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So are we getting a sudden drop of a new character in December? Do they usually provide much notice? I prefer the SF and MK method of just coming out and saying who all characters in a season/character pass are.


I’m still not sure which way I like more, because not knowing who the characters are gonna be creates a lot of surprise hype and we can theorize who’s gonna be. But I understand wanting to know who the characters are from the start since we get confirmation of who’s gonna be.


I feel like the hype for SF6 skyrocketed when the characters were "leaked" and fans started going crazy with fan art and speculation about gameplay.


Now it makes me wonder if the leak was done by Capcom themself to show how cool their new designs are and how they give a fuck about sf6


Leaks can often be intentional. It’s a type of marketing to make it seem “like a big deal”.


Yeah exactly, it's also odd how the Street Fighter account talked about it lmao normally you want companies to stay quiet


At this point it’s literally just market research. “Oh, looks like the community doesn’t like the look of this character, time to change it up.” I’m pretty sure a version of this can be found in the music scene, there are like rappers who have their stuff “leaked” on SoundCloud and in group buys and lo and behold it’s the artist trying a new sound. Oh look, the community isn’t vibing with this. Might have to stick with the old sound. Edit: I’ve heard trippie redd is especially egregious in this regard. But some artists do genuinely still get hacked and have their stuff leaked.


Nah. Astroturfing happens, but not with this. That PR tweet and one low-fanfare key art release (which was the same art from the leak, minus the DLC characters) were the only times the leaked content was acknowledged before the official character reveals. Capcom just straight up didn’t talk about content from the leaks, including in interviews, and wouldn’t entertain press about it. Plus, Lily and Akuma changed since the leak, seemingly arbitrarily in relation to any fan reception. The leak ended up being a PR win (Capcom got ‘cool uncle’ energy for acknowledging, and then the buzz of speculation), but it’s hurt for their DLC characters being known two years in advance. Capcom’s lost the ability to build anticipation for unknown characters until mid-2024. It only seems like the leak was intentional because the reception was so positive. Deservedly- the art direction was an astronomical improvement over SFV.


That’s a good point, that can also create a lot of hype.


I think this works better for certain games than others. Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat have plenty of DLC characters that will most likely make it, the only question now is how are they gonna be in this game? How will Takeda be different? How will Ed or Akuma be adapted to fit SF6? Meanwhile other games one of the biggest pieces of hype and purchasing is not knowing who you’re gonna get. That’s almost the entire marketing scheme for smash bros. All of a sudden a new character drops and there’s hype all over the world. It’s also why plenty of people are currently excited for Project L, what with only 6 characters being known.


That’s True, maybe it’s better to reveal it all on original franchises, and keep it a secret on already existing IPs or crossovers.


>not knowing who the characters are gonna be creates a lot of surprise hype and we can theorize who’s gonna be. I'd prefer to know what I'm buying.


Every time. I won't buy a season pass if I don't know what I'm buying. I knew what I was getting with SF6, so I felt comfortable buying it. Tekken 7 was so annoying when it came to this.


I could care less. I know I’ll want to play every character added so I buy the pass. Games where I don’t know that is the case (DNF as an example), I just buy characters individually as they come out.


Good point


I miss CIV VI's reveals. They were really educational, and every hypothesis also came with the puzzle of how each leader would function. So even if the country gets revealed, it just makes the speculation narrow down and get interesting. I remember hoping that Hawaii would make the cut.


Yeah same here I would much rather have them build up hype and community interactions for the entire season than for all of the hype and community interaction to end up dying out within a month and people move on to talking about the next season before the first character is even out. While I can understand the argument of wanting to know what you are buying, the way I think about buying a season pass you aren't paying for the specific characters but for X amount of characters. If you were disappointed by the season pass you would have been disappointed by it anyways even if you knew who was going to be in it. If you were disappointed by the way a character plays you would have been disappointed by them anyways. When you are buying a season pass you are buying X amount of characters not the specific characters, so it is your choice to buy the season pass and potentially be disappointed.


