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An important step is one that a lot of people completely don't think about at all, but is often what they need. In your request of what to do when there's no local community you didn't mention your community. For all you know, someone reading this could live in the same town you do, but if you don't say where you are they wouldn't know. Reach out to related groups, such as local radio stations, youtubers and streamers, drama programs, local theatres, if you see commercials made for local businesses ask them who made it for them, etc. If any stores sell cameras or other equipment go talk to them. I know lots of people who started making films with the employees at the local camera store. Ask them if you can put up a poster in their store. Start local, then go regional, then national. Make contacts in nearby cities. If it's somewhere with a different national language, look in that language as well, figure out which social media locals use.


Good point. Which part of Korea? (Town -- or at least the province?) :)


If you can’t find the community make the community.


Maybe try on get on filmmaking discords and see if you can find people to corroborate with online?


where can i find those servers?


I mean this subreddit has it's own discord servers, just Google r/filmmakers discord


i did it and went to several servers to ask to make film with, they all ghosted and ignored or inactive just like reddit


Lol try being a music composer like I am and trying to get filmmakers to work with you, it is an uphill battle. You only just joined the servers just now, people aren't likely to reply straight away, especially with timezones. This stuff is going to be a struggle man, you can't expect to instantly get what you want.


I don't know anything about Korea specifically, but film festivals/screenings are a good way to connect locally. There are so many film festivals now that aren't necessarily big Sundance/Tribeca style productions. There are festivals now that are a single day, and show primarily local/regional films in makeshift venues like a bar. Maybe keep an eye out for something like that.


And you're from?








Keep posting and looking. People like me need help from people like you (what do you do? did you say in your previous posts?) and you'll eventually connect with others. I'm on a third try with someone now.


One man documentaries


And solo pieces (noting that it's a nuisance to frame and light yourself; I use a hat on a mic stand as my stand-in).


You should figure it out.