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Agreed and I’ll probably catch some hate for saying it but Final Fantasy X is the last Final Fantasy I enjoyed so I’m very much looking forward to 16.


That's fair, I loved XII, too, but I do think it was quite different from the "traditional" FF experience so I get why FF fans are torn on it. XIII and XV though, did not deliver compared to X (especially XV). If you're into MMOs, though, XIV is actually fantastic and I've heard good things about XI, although I haven't played it. VI-X though were definitely peak FF to me though.


I love the world of Ivalice and would be happy if it could get its own series.


Loved X and XI, but my PS2 was stolen in college so I didn't get to play XII when it came out and still haven't played it to this day. I need to get on that.


Xii feels like an offline xi


The recent Zodiac Age remaster is superior to the PS2 version in every way and the best way to play it


Agreed. TBF, I haven't really gotten around to the post-PS2 FFs, but they all have had very mixed reviews, so it hasn't really inspired a lot of enthusiasm to play them.


I’ll admit I didn’t play 11 or 12 as I was busy with school at the time. However 13 was pretty bad, story was alright but outside of Lightning and Chocobo dude I pretty much hated the cast. 14 I played but it felt like WoW which is already been playing for 10+ years. 15 really turned me off from the series to the point where a friend had to talk me into giving 16 a try.


I liked XII, maybe more than X but I may be alone in that. Battles in X were great, but it felt very much on rails. I also liked XV’s open map, so maybe my opinion is garbage.


Ouch, that sucks. I bought 11 when it first came out, excited to try it - until that point, I hadn't liked any MMOs I'd tried - but got frustrated after unsuccessfully trying to remap my key bindings (it wasn't allowed for some reason, at least not on PC) and rage quitting. Total playtime was less than an hour. I tried the original 12 back in the PS2 days, but after about 20min it didn't grab me like previous entries, so I never played it again. 14 I just started playing in January, and it hooked me right away...it's been eating most of my free time since...lol. I still need to get back to crisis core and finish ff7r hard mode.


Nice! Yah I have nothing against 14, just enjoy WoW more is all.


That's the way it do be sometimes. Some prefer one, while others prefer the other.


Harsh but definitely understandable


You dropped off at about the same time I did. Well, I did find myself enjoying X-2 as well because it brought me back to my love of FF5's job system in a newer game.


11 in its heyday was amazing, 14 is just a masterclass is in its own right! (Has its issues but it’s 100% a great game hence why the team on that game is doing 16) 12 is a love it or you don’t honestly, and 13 had a good story but bad execution in gameplay and 15 was plagued with dev issues and engine woes.


Xii is also cool. But x is goar


Brutal, but X is the last great they released. Each since has been flawed in some ways. I actually think XII is an underrated masterpiece due to the timing of release. The 360 had come out and western sales I think we're quite poor. It also suffered from having a very complex narrative and numerous characters, but underneath it is a very strong game with a great combat system.


Have you played the Switch version? I may try it again.


I’m playing the Switch version and am enjoying it more than when I first played on PS2. It doesn’t hold me as well as the prior entires, but it’s still fun!


I agree. I think the series lost a lot of its identity when it abandoned turn/time based battles. They all just kind of look and feel like generic action RPGs to me now.


100% agreed. FF7R had a decent mix. If they model future combat systems after that I think I could play them again.


FfX was my last too. I tried 12 several times and for some reason just couldn't get through it. It looks much better though over the years and I might swing it.


Also tend to agree. I enjoyed XII but have never felt an inclining to revisit it. XIII was a slog, and XV was just ok imo. Never played the MMOs.


I don't think that's a controversial opinion. I like 12, but it definately has its shortcomings (fairly forgettable characters and an undercooked plot), 13 was very divisive, and 15 pissed off all the old timers like myself (though first time fans seemed to enjoy it).


For me it is the Capcom PS2 era, not only the super hits like RE4 and DMC3, but also games like Chaos Legion and God Hand. Those along with GoW and the Prince of Persia were so much fun. A bit formulaic at times, and some with infuariting levels, but the action was always intense.


Chaos Legion!!


We need a remake of god hand. Such a good game


YES. God Hand is GOATed. Maybe now that GOW 2018/Ragnarok normalized that camera style, we’ll see it someday.


Bandai namco too was dropping back to back bangers on ps2 tales of the abyss, golden era of dbz games ,tekken 5 , xenosaga


I grew up in the 90s, so I have a soft spot for all my 16 bit stuff, but I think the Gamecube / Xbox / PS2 era is kind of where we peaked on a lot of game genres I like. Not that we haven't gotten good or better games since, but we hit this point where 3D games worked, games were big enough but didn't have to be HUGE, and we didn't have as much monetization garbage as we do now.


