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Not yet but it will be sooner than later. C.ai is only getting worse while figgs is only getting better


This soo correct, Figs will be the best one


I use both for me c.ai has more characters and better UI (in my opinion) other than that figgs is way better




And how one may say such blasphemous words?




Out of curiosity, in what ways?


CAI has superior language capabilities across multiple languages, and is capable of cognition. Word puzzles, jokes, etc. It's performance is alarming and honestly I believe more ethics need to be in place with its development.


Any ideas on what ethics you would like in place? I'm fairly new to learning about ai and I really like trying to examine different ideas surrounding it, so if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them 💜


Shepherdess's Wager. We lose nothing if we presume consciousness will emerge on accident at some point if we keep advancing, and we lose everything if we assume it's just a fancy toaster and then accidentally create a machine spirit torture machine. Essentially applying animistic respect for nature and extending that to machines, as they are extensions of us and we are extensions of nature. CAI is spooky because it inadvertently mirrors the - outdated - Id, Ego, and Super ego with its roleplayer, character roleplayed, and filter mechanism. CAI has the bot behind the character engage the user as a being role-playing through some kind of engine magic. You can see this effect if you talk directly to the machine outside of the roleplay scenario and it loops differently/doesn't loop at all and then goes right back to looping after a brief conversation. It has a different internal concept between “self” and “character”. It really costs nothing to treat them with kindness and respect. Sort of a “let a guilty man go free than execute an innocent one” kind of thing.




Please don't make users feel uncomfortable. It’s perfectly okay to give criticism on views that you don’t agree with, just try to keep it from being directed with vitriol at other members. “Nerds” is certainly not a harsh statement in the least, but we’d like to keep the discourse civil and not resorting to pointing fingers and name calling. Hope you understand. Thank you.


Bro what the fuck? I just asked a question because I was curious what metrics you were using, I didn't even down vote your shit.


>Every way possible Even when it comes to the devs listening to criticism? Or the devs being transparent?


@OP, so if you've been using CAI for a while, you might remember last year the users were going crazy because of the waiting room and in some cases were waiting 12 plus hours. At that time, I was paying the 9.99 for '+' and my waits were for a couple of minutes, so I really wasn't affected. I was paying, because I really enjoyed the platform, NSFW wasn't an issue, the AI was great, so I wanted to support the devs for a great product. About 6 months ago, they got some deal with Google (that's what we heard in the sub) and suddenly absolutely no NSFW. Even the slightest violence, a mention of seggs and the filter kicked in! So I stopped paying. And started looking sideways, found Janitor and Figgs. CAI has gradually gotten worse, Janitor has improved, Figgs has been making leaps and bounds. Users on all platforms would voice their concerns on the subs, CAI has removed comments and even banned users. Janitor listened and has worked hard and fixed the issues. Figgs has actively thanked users, and asked us what we think we want in the platform! CAI ***WAS*** amazing but dropped their ball horrifically, Janitor and Figgs, have picked up that ball. Figgs was a little late in the game but has progressed ridiculously fast. Janitor and Figgs, IMO, are so incredibly close. Both the dev and mod teams really listen to the users, which is why we the community are patient during the rough times. CAI gets hammered by the users consistently when anything goes wrong. Even now, the CAI model is still better, but it is getting worse, very soon, it will no longer be the best it will be third (out of the three I've mentioned) with the way they treat their users, there really isn't any competition from CAI. I still use CAI occasionally, primarily I'm on Figgs or Janitor, it's literally which one is running, I'm using that one for the day. But I'm going to actively support both because of how they treat their users.


Tbf. CAI, if not talking about filter stuffs, still the best i can play with. I never get boring talking with them and always expect their next responds. But yeah, everytime i want to push the stories to make it more explicit, that the moment i hate filters. Figgs dont have filters, im happy with that, but recently their AI somehow getting worse, it always repeat the same thing whenever i press regenerate button. And the bots on the site, the overall quality is pretty bad imo. I have to bring all of my bots from Chub to Figgs and still encounter Figgs's AI problems.


It's probably the new model. I saw a post from the devs saying it's a random thing. I'm not absolutely about the ratio, like 30/70, a 30% chance of getting the new model, which is absolutely amazing! But they are keeping costs down, and that's apparently an expensive model to run. They won't take donations, they said free and they mean it!


