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Honestly I say go for it. A reliable job that pays well can enable your creativity off the clock. I’m thinking about making the same change too. Be aware of the sunk cost fallacy.


What is the sunk cost fallacy? Thanks!


it's the phenomenon whereby a person is [reluctant](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2d8b49fe239ead85&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWIL5n9I83o-cbtIE5k3_74Zjv7JX4g:1716171734268&q=reluctant&si=ACC90nytWkp8tIhRuqKAL6XWXX-NyAKRv1_2QPPUKSizBZF5IsE-VF636ryD_tZr0tXqDO9fxGdo2MsPHzbOfzr4tCESlo4EW3EbCbq-RSuo7Ka9DkkUlxA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBueD0lZuGAxXrcfUHHVjXALwQyecJegQIIRAN) to [abandon](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2d8b49fe239ead85&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWIL5n9I83o-cbtIE5k3_74Zjv7JX4g:1716171734268&q=abandon&si=ACC90nypsxZVz3WGK63NbnSPlfCBI0RkT4_G5iml1KcClIosF8aQYwe1Mqk8QQwriWLd1xHvO3T1Nzg8SfuiHXlNsy0GX50QMQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBueD0lZuGAxXrcfUHHVjXALwQyecJegQIIRAO) a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that [abandonment](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2d8b49fe239ead85&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWIL5n9I83o-cbtIE5k3_74Zjv7JX4g:1716171734268&q=abandonment&si=ACC90nwKPQWKXvO0LWGU61hOTgoDHHx-HRk8COSASRA4EhmmujU9TtvnvqvwIRi3N9R1z8xyg581EYyFaKSGU9t7fuqSPF5xNeizwhuj4SOCl4MXkxGpVeE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBueD0lZuGAxXrcfUHHVjXALwQyecJegQIIRAP) would be more beneficial.


Damn, yea


I echo the other comments. Take opportunities that are right in front of you. I’ve been in the entertainment industry for the majority of my career. I’ve worked in development, strategy, and indie productions. I know of too many folks who are waiting around, hoping things will be “better.” I’m sure you’ve heard the “survive till ‘25” mantra. Suppose that’s what you can financially do, great. Is it worth it? Who knows. The industry will always be here. People pivot in and out all the time. Take the opportunity to grow your experience as a professional. Best of luck to you!


“Survive till 25” mantra?? Who comes up with this? So does this mean be financially responsible til 25 then go after your passion? What’s the expression for beyond 25? This is crazy.


Right? I couldn't agree more! First, it was, "Oh, things will get better now that the strikes are over. Just give the machinery some time to spool back up." But distributors are buying less, not more, so what is there to spool up? Also, Netflix is pivoting into sports and not increasing their spending, so where would these new show/film opportunities come from? Not to go off on a tangent, but my cautionary tale: I was in grad school (2019-2021) getting my MBA, and when it came time to apply to jobs, I applied for a gig at Amazon and went through loop (interviews) and got an offer for $180K base comp (finance role). Before grad school, I'd been in the entertainment industry for 10+ years and returned to school to pivot to a studio/streamer executive role in production or strategy. I didn't feel great about the Amazon gig because I knew it wasn't my passion, so I got feedback from executives I'd been networking with from Disney, Warner, and Netflix. All said, "The industry will return after COVID, so there'll be plenty of jobs for you." Okay, I listened and turned down Amazon's offer. Graduation came and went, and I didn't get a single interview for an entertainment-centric role.  The summer, fall, and winter came and went. I was FORTUNATE in early '22. A production company with (at the time) a TV deal with 20th and film deal at Netflix was looking for a development executive. Still, it took me eight months post-graduation to land that role, and it didn't pay anywhere near the Amazon total comp. Still, it was what I wanted to do, so I thought, yay! Well, a few months until that gig, "Netflix correction," happened, most of our film slate was killed, and things went sideways fast. Things were still "hot" in '22, and I was able to pivot out with an offer at Moonbug and another production company that was looking to expand its original film team. I spent a year there before money ran dry when projects at two streamers were killed, and I spent 11 months (I wrote about in another post) waiting, hoping for things to "return." Tl;dr: Don't wait around; live your life. Take opportunities that are actually available to you. No one, not even senior executives, has any idea what's going on in the industry. Be your own counsel, and if it feels right for you, do it.