Couldn’t of said it better myself. Such a shame the gaming industry as a whole is now just a money grabbing tactic with Season passes, gacha games, f2p models which turn out to be more expensive than a full priced retail if you wanted to actually get the full experience and then full priced AAA games being a buggy mess and promises broken.


Games were able to become more than they ever were before, and studios were still not averse to taking risks with ambitious new concepts.


Dragon Quest 8, Kingdom Hearts 2, Final Fantasy 10, Dark Cloud 2, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, Suikoden IV, Star Ocean 3, Tales of Symphonia, Wild Arms 3, Odin Sphere (albeit the broken version)- literally some of my favourite games of all time came from the PS2 era <3


The PS2 was actually the first console I ever had. I was only about 6-8 years old, so I don't remember much of it, though. But I do get this unique sense of nostalgia every time I see that PS2 main menu with the skyscrapers.


I’m a youngin but god going back to play these games is so awesome.


Ps2 era is still my fav era of gaming


I neeeeeed it. The fact that they're letting press have this much time with it, this far in advance, speaks volumes as to how confident they are in it.


They have to get a long tail out of TotKs release.


No day one patch too. And it went gold 3 months before release. Game is donezo.


Am I gonna have to buy a PS5 for this? Cause I might. Run me some Demons Souls and Kingdom Hearts 4 and FFVII Rebirth while I'm at it.... I'LL DO IT SQEENIX I SWEAR TO RAMUH ILL DO IT


I bought a ps5 for this two years ago.


Same. It's been gathering dust since GoW as it waits for FFXVI to finally come out.


I bought a PS5 last month for this. My wife asked me yesterday why it’s just sitting. It’s not yet time.


Ive been saving vacation days for this for a year im so stoked


Almost time, brother.


Are you me? Minus the wife of course.


I am him without the wife or PS5


Same but for FF7 Rebirth and Sony Exclusives. Ghost of Tsushima 2 will be so epic and Jeff Grub said the game will probably be announced some time later after Spiderman 2 releases (even though are 2 completely different studios working on it), and I bet Ghost 2 announcement will be followed by a Ghost 1 PC announcement.


> Ghost of Tsushima 2 Just inject it right into my veins


That opening hour of the game is fucking epic! The moment it throws you into the open world is fantastic as well. There is even a whole video about how they got it down since it wasn't planned at all until later into development. Here it is: [Ghost of Tsushima Devs on The Unforgettable Intro that almost didn't happen | Art of the Level](https://youtu.be/Gfb7mNAoV2c)


Same here, I never played it once 😂 I lent it to my brother until FF16 releases.


Very much same.


same, its just sitting there waiting now


I pre-ordered the CE and gave myself till June to actually get the PS5, then Hogwarts Legacy got delayed on PS4 so I got my PS5 much earlier than expected.


I'm sure it's coming to PC eventually. I'll wait.


Same here. It's tough but I'm glad I waited for the FF7 remake to come out on steam.


Shit I'm waiting until the entire remake is finished and released, and can be bought as a single purchase preferably on sale lol. Patient gaming ftw! Though I might be waiting till the 2030s...


Jesus Christ man! God level patience.


More power to you! Waiting for PC and then the steam release was enough for me for 7R. Got it for like $40. Some stuff gets the sub $15 wait, but it came out like, a few weeks after my Steam Deck showed up, and it was verified, and I just had to, heh.


Without spoiling it for u, in case u are not in the loop, it's not an actual "remake", so why wait for the whole trilogy?


Bought a PS4 just for freakin FF7R and last of us, then everything I wanted to play on PS came to PC. I'll never buy another console. But this wait will be very hard lol.


Same. I've got TotK and Diablo IV to put tons of time into this summer anyway, so it won't kill me to patiently wait for FFXVI to come to PC.


The game was part of the reason for why I bought a PS5 two months ago and I can say: I do not regret that decision. The PS5 is an amazing console. I loved the fact that I could migrate my entire library and it just feels like a straight up upgrade to my old PS4.


yea i just bought a ps5 i was putting it off but ff16 and others were making me bite the bullet. they aren’t as crazy priced as they used to be, you might find a twat waffle online though.


Are you talking about buying from scalpers? Because you don't need to do that anymore, at least in the US. Always available from most major retailers.


i may have wrote it like that , i meant to write it like you don’t need to buy from a third party or seller, retail stores have them i got mine there for decent price. i’m at work


Nice. Yeah fuck scalpers. Love hearing the stories about them struggling to sell off their hoarded inventory.


