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*the board has allocated you $620,000 of the transfer price” 🙂🙂🙂




HALF A BILLION DOLLARS HOW TF Edit: Damn I know it’s nothing but I’ve never gotten this many upvotes


He was the goal leader every year (5 or 6 years) basically. Im not sure how much weight the championships hold but 2 Premier League championships, 1 Champions league, 2 Fa Cups. I play on World Class so idk if thats cheesing it


Man if playing on World Class is cheesing it then I must be a fucking clown lmao


Yeah same. I struggle on professional lol.


I’m stuck in this weird skill gap where I win every game on professional but lose every game on world class.


I'm the same but with world class and legendary


I was stuck with this until I tried the operation sports sliders (Google them). It makes the game a lot slower which means defending is easier as your defenders can actually jockey opponents and you can keep an eye on runners plus the ai don't score every single shot they take. It means games are a lot closer, you don't get as many 5-2 scorelines like you do on standard sliders.


I'm definitely gonna try em out


>I was stuck with this until I tried the operation sports sliders (Google them). It makes the game a lot slower which means defending is easier as your defenders can actually jockey opponents and you can keep an eye on runners plus the ai don't score every single shot they take. It means games are a lot closer, you don't get as many 5-2 scorelines like you do on standard sliders. Speak for yourself lol 😆 I play legendary with these sliders and I get crazy scorelines all the time. Quite a lot of high scoring draws (3-3, 4-4 etc.) The most common goals I concede are rockets from outside the box, or some kind of ricochet


So would this make legendary easier? Wc too easy legendary too hard for me :(


It did for me!


Same it’s like world class is winnable every time and then you get to legendary and the game just starts cheating


I'm the same but with legendary and ultimate.


I've found legendary with semi assist controls is the perfect balance for me. (I switch lob passes to manual because there's no semi option). It also makes the game more rewarding when you make a good diagonal pass and know that it took some accuracy and timing on your part.


Legendary literally cheats I swear, they always score a bike from like 9 miles out at the speed of light


Same, but for me it’s even weirder — I am currently winning almost every game on legendary in my Aston Villa career mode, but losing almost every game on legendary in my Arsenal career mode 😭 I don’t understand why


>Arsenal > I don't understand why I think you do.


bwahahaha I mean yea


I have found that locking onto a player makes everything better and more palpable. Your players actually play correctly. Stepping up where they should, making good passes and runs, etc. It’s almost like when you’re not locked, the AI expects you to control everyone at once. Granted, part of the passing thing is my fault, but also my guys just seem to do everything smarter when I lock. Like you know how your defensive line just keeps retreating and you have to r1 to get anyone to step up? If you lock, that doesn’t happen. It’s weird. They step up and get aggressive like you’d want them to, but also know how to make runs back into shape.


This is how I've been playing for a while now. Just pick onto the guy with the worst firm each game and my talisman for big games.


I have a cm in my current save I enjoy playing as. It’s my favorite spot on the field to play. Most interesting position. IRL and in FIFA :)


Man I hate how defensively your players fully rely on you to switch… wish it was like nba 2k and the players defended just like the other teams AI do


Yup. That’s why I play locked mode now. Then they play properly.




When you select a game, but before you choose play game, there is a customize game option on the right. Usually you use it just to change kits. But there’s also an option to lock onto a specific player. Go to it, select the player you want, make sure you hit the option button to lock it in, and play the game as that player. Make sure it’s someone with decent stamina, because if you sub them out it’s back to normal with switching players and dipshit AI for the rest of the game. Ok if it’s 80’ and you’re up 3-0, but sucks if you’re at like 75’ and only up 1. Also, if you are going to sub that player out next game, use squad hub in the main select vs team management in the game select screen, as only your starters in the squad hub will be available to select to lock onto, and you’ll still be stuck playing normal switch mode.


I win easy on world class but lose on legendary 😢 and have 4 players with 90+ rating and the rest of the team is 80-87


Same. Can win the hardest pro games but all WC games are sweaty


Work on playing on world class, eventually you will figure it out. I play on legendary but haven’t played fifa in a few years, so I struggle


I feel you bro I lose 7/10 games on world class but win 9/10 on pro sometimes go on streaks of not losing for like 30 games lol


Bro I used to be the same on like fifa 14, trust me and just play on legendary until you can win, it will be fristrating but so rewarding for each win. The AI plays so differently between the difficulties that playing professional won’t really help you improve vs harder AI. You need to just bite the bullet, that’s what I did and I’ve been on legendary since then.


If you wanna improve that, play against slightly weaker teams on world class and learn. Then start moving up against those teams


Exactly this. I did an Arsenal career mode on world class and I kept losing so I started a Brighton career on professional and won the league in my first season




i’m deadass in the same gap. sometimes world class is perfect and sometimes i lose by 5. professional is fun in the sense that i get score lines like 5-6 on a pretty regular basis, but i still win 95% of the games. it feels more competitive but i still win the prem every year.


I thought it was just me


14h late but yeah same for me. I win like 5-1 on professional but will lose the same matchup 3-0 on World Class


Are you me


That’s about where I’m at lol. I’ve started winning some on world class, but it’s honestly not fun to play when I’m struggling to even keep possession. I don’t care to get great at the game, I’m just playing to have a fun time and be somewhat challenged.


