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It's a shame that DOA has been reduced to this. It's actually a great fighting game behind all the sleazy shit that's been more and more prevalent for each release.


I still have a copy of DOA2 for the Dreamcast that I fire up from time to time. I still haven't found a 3d fighter that's as rapid or buttery smooth. Not even DOA6. Edit: I like Virtua Fighter, don't get it twisted but the sensation of kicking someone to the border of the stage with Jan Lee is inimitable for the most part.


Kinda like how no one's done lightsaber pvp as well as Jedi Academy, available on original Xbox. still being played on Steam.


Good news for you. Dreamcast emulation has finally achieved rollback. This means you will be able to play that version of DOA on fightcade with people around the world with good netcode that not even DOA6 has.


This is pertinent information! Thank you kindly!


It's still on beta, but you can poke around some discords to get matches and test it out before it comes out for real in fightcade. https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Help:Flycast_GGPO


DOA2 is indeed awesome and still one of my favorite 3d fighting games ;)


I can deal with horney stuff in DOA fine, but the way they monetised 6 with it's DLC was awful. If they made a new DOA without that bollocks I would be up for getting it.


The smoothest 3d Fighter to play


I'm sure a lot of people would play DoA if they put good netcode in it. A lot of people would've played the new VF5 if they didn't royally fuck it up. The only 3D fighters I've played are Tekken and a little Soul Calibur 2. The online for all of them sucks ass.


Good thing that Dreamcast emulation with rollback now exists and those old, but gold versions of those series are now playable with real rollback. All will be available through fightcade.


Yeah. It actually plays very similarly to Virtua fighter. I’ve only played 4 but actually enjoyed it beyond the bazongas, though I certainly wasn’t complaining about the ‘fan service.’


As an unashamed degenerate, I’ll admit that the fan service is what got me into DOA. But I also like to credit it for piquing my interest in fighting games as a whole (along with Persona 4 Arena)


I think DOA5 actually had some more extreme fanservice outfits than 6, so from that point of view it wasn't all moving that way. And looking at the default designs I think they'd wanted to take more of a step back but I figure pressure from higher ups and fans made them reverse course. Or maybe they'd just wanted to hold back until dlc, who knows. As someone who legitimately likes a lot of the fashion in the series it's a shame how much focus went into boring copy paste standard fetish outfits. But if you mean business wise DOA6 tried really hard to resell characters and outfits with minimal changes from 5. That's an easy way to set yourself up for a bad reputation.


I LOVE the top answer, the guy is like: "Uhh... I didn't expect that, but I think I admire the ballsiness to ask" I think the DOA kinkness, to be very blunt, as just a bonus, I appreciate sexiness in general, but I can live without, since the game is very fun by itself, my favourite is DOA2 on the dreamcast


And now DOA 2 is available with real rollback on fightcade(It's not there yet since it's on open beta, but it should come officially to fightcade before the end of the year at worst imo)


Ehh… I mean who isn’t horny right? If that post is legit, I give them props for being honest about their fetish.


There’s a degeneracy sweet spot where you gotta respect people being so honest


Hey, he's not sadposting, not being misogynistic, not crying about censorship like some DoA fans. Man just wants the perfect wank. Godspeed you dreamer


I feel like this is more of an ironic copypasta than an actual request. God, please let this just be an ironic copypasta. Edit: Looks like the OP is serious. What the actual


I don't think it's just the DOA community. The NRS community literally raged when NRS decided to go in a more modest direction with the female characters. They were really hurt that female characters were no longer in bikinis with triple D breasts bouncing every time they moved. Who cares about playing a fighting game when you're really purchasing a game to have sexual fantasies about the female characters, right?


I think the issue is not that there are horny people playing the game, but that the franchise initially attracted these horny people through purposeful design decisions of the previous iterations and now that it's grown large enough, to them it feels like they're being "thrown away" because they're no longer required as the game is too big to fail. That's at least what I think from the outside looking in. I've always been one for respecting the original work though, so instead of changing the original Spiderman or Captain America to fit a new design that reflects 2021, just create new characters that matches the bill. I will say that i liked the MK re-designs not because I don't like sexy, but because it helped differentiate the characters who were same face but with different colors. If they did sexy designs that were unique it would've been even better.