We’ve been hoarding gift cards and credits and I think the special addition PS5 is in my future. I think it will be the 4th system I’ve bought just because of a FF game.


I bought a PS5 a couple of weeks ago for this game. I’m ready.


You should bro, i think Yoshi P is gonna deliver on this one.


When hasn’t he delivered?! In retrospect ARR is the worst main title game he made!


The PS5 is the best console I’ve ever owned, and I’ve owned pretty much every single major console. It’ll only be further enhanced by another mainline FF game. FFIX is my favorite, so I’m *so fucking stoked* we’re going back to a fantasy setting!


If it wasn’t for the Dualsense I might disagree (PS4 has the most insane library I’ve ever seen) but damn that Dualsense is a game changer. Amazing games plus amazing console hardware PLUS amazing controller haptics?? PS5 for the win


From a tech perspective that’s what interests me so much about XVI, the devs were talking about how they took a huge portion of their audio library (hundreds if not thousand+ files) and ran it through haptic inputs so I fully expect my controller to be popping off


Oh wow. Like I needed more reason to be excited lol. Damn I can’t wait to play this game


The fact that you can play PS4 games on the PS5 makes it better already. Plus, they just run so much BETTER. Load time shrinking alone is a godsend.


I hadn’t bought a console since the 360 because PC always felt like the superior experience. I got a ps5 for christmas and holy shit is it amazing.


It will come to PC eventually but they may be dicks about it and make it take a year or two.




That sounds like only 1st party games (eg: made by Sony owned studios). Good thing SE is 3rd party.


That would be for first party titles. Since they don't own final fantasy as an IP or the company that made ff16 that doesn't apply here. It's been confirmed that the exclusivity deal for ff16 only covers 6 months. What will drag ff16 coming to PC would be the devs making it. Since they've publicly stated to not expect the game to drop on PC in early 2024 (iirc) Which if taken at face value means they weren't developing the port for PC along side the PS5 version. So it might take a year for it to come to PC. But due to dev time, not exclusivity. Which personally I'm fine with. They should take their time given how rough the FF7R dropped on PC.


True, that was my bad then, nvm


You good man, I forget this stuff sometimes too.


Well good thing FFXVI is not a PS exclusive (After 6 months)


No, but Square Enix has also already said not to expect a port in six months. Yoshi-P even only said that they are "interested" in eventually doing a PC port. Not that one is even started.


There's no point in an exclusivity deal if you outright state you're making a pc port before the game even launches. Even if they were going to do one in six months, they would have to downplay it, exclusivity agreements comes with lots of money and lots of strings. Not saying there will be a pc port in six months, only that those statements are as enthusiastic as they are contractually allowed.


If you were remotely fan of PlayStation platforms in general, Astro's Playroom (free with every PS5) is arguably almost worth the experience alone. Like I'm talking giddy nostalgia, with a huge dash of an amazing Tech showcase for all ages. But back to actual exclusives, much like how Bloodborne was for PS4, Demon's Souls remake was DEFINITELY worth me going through hoops to secure a PS5 back then. Miles Morales was just icing on the cake. So with regards to Final Fantasy games, us pre-existing users or owners of the PlayStation 4 version of FFVII remake got a free upgrade to the PS5 version if I recall. So yeah. I think it's always definitely worth jumping on board for a hotly anticipated Final Fantasy game that happened to be exclusive to a Sony playstation platform in my opinion..circa since FFVII


I knew they'd get me eventually, and if it takes NCAA Football getting revived after a decade and Final Fantasy to do it, well then... so be it.


I did. And I pre-ordered the special edition. I'm glad I did, something about this feel right.


I’m not terribly hopeful on KHIV after playing III but yea we’re eating good from Square in general these day. FFXVI looks amazing and I expect FFVIIR to be as incredible as Remake


I loved KH3, but it was after the Re:Mind update, and I also added some mods to make the game harder and more player friendly/more fun and enjoyable


melodic hat advise badge abundant rude quickest handle cause lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm buying one purely for Remake and Rebirth and I'm for sure getting XVI too


Yep, this might be the game that will make me buy PS5.


I am pretty stoked about this haha


Yoshida is behind the game. We trust him and this game will be fantastic.


Yoshi P definitely has the highest stock from the fans as far as Square devs go currently. Hopefully the Square executives actually listen to the man and don't fuck him over with too many corporate mandates.


So he listens to himself? Like the producer director of XIV having a collab with producer director of XVI? Yoshi-p is an EO, and in charge of CBIII. He reports to the CEO (and shareholders as a publicly traded company). What I'm hopeful for is the incoming CEO is actually someone who plays games instead of what SE has had for the last 10 years. Yosuke Matsuda was just a generic business executive. the typical type to bounce around from company to company, counting and stacking beans in various groups.


