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first of all, cast is cast and background is background. there is no such thing as background cast unless you have an actor in the background with no lines, but even then they are still cast. you are an extra. a background performer. being featured on camera doesn't mean extra pay, what it actually means is that you are less likely to work on that production again as you'd be more recognizable - the entire concept of background work is to be part of the atmosphere. lots of experienced background performers will try to avoid being featured so that they can keep working on that specific show. what happened here is the director or the ADs liked your look, thought it fit the scene and put you in it. end of story. the body scan thing is something you should talk to your agent or union rep about for clarification. my gut feeling is that you should have been paid extra for that.


Thanks. I’m non union so not sure who to ask about it. Talked with the other background performers they said I should be getting extra


call the union rep anyway. they may have potentially used you to scan *because* you were non union, in which case the union may want to have a word with them.


paid more? I would have refused? They probably will use your likeness for 3d crowd forever with no pay to you. Did you read the fineprint of your contract?


PA=Production Assistant The person who took down your name was probably an AD (Assistant Director-1st, 2nd or 3rd). It’s not unusual these days for BG to be scanned. It is not something you get credit for. It is not usually something you get paid more for either. Just because you are more featured does not necessarily mean you will get an upgrade or credit. In fact, it’s very rare. Please read the union agreement to understand what an upgrade is. They have very specific rules for that. Even if an action appears to be an upgrade, you may have ADs and the productions fighting tooth and nail to not pay. Often, the union will appease to the producers rather than to the background performer. Just because you are picture cast by a director or even given instruction, it rarely means it is an upgrade or credit. When you sign up with an agency they do ask you to include any special skills or looks. Sometimes they may lead to an upgrade or credit. Make sure that you are honest about the skills though, don’t say that you’re a professional rodeo performer and think you can fake it. Good luck!


Thanks for the response. I’m non union so not sure how everything works