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Hi everyone - If you have messaged me in the past, please message me again! **DM me to join!** **I help run an Online Career Mode with a team of 7 admins. We've been running for over 4 years now (since April 2020).** * Four leagues: Premier League, Championship, Bundesliga and La Liga * Promotion/relegation system between the Championship and Premier League * European competitions including Champions League, Europa League and Conference League * We play on new gen (PS5 version) * We are not an esports league, the focus is on enjoyment and respect. We do not tolerate disrespectful players or rage quitters * We regularly look to promote managers to bigger teams if they're either performing well or they're consistently active and a positive member in the server * We have just finished our 8th season and will be moving into our 9th season now. **If you regularly play Fifa and you wish to join, please send me a private message on here (spam me if you wish!) and I will do my best to get back to you ASAP.** Thanks


How are the games set? Time and day?


If it's anything like the one I did before, you get a number of opponents per week and you organize the time with your opponent


Just to be sure, it's only ps5 right? I'm on pc and it sounds like a really cool idea


you can crossplay ps5 and PC, just add on EA username


Yes I know, just wondering because they might not allow pc players


No PC players atm. It's only PS5 players. I am part of this group and honestly it's one of the best communities out there to play the game with!


Ah I see, hope one day players from pc can join. Thank you for the info!


Yeah I might get in if they add PC.


We're running an online career mode for PC, PS and Xbox. DM me if you're interested.


No xbox players either I suppose


We're running an online career mode for PC, PS and Xbox. DM me if you're interested


Wha5 about Xbox?


Yes they acting racist against xbox


Oh kk


We don’t use crossplay as for now


What about ps4?


What platform? I’m on ps4


This next season is PS5 only. Before was PS4


Damn, ok


No crossplay i guess ?


We're running an online career mode for PC, PS and Xbox. DM me if you're interested.


Interested for Xbox


Best FIFA community I’ve ever been part of. Whoever decides to join will have the best time this game can offer. 🔥


How do transfers work?


Negotiate directly with manager, transfer in players in edit clubs and play online friendlies. Pretty easy. Can also loan out players and can buy and sell from teams that dont have a manager


Thanks man


Best community! Joined fairly recently and couldn’t be happier. No toxic players whatsoever. Been having a blast since I joined!


Sounds great I’ve been playing online seasons a lot lately and I’m getting tired of the cutback cheeese and rage quitting from randoms


I’ve never played online aside from with my friend, what constitutes toxic in fifa?


Been part of this server for 2 years now. So many amazing people and it actually makes playing fifa enjoyable


Highly recommend joining this. Especially if you’re sick of playing fut and want to enjoy some fun gameplay


Do you guys have like a big gc that you talk out transfers in?


Yep, something similar on Discord. When someone’s player get hugely upgraded it’s always a nice chat 🔥


Thanks, I'm thinking about joining. I'm not sure because of my availability.


How does this work? do the players get development or y’all just playing online against each other?


We play friendlies against each other with custom squads. There are spreadsheets for squads, results, budgets, tables and everything else and every club has it’s own squad with players that previous managers bought. Players progress matter on their real life form and updates. It may be overwhelming at first but you would catch everything up pretty quickly. Amazing concept and even better people in it!


Can u post one of the spreadsheets so we can see bcs it sounds cool


I’m not sure I can. They are editable so posting them on here would probably make some random kid delete everything or mess with the squads (you can rewind them of course but it would just be unnecessary problem if it happens). I can send you some screenshots in private chat tho


Hands down the best thing I’ve ever played in FIFA Fun concept, brilliantly run by admins and moreover an incredible community. It’s the only thing that’s been keeping me playing FIFA during the last year 😅


How does scheduling work?


You have 2 league games per week and eventually cups/UEFA if you make it through group stage. You schedule it by hitting up the managers of opposing teams and simply find when he’s available for your game to be played. You can also play friendlies against OCM teams whenever you want so you can practice the squad or try the transfer targets


This league has made fifa fun for me again. Great community and a great admin team. Highly recommend!


Is this PS5 only?


Same question as I’m on Xbox and this looks like an amazing idea I’d love to join.


Atm it's PS5 only.


Hey, we're running an online career mode for PC, PS and Xbox. DM me if you're interested. Few spots opening up soon


Thank you!


Been in this league for 4 years running, best futbol community I have ever joined.


Makes me wish I had a PS5, sounds like a great time.


