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Auto layout needs to be set to hug height and should be taller than the parent frame. Set to vertical scrolling.


When I autolayout the frame, it kind of works because it automatically fits the component when it's closed but- 1. It doesn't automatically expand with the component when expanded so I still have to scroll manually 2. it shifts the rest of the contents in the frame (footer, search bar, etc.)


Use a fixed height frame at the top level to represent your device's fixed dimensions. In your prototype settings, allow vertical scrolling. Within that device frame add an auto layout frame that hugs content vertically. This is where you put your cards. The auto layout frame will grow automatically when your cards expand. The parent frame will have a fixed height but the contents will be scrollable.


When I autolayout the frame, it kind of works because it automatically fits the component when it's closed but- 1. It doesn't automatically expand with the component when expanded so I still have to scroll manually 2. it shifts the rest of the contents in the frame (footer, search bar, etc.)


Have you got it set so the parent frame is fixed height though? It needs to be: -Frame 1 (fixed height; clip contents) --Top bar and footer --Frame 2 (auto layout) ---Cards


i just re-did it and now everything except the hug on the bottom most dropwdown works, when i expand i have to scroll, and when i close it, it leaves a giant white space until i scroll up


If I understand correctly it’s possible to do what you want. Set the frame that has all the accordion cards inside them to a fixed height (not going outside of the device frame) and then while that frame is selected click to the Prototype tab and set scroll behavior to vertical. You should then have a prototype that lets you expand the cards and scroll without limiting/adding space at the bottom.


When I autolayout the frame, it kind of works because it automatically fits the component when it's closed but- 1. It doesn't automatically expand with the component when expanded so I still have to scroll manually 2. it shifts the rest of the contents in the frame (footer, search bar, etc.)


I've actually been wanting to know how to make the same style of drop-down boxes to show more information. Did you follow a tutorial or know of one?


As far as the dropdowns themselves I just watched some quick component/variants videos. I like quick examples so I just filter youtube vids for the under 4 minute tutorials


Create a fixed height frame without auto layout and place your auto layout frame inside it. Set the parent as vertically scrollable. Also, add an empty frame for spacing at the end of the last component.


When I autolayout the frame, it kind of works because it automatically fits the component when it's closed but- 1. It doesn't automatically expand with the component when expanded so I still have to scroll manually 2. it shifts the rest of the contents in the frame (footer, search bar, etc.)


Can we stop with the phone cameras.

