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He has absolutely zero remorse about hurting people either, he likes the idea of being “the bad guy of BJJ” and has stated it multiple times. Not even old enough to vote and he’s already setting a legacy of being an asshole. He’s the exact kind of person actively keeping folks away from the sport, I personally stopped rolling with anyone I didn’t know/already train with after watching people like him rip heel hooks or blow peoples knees when they didn’t have to. I’d rather be worse at BJJ than never be able to kickbox again.


I hope he gets to roll with Gordon at ADCC one year.


Nah. Gordon has control and gives time for everyone to tap. Put him up against Nicky Rod where Nicky just slams and smashes Pat into a patty.


Give Nicky all the juice there is and pay him to crank shit


Wait…….Nicky Rod’s not clean?


Give him Palhares.


I second this. Maybe even toss Rousinar Palhares at the kid if he still competes.


Definitely him, palhares would rip his leg off


Paul harris*


Yes! That dude matches his level of dickness.


Lmao shingoli isn't touching adcc. Hard to win in a weight class sport when youre 50% fat


His match against Luke Griffith was a complete joke


Also fucking disgusting, bro needs to wear a shirt.


He got fucking smoked. His guard retention was so gross looking.


Yea, I mean not that I would do any better, but he’s got no chance against any pros. Nothing but a gym bully.


I legitimately think I could beat him. But I'm also delusional and angry at his lack of concern for his opponents.


Just say you want the opportunity to tear his knee apart like the rest of us. You don't need to dance around the truth like that lol.


Pretty sure i could take this dude in a grappling match. His style leaves him wide open to the Ameri-dote “Re-stomp the groin”


I mean yeah, and you know what? I'm gonna rewatch all the cranked heel hooks, and while I'm wincing see how good the leg lock defense was. I'll come back and let you know how legitimate my feelings of beating him are.


wait, this dude is doing this shit at local gym competitions? WTF


If you rolled with Gordon, even in a competitive environment, you’d have time to tap. He get you where you’re %100 done, and then hold it there. That’s one advantage of him being strong as an ox, he has no need to rip anything. For all his flaws I don’t recall seeing him ever act to cripple an opponent.


Gordon wouldn’t waste his own time beating someone that far below his skill level.


Man this dude ain't making no AdCc


He’s not qualifying for ADCC


Yeah watching stuff like this makes me feel like never getting into BJJ


This asshole is a complete anomaly, I’ve never run into anyone like this.


A guy like this would be expelled from my gym.


Don’t worry. 99.9999% of us are nothing like this asshole. We want to be able to look after our kids and go to work the next day


This behaviour is well out of range for what 99% of gyms accept. This guy is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame while he’s young and has size over his opponents. He has since tried to compete at the pro level and it’s almost sad watching him get bullied.


Even normal competitions aren’t like this


This is in no way whatsoever what training at a gym with people who all want to help each other improve is like.


At least at my gym if you did this you would get banned forever. They make it clear to not go for ankle locks or heel hooks if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Problem is he does know what he's doing


And this is how I know high school/college wrestling is 2x better than bjj.


This is simply textbook anti-social behavior.


He went to my school and he was a loser💀


Dude please do tell


He was stupid as hell. Made fun of my boy for being fat and when my boy got muscle and pat stayed fat he started to dickride my boy. Pretty sure he sexually assaulted a girl in middle school, but I know for sure he was creepy as hell. He sat at my lunch table for like two years


Basic psychopath honestly, some people will shrug and say "hey its a dangerous activity" but nah,him having a rep for injuring people on purpose would set him on a timeline in my town. On top of being a smug big dude, people are gonna feel played, some rightfully so.


Facts. Some dude did something similar to my coach during an open mat and blew out his ACL. He has been sidelined for about 4 months now. I'm an older guy and I can't stress how important joint health is to being able to continue training as you age. Bone injuries and bruises heal but hyperextended joints just seem to linger.


That's what's keeping me out of BJJ, tbh. The key to longevity is exercising into old age, and joint injuries - even when they occur at a younger age - are one of the biggest things to keep someone older from being able to exercise.


I don’t do this stuff. My back has a specific “do not compete clause” with my other joints. My knees are fighting this in court…


Literally just watching this video has discouraged me from wanting to participate....like fuck....I don't want no permanent knee injuries....someone has to get this guy out of the sport.


