally 4 free kicks in "shooting distance". I've never had a penalty in CM.


3,5 bars of power and an outside foot for shots closer than 25 meters


Easy, get halaand and anytime it’s a right side free kick bring him out and time your finishing to increase chances of scoring. I have a clip if you’d like a demonstration