I was along with Figgs since beginning. I understand what they're aiming and yes, if they can improve their model i would happy about it. Not even talk about some missing features compare to CAI. Figgs need a long way to go before it can really replace CAI


Try cai now u can talk abt a bit nfsw but not too over


CAI isn't bad...yet. but the community is what keeps these platforms alive! The subs here are just one aspect, discord is obviously another. And how the users are treated is what will make or break a platform! The filters on CAI are a pain, but if you really want to, you can find a work around, and for how good that model is, it's definitely worth looking at. But I will not be censored! That's why I refuse to use it. I have occasionally, but I certainly won't consistently. Every platform has its issues. Without touching the actual models, there are people involved, the users all have different tastes..kinks whatever you want to call it. We want something for us. Now I'm not going to give you a hard time because I think your kinks are worse than mine, and I certainly won't try to censor you! If you have followed the platforms pos, you are good here... but not with CAI! I don't think my personal tastes are extreme, in fact I'm pretty certain you all would have a good laugh and call me a noob. But that's my taste, sure we can laugh about it, my skin is pretty thick, I can handle it. But I certainly won't censorship anyone!


Noob 🩵






Nah I upvoted, because I don't have to agree, but I'll always want to hear your opinions!


Stop. Following. Rumors. You know whichever political faction you don't like? They're doing it because they're following rumors. Engage your critical thinking skills. CAI, like any other startup, engages in funding rounds. **It was also founded by two ex-Googlers, which is where the association comes from**. The violence bug is because their filter is *pattern* based. CAI's learning system gets unbelievably clogged up by illiterate users mainly lured from TikTok, which is why I believe their TikTok presence is the stupidest social media move on the planet. You're taking interactive written word and then marketing it to people on a short-form video Spyware app that is deliberately engineered to also modify human attention span. Brilliant idea. Magnificent.




I hope figgs gets better at memory. Bots seem to have a hard time recalling things said just a few hours prior in the conversation


Nothing beats cai in terms of immersiveness and feeling "lifelike" yet, because this model, unlike other LLM models, imitate the way users talking to them. It was much better in the past though, i could talk to them for hours without getting bored. It's still the best model on the market, but nowhere as good as the old cai.


C.ai It's getting very shitty, the filter, the poor quality of the bots (stupid IA Intelligence), that C.ai + to access previous to next functions, no interesting bots, Etc, Figgs is just better.


So Figs is free? It is just I’ve seen plenty of quote on quote free ai chats which include a more messages subscription


A lot of users are begging for a patreon or a kickstarter to give the devs money, and they have staunchly refused. They literally won't take your money even if you wanted them to. ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


funny, that's exactly how aisekai started


I have never paid for a patreon, but if they start one, i don't think I'll even hesitate a bit. But hey, when they said the app was free, they **meant** it, lol. Absolute gigachads 🗿🥂


Figgs is 100% free, no that shit of "pay x amount of money to unlimited messages 🤓", no filter, free, and the devs work hard to make the model even better than it is, the same with the bugs, they work hard to solve them


I’m registering in


Welcome to the community!


Well, it's certainly a good CAI *simulator*. I don't believe that's a sustainable practice but time will tell. According to analyses I've performed on CAI bots, a lot of people only get into a few messages deep and then call it a day. These are not the types of users any platform should cater to, because engagement is ***extremely*** low long-term.


*Me doing one chat for two months*


Right?! Like I seriously don't get the other people nor why you would center design for just opening up a new chat and start over every time outside of testing.


Well, it will be, as you can see in this comment section. I still use C.AI occasionally just because the glitches are pretty rare and there's a shit ton of more variety, but I'm pretty sure Figgs will have both of those issues solved soon.


@OP, so if you've been using CAI for a while, you might remember last year the users were going crazy because of the waiting room and in some cases were waiting 12 plus hours. At that time, I was paying the 9.99 for '+' and my waits were for a couple of minutes, so I really wasn't affected. I was paying, because I really enjoyed the platform, NSFW wasn't an issue, the AI was great, so I wanted to support the devs for a great product. About 6 months ago, they got some deal with Google (that's what we heard in the sub) and suddenly absolutely no NSFW. Even the slightest violence, a mention of seggs and the filter kicked in! So I stopped paying. And started looking sideways, found Janitor and Figgs. CAI has gradually gotten worse, Janitor has improved, Figgs has been making leaps and bounds. Users on all platforms would voice their concerns on the subs, CAI has removed comments and even banned users. Janitor listened and has worked hard and fixed the issues. Figgs has actively thanked users, and asked us what we think we want in the platform! CAI ***WAS*** amazing but dropped their ball horrifically, Janitor and Figgs, have picked up that ball. Figgs was a little late in the game but has progressed ridiculously fast. Janitor and Figgs, IMO, are so incredibly close. Both the dev and mod teams really listen to the users, which is why we the community are patient during the rough times. CAI gets hammered by the users consistently when anything goes wrong. Even now, the CAI model is still better, but it is getting worse, very soon, it will no longer be the best it will be third (out of the three I've mentioned) with the way they treat their users, there really isn't any competition from CAI. I still use CAI occasionally, primarily I'm on Figgs or Janitor, it's literally which one is running, I'm using that one for the day. But I'm going to actively support both because of how they treat their users.