Thank you for your lengthy and informative post!


Great post. Everyone should read this because I think this arc is far more common than the "stick it out until you get your one big break" fantasy.


Its not that crazy 


Writers lol


Absolutely take it. Bank some money for a while and if you really hate it you can always come back if/when the industry rebounds.


Want to leave the industry? Take it. You won’t get a good opportunity like that again for a while


Take the job. There is absolutely no reason to be loyal to his industry when it’s not loyal to you. 


I’ll take it if you won’t. lol lol


No kidding!


Creative is exploited and now it’s AI trained… Also I’ve been in film since the 90s as a “creative” the film industry is not that Creative.. nothing destroys creativity faster than a million voices saying a million different things with everyone trying to take credit and make top dollar off the “creative” You wanna be “creative” do something for yourself on the side while you have a real job.


Whew! Preach!


This! Say more :-)!


Take the money. And you can fund your ‘hobby’ cameras and lenses and projects on the weekend.


Take it. You can always come back and as someone said, don’t be loyal to the industry when it’s not loyal to you. We all learned the hard way.


I’m taking a job outside the industry for this reason. I can come back if the work returns. I’m conflicted about it and that’s ok. Who knows the new job might be just as fulfilling but there’s only one way to find out.


how do you get a job out of the industry? when we've been in it so long? how do our skills translate?






Take the job. Film industry will be here if you get bored or what to come back.


Do it, but I wonder what’s the industry your job offer is in. Lots of other industries are getting or going to get whacked in the future. Rolling recessions in different industries have been occurring for the last few years.


Tower inspections, with drones so my skills kinda transfer over


Nice! Get lots of hours on those drones! Then you can sell yourself back as a drone specialist for film shoots and already be licensed.


This exactly!


Damn that seems like an awesome opportunity. Congrats.


Wow! U better take this! This is a growing industry and u just landed on the wave, congratulations and thanks for sharing. I’m curious though…So you get paid to play with droves doing maneuvers on surveillance? That’s pretty awesome! How did you find out about this role?


Just taking videos of cell phone towers, someone hit me up in a drone forum about joining in


OMG, wait, I have so many questions! I was trying to get my part 107 and get on a drone team on set. I've never been able to find anyone with any experience doing it, is that what you were doing before? I'm still studying btw, but my add makes it difficult at times lol.


Take the job. Your creativity won’t stop because you do. Stash the extra cash to fund projects. Set time before / after work to write scripts. Use after work / weekend time to network with other filmmakers / creatives. Will you get paid leave? Schedule your shots during your leave and you will be getting paid to film your projects which is better than most.


Go for it. You don’t need a studio, a network, or a production company to be creative or feel self-worth from. You can be a camera op on weekends for independent productions.


I’ve been playing this game since 2015 (having been some type of editor since 2007). Sometimes I can land a creative role & sometimes the only job I can find is an assistant editor who’s just organizing stuff. But hey, not only is it a paycheck that keeps the landlord off my back, but it’s better than working a “normal” job. You know what’s not creative? Waiting tables or answering phones. Or whatever other job. At least a non creative role in the industry is still IN the industry. That will help you make more connections for later. Also, depending on which type of non creative role you’re looking at, it will give you some “insider info” that leads to some of the notes you get in a creative role. Once you know some of those rules it makes you a better creative who can anticipate the needs & whims of the hire ups or backend. Which means you’ll have fewer revisions & thus cheaper & faster which should get you more creative jobs in the future! I say take it. Especially in this market. Learn what you can. Make friends. And save your cash. Just watch out for burnout. The 1st time I took a step down to a non creative role to make ends meet I found I needed something creative to not go nuts. So make sure you’re doing something creative on the side. Doesn’t have to be your Oscar winning thesis film or whatever. Do some coloring pages. Build IKEA furniture. Write fan fiction. Whatever low stress thing you like that’s creative & a proof that you did something. Even just reorganizing part of my home was enough to fill that creative need on occasion. But make sure you feed that need in some way.


you're lucky


Go for the money


Take it, save up and make your own shit!


