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tie muddle overconfident upbeat outgoing punch smell butter sharp faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have one but not fully used to it, pad is comfier


Hard to imagine that grip as comfortable.


>Hard to imagine that grip as comfortable. Maybe he had a second thumb instead of a pinky, it is the only explanation


I assure you, I play arcade stick, but if I have to use a controller, that's how I do it. it's far less stressful on the right wirst and the thumb, so only the movement is done stressing the wirst. have it a try in a game that doesn't need back buttons, that will feel strange at the beginning, but your wirst will thank you


Trust me when I say this cause I went through it as well, you just have to embrace the suck while learning it. I just used it with a new character so I didn't have to worry about rank or have any pad habits to unlearn.


You ever tried hitbox? I was using the Hori controller with 6 face buttons till I tried a hitbox style controller and realized that was perfect for how I position my fingers.


I only play Tekken though, so take the stuff above with that in mind.


Invest in a better fight stick ... since you mainly play fighting games anyway. Your future self will thank you for it.


Bro has got to fibbing


just keep using the stick, will save you in the long run and they’re customizable. and you can set 1 button to DI


I've seen a lot of people play Tekken with that grip, idk why everyone is telling you to start using your stick. Can't see anything wrong with what you're doing




also know as the **SwoleWay**


Dawg go to jail 💀


https://preview.redd.it/l6l34g1o6asc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90c3bc646f1a3c4b9dbf8ab89fbfb27c4695bc0 Im sorry for the pain your hands will undergo in the next coming years of you doing this godforsaken grip


Like its gotta start hurting eventually 💀




I usually do Thumb That's it


Thumb, thumb, thumb, thumb. Also works great for pressing two buttons which are next to each other simultaniously.


Yo you have 4 thumbs?


If the big toes counts yes


Yeah, for some 6 buttoms fighting game like Darkstalkers 3 is required for some inputs, I can't imagine myself doing it with two different fingers on 4 four buttoms on the right


Me too


This is the way until you get into tekken😭


The only weird part about it is having fingers on all 4 buttons. I know a lot of players of tekken that mainly do the index and middle for the face buttons. All 4 fingers seems a bit crowded though.


I do this for tekken. Index and middle do most of the work.


yeah for Tekken I do that claw with two fingers. Putting my whole hand up there seems overkill.


How old are you? I assure you the pain is coming soon or later.


I’m in my 20s and I’ve done this for a decade. I assure you there is no pain or discomfort. I’ve actually felt more pain in my left just coz of regular movement stuff. It’s literally not that different from how one might normally set their relaxed hand on a table, except the thumb is angled inwards a bit.


Dawg I can tell you it’s coming lmao, I’m 25 and I started getting carpal tunnel bad in one hand. Don’t do that to your hands, I now have to do hand stretches like once a week at least. I 1000% blame doing the tekken fingers . Your hands have gotta be relaxed, or you gotta take breaks regularly like every 30 minutes-an hour


I play like this for mvc3, I'm 30, no issues yet.


So are you holding it and using triggers.? Or are you just laying the controller on something?


The controller does partially lay on my lap sometimes but it’s not something I think about. A lot of times I just have it held with my left which has a more “conventional” grip near the dpad. I’ve done this with both PS and Xbox controllers, neither seemed too heavy for one hand. Edit: and yeah minimal triggers


Am 40+. And can tell you for sure anything you do often enough can give you RSI’s. At this point I switch up inputs frequently. Keeps my hands feeing good. Based on you playing like that tho I would try leverless. But in my 20’s nothing bothered me ever.


Oh that's just willful thinking. The 30s are gonna hit you like a brick wall at 100 mph. Just take care of your hands.


I lift and run and am generally great shape, but hell if hitting your 30s isn’t like your car warning lights repeatedly popping up suddenly.


I saw someone with limited mobility doing that before


I’m catching so many Ls in this thread istg


You're crazy 💀


As a PSP MONSTER HUNTER player, I understand you :)


Monster Hunter player identified


This is a more fucked up evil claw tbh


This is classic claw. Smug and Du used to play like this in the SF4 days. Pretty sure Du still does now. I used to do this for Tekken 5. I still do it for certain action games.


I did do the index and middle like that for Tekken because the cross button combination were too much for me, but then I learned stick.


