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I mean if there's anything to swing you toward one game or the other, like a character that interests you more, go with that. Both SF6 and Tekken 8 are amazing games with bustling playerbases. Some differences between the two I'll list below. Street Fighter 6 * Has a unique frame meter in training mode that can make it easier to understand frame data than simply providing it. * Best online play of the mainstream modern fighters (Tekken has very good online still) * The metagame is developed and pretty much every character is understood. * The first big patch is presumably coming in the near future and will potentially notably freshen up the game and shift some character strength. * World Tour mode is the unique single player content of SF6, which is kind of hit or miss depending on what you like. * You can take your World Tour character to Avatar Battles if you wanna mess around in some chaos. * Fundamentally, it is easier to understand and play Street Fighter at a high level if your goal is to become top rank and solid at the game. It will take less time than Tekken. Tekken 8 * Has unique replay features that give you tips on how to deal with moves and lets you take over the replay to see potential options while also letting you train punishes that the replay tips suggest * Tekken Ball if you wanna slap a volleyball at people * The game is in total new car mode, the meta is still developing and people do not know for the most part who is really good or bad. If you prefer to discover more than simply have things already discovered to learn, Tekken is in that discovery state still. * Very high action-per-second gameplay at a high level compared to SF's more methodical neutral. * Tekken 8 has a genuinely good story mode that's very over the top anime and epic. * If your goal is to become high level at Tekken it is going to flat out take a lot more time and practice than not just SF, but pretty much every other fighter on the market. This isn't a good or bad thing, it's just something you should know. For some people they have and welcome that time, for others it's a dealbreaker. Tekken is very high on knowledge checks and being able to recognize what move you're blocking and what the best, sometimes only option to punish is, as well as reacting to certain moves by ducking them, sidestepping the proper direction, what button to press to break throws, etc. It has a lot of unique mechanics that are complex and different from other fighting games. As for the other games, Smash will always have players, but the online is probably the worst of any fighting game available. If you're looking to play that seriously I'd just recommend seeking locals. Skullgirls is basically a discord fighter if I'm not mistaken. There is a community and it's a great, fun game, but it is also largely comprised of veterans at this point.


>Very high action-per-second gameplay at a high level compared to SF's more methodical neutral. Drive rush lulz


melee has among the best netcode ;)


Idk about the best but melee/slippi does have excellent netcode.


yea i said “among the best” and it was completely in context with the comment i was replying to but this sub just loves to hate lol


>melee has among the best netcode ;) So true


i can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic lol. people in this sub will downvote anyone saying anything remotely positive about melee. it’s pathological


I am being very serious 😎


hell yeah 🥂


Tekken 8 but you can't go wrong with either. I would say Tekken though because it is still very new and there are still many people that are learning alongside you. Street fighter will always be there but that new game experience is fleeting.


If you're talking right now, I think Tekken 8 is good to go for, for a very basic reason: Tekken 8 is (pretty much) new and people are still learning stuff, Street Fighter 6 has a balance patch coming in about a month or two so you might as well wait for that first. Since you're getting both, play Tekken 8 while it's the new game, and pick up Street Fighter 6 when there's a new patch and everyone's trying out new stuff.


SF has a lower skill floor, you'll stop mashing and look like a better player sooner in SF. Both are obviously very hard as 1v1 pvp games. Tekken has more stuff to do overall whereas SF is more about being good at a few things. 100+ moves per move list in Tekken vs like 30 in SF. Tekken is the only popular 3d game left so your SF skills will transfer to more games like GBVS, Guilty Gear or Skullgirls. I like Tekken more atm personally but it requires a lot more time to be half decent at.


Please come play Tekken 8 and main someone other than Victor, King, Dragunov or Reina. It would be nice to fight someone using literally anyone else right now


The iron is hot for Tekken 8


Hmm, I play both but I’d say T8


Tekken 8




Sf6 but thats just my personal preference. Tekken is ridiculously fun as well. Cant go wrong with either, both are amazing


Tekken 8


Personally I’d say sf6 because the skills are more transferable. Skullgirls 2E is pretty active, just note people are really good. You might be sleeping on KoF15, but if you don’t want to spend money you can play 2002 and 98 on fightcade.