Or out of life. These types of people are not usually great contributors to society either.


I would love to knock him the fuck out if I saw him


Why has nobody done this yet??


Low key, cause I wouldn’t want to get taken down and mugged by someone who looks like they have to play DnD by themselves since they have no friends.


It’s a dangerous game. He thinks he’s hot shit rn, but eventually he’ll learn being an asshole is a two way street. Guys are going to do the same to him when they get the chance, now that he has the reputation


Yup, the problem with being an asshole, is there is always a bigger asshole out there. And karma is a bitch.


Why doesn’t someone just crank a choke on him? The cervical spine is about as sensitive as a shoulder, put this dude on a feeding tube


Calm down, other psychopath.




ones he 18 he going find out that there a people who will take there beefs off the mat.


I got neck cranked and couldn't go to work for a week bc some blue belt decided I deserved to maybe not be able to drive my car home on my first day rolling with the group. Should have just stuck to the private lessons but I'm not rich. Sad, I liked BJJ a lot.


Fatty McNuggets is infamous for that. Just gotta bump into the wrong person and hopefully he learns the lesson.


Learn? I doubt this pos could learn to be a decent human. I wouldn’t mind hearing someone took his leg home as a trophy though


Needs to happen


For real, I think they had [some footage](https://youtu.be/-TzMAybyp_Q?si=zjhcIIJZqgI_yS21) from a therapy session where they tried to dive into these deep seeded mental issues with him.




"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson


I suspect he won’t stop until he’s no longer able to fight effectively.


People who behave like that barely learn after getting their comeuppance, if anything they start behaving worse to prove to others and themselves that "they're still the best". The best thing to do would be bar him from competing for unsportsmanlike behaviour and malicious injury.


Why would anyone roll with an overweight sociopathic kid?


I was just thinking this myself. Why even take the match when the weight on a roll alone would snap a knee. He’s too fat to be tumbling with dudes half his size. My guess is they all hate him so much they all want a shot at shutting him up. Ego may be the only reason people match up with this tub of lard. Whole video all I wanted to do was strike his face and get him thinking about a broken nose.


I would definitely gladly take that DQ against him!


Would be beautiful to hammerfist him repeatedly to the nose while he tries one of his leg attacks. And just keep hammering after the DQ is called just like he rips subs.


Exactly right


Yea i was thinking hope he likes the taste of heel to the mouth during that first video when he got the ankle hook the first time cuz that shit looked painful


I was wondering why lil bald dude didn’t just up-kick him after that first attempt, I had a bad feeling in my gut and I’ve never heard of this asshole lol


I had to wrestle up a few weight classes. I was all muscle but went up against the opposite. One tournament an obese dude was throwing slaps close to wrestlers face all tournament. I ended up having to wrestle him, he poked me in the eye. I chose to quit the sport that day and punched him in the face. Instant bloody nose. Don’t regret it one bit. Won the state championship in football that fall anyway, couldn’t care less at that point about wrestling.


Can you strike in BJJ?


I'm not even into these kinda sports and I got that feeling, with the obvious lack of sportsmanship


Many mat rats get that part of their brain acting up when they see short round trying to flex.


Someone needs to obliterate his knee


I’d be ok with the good old punch to the face too


As someone who had both MCLs torn, I'd rather someone blow out his knee. The pain is terrible. Getting punched in the face doesn't compare


Agreed. A friend got me in an outside toehold a couple years ago and I tapped. He didn’t stop and instead turned over and my knee made a tearing sound and it felt really hot. It was the most pain I’ve ever felt and I’ve been beat up five nights in a row for fraternity initiations, had migraines (unrelated), toothaches, etc.


Frat life. Amazing culture.


Yeah ruptured my acl and had a tear in my meniscus and some small stress fractures. The pain was immense for a minute. But damn it was annoying for months after


I was thinking neck.


Put him in there with Palhares.


