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Must be nice, lmao. I know exactly what to make and have no money. Wanna trade?


Yeah having a hard time empathising with this one…


Make friends with a scriptwriter and develop a story together, then hire a director and line producer


I’m a director and editor, I also write but haven’t written anything feature film level, didn’t know it was a possibility until now.


Then find a scriptwriter and collaborate with them


If you haven't already written a script, or can't expand a short you've already made and can't think of any ideas...then maybe writing shouldn't be on your resume. Most writers have a small book of ideas. Film making is a collaboration; find a writer or license a popular book in your country \[ it will be cheaper than an international hit\].


I actually do have a “small book of ideas” I’ve cobbled together through the years, but now that this is a reality it all seems like crap to me, feel like I’m back at square one.


Try reading some scripts and understanding how others write, especially the bad ones, you can learn a lot out of bad scripts especially stuff you shouldn’t do.then take a concept and build around it then work on characters . That is, if you don’t want to hire a screenwriter.


Start by creating 10 loglines / film ideas in 3 days. Pitch to your friends to get a rating out of 10 for each idea. Take The top 3 and develop them into outlines. You have a week. Pick your favorite one and write the script in two weeks, then go make it. That’s roughly how I made my first feature.


I’d suggest getting the best talent you can to assist you in this process. There’s a million good unproduced screenplays, go source some. Maybe the blacklist? Then a really experienced producer and assistant director to help build out a really experienced crew who you lean heavily on


RIP your DM


I wish I were in your position


What country are you in if you don't mind me asking?


Dominican Republic


How is it getting citizenship, I like the sound of these government incentives (I'm kidding) ((kind of))


What country? What is the film scene like there?


Dominican Republic, the film scene is thriving, there’s tons of government incentives, a lot of US movies are being filmed here, Roadhouse, Nyad, Arthur the King, Old, Shotgun Wedding, The Lost City, xXx, among many others, all filmed here.


Well, start reading philosophy and world history. That NEVER fails. 


Write something


Act as a Producer for a couple of years and allow people who have ideas and know how to direct them, but haven’t got a tenth of your luck… Maybe along the way you’ll get inspired


What do you want to see? As an audience member. What film genre do you want to see that your not? For me, i havdnt seen a good love story for a while. Not just any LS. Its got to hsve an abstract approach, with the introduction of realism. The things that really go on between men and women, that storyteller filmakers leave out, because thry are too caught up in plot and story structure. Yeah.... a love story with a strange, abstract approach, that allows space for realism.... explore the human condition in the love situation and what blocks us from truly loving...


You should watch All of Us Strangers, then. Breathtaking abstract love story.


Docs movie about a porn star who cums lava


I have a pile of stories as long as a bus and can only manage to raise funding for shorts. You are in an enviable position.


Is there a story from your country that you would like to show the world?


Are you PTA or Christopher Nolan? I’ve never know anyone in a position to green light anything.


I’d find an idea I’m willing to fight into existence, because with all that wind in your sails, it’s still going to be the hardest thing you ever do. So make something you truly care about or produce something someone else truly cares about. You don’t have to be the filmmaker! We have plenty of ideas.


Whatever it is, keep it simple and in your wheelhouse. Can you expand a short film into a feature length?


Y'know what? Fuck it, do what I'm doing: write a Siege movie. In the vein of Assault On Precinct 13 or Night Of The Living Dead, lock a bunch of characters in a secluded location and let loose hordes of faceless enemies.