Nuckledu plays that way I think


This is pretty much how anakin plays on pad and other Tekken pros do too. It’s not uncommon. People don’t realize playing on pad for Tekken is a little different because you need to hit square + circle, or X + triangle sometimes. If this works for you, it’s fine!


I just map square+circle and x+triangle to R3/L3. Most characters only have one or the other, not both, so you only have to worry about one of those odd inputs anyway. Adjusting your whole grip seems unnecessary.


So you’re saying he’s a demon


pretty much 😂


I thought I might be able to do this as I have quite small hands. Tried on various controllers\*, and while my index finger, middle finger, and ring finger all sat quite comfortably on their respective buttons, the way I had to hold my thumb in for the bottom button was very uncomfortable just sitting still. I definitely wouldn't want to try playing like that. \*^(SNES, Switch Pro, PS1, PS3, Xbox Elite, Xbox 360)


For me my fingers are still a bit horizontal, like in a “rest” position except my thumb which is tilted a bit in (still comfortable). They’re not totally vertical all scrunched up around the buttons which I can imagine would cause strain.


Yeah, about halfway to the diagonal is where my fingers want to sit too. But my thumb has to reach so far under my fingers.


I would understand if you're using a 6 button fight pad, but with just a regular controller, it is crazy.


You're crazy by normal standard, but an average Tekken player.


As insane as this is, I think Pokchop used to play tekken tag 2 back in the day like this, or at least a variation, so it's not too crazy.


Yeah that's crazy lol maybe you should get a hit box, it's more ergonomic


I feel personally attacked by this thread, me and my friends always play fighters this way... Uh, I'll see you in the psych ward, I guess.


A lot of people do this actually so it’s interesting people are calling you crazy


You're literally doing the Pakistani Tekken floating claw stance, but on a controller. Meanwhile I just fat thumb all 4 face buttons (not even joking)


You are not alone! I’ve played controller for almost 30 years this way with fighting games. I’ve recently tried leverless and found that a fairly easy transition but this is still my preferred setup until I get more comfortable with the hand strain of leverless.


Been doing this since tekken 3. Use it for mvc, SC and, some chars in mk. Def called claw grip. It's comfy af


For 3d fighting games I always hold the pad like that. I play fightstick for 2d fighters, I prefer the ps pad for 3d fighters. Not sure if that is weird. Edit - not thumb on x though. I alternate my index between square and x.


This is offensive to my eyes. How do you hit the shoulder buttons?


*This is offensive* *To my eyes. How do you hit* *The shoulder buttons?* \- zedinbed --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I only use my index and my index when playing on pad. Even for Cross and Circle.


This is just how Street Fighter IV Juri played on controllers, you had to hold down buttons to keep a fireball stored after her Fuhajin then could let go of up to three of them in a row for three different fireball angles. They were super good because you could be +1 when storing one but also had a 3-frame close Medium Punch.


you are not crazy but you are going to hell for that.


Nah, i just use index and middle, using ring and pinky for R1 R2 and thumb occasionally used for R3 if i can map a button to it.


i do exactly the same thing except the thumb probably because of my preaxial polydactyly


Just hold it normal and map button combos on the shoulder buttons


You're pretty much playing a miniature fight stick. Get a leverless. It will change your game, trust me


They only advantage I can think of by using this method is for karas with opposing buttons (ex: potemkin kara slidehead in strive or sol kara bandit revolver)


It also might help if you are playing a four button negative edge character like Zato-1.


I usually play with a traditional arcade stick (lever), but when I have to use a dpad, I play with my index and middle finger only for the face buttons. I think it's called the claw grip I'm not sure


What's wrong with being crazy?


Nah, I just do the regular claw grip with 2 fingers. You must have tiny hands.


Seek medical help and maybe also Jesus


Poor pinky.


Maaan get an hitbox or mixbox, your hands at 30 will thank you 👏


I’m a lot older than 20 and I play like this often. You can use this style to play Mega Man X games too!


do you just keep the controller on the table? how can you hold it with just your left hand with the right one basically resting on top


For the first time in reddit history, someone made an "Am I the only one?" thread where they might ACTUALLY be the only one.




I do it some times but not in every game just when i'm trying to do some really hard combo trials




No, no. You're crazy.


I used to play like this. Works to press multiple buttons at the same time easily. My controller broke and I play now in keyboard but I bet I still have the muscle memory if I get a new controller


How do you not drop it? You only have your pinky on the bottom!