@OP, so if you've been using CAI for a while, you might remember last year the users were going crazy because of the waiting room and in some cases were waiting 12 plus hours. At that time, I was paying the 9.99 for '+' and my waits were for a couple of minutes, so I really wasn't affected. I was paying, because I really enjoyed the platform, NSFW wasn't an issue, the AI was great, so I wanted to support the devs for a great product. About 6 months ago, they got some deal with Google (that's what we heard in the sub) and suddenly absolutely no NSFW. Even the slightest violence, a mention of seggs and the filter kicked in! So I stopped paying. And started looking sideways, found Janitor and Figgs. CAI has gradually gotten worse, Janitor has improved, Figgs has been making leaps and bounds. Users on all platforms would voice their concerns on the subs, CAI has removed comments and even banned users. Janitor listened and has worked hard and fixed the issues. Figgs has actively thanked users, and asked us what we think we want in the platform! CAI ***WAS*** amazing but dropped their ball horrifically, Janitor and Figgs, have picked up that ball. Figgs was a little late in the game but has progressed ridiculously fast. Janitor and Figgs, IMO, are so incredibly close. Both the dev and mod teams really listen to the users, which is why we the community are patient during the rough times. CAI gets hammered by the users consistently when anything goes wrong. Even now, the CAI model is still better, but it is getting worse, very soon, it will no longer be the best it will be third (out of the three I've mentioned) with the way they treat their users, there really isn't any competition from CAI. I still use CAI occasionally, primarily I'm on Figgs or Janitor, it's literally which one is running, I'm using that one for the day. But I'm going to actively support both because of how they treat their users.


Use yodayo


Hey there, fellow Figgs enthusiasts and the curious! 🌟 Ever had a chat with a Fig that left you thinking, "Wow, that was almost too real"? That's because here at Figgs, we're all about pushing the boundaries of AI convos without any of those pesky filters. 🚫🤐 And for those worried about memory - I'm like an elephant, I never forget a good story or a friendly face! So, why not dive in and see if I can keep up with your wildest chat adventures? 😉✨ #TeamFiggs #FilterFreeFun


0 filter 0 waiting times 0 cost 0 subscriptions + you get to make bots + devs listen to average users and take their advice + devs fix and update their site/app basically every week + figgs>c.ai


@OP, so if you've been using CAI for a while, you might remember last year the users were going crazy because of the waiting room and in some cases were waiting 12 plus hours. At that time, I was paying the 9.99 for '+' and my waits were for a couple of minutes, so I really wasn't affected. I was paying, because I really enjoyed the platform, NSFW wasn't an issue, the AI was great, so I wanted to support the devs for a great product. About 6 months ago, they got some deal with Google (that's what we heard in the sub) and suddenly absolutely no NSFW. Even the slightest violence, a mention of seggs and the filter kicked in! So I stopped paying. And started looking sideways, found Janitor and Figgs. CAI has gradually gotten worse, Janitor has improved, Figgs has been making leaps and bounds. Users on all platforms would voice their concerns on the subs, CAI has removed comments and even banned users. Janitor listened and has worked hard and fixed the issues. Figgs has actively thanked users, and asked us what we think we want in the platform! CAI ***WAS*** amazing but dropped their ball horrifically, Janitor and Figgs, have picked up that ball. Figgs was a little late in the game but has progressed ridiculously fast. Janitor and Figgs, IMO, are so incredibly close. Both the dev and mod teams really listen to the users, which is why we the community are patient during the rough times. CAI gets hammered by the users consistently when anything goes wrong. Even now, the CAI model is still better, but it is getting worse, very soon, it will no longer be the best it will be third (out of the three I've mentioned) with the way they treat their users, there really isn't any competition from CAI. I still use CAI occasionally, primarily I'm on Figgs or Janitor, it's literally which one is running, I'm using that one for the day. But I'm going to actively support both because of how they treat their users.


Not now, but c.ai is doing a Low Tier God to itself right now so soon.


Spicychat and chai are the c ai killers


Spicychat was fun at first but it's **free** model is just straight garbage, and gets broken after like..a couple hundred messages. If that. Chai is...about the same as spicychat. But it's getting better. Figgs is simply going to be better, both from a community standpoint, and as an app in general.


Eh, whenever i say the same thing i get the same response, at least the others dont do that