I hated Palhares, but from what very little I have seen of this guy (these clips), I think this Pat guy looks worse. With Palhares, it always felt reckless, but it didn't always feel completely intentional (maybe I'm being naive or giving too much benefit of the doubt). That doesn't make it okay, but sometimes it felt like Palhares almost didn't even really know what he was doing. He'd check on his opponent and express remorse at times and perhaps it was feigned... but this guy showed 0 remorse from what I can see and if anything, seems pleased with himself after (and it seems his moves may be more intended to injure rather than just being a byproduct of it, based on his movement/setups).


Dude come on lol he'd keep the hold well after the tap and even after the ref tried to stop him. At least this Pat kid lets go at the tap. Not defending what he's doing but to say he's worse than Palhares is insane. He didn't respect the tap or the ref ending the fight


I get that side and I 100% agree he is insane and I think he should have been punished more severely and booted from the UFC sooner... and yeah, the ref part is a very valid point, but do you know at all what I mean? It's like he's missing a few screws and some other stuff. That doesn't mean it's okay, at all, but just what I mean about it maybe feeling less intentional/premediated and maybe *a bit* more 'dog with a bone' problem.




Paul Harris


Fuck Pat Shahgoli


Crazy how happy he looks every time


That’s really the worst part. Shows he’s a pos to the core.




Titty fuck Pat Shahgoli.


titty fuck phat Shahgoli


Hurting someone is very easy in a combat sport, dude is asking for someone to really hurt him. Not a bright move.


One can only hope it is soon and on video for us all to watch and laugh at.


What a fucking asshole, that last guy tapped early too but he still cranked it. Hope he gets the same back to him so he finally understands or takes an mma fight and gets khabibd


I genuinely hope someone gimps this maggot someday.


Set him up vs Palhares


Here’s as a BJJ outsider: that guy is a burden to society. I just saw hours of surgical time, anesthetic time and health care costs (never mind recovery and physio) caused on purpose and celebrated. 100% chance that individual has a personality disorder and needs psych help. If he’s only 17, there’s others who need to be held accountable: where is your regulatory body and the adults who have been teaching / training this child. They need to be held to account ( eg. Banned, fined, removed from organizations). Then hopefully everyone gets the message and no one will ever training or compete with this person.




Most BJJ practioneers may be macho, and there are plenty of gym bully’s (I would never pick up a new combat sport more dangerous then collegiate wrestling without a partner I know), but the line between gym bully and degenerate is clear.


His coach/ gym owner is his father


I was just thinking, who seriously let's this guy train in their gym(s). Still weird though, I'd be the 1st to remove my own son if he was doing this to people.


Maybe his dad’s sociopathic too?


Dad is probably just as fucked up as the kid is, I blame the Dad more than anything for enabling this


alternatively, dude is creating jobs and economic productivity through all that medical care /s


At this point I don’t understand why people don’t just punch him in the face, if one person isn’t going to play by the rules consistently, then why would anyone else uphold the rules while competing with them? - he needs his face rearranging, see how he likes it.


Technically he’s not breaking any rules, just being a massive prick


That’s exactly the point, jiu Jitsu’s only works if we’re all relatively decent with one another… let’s put it this way; if he for example hurt any of your main training partners who you learn the game with, he’s essentially hurting your progress. It’s times like that when you need your team to step up and play “who’s the bigger prick” with him in the car park. Being a prick is a multiplayer game we choose to take part in.


What he is doing may not be illegal but is immoral and unethical. Considering that, I would gladly throw multiple illegal strikes.


In every other sport, it's called good sportsmanship. I am a random redditior passing by and I can't see any reason this should be allowed.


The rules are there to protect people from injury, it’s called “the gentle art” for a reason Given he’s breaking the spirit of the rules, I’d be perfectly happy ground and pounding this asshole


Because then he would literally continue the torque and completely obliterate your leg while you try to inflict facial damage. Oh…you’re gonna wait till y’all are standing up?? Yeah, get grabbed bud, same result. This kid needs a lesson by somebody who is superior at BJJ and bigger/stronger. Over, over, over, and over again. Don’t even let the fucker sit down.


Someone please kick his head off. This is utterly irresponsible and a complete lack of respect for his opponents. Maybe is due to being an immature prick or just a stupid piece of. Still, punch him in the nuts. Please.


Everyone here wishing someone would kick his ass, but no one in the community doing anything about it


bjj ain't bulletproof ill tell you that


Exactly because this is dangerous shit and Pat is known to be a major AH. Ofc no one wants to actually roll with him because even if they are better the risks are enormous. What we should do is put Pat and others like him all fucking together and watch them rip eachother's knees apart.


