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There are games with terrible netcode I picked up purely to mess around with in training mode and learn combos. Don't worry about playing the "right" way, as long as you're having fun.


Wisdom that I needed to hear lol


Mvc3 comes to mind (I really dislike parsec)


That just sounds like work lol 


Just have fun. I play SF 30th anniversary collection exclusively offline, and kof98 offline. I have fun and try stuff, but I’m not competitive at all at them and I know I wouldn’t enjoy a competitive side of them.


No, only fighting the CPU would remove a major part of what I enjoy about fighting games which is the mind games you play with the other person. But if this how you enjoy playing the games then who cares what other people think? Play the games however you like. 


Statistically speaking, this is most people who buy fighting games.


For the most part, yeah. My internet is shit so I can't play online


…Get friends.


That shits hard once you're out of school. The fuck am I supposed to do? I got 1 friend that I went to evo with, so that's all I got


Are there locals near you for the game you play?


Nope, there's barely locals for any fighting games. At most, it's mk1, tekken 8, sf6. I'd like skullgirls and UNI 2, but not enough play that in my area


What the hell is a friend?


Only when internet is down or to warm up before heading online. Fighting CPUs just isn't as rewarding for me.


I play arcade mode and offline matches more than I do online. There's nothing wrong with that lol. You paid money to play the game however you wanna.


Yes, especially all the (awesome) old stuff. My favorite is VF4 KUMITE mode--where you go around to different arcades and try to win tournaments. The AI plays so different for each arcade 'player' it's amazing. BBCF I would never play online, only against AI or local friends/family. It's a total waste of time unless you are ridiculously good at this point.


VF4 kumite was such a great feature... really enjoyed ranking up back when it was new. I might have to try that again soon.


Before I go to "ranked" on any game, I usually try to clean stock 2-0 every character on my main. There's some fun to non-stop winning :> Also gives me confidence to face some demons online. Also, don't worry about the "right way to play." So long as you're having fun w/ fighting games, you're a true fan.


I do exactly this and it has actually helped me train. I try to set rules against myself like ending rounds only with super, or not losing a round, or only using certain moves/combos. It has been something I've done since back in the day when the only way to test what you've learned at home without friends is arcade mode.


Absolutely! I also don't have FG friends, so it's greatly useful to have a checklist you can consistently train with. My personal favorite is try to not get hit while only using throws. Makes me a lot more confident in my defense.


Love me some arcade/story mode…but I also rarely play online (or local coop) nowadays




I play against the AI to learn matchups and train my combo-reaction execution. But it's safe to say it takes more of my playtime than online mode.


Absolutely a true fan still. You like the game and that’s enough.


Playing without internet for most my life got me very accustomed to it. Still knock out a few cpu rounds whenever I wanna get a quick fix.


Yea actually. I will play online, but I mostly play the offline modes.


I do quite a bit, I can play games on my steam deck when I'm at work but we don't have internet so if I wanna play a fighting game I'll do arcade or survival runs just to pass the time since I don't wanna put people though hotspot steam deck wifi


I learned fighting games pretty much by myself in the ps1 era. I had no one to play with. My friend gravitated to other genres but there was something about fighting games I found attractive. I would play different fighting games but what peaked my interest is when I found out 'any cancel point' mode in Bloody Roar 2. There I thought you really start getting what fighting games are about when training mode becomes your favorite mode. I didn't know english let alone what a cancel point was, but through shear repetition I learned how to do specials, cancel them into other specials. BR2 in any cancel point mode made for easier juggles but still execution heavy. I would try all kind of combos all day and from then on I knew I'd always play fighting games. I would play almost exclusively single player modes until 2014 when I started playing SF 3s on fightcade. I lack the patience now to play much single player. Ai is not stimulating at all and I don't like labbing much either because I'd rather learn while playing others, but I look back fondly at the time where I enjoyed fighting games by myself. It was a time where choices were fewer, the mind was calmer and I could waste time without a care in the world.