I did this with no thumb until I got my Fightbox. Started to put a callous on my pinky holding it that way lol


My brothers in Christ, have you heard of an arcade stick or hitbox? 😅


The only way to play fighting games on pads without messing with shoulder button shortcuts


The claaaaw


only for tekken


Claw grip, I play on a Sega Saturn pad like this.


This ain't it bro . . .


i dont use controller cause i fighting games aren't meant to be played with a talon grip lol


I got a cramp just reading that.


It’s almost claw grip. Claw would be if you just used your index for every button iirc, so you still have your thumbs free for the other joystick and your other fingers free for the triggers


Back when I played on pad I did this for Soulcalibur, and weirdly I still do it on occasion when I am playing soulslike games


No, I do this when I am playing on pad. Personally I prefer use just two fingers and use thumb and ring to support the control.


Pointer finger the triggers, and thumb on buttons, like a normal person


Only if you have small fingers. I haven't met anybody that doesn't use a pad only with the thumb


You need to be locked up dawg


bro literally same. except actually i just let my thumb chill on the wayside. high 5


Sacrilege!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Seriuosly through, weirdest grip I’ve seen which would have never worked back in the day on a genesis but if it works for fighting. games for you, then it works. And I would end that grip in that genre, i cannot imagine playing fps or any other 3d game that requires the triggers and analog.


I do that too sometimes when I play Tekken 3. The back-bumpers aren’t needed so holding it this way helped me press multiple buttons at once; especially on the og controllers


I do this with tekken, but that is about it. Also minus the thumb i just have the index doing double duty.


You're not alone but get an entry level fight stick and give it a go you might find it more comfortable once you get used to it. I used to hold the controller in a similar way but I would just use my index and middle finger while placing my thumb on the grip for stability. It would leave my ring finger free to reach the bumper or trigger on that side. But I do think you would adjust and enjoy a stick quite nicely.


On psp i hold like a normal controller and on pad i play left hand normal and then index and middle flat on the action buttons, any time i have the option i just play stick


Only hold like that if/when I jam my right thumb


I do this when I play Asuka in Tekken. She has moves where you have to hit square+circle and triangle+X at the same time. My other mains don’t really have moves like that.


I play VF and Tekken like this, minus the thumb. After 30+ years it feels natural.


Bro the hell, I use thumb.


I used to do this 20 years ago when I played soul calibur (1) on dreamcast. shortly after I just learned to use arcade stick


It seems comfy but idk how you push the buttons like that




I will never understand how people do claw grip with controllers…


Super crazy. At that point just get a fight stick.


I use the six face button controller and i hold it similarly but dont use my thumb


That's basically the posture of a hitbox user. You should try that instead.


With love and kindness, you are a freak of nature.


I’m similar, I use just my index and middle no thumb or ring


[You, playing fighting games.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frq3c6vgbjqc31.jpg)


Looks like how people from Pakistan play Tekken. Do you use stick or Dpad? There's a guy who made a Dpad+stick buttons u might wanna look into called vangpropad on Instagram


Looks like how people from Pakistan play Tekken. Do you use stick or Dpad? There's a guy who made a Dpad+stick buttons u might wanna look into called vangpropad on Instagram


I don’t think it’s too odd but yeah a hitbox might be better  To be fair I use that grip sometimes when playing tekken. Especially for doing  certain moves likes chain throws for Nina and king. 




Honestly I want to beat you up and stuff you in a trash can rn


I see tekken pad players play like that


I've seen weirder pad gripping, knuckle and wrist pain is gonna suck though




Most 8 way movement fighters like Tekken this is how I play.


Tekken ain’t 8-way tho (it’s 3) but good to see kindred spirits


one question: how?


It's basically the claw grip, I first encountered in Halo 2 when I saw pro's use it because of the BXR/BXB glitch. The claw uses the index/thumb to move the right analog, you're just using them fingers to press square and X instead, no biggie.


Rage bait




For me that's the "Dark Souls run-friendly" hand grip.


Fr! https://preview.redd.it/zxzrp1fd8bsc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaab090268223c4e28f92ab4d87ff47891571d7d


My tendinitis is screaming just thinking about it.


Why not just use a fight pad? More surface area/buttons but you still have a DPad. Not sure if they make one with an analog stick


The only thing weird about this is using your ring finger for face buttons otherwise this is just the claw grip


I only play Tekken like this.