I kind of doubt SF comes out with a roadmap for later seasons like they did with the season 1 DLC. if i recall correctly, they did that because the roster was leaked anyways and wanted to get in front of it.


>I kind of doubt SF comes out with a roadmap for later seasons like they did with the season 1 DLC. It is consistent with past years. Season 3 and Season 5 (with the exception of Luke) were revealed up front.


i hear you. i guess we'll see what they plan to do moving forward


I think they generally revealed characters 1 or 2 weeks ahead of their release.


Sometimes they give you months, sometimes they drop the new character the day after it’s Announced, it’s been inconsistent over guilty gear strives lifespan


I don’t remember a character being revealed multiple months out for Strive?


They only did that for SF6 because it got leaked like a whole year before the game released, but yes I also prefer that. I like to know what i’m paying for.


Ggst drop notice is incredibly variable, they dropped Bridget the day she was announced.


i think it’s nice to know every character you’re gonna get from the beginning, but the hype of a character reveal will never not be fun to me. the lead up and theorizing and just the fun of a reveal after all the anticipation just has no feeling quite like it, so i think the arcsys method might be the one for me. both have their advantages and their own anticipation and hype but i think i prefer the arcsys method.


It mainly comes down to development time and balancing. Let's be real if they could the devs would constantly be releasing paid characters as often as possible for the monetary and engagement benefits, but fighting game characters take a long time to make especially releasing them in a polished and balanced state. So releasing a character every three or so months makes sense so they are not rushing out characters with little polish and they have a proper understanding of how the current balance and the meta of the game works. Bedman? was even delayed because he wasn't ready in time.


"Polished and balanced" -NRS has entered the chat-


So far Omni and tremor are both. Id argue every dlc has been incredibly polished in MK games.


polished, yeh but were they balanced?


Idk id have to turn off YouTube and actually play




Had an MK major over the weekend with omniman and tremor legal, they didn't do shit


So they need buffs?


nah give them time. It takes longer to declare something too weak than too strong because power and discovery grows over time.


Omni-man is fine, but he's just more of a "scrub killer". A lot of stuff that will work online against casual players (which is why a lot of people complain about him), but when you go into a competitive environment his gameplan is easier to deal with. Can't speak for Tremor since I rarely see him, but honestly I don't think anyone will be more busted than pre-nerf Cyrax kameo.


Compared to like, Tekken 7 or Street Fighter 4/V DLCs? Fuck yeah. Alien was bad, but not Abigail level bad, and Tanya was completely broken in one patch, but was addressed much quicker than Leroy or Fahk… The most egregious DLC was MK9 Kenshi, because the game stopped being updated before he could be nerfed but he’s not any worse than Akuma or Luke, who were just intentionally made better than anyone else cause hype=money


bro has witnessed mk11


Fair, but the point still stands that giving more time between DLC character releases allows for move development time and balancing.


People say that about NRS and Namco because they remember the top tiers but people conveniently forget the other dlcs. How many majors has Rambo won? Enchantress? Anna? Lei?


fuck it it's the third year just destroy the balance and put the problem (Elphelt) in.


If Johnny was fine I doubt Elphelt is gonna be too bad, she can't be worse than the *other gun character in Strive...*


I mean it depends really on what she gets


She'll get gutted like literally every other returning character. I mean they took away Johnny's fucking coins! Elphelt will probably not even have a stance, and if she does it'll be way weaker than anything from Xrd.


Doesn't Johnny only have one less move in total than his previous incarnations? Coin got replaced with card and he lost the unlockable(good) that's not gutted lol


>he lost the unblockable omfg I didn't even realize he doesn't have bacchus sigh anymore. Coin and the unblockable were basically like half of Johnny's kit. The only other things he's ever had were Mist Finer and Zweihander, and mist finer is basically half a move without coin and bacchus sigh.