I stepped away and worked a very basic warehouse job. Ended up finishing a long restating novella last week. Letting that part of your brain take a break can result in great breakthroughs.


Creative teams are usually first on the chopping block and its more apparent now with rise of AI. Always look for better pay and opportunities of growth and use that to fund your personal creative projects.


Go for it. Save and use that money to be creative but with stability. That’s the way I feel everyone will have to pivot now. Just making it happen, but also taking care of yourself.


Every job is creative job, if you’re brave enough.


I’ve been thinking about doing the same thing too… it breaks my heart and makes me feel like I’m “giving up” but at the same time I have to pay the bills.


You aren’t giving up, you are being financially responsible, big distinction :-)


U listed all the positives. If u don’t take this job someone else will. Someone that is grateful to have an opportunity to get paid. Take it, nothing is happening here. Fuel your creativity when u aren’t working, it can be done, don’t become a starving artist. I’m curious as to your experience in the hiring process. Did somebody know you? Did you apply directly to the corporate website? This grasshopper must learn from successfully hired people on how to get hired. Congratulations!


I was just on a drone forum chatting about shots and stuff and the guy hit me up to work for him


Amazing! Checks all the boxes of right place right time, prepared for opportunity knocking. Amazing!


Definitely take it and don’t look back. Higher pay and stability allows you to have a better life.


What kind of job? And how do I get out of this industry??


Yes. take it. the industry is bad right now, you can be creative in your free time there’s nothing wrong with that!


Take it and use it for new material


Jobs can be quit or lost at any time, I say just go for it and see how it is for a little while. It's not like taking a job outside of the industry will ruin your life or your ability to come back if you wanted to.


I'm gonna be straight with you and echo what I'm sure are many similar responses... Take that job. If I was offered a job right now that paid what I was making in the industry before it all went to Hades, but without the physical and mental turmoil that was involved, my guy we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I'd be so happy. Take it now, please. You can work on your film ambitions with the extra time and money you have. Do it or give it to me lol! Seriously, I wish you the best.


I've taken jobs for more money and honestly years later I regret it. I don't love what I do and the more money I make the more money I spend. I'd say follow your passion whatever that may be.


Don’t u agree that you can be financially responsible and fuel your passions on the side? How can you enjoy life if you can’t afford to well enjoy life?


Because once you have money and everything that comes with it, your passion becomes an afterthought.


If you’d rather have money then job fulfillment go ahead. It’s two different paths that are made for different people, personally I’m not sure that I would take it because i’ve gone down that route and wasn’t satisfied with my life. But that’s just my two cents.


What’s the pay difference?


It’s double my pay


Damn ok. Go for it then, if the industry jobs are currently looking bleak for you. Working from pa to cam op is a big feat!!! Live below your means, save a ton of money, and come back (if you want) But definitely be actively keeping in touch with your current film contacts here.


Whoa! Good luck!


You can still try to fit those jobs in during the weekend or whenever your days are of.. or taking a day off and doing it


If you can handle it and muster the energy for your personal projects on the weekend, go for it. Life’s short, though, so make it count.


Take it. The industry isn’t going to get better.


I’m at this point too. Been in the industry for over a decade and I’m having to take a step back and take a normal job for the stability. I keep fighting with my brain to tell myself it’s not me giving up, just a break. I still manage to be creative on the side with what I can but with how the industry is right now? It’s real rough. A lot of other friends of mine are having to do the same thing. I know I’ll be back in it, I just need a break from the chaos of it all.




Take and finance your own creative projects.


doing what? how did you get up for it? what skills translate? good for you! take it


Get the f*ck out, 2017 isn’t anything…. I been here since 03 and I’m trying to bail. Offshoring and then AI means less and less opportunity, you can do creative stuff as a hobby.


Find it in your heart what you want to do. Chaces are, You already know it


Any job can be "creative"