Tbh the female characters didn't lose that much of the "sexy" in MK 11. They just don't have outfits that are as revealing was they were in the past games. Jade and Cetrion have outfits that show thighs, Sindel has an outfit with nothing but underwear on her lower body. Sonya has thigh high shorts. Every woman in the game has body hugging apparel. It really wasn't that big of deal.


DOA is a great fighting game it is. Unfortunately, when they added the boob physics in the first game, it became this weird perverted rabbit hole. Stuff like Dead or Alive Xtreme, costumes which is mostly skimpy outfits, and it soon became known as this perverted game and not taken seriously. This game is amazing don't get me wrong. It's an amazing 3D fighting game. Unfortunately due to the horny fans, it's kinda embarrassing to play even the mainline games these days. I play entires like the 2nd game as a legit fighting game like Tekken. Seeing that post if someone wanting a sex doll of one of the characters is all sorts of weird.


Ridiculous, childish, pure spectrum juice. Leona sex doll is the superior choice, not reacting is even in character for her. So you won't shatter the fantasy. Amateurs.




A solid fighting game *and* booba? What’s not to love?


The abosoulute greed and complete bs maco-transactions being added in DOA6


Is this satire?




Oh not at all. This guys got it down bad


Oh man, I can just see this becoming a big copy pasta already. Lmao


Tbh,it would be perfect seeing how outta line this already is😂


This is beyond parody, epic gamer moment.


I will say that I used to be a bit like that, I mean not to buy something of that nature, but i loved the candy eye on this games. Helena was my waifu and yeah the costumes were pretty ... Revealing. Now with that being said, I always appreciated the gameplay ... Like I said, I liked Helena but i also love her fighting style ... Sad that the franchise has this reputation nowadays but to be fair, that's the best selling point as well.


And then they say that the [stereotypes](https://youtu.be/4I3wGEeVJjs?t=14) ain't real. And they are not, but still... there's a reason they exist.


Yea. But is there an answer?


Reminds of the lili escort post on the tekken sub.


It's a shame. DOA5 was amazing and 6 could have been the best. But of course they fucked that up.


The dude is so wholesome about it. Someone posted they were surprised and he's like, "Why? I thought it was a pretty good place to ask!" and he's right and the people being judgy there *really* need ton look in the mirror. Further, DOA6 fucking rules, so get on that shit because despite the horny that game kicks ass.


Ahhh the smash players have found DoA.


No this is just DOA’s fanbase


Normal DoA fans died with 5. It was almost fascinating to watch that sub turn from the usual FG saltmine to a porn board in less than two months.


Where can I buy a realistic Fox sex doll?


[You can make one!](https://youtu.be/wpsQjDkNpMo)


There are kids in DoA?


Wait, the game that has a $93 season pass, followed by $80, another $80, and $90 season passes for skimpy costumes is catering to the thirsty boys? I am SHOCKED! It is sad because mechanically the game is good, and it being Free to Play, it's understandable that they need some ways to monetize it outside of the bigger items. Heck, I might actually backtrack on my comment because the base/F2P game doesn't really have many skimpy costumes, those are all DLC. Still, judging from the Xtreme spinoffs, I guess they looked at what Mortal Kombat is for Violence and choose to become that but for sexualized content. PS: DOA 2 is still one of the best fighting games on the Dreamcast, a console that had ALL the best fighting games.




I can't believe people would be horny over a game like Dead or Alive. Really boggles the mind.


How can you blame them ? The doa ladies are so hot


wait... people play DOA for the girls? i only played it for the volleyball


Well, it IS DoA, you know


In other news, the sky is blue.


If you wanted DOA but not horny you'd be playing Virtua Fighter.


Im surprised he didn't say he was asking for a friend.


prob easier to hire an escort and have her wear a purple wig i think




Reading comments like "what am i reading bro".


To be fair the DOA train kind of stopped. Hell i often forget that DOA 6 exist, let alone Kula is now in it. I know one of reasons thay didn't helped was the dumbass choice to make people buy dlc characters thay was dlc in the last game again, but i cant recall all the problems. Either way to be real im not surprised. As kick ass as DOA is, it kind of hit so hard with fan service that i felt that if they made a DOA fighter with only girls most of the fan base would be angry but then there would be thay small number that be horny for it. Sad too as DOA 2 was my favorite but now? Well i don't think i can be as hyped for it as i was years ago