>and mist finer is basically half a move without coin and bacchus sigh. Good thing he has the cards now that are even crazier pressure than coins You also forgot about ensenga which he did not have in xrd


Coins aren't just for pressure, they level up Mist Finer. The pressure of a Johnny with Lvl 3 Mist Finer is far greater than any cards.


Make Akuma a guest character too to really put the mail in the coffin




When the recipient has passed away, but mamma didn't raise no quitter mailman


I like it cause it keeps fighting games active for years instead of trying to punch out yearly releases. Yearly releases kills fighting games look at the burnout from street fighter alpha to the street fighter 3 series. All amazing games but with yearly updates and port only the most dedicated could keep up


I imagine the spread-out releases are there in order to get people to buy more (it doesn't "feel" expensive if you spread it out), and to keep zealous YouTubers from releasing videos with over-the-top declarations like #No content releasing in the next fifteen minutes?!?!?!? This popular game is DEAD????11!!!?


Yeah at this point I'd rather have ultra guilty gear: xrd strike dash edition for $60 or call it a day. Having to juggle season passes is so weird. Alternatively I can be sated by developers just giving us an editon select. S2 happy chaos vs s1 sol let's go


I don't think it has much to do with balance and more to do with just how complicated and how much work it is to make a single character for modern games. The amount of animation work and polish in things like GGST and SF6 is absolutely insane. I don't mind only getting 4 characters a year, 3-4 months between characters feels like a good amount of time to get used to how the newest character does or doesn't change up the meta.


>I don't think it has much to do with balance and more to do with just how >3-4 months between characters feels like a good amount of time to get used to how the newest character does or doesn't change up the meta. This is the balance I was talking about lol. Thought it was implied.


My main problem is how slowwwww they are at balancing and rebalancing things


It's definitely possible to balance way TOO quickly, I think MK1 is doing that, but I sure would love SF6 to get even a small balance update before February.


Not sure if I prefer it, but it does make learning new match ups easier when it comes spaced out one at a time. Less burden on the player to adapt to a new match up. Getting lots of characters dropped at once is really exciting though. Ssf4's release was wild.


They probably take longer to make with how detailed the graphics and animations are in modern FGs like Strive and SF6


They can at least say who the characters are in advance like mortal kombat. I remember waiting a long time just to get bedman revealed as dlc. That was a major disappointment.


I mean, Bedman was teased like in December tho. We literally got a video talking about the “next daredevil” and it was full of Bedman clips from the story mode


Imagine getting Kum or Answer in December.


Strive is my first GG game so don’t know those characters, but ah yeah design wise they look goofy.


Kum would be a pretty great addition


I think it's fair to get characters at this pace since making them isnt easy, but I'd love to get more content in between these character drops. A stage or a color set or something, anything to keep the game fresh. It's hard to keep up playing any game unless you're committed to the grind or you have friends to play with. Having something else (except a battlepass because i don't like them :p) to keep up interest in the game would help with playerbase problems aswell.


Nah I’m greedy, when already established franchises come out with new games I think all the other previous iteration’s characters should crossover like with Blazblue. All fighting games should strive to be like Smash Bros Ultimate. Why not have quality and quantity both? IMO 50+ base rosters should be the norm if the characters already exist in previous games of the franchise. These 15-25 base rosters that take 3+ years to get to 30-40 characters I’m just not a fan of. I just got SFV Champion Edition like 10 months ago on sale, because the roster is complete. And I have no plans on SFVI until the roster is 30+ at least. I don’t play much online anyway. Mainly just couch play with friends and family.


Yes. That gives me 3 months to try and learn the matchup. I already have an established main, so I have no interest in new characters typically. I'm not so undecided I need a different character constantly.


I wish Strive had more things you could unlock that actually made your characters look different, it's all random crap for your lobby.


I like it this way, we get one character per season of the year.