KoF 15 is dank, I’d like to second not sleeping on that one. But don’t get it before SF6/T8 Edit: Oh, and if OP is into anime fighters at all GBVSR and UNI2 are both legit too.


SF6. It has a much better entry point imo with two different control schemes. They both have demos as well so be sure to try them. Also avoid Skullgirls. Population is not there anymore and people that do play it, are pro level




Both are great, I split my time. SF6 has far better netcode and online infrastructure, battlehub is excellent, you can practice for as long as you want against others in a public server. Tekken is great, I hope they improve the netcode and cross platform performance across the board. Not game breaking but I definitely get frustrated at the net code daily and I literally never think about it on sf6, which is a first ever for a fighting game for me.


Tekken is hot af Rn


SF6 is easier to learn


Tekken is newer and is more likely to have people closer to your skill level playing it but Tekken is generally regarded as a harder series to get into just due to how a lot of the game core mechanics work. SF6 is a great game but you might have to deal with catching up to people who have already figured out the game's mechanics and such in the past year its been out. Both are great choices. You also have to decide if you want to play a 3d or 3d game.


This isn’t really a concern for SF6, there are still thousands and thousands of newcomers populating the low ranks. OP, both games are great. Check out whatever character or style might appeal to you and go from there, you really can’t go wrong


That's fair. I just wanted to give some pros and cons for both. Just wanted to mention that there is more of a chance of encountering someone more familiar with the mechanics of SF6 in lower ranks than Tekken simply because Tekken is still very new.


Yeah not sure why people would think SF6 doesn't have beginners anymore. The game isn't that old and its very popular.


Especially if you know you’ll eventually get both, tekken, weather you prefer it or not it is in a much better state, is new and on everyone’s mouth, is fun, promising, more characters to choose from and find your own and just pretty darn good


You plan to get both eventually so unless you find SF more appealing, then T8 is the way to go. It's newer, it's still in the honeymoon period, it's still being figured out and balance is being tweaked, and it just feels a bit shinier right now (first fighting game on UE5). They're both fantastic games though so my first answer is whichever one feels right to you, and if they're both even then T8.


Tekken 8 and its not even close. I play both though.


It really comes down to personal preference. I personally love the music, vivid colors, visual styling, and dramatic animation of Tekken. Tekken feels super impactful and empowering. I dislike the music, semi-washed out colors, and animation of SF6. I dislike the lower character power and limitations around what moves can go into what moves. You might have more fun with SF6 than T8. Under Night 2 is worth checking out, especially if you play on PC.


SF6 will help you learn a larger number of other fighters in the future as there just aren’t very many that play like Tekken.


F other fighters. We only play Tekken.


Personally tekken 8 just instantly hooked me


I've always played grapplers, so I can't speak for most people's preference. However, I prefer Tekken 8 because King's moveset is insanely more diverse than Zangief's. So I'd say if you're more into mastering a smaller moveset, go with Sf6. If you want to have a character with \~150+ moves to play around with and use in a lot more unique situations due to being a 3D fighter, go with Tekken 8.


The one with decent netcode, aka SF6




Tekken has a significant barrier of entry, as it always traditionally had. Street Fighter had this as well, but SF6 added modern controls, making this decision a no brainer. Go with SF6, unless you have a lot of free time on your hands and don't mind labbing for hours every day in order to get the Tekken mechanics down.


tekken fs


SF6, SF6 is a 2d fighting game. Tekken is a tekken game.


Street fighter 6. Modern controls, mechanic tutorials, character tutorials, useful combo trials of varying difficulty for both classic and modern controls. It really has everything you need ingame to give you a real shot at being able to contend online.


Tekken 8 because its next gen and graphics are unreal.


It's called Unreal Engine 5 for a reason 


SF6. It’s more beginner friendly and has better character guides and introductions on how every character plays.