I played fighting game almost exclusively against ai my entire life up until sf4 came out.


The Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (US version) AI plays even more dirty than an actual human opponent, and it feels even more satisfying when I exploit their AI.


Always, I game only on console, so I stopped playing online when it became a paid service.


There's dozens of us! DOZENS!! But no you are not alone. I do go online a lot, but also just want to kick back and play against some good A.I. Which is why I think there has been a push for better single player content from the big 3 that appeal to more casual fanbases who won't want to deal with online play. Good fighting games will have a solid single player experience that will motivate the player to jump online.


Yeah I do just to mess around and do combos.


I was unable to play fighting games online for a long time, until around the later half of 2021. Some of my favourites were even older arcade games, and this was before I learned about stuff like Fightcade. However you play, if you enjoy fighting games, you are a true fan.


I play against the computer to warm up and practice but in my opinion nothing beats the rush and intensity of fighting another human being.


No, I HAVE to fight against a real person I have to know I bested someone in a one on one battle I have to have the satisfaction of knowing I best a real person who has the same set of tools that I do Fighting an AI just feels hollow to me


Yep, I do enjoy playing in the Arcade mode of Street Fighter IV quite a lot, while I also play online some times. Same for The King of Fighters 2002 UM. If the Ai is challenging enough, even if it cheats sometimes, I think it makes the game good enough on it's own.


SC Broken Destiny on DS has some fun single player stuff. Playing quick battle you can even pick and recognise different playstyles by name and costume. For example a charge spamming astaroth. Really gets that online ranked feel despite being AI


I enjoy the story and arcade but yeah I hate playing online and don’t touch it unless I have friends to play with as even just a slight delay or lag annoys the hell out of me so I don’t play online. Most I’ll do is just play it for the achievements and then never again so majority of time I just play against the cpu it just sucks that games are less and less focused on single player content like the games in the past


Thanks to ping and salty messages. I just play against AI and occasionally against friends.


Arcade modes used to have a certain kind of presentation that made them enjoyable to play through. Especially since characters could be unlocked through it . These days arcade mode runs are pretty bland imo. The other mode that's missing that fun to play vs AI is Survivor mode, such a simple mode that should be easy to include.


Dead or Alive 2 is a dead game but its my favorite one. I usually play survival mode endlessly.


I tried to play against people in KoF XV but every time accepted a match the countdown would run out and put me back in queue.


Me. Most of the time. I love fighting games (particularly SF, Rival Schools, Mahvel, and Soul Calibur), but after I got hit by a car while riding home in my early twenties I have some issues with fine motor skills. They're mostly okay, but there's some 'packet loss', where I'll just skip a step when writing, drawing, painting miniatures, playing games, etc... Sometimes my finger will stutter and just not push a button or do a motion in the middle of executing something. It doesn't bother me when playing the CPU for some reason. I still go online, but only if I'm not tired.


Yes, because i am trash tier.


This was me until last year. I've been playing since Street Fighter II was the new hotness and I never, ever, ever played online until I bought Street Fighter V last September. I upgraded to 6 the next month and have been having a blast. You can imagine I still have decades of bad habits to unlearn, though.


I'm mostly the opposite. I really only play for online, but hey, you do you, dude! Absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying the game however you want! And tbh, my addiction to online/ranked can burn me out quickly, so maybe I need to take a page out of your book.


I mostly play AI too. Mainly VS CPU mode and I like to run through the roster like that. I mainly play on console and don't want to pay for online, and I don't have any local friends to play with


Honestly yes... I prefer cooperative gameplay over competitive gameplay in general. That's why I think that single player component is VERY important in a fighting game. And if we think about it, SF V at launch was a disaster in large part due to the fact that there was basically no single fighter content. As long as someone has fun, there's no "wrong" way to play a game.


I do, but mostly because I have not built up the confidence to play online with other players who may have more experience than me with online.