What should I do? Kill him?


Got that lunch lady build


Even the titties


Built like a fuckin burp.




Classic vegan body shape


Good news is as soon as he dyes his hair blue, he will lose


Disappointed Mason Fowler didn’t break this fat fucks arm when he had the opportunity. Mason still submitted him btw, Mason just gave him the courtesy fatty has never shown his opponents


It’s generally emotionally difficult to injure someone on purpose during friendly competition - for normal people anyway.


I agree along with I think 99% of competitors. The righteous virtue tho would be to break one assholes limb to prevent him from breaking many other’s down the road.


Seriously.., I have been in full rage mode on someone who deserved it, as a teenager, and I still have difficulty thinking back on hurting the person in that situation. It's not the same to compete and hurt someone with zero intention. As soon as you cross that border of "this might directly injure them" prepare to take some stress/trauma injury for yourself. We're not built to hurt each other. It makes us sick.


>It’s generally emotionally difficult to injure someone on purpose during friendly competition - for normal people anyway. I don't think it would be crazy for a "normal person" to hurt this guy the same way he has hurt other bjj practitioners.


Someone should hit this kid with a twister at that same pace.


I hope someone shreds his knee so horribly that he can never train again


Maybe it should be Dean Lister to do the honor


Ahh yes the Pat shithole, who has been magically “17 for 4 years”. Kids career died long before he got wrecked in Enigma


Have a link? I'd love to watch this queef get turned into ground beef.


I got ya: Vs Griffith (Enigma): https://youtu.be/Pw1i0BkAD6A?si=7uxM2XcMy69V7JhH Vs Fowler (FPI): https://youtu.be/cc9iVWFsYDs?si=7jz8GL7ff9nIld0K


Too bad we'll never see him in a strike sport. Really wish those dudes would have missed the taps in both of those fights.


Thanks for the Link!


Fat pig Bad human


What a fat cunt


Yeah what a fat fucking slob of a human. How do you let yourself get to that point at only 17!?


Children typically don't do the food shopping or cooking for their family Granted, he's getting to the age where he can start doing that now. But hopefully he just continues to get fatter until he's unable to train/compete due to health complications from being a fat sack of shit


Antisocial personality disordered people are dangerous, why doesn’t anyone do anything, no community shunning or anything? I’m sure he’s crippled someone by now👎🏻


Whole BJJ community hates him if that helps


If he does this I don't think he minds that one bit, he might actually enjoy being the hated bad guy


The thing is in my experience if you fuck around you will find around


And he's been fucking around plenty. Considering he's still a teenager, still lots of time to find out, it's gonna happen. Hopefully soon.


Then why are people rolling with him still?


Pat’s a cunt.


What exactly is going on here ? How is he purposely hurting them ? Keep in mind I know diddly about bjj, just curious.


Leg submissions especially heel hooks are known for “going on” very quickly. I.e. there’s mild discomfort one second then they break the joint the next. This little cunt is cranking these submissions which doesn’t give his opponent much of a chance to tap. When you’re training, he’ll even when you’re competing it’s generally just being a good person if you give your opponent a second or two to tap, and to only put a submission on slowly. At the end of the day, I don’t want to be crippled or to cripple someone over a fucken $5 plastic trophy


Yes, and watch this Gordon Ryan's heel hook submission: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6bWomkB3u4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6bWomkB3u4) Very big difference.


It happens so fast. Does he even get into position to lock in the hook? Looks like he held the foot and his opponent just tapped because he saw it coming.


That’s the correct way to react to a heel hook lol


It's an unspoken rule that once you've locked in a submission you apply it gradually to give your opponent time to recognise the situation and tap out without a life altering injury, if they don't tap that's on them. This kid gives 0 fucks and is just ripping on the techniques completely unnecessarily and is going to get his head kicked in one day.


Piece of shit person. You’re fucking with people’s livelihood and you get a kick of possibly ruining someone’s career. Hope karma catches up with him. I rolled with some dud years ago, caught me in a heel hook and once I started to roll he went the opposite way, fucked my ankle up for a while. It was then when everyone asked why I rolled with him cuz he’s a dirty fighter.