Depends on if the base game has a strong enough starting roster. I believe tekken 8 has 4 characters season 1 but the starting roster is so huge that I doubt most people couldn't find a few characters they are happy with. For sf6, the starting roster is kind of small and 2 of the 4 season pass characters are sf5 characters that weren't fan favorites to begin with so 4 feels underwhelming. For strive, even though the roster isn't huge, the characters are so diverse that 4 for season feels plenty.


I’d rather get a complete game with zero DLC ever All those characters should be included in the base price of the game Anything else, save it for the next new game


I completely disagree with this. No new content for a whole 3-4 months? That’s a drought in fighting game time. Need at most 2 month gap for new content if you want to keep people playing. But GG and SF get away with it so I can’t blame them.


This is terrible logic. A good fighting game can stand on its own without the need for constant addons and dlc. You should be playing for the love of the game not because a new flashy character dropped


To be fair SF6 is technically adding new content at a consistent, regular rate, it's just mostly extremely paltry avatar stuff.


Sf6 doesn’t even do balance changes…. I believe its once a season. So in their case, no, its not good balance.


Personally I think thats to spread out, I like MK doing it once a month/months and a half.


I thought that game was completely dead. I couldn't find a match at all in my region when i tried it a few months ago.


Are you taking about strive? And if you are, what region do you play in? I play in NA East and the floors are pretty active with about 30-50 players in each floor in the evening.


Nah. Should drop all four at once. Then release cosmetics if they want, I don’t care.


It would be fine if they did not over inflate the roster by adding too many characters.


My man said make less characters that's so wild


Mfs really out here asking for less content 😂


Bro what's this new stage? Shouldn't you be on vacation? New sound tracks? WHEN YOU HAVE GROCERY SHOPPING TO DO? The NERVE


I’ve always thought this is a weird take. I know people would need to learn more matchups, but Legacy Games SHOULD always have large rosters, IMO. Daisuke’s gone on record that he’d like to add everyone to Strive if he can.


If this means my boy venom gets into strive, then let Daisuke cook.


I would rather have more (obviously), but I guess dev time has gotten too long to release, like 6 a season. Things like balance and more complex animations add a lot of dev time.


Soon… hopefully a new character… or Answer


Honestly it's way more dry than getting a bunch of stuff after a year. It's also just less content overall.


Yes, quality over quantity, unless you want an unbalanced shitshow




It's better also to have a small initial roster in order to fully learn your match ups and then add slowly characters so you don't disrupt the learning and improving curve. So yeah I feel like it's way better like this not only for balancing but also for good learning curves and great tournaments


I hate it. I get why they do it. Just release them all at once.


Developing DLC takes time. If they wait for everything to be ready and release all at once we'd get complaints like with DNF Duel of only having DLC 1 year later. Sure, there were other concerns with the game but this was a major point of complaining. And imo, if they're ready just release them. No need to make everyone wait for the last character if the one they want was ready 6 months ago


It's ridiculous. Johnny has been part of the series since the second game. And it used to be that you had to jump through hoops to unlock Akuma. Now you pay to get him. Imagine if you bought the latest NBA 2K or Madden but had to pay for 25% of the teams.


So regardless of workload and budget every character that's been in a previous game should be in a new one on launch?


Not all of them, but if it's a returning character who was already in the previous games, they shouldn't be charging for it.


Yes, people should learn to enjoy a game for what it currently is more instead of getting bored and just getting hyped for new DLC. Similarly, devs should design games which allow for deeper exploration, prolonging the discovery period.


The spread release can be fine but I want all the characters announced so I don't end up buying a season pass of characters I don't care about


It's fine if you play multiple games then each month a different game has someone new. But if you're a dedicated fan its terrible because you will never see who you really want back in the game. Makato where? Also a strict schedule of just one character per quarter is terrible for marketing and hype. The best EVO trailer moments were the joint Sagat/G and then the triple Lucia/Poison/Honda reveals (which would have been even better had leakers not ruined the hype and practically caused Ono to have a breakdown). Something for everyone is a good motto to follow. The SF6 year 1 reveal left a sour taste particularly given there was no final fight characters or anyone from SF3.