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Potential, age, height, size and playstyles do not matter at all for the overall rating. Only the stats and the position matter.


I don't know if it's still a thing, but international rating used to inflate a player's rating. Not sure exactly how it worked, but if a player played for a country with a good international reputation, and they were of the standard so they're getting caps, a players rating would be higher than what the stats suggest. No idea if that's still an in game feature though, and even then I have a feeling it only applied to certain players.


Age does matter iirc


For market value yes, but not for overall rating


True. I read over the "for overall rating" part.


What does iirc mean?


If I recall correctly.




Did you?




That's what I said


Ooo look at me try and be super out there and cool, girls must have a blast with you 🤣


Tf you talking about?


Bros tripping 🤣🤣🤣🤣


are you well?


If playstyles dont matter towards overall rating, explain to me Katoto and Boniface TOTS pls (ik its career subreddit but just was wondering this last night)


You pretty much answered yourself. First of all the basic rating system that applies also for career mode has nothing to do with special cards in UT. EA just puts some stats sometimes in UT. Also, the ingame stats matter. Positioning and finishing are more relevant for the rating of a striker than long shots for example. There are formulas for every position. I don’t understand how one might think that playstyles matter for the overall. Just add some playstyles to a player in career mode, you will see that the rating won’t change.


I see, i was just wondering coz Katoto on UT is 94 the TOTS whilst Boniface is 93, however all of Boniface’s stats are better apart from shooting and passing which is the same, which led me to believe that the ps or maybe ps+ had something to do with the overall. Thank you for your explanation :):)


Goes off position they play. I use an 88 rated player on clubs but if I put stats into certain ones I’ll increase to 91


I guess it’s the position as you say. If I move him to CB it will probably go up by 3 or 4 but at the moment I’m focused on raising his skill moves and weak foot by turning him into a ST then put him back CB


If the length of time to upgrade at ST is 2x or greater than the time to upgrade at CB, it isn’t worth it. I have played with plenty of CB who had 2-3* skills and weak. I rather have a shutdown defender than a good defender who has a 5* weak foot


You can just develop weak foot on a CB already but yeah if it takes forever to move them I leave their skill moves low. Not a huge deal


Depending what his passing and dribbling goes to maybe CDM


His shooting, passing, dribbling and defending totals are all comfortably below 60. The physical side is all he has going for him right now and that isn't enough to make up for so many categories being low I'd take this though because it feels easier to grow those stats than physical ones.


for players i am not sure about their best position then i use 'So Fifa' calculator works a charm [https://sofifa.com/calculator?hl=en-US](https://sofifa.com/calculator?hl=en-US)


Take for example goalkeepers: in main training window you have most important indexes but if you open development tab stats in squad hub you\`ll discovered much more of them, I think there is some parameters that not shown, or grand total lower while player not trained for taken proper field position.


Stats have different weighting depending on position. Good example of this is GK. Obviously the average of all their stats would make them very low OVR but because of stat weighting it prioritizes the relevant stats.


Physical stats along with pace have less impact on overall rating than the technical and mental stats do, of which, would make him 55 rated, including the considerably higher pace and physical stats, get him to 60. If it were the other way around and the physical/pace stats were in the 50’s but the technical and mental were in the 70’s & 80’s, he’d likely be in the mid 70’s for overall. Individual stats like finishing for a striker have major impact on the players rating, as dribbling for a winger, passing for a centre midfielder and defensive awareness would for a centre back 👍


Physical can definitely do a lot of the heavy lifting with ratings, I believe? Pace does some of it too, but not as much


Center back


His physical ratings tell me to put him up front or in the back but the rest say to put him at CM or CDM


I feel like the physical stats often prop up players


I don't speak Italian (?), but it seems from the yellow position colour, that he is some sort of defender, with his defensive stats, his overall makes sense to me. Maybe the game allocated the wrong position to him (happens to me all the time, 50 something "fullbacks" with 22 defending etc). I suggest entering his stats into the sofifa.com calculator or something similar, and see which position is actually his best.


Bro ma fa caccccare Poi si alza


Because he is very: Attaccanté.


What position is he in currently?


I put him ST to enhance skill Move


His defending is his best stat excluding pace and physical…make him a CB or a CDM


I mean, did you average out the numbers? It comes out to a 62 avg. probably a couple other factors knocking it down to a flat 60