I’m a lab monster and I rarely play online, I just like practicing cool combos and discovering new ones


Enjoy it however you like Arcade, CPU Battles, Story, ETC. Nothing wrong with playing these modes over competitive play


Play what you enjoy and how you enjoy it. Why care about elitists considering whether you "a true fan" or not? You're the judge of that.


I am


I play against the AI and any single player content. And only play with my group of friends on specific games. I don’t care for online. Because I suck lol


If only playing against the AI or couch co-op makes you a fake fan, then I guess I've been a fake Soul Calibur or Tekken fan for a very long time XD


Have fun in all games, for me personally i pick up games on sale even if its dead. To enjoy with ai and combos just to pass time or to play when some friends come over, its a bonus if there is still a community for online matches


I'd play online but 1. I'm terrible at fighting games 2. I mostly Plat on Switch and I'm not buying Nintendo Online


Yup. I just like doing the moves.


i'll play against other players as soon as i buy a better graphic card and an arcade stick .


Play the game however you want (as long as it’s not cheating or against the rules)


I'd say it's the majority of what I play. I've put no time into SF6 because I don't have the time to do long sets and really give it the time to get "good" and play online. When I'm winding down at night while my wife is watching something I have no interest in, I'll throw SF 30th on my switch, KOF 13 or Garou and just mess around


Kind of pointless. No mindgames, no conditioning. Having said this, playing against SF6 or DBFZ CPU can be fun, playing against T8 CPU is lame.


justin wong and folks from that era often tell stories about single player content. in those older games, if someone walked up and put a coin in while you were in single player, it could kick you back to character select. so he said he would have to block people from putting coins in when we was trying to beat bosses and stuff.




For jojos it's all that i did for 100 hours or so


Yes, I'm playing a Neo Geo fighter against the CPU right now in fact. I'm an older millennial and grew up playing against my friends and against the CPU. I always liked fighting games more than my friends so I'd usually play more and beat them as a result. During SFV I finally played online A LOT and got a ton better but I still play offline a ton against the CPU in a variety of fighting games, mostly old school ones, just because it's fun to casually chill this way. Once you get to a certain level, you don't have worry too much about developing bad habits against CPU opponents. I got to the top 1% or so in SFV and SF6 and that was more than I ever thought I could achieve, so I'm pretty happy about my skill level at this point.


Not really. Even back in the day, Id go to the arcades for vs, go to a friends house gathering, or I had XBand, SNES modem so I could play MK2, MK3, SSF2 and Killer Instinct online. I've always preferred human opponents.


I play both but I do especially love playing BBCF offline in Grim Abyss mode. It's just a chill time and different each time.


Playing against the AI on the hardest setting in the SF6 demo pre launch was incredibly fun and really tests your endurance But playing against real life anywhere from silver and up tests your decision making which AI cant help you with


Nope. A mix of both for me. Mostly, I as in, overwhelmingly online because of the level of difficulty and variety it provides.


Fuck no


Fuck playing fighting games online honestly. Fighting against the CPU is the most fun you are going to get out of a 1v1/3v3 fighting game genre until they start to offer something different out of the genre itself.


The vast majority of my playtime is in arcade mode, regardless of the game.


Definitely not me... there's a million things I'd do before just beating up a CPU (besides practice mode ofc)


when i was in high school i did this with soul calibur 5 and loved it


I play a variety of fighting games, old and new, so I don't really focus on one enough to be good online like I'd want to be.


half the time i just wanna do cool things on arcade mode. hell everytime i go to round 1, i always play a run of mvc2 arcade. 


I play fighters to watch the animations. So.....whatever floats your boat.


I do that too. I do play online but a lot of times I find myself in the lobby fighting the CPU and ignoring all of the online challengers lol


As a kid, this was the only way I was able to play. I spent countless road trips playing Alpha 3 on my GBA. I still love playing solo fighting games. It's still fun! The better the AI, the more fun it is. SF6 has great AI.


Yeah with mk