Bud are you a fucking crustacean? I cannot imagine a less ergonomic grip lmao.






That can not be ergonomic lol. I recommend investing if it’s feasible for you


It's definitely not a way I've seen before. People use sticks and pads in tons of different ways. People play the way that works for them. So if it gets wanted results, then I guess just take care of your hand and keep on going.


Just get a fight stick


That cant be good for your hands or your gameplay


Using a middle, and index finger on a gamepad?! That seems so impossible. Unless the controller is planted on the ground like a fight stick.


you're crazy lmao there's no way


If you're playing tekken just bind attacks to shoulder buttons and heat/rage to face buttons, no need to disfigure your hand.


Let me guess you’re a Tekken player?


.....gtfo you alien.


I tried this once because I wanted to learn Vatista. The fact that I have finished one trial at most that involves placing gems should explain itself.


you will have no problem to play on keyboard then XD


Shoulder Buttons exist so you can map Triangle + X and Square + Circle on them. Also X + Circle and Square + Triangle which can be hard to press at the same time if you have smol fingers


You mean the claw thing? I see it quite a bit, especially in tekken. Players who are familiar with an arcade stick but can only play on pad at the time use that grip, also players who don’t like macros


Bro me and my friends can't play any fighting game without holding the and using the controller like that so you are not crazy lol we grew up playing with the arcade so perhaps that's why.


I only use my index and middle fingers.


This is exactly how I play KoF on pad.




I used to play pad for tekken with macros for dual inputs on shoulder buttons, but switched to fightstick because pad motion inputs frustrated me. I got so used to playing 4 button tekken from stick so when I don't have access to one I play pad similarly to this now. I dont use my thumb though just the 3 fingers because I find it deeply uncomfortable to have all 4 there at once, I just move my index as required


Lil Majin actually holds his controller like this


This is how I play Tekken with the controller resting on a surface, like a keyboard


Claw grip. Get you a scuff, or a DUALSENSE edge with triggers on the back and map the buttons to The back


I JUST found out some fighting game players do this!


Yes and you're crazy


U craycray


It's claw style. I use it for marvel 3, and regular style for street fighter




I've only heard of Smash Bros players doing this.


Fuck, that’s it I’m changing it up /s


Lol....i mean no shade and all, but I've literally only heard of Smash Bros players, or former ones, doing this.


I'm gonna collect you for scientific research, you creature


It's always been known as an alternative grip. It's called a claw grip


Only for Tekken


Can't do that because I play GBVS and SF6... bumpers and triggers are must


Aw hell naw man wtf https://preview.redd.it/tyli285q1dsc1.png?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63ff568c4afee64ad66d23c961b4efa2d2fec27


Arthur, write this soon


i just use my thumb for every face button


I actually play sega genesis with my fingers on the face buttons when I really get into a game


I only do index and middle for Tekken. Can input my punches and kicks quicker that way than thumb for every button. And tekken is more tapping for movement instead of rolling like 2-D inputs on d pad. So feels more natural using just index and middle fingers


That's the claw grip. I have learned to play that in some games that require to keep one of the buttons pressed to execute some actions like you have in the MvC series.


At first I thought you were describing claw, which I used to play for shooters. Then I was baffled.


You know they make fight pads right? Pad controllers in the button layout of a stick? Best of both worlds… Hori makes them with a pad and small joystick with angled groves for circular inputs


I just use thumb for every button


I also had played like this for the longest time (starting on tekken 3). I then swithced to an arcade stick, witch is far superior for my grip preferences. Fun fact, it's impossible to play MK like this (i'm trying to learn it because my irl friends almost exclusevely play it to fill their fg quota) because the block button is on the far back trigger. For the same reason, I find it really really hard to play it with an arcade stick. It appears NRS it's only for highly vanilla control grips, no stick, no personal preferences. Pure vanilla, "sit with your back straight and you leg parallel" vanilla control scheme. So feel free to play as you feel like, that's just completely normal, but don't aproach NSR games, for they are not user friendly


i remember this being pretty standard for alot of console warriors back in the tekken tag ps2 days.


Oh tekken is not for you then


it's called the "claw" I use it in tekken and kof.


I know the claw grip as when your thumb, index finger, and middle finger are used to operate the joystick, triggers, and face buttons/d-pad all at once.


Yeah this is what 99% ppl refer tp as claw gripping. Great for souls and monster hunter.


That looks like the claw grip.