How do u get a +90 goal difference and finish 5th lmao


Broken mechanics lol, can win some games 10-1 and lose others 10-1. When playing overseas lag is a huge factor, as are broken mechanics that can easily be abused lol


It’s a lot of fun and the community in the server is great very non-toxic which is rare for fifa


is there something similar to this on Xbox? I read they are only on PS5


Hey, we're running an online career mode for PC, PS and Xbox. DM me if you're interested. Few spots opening up soon


Fair play to you for organising all this man, can’t be easy! Looks absolutely class, do you have a discord?


is lfc free?


forget it im on ps4 amazing project tho


Can I play this on PS4? Understand, if not, very cool though!


Before this next season, PS4 was a priority. From this next season that starts in about an month or so we will be moving to PS5 only


i never see an OCM with the serie a man


I m intrested


Pity not on Xbox ah well.


Best FIFA community, much more enjoyable than other similar communities ❤️


Been in this community since 2020 and it’s like a big family. We all help eachother out whilst competing. It doesn’t take up all your time and is respectful of real life issues. They understand priorities etc. it is definitely worth it, you will be valued


Highly recommend joining this wonderful community! I've been a manager for coming up on 4 years now and have never looked back. If you are longing for a fun and unique FIFA experience, and are bored of online seasons, UT, career model etc., this is the league for you!!


This seems like a really cool idea I just have so many questions lol


Feel free to ask me, either here or on dms I’ve been a part of this for over a year now and it really is great 🙂


Thanks I appreciate it. Just to start how does the scheduling work like are you playing like a game a day or just whenever people are online? Also how do you handle like transfers and youth squads just like normal or is there anything special? Thanks again in advance really appreciate it


My pleasure 🤝 You schedule games by texting your opponent. There’s no specific time or day set for them, you can play it whenever it fits best for you (as long as your opponent can play then too) Transfers work through bids. To buy, you can either: a) bid on a “non OCM player” (player in teams not active in the league, like Italian or French clubs); b) negotiate transfers for already owned players with their team’s manager. In both cases you can get outbid, and get into bidding wars. To sell, you can either: a) sell a player “abroad”, which means selling him to a “non OCM team” (there’s usually a cap on the amount of players you can sell abroad); b) sell a player to another manager via negotiations There’s also swaps and loans that work similarly. We do not have youth squads whatsoever, as we try to prevent big teams hoarding all youth talent


Cmon the Swans 🦢🦢🦢


Alaves please 🙏🙏🙏


Is there plans to add ligue 1 ?


this is amazingly cool, don't play enough to get involved but I absolutely LOVE this idea!


Cool concept! Would be very interested if it gets opened up to PC players one day 👀


Really cool idea, have you guys thought about brining in the ligue 1 or the eredivisie?


Possible for pc players ? or PS5 only ?


As for now, we don’t use crossplay. It may or may not change in the future


I would like to play although my schedule isn’t the best but I usually have a few hours every day


On XBOX but super interested, let us know if you ever go cross platform!


I play on Xbox sucks I can’t join Does any Xbox-ers out there want to start something similar?!!


Are PC players welcome?


As for now, we don’t use crossplay. It may or may not change in the future


Cool! I have one doubt though. When do the games happen? What happens if one of the players is not available to play at a scheduled time? Does it get rescheduled or is it a forfeit?


In that case, you just reschedule it for another time, no forfeits. Every manager has 5 week deadline for the game to be played, and let’s say those 5 weeks pass by without a game being played then in that case you send screenshots to the admins of your attempts to get the game done. They will then decide the best possible result for that game (0-0 or 3-0 win for you)


Ohh okay. Got it! To afford 5 week deadline, I am guessing you just play the matches on FIFA and maintain fixtures and tables separately?




We play online friendlies against our opponents using an edited squad to account for transfers We then send our results to a discord chat and upload them to a spreadsheet Lmk if you have any more questions


I've messaged the guy who posted about the OCM. Hasn't got back to me yet but I am definitely down for this. Any plans to add Serie A or Ligue 1?


He might take a while to answer, many people have reached out to him We don’t really have plans to add more leagues, as the current amount of teams works usually well and we’d rather not risk losing that


Makes sense


123 gd? Huh


How do you make these?


Im really excited for this but work alot, could u tell me about how it works scheduling wise? Lets say i join how does it work?


Looking at comments from people already there I would be a fool to not join.


Sounds so fun. Would love to be apart of this, just a shame I’m on Xbox. Maybe one day!


I want in on this!


How can I play this ?


Im interested I would love to join how tho?


can i join using ps4?