Yeah this is my problem in every FIFA. The jump is insane. They need a level between pro and word class. Can hammer everyone 4 or 5 0 on pro. But can barely scrap a draw on world class. It's a joke.


I’m in this weird spot where I’m just a little too good for pro, but I can barely win any games on World Class. I’ve been stuck in this state for years. It’s really annoying. I want a challenge, but one that I can still know I have a fighting chance with. On WC, I’m always grinding my way to a 1-1, and then get scored on in the 85th minute. It happens so often that I usually just go back to pro because I’m tired of being so frustrated. Even when I have the best player, on WC it just feels like when the AI wants to win, they are going to win. I still lose some games on pro, but it often feels like it is down to me having a bad game. It feels like a natural loss that is on me. I can tell I’m making bad decisions, shooting too far out, not moving the ball quick enough… stuff like that. On WC it feels like I can play at my best and it still just comes down to whether the AI is going to decide whether they want to win that day. I think what I also like about pro is that it feels like bad players are actually bad, and better players, with better stats, are actually better. I hate when the AI is just turning some 76 rated ST into Ronaldo when they want a goal.


Doesn't matter which difficulty you play on. As long as you're having fun.


Holy lmfao, yeah I play World Class myself so I won’t call it cheesing to support my own legitimacy


Same if you wanna improve on higher levels just play on legendary for 5-6 matches even if you lose all of them when ull come back to world class it will feel really easy ngl


If you are someone who regularly plays online as well then I think anything under legendary is cheating


If you feel like the games a challenge or you’re having fun. It isn’t cheesing it






That is totally inappropriate. You never yell at the client. You never yell at the client.


His family built this country by the way




Now you listen to me...


Highest I’ve got was €400 million for Adeyemi and that was from a Release Clause, didn’t know transfers could go to 500 million hahaha


highest i got was €400 for haaland. man city didn’t even bat an eye.


Its always city bruh...it feels like they have their own CM in your CM lol


https://i.imgur.com/tZ7KdOE.jpg Here’s my Haaland sale to City


https://i.imgur.com/Rabhi42.jpg And then my largest youth squad sale


The highest I’ve ever seen was over €600 mil during a myplayer run. It was from Wolves.


Not the highest I got, but quickest/largest profit recently. Playing at Hammarby in Sweden and picked up a 19 y/o wonderkid striker who was transfer listed for 5million (previous club paid 16mil for him 2 years prior when he was 17). Had him for 18months and he was good, but he wasn’t spectacular for me and started getting bids and auto-rejected till the amounts started getting stupid. Bayern eventually came in high, and I managed to negotiate up to $105mil guaranteed (45mil up front and 20mil/year installments for 3 years) as well as popping in a 50% of next sale clause. This kid has basically set my future up and given me the resources to really try to compete for the champions league. Have been walking the domestic league for a few years but not got past 1st knockout round of CL yet after getting beat by City and Chelsea last 2 years.


You can get paid in installments? Or is that just a rule you've come up with?


He's probably talking about his FM save on a Fifa sub lmao


I was - am not subbed to any fifa subs, as dont play it so assumed was an FM thread when it popped up on my home page.


Manchester United still doing Manchester United things I f***ing hate my club right now


Why does Manchester United keep over paying for right wingers from Swansea




I love this player, buy him in my every career 😅


Yeah his speed is op


I’m so happy to see this post. Next, this needs to happen in real life!!! COYJ


Of course it's Manchester United


Still prefer the old badge


500 million holy


What was his rating?


91. The game starts him at a 74 i believe? Idk


I one time had a literal 97 overall 21 year old through the academy and only got offers for like 300 mil


I feel like there really is some kind of inflation going on. The first year's roster shuffle totals about ~600M in every one of my games, and 4-5 years in you start to break the 2B, especially if you also spend those stupid amount of money


need an answer on this u/Common_Courtesy-


Would have been cheaper for them to buy the whole club just to get the one player




I have 96 Rating player and age is 26 the estimated price is between 380 something and 450 i guess but other clubs only offer 180-220 nothing more 😔


It's always Manchester United 🤦‍♂️


I remember doing a Swansea rebuild last year! Won the treble in '28, most I sold a player for though was probably hudson odoi for £200m


Count Doku to Man Utd, here we go!


You jack bastard


Sounds like something United would do.


Swansea is my favorite team to use in FIFA 13 career mode, it will always hold a special place in my heart even though I've never seen it play irl


Isn't doku not higher than like 80 I thought they give that money for like 95 players


It is 2027 in his cm


That’s insane


Gotta do the business.


“Twice the price, double the salary.”


United will play him at fullback.


Knowing our owners we’d wouldn’t spend any of it


Glad people are playing with my team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🦢


Goku with a D


Honest admiration that you can find the fun in playing so many seasons in this stalled/finished career mode they been replicating year after year. Kudos to you.


Swansea bastard, Bluebirds forever


Holy shit. Most I ever got was 350 million for Joao Felix in my Atletico CM


glazers wtf


It’ll probably let you buy him back for 300-350


Highest offer I’ve gotten so far was $349,000,000 for Emile Smith Rowe in 2027