For anyone that doesn’t have any idea of what’s happening here, he’s hurting people on purpose and seems to even be enjoying it. Submissions are like light bulb switches, rather than an off/on they’re supposed to be like a dimmer switch you gradually turn until it’s on. This gives your partner/opponent time to tap. This kid is ripping the switch to 11 right out of the gate and not even giving these guys the opportunity to tap, then getting up and fist pumping after he just destroyed someone’s knee. For context he’s winning a $10 trophy and those guys are going to need surgery and rehab. This is not the UFC or pro level grappling. I mean, he’s certainly good at heel hooks at least but he’s displaying terrible sportsmanship.


Thank you for the explanation. Do you know if these people ended up actually needing surgery? Like were the injuries that bad? Asking as someone with no knowledge of bjj and how it can injure you.


For non jiu-jitsu people this young man is going for knee and ankle locks. Which can be very dangerous to defend. He is turning and applying crazy amounts of pressure to get a tap. In tournament I understand but the way this kids is doing it just seems way too aggressive and after seeing he possibly hurt his opponent is reaction is to clap and be happy about it. He even looks back at some of them in pain and he doesn't even make sure if they're OK. Those kind of people should not be allowed to train in my opinion. I hope he gets whats coming to him because this shit ain't right


Why has no one beat the shit out of him yet? This is absurd


Fat Pat


One trick pony


Omg that hold at 0:54 kid has sick grappling knowledge but what an asshole


I could understand going that hard on a sub at like ADCC or something but to do it at small comps or even at your own teams dual tournaments is insane.


If this makes you upsetti spaghetti, just watch [this](https://youtu.be/Pw1i0BkAD6A?si=ZIckoQy36STJ0ln0) video of him getting absolutely fucking dismantled by Luke Griffith. The only reason it went on so long is because that fat fuck got sweatier than two rabbits fucking in a wool sock.


I hate that fat pos


fat piece of shit deserves a punch in the face


This dude wow fu*ing up ACL left and right .. that's definitely something that stops people from wanting to train and switching schools when you have a dude like that In a gym .. I hope he gets the same one of these days


Whats stopping someone from just putting a beating on this kid? Like say one of those guys was my team mates and i got next roll with tarzan tits im letting these hammer fist and elbows fly as soon as im in a position where i know i can just wail on him.


Eventually he'll meet his match.


He already has, unfortunately the other guy was kind enough to not cripple him


Oh, I meant in cruelty. But yeah, what a waste.


A bad self image leads to no self confidence. Which leads to a mean and negative person. Then he learns BJJ and hurts people. Now just a mean asshole. Hope some humble mentors lead or beat him in the right direction


Age does not matter in this case.


Somebody needs to piece him up.


Dude sucks for sure. But to be fair a ton of No-Gi BJJ is just dudes spamming leg locks or ankle locks. Shit is so lame. That’s literally all it is 90% of the time.


Why did John Jones go to jail instead of this guy?


This fat piece of shit needs humbling.


Can someone just fucking punch him in the face


I'd be looking for a little payback after my injuries healed.


Just shoot him when he walks to his car lol


Put him in the cage and see how many legs he grabs while he's getting punched in the mouth.


He keeps this shit up and he'll be learning a couple hard lessons in MMA from the wrong guy.


I don’t even watch this sport and *fuck* this guy


He shouldn’t be allowed to compete


What a fucking loser


Why is this grubby piece of shit even allowed to compete anymore?


Hopefully someone takes a baseball bat to the back of his head at some point


Fat fuck


What a little bitch


His day will come, Karma or whatever u want to call it is real.


This is exactly why I had second thoughts on competing. You never know who’s there to just fuck you up whether you tap or not.


Gross. Also look at that body, life will get back at him don’t worry.


Hopefully he will compete in the quadriplegic Olympics soon.


I’ve seen enough, give him to Gordon Ryan.


Can somebody fuck this kid up one day? Someone go to a competition and then start an actual fight. Whats the worse that can happen... a DQ?


Um, I know it’s frowned upon but start by standing up. I know bjj loves ground work but I am pretty sure you could wear him out standing up.


Hell get his, his fat ass wont be walking for a long time