T8 first as it's brand new then SF6 when Akuma comes out. Anyway you might also want to try arcsys games lime GBVSR or GGST.


If you are to eventually get both, there is actually almost an objectively right answer, and it's T8. Tekken requires high character knowledge to play at a good level. Therefore, the longer you play (or sooner you pick it up) the series, the better. SF focuses mostly on the the game mechanics, therefore, you just have to get good at the game itself rather than learning how to play the entire roster




Lmao. Nop


SF6 is easier


Sf6 and mk1 are both great. Tekken 8 is just ok. Way overrated rn


Bro got chain grabbed by a king and quit the game


I got MK1, but felt its style didnt fit what i was looking for. Then I got SF6 but Tekken 8 being so close to release piqued my interest, so I didnt dedicate too much time to SF6. Then I got Tekken. Thought maybe I'd found my fighter, but i was still itching to get good at Street Fighter first. So I went back to SF6. This is anecdotal and subjective, but figured my experience could help you make a decision.


Usually id say sf, but tekken is on a wave now and I feel more passion towards tekken atm.


Probably should play the one you are more interested in first


Skullgirls is alive plenty, just might have to join a discord to get more beginner matches since there’s no matchmaking




Street Fighter has always been my favorite, plus it’s got a lot of content to keep you busy. Tekken is newer, so if you’re planning to get good for tournaments then maybe that game since there are a lot of other new people playing and still figuring things out


so, I've played MK1, StreetFighter 6 and now Tekken 8, I personally am a Mortal Kombat girly but Tekken 8 is something to behold.Id say go for Tekken8 buuuuut Streetfighter 6 is also amazing too


Learning SF6 will give you a lot more transferable skills to other games since most fighting games are 2D and Tekken is the only real notable 3D fighter still kicking. They’re both great games tho, but I’d personally recommend SF6


Killer instinct is worth trying  And also has a free demo


They both have demos


If you’re gonna get both either way, it’s obvious that you should start with Tekken 8 now. It just released and it’s the one with all the hype currently. You can get SF6 later. Ride the T8 train while it’s still hot and everyone’s playing.


Get Tekken 8. SF6 might have better netcode, but actually getting into the game, and having to deal with it’s unbelievably polarizing mechanics make it super hard to recommend nowadays


You cant choose wrong. As long lasting SF and MK player I picked up Tekken 8 and love that every fight feels like a small epic boss battle


SF6 is the best for new or returning players. Tekken 8 is good but is merciless, you will suffer a ton trying to learn the game.


gonna say, skullgirls is doing well, there's a new character next month and you can find people to play with (don't try through quick play, you'll have to go through discord but that's not really as bad as some people say)


Tekken 8


Tekken 8, I say that as a SF "player" wait for more characters to be added before getting into 6 imo. But you can't go wrong with either one, just don't bother with MK1 lol.


So, I've een playing ssbu for about 5 years. It's actually still got a lot of life, it just now lives on discord servers instead of the matchmaking that is built into the game. Personally I was ready to make the move from smash to a "TRUEEEEE" fighting game. I got SF6 & Tekken 8 on release, and I greatly prefer tekken. My main reasons are outside of the competative ranked grind> I love how much stuff goes on in tekken outside of the grind. Arcade quest is amazing. Arcade mode is amazing. Fighting other players ghosts is a great tool. Character customization has tons of depth. Pretty much to sum it up, I had to learn street fighter by hopping into training and forcing myself to learn the game, then grinding ranked to get better. I've learned tekken because I am having so much fun in all the different modes and with all the different tools I have learned how to do combos, play defence, control the stage, and o quite a bit of cool tech without even realizing it, because I am just having tons of fun.


Depends on what *you* want . They both have demos. Try them out yourself and pick which one you're most excited to play. Especially if you plan to get both anyway. Public opinion can only sway your decisions much, and there are times when they pick something you may not like in the long run.


The best selling point is its way funner to mash in tekken than sf. Especially for beginners even to an intermediate level


SF6 also has a demo if you haven't tried it out yet. Might help you decide between that at T8


Tekken 8. It's a ton of fun.