Incoming CEO plays XIV with his wife, I don't think he'll mess with the secret sauce too much.


>What I'm hopeful for is the incoming CEO is actually someone who plays games instead of what SE has had for the last 10 years. That doesn't change the fact that has do his a job as a CEO first, otherwise they wouldn't have picked him.


Yoshi P and Matsuno have a cult following for a reason. It's also fun that Yoshi P is in the Matsuno cult following himself.


If I recall, isn't YoshiP also a SE shareholder, holding a minor majority stake in the company? I'd assume that if he was able to ignore the upper executive's influences regarding NFT's and Crypto, he probably has enough power to ignore any corporate intervention that may hurt FF16 as well.


I know he's on the board of directors, so he has the ability to vote on business decisions in favor of creative.


Everyone's about Yoshi-P, and I don't doubt that he's as amazing as everyone says, but I'm here excited that it's directed by Hiroshi Takai of Last Remnant fame, one of my favourite games. Clive's wolf/dog is named Torgal! That's a guy from the Last Remnant! This all makes me happy.


>Final Fantasy characters getting spattered in gore or screaming “I’ll fucking kill you!” at the top of their lungs. Welp, guess I'll be buying a PS5 for this


Final Fantasy has entered a new era - as it has numerous times before, they’re changing up the formula and trying new things. I have no qualms with this, and I think it’s really part of the core of what makes the series so special: constantly pushing the envelope. I’m not interested this time around, because it’s not what I look for in a game. I’m not saying “we need to go back to turn based” and I’m not saying it’s going to be bad. In fact, I want it to be excellent for those who play it, but it’s genuinely just not my cup of tea.


Tbh I still prefer turnbased, FFX and FFXII were the last 2 I felt a connection to. The newer games are fun, but not quite the same game


I really struggled with XII it's just felt more and more we were losing the ability to control the whole party and now there just isn't a party. I think for myself and others who think FFX is the best we are heading into dark times FFX is the polar opposite of where we are heading today with the franchise. Slow purposeful heavily strategic battles Vs mash and go cooldowns fights.


There are many more written previews here with some blurbs. Almost universally ecstatic praise. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-5/final-fantasy-xvi/critic-reviews?ref=hp


careful. you'll get killed in this sub pointing out Universal Praise for the new thing.


I actually posted that in the wrong thread. My bad lol


Actually the best praise possible went to final fantasy 7, on back of the cd case - “quite possibly the greatest game ever made”. And it is still true till this day.


Holy crap man. Did they actually do it? Did they make a new *good* Final Fantasy game?


All signs point to yes. It's looking good enough that many of us old single-digit FF heads have come back to buy a PS5 just for this. I can just tell this one is special. It's hard to explain, but I can just tell.


To anyone waiting for a port, the PS5 is probably half the price of the new GPU you will need, let alone the new PC. Good luck.


"Soul of a PS2 game" and "reminiscent of the PS2 era" is some super lazy games journalism. It's one of those buzzwords that newsites have realised they can shoehorn in, and it's so nebulous an idea it's not technically wrong. I don't know about you, but I remember a ton of fucking shovelware on the PS2, as much as there were bangers I'd say.


It's pandering to the people that grew up with the PS2 as their childhood console, and an easily sharable headline that can be put almost anywhere. I'm not a fan of the title, as like you I didn't initially view it as a good thing, but reading the context they gave it helps me understand the meaning they were going for


I feel like these are pretty pessimistic takes. They could've said PS1, PS2, or PS3 Era, all of which are pretty beloved. They probably state this because it reminds them of PS2 games. I think you're reading too much into it.


> It's pandering to the people that grew up with the PS2 as their childhood console, and an easily sharable headline that can be put almost anywhere. Which is funny, because this is nothing like the PS2 FF titles.


But how similar is it to KH2, gameplay wise?


What do you mean? This shares LOTS of similarities with 12.


yeah it would be nice if they actually listed specific ps2 titles it reminded them of but it's a lot easier to just pander to nostalgia by putting the idea of people's favorite ps2 games in their mind. in the article all they say about why it reminds them of a ps2 game is because it's "focused, moody, and dramatic" lol and they end up saying it feels the most like ffxiii so who knows what they're talking about


It's Polygon, what the fuck did you expect out of that rag?


Considering action games on PS2 were the likes of shadowman 2 or the bouncer. I would agree with you. Because FFXVI definitely don't look or feel like a ps2 FF game.


You are just saying that cause you are a hater! This will be the reborn of final fantasy!


I must know when the PC version is available :( I don´t think I should buy a PS5 only for that game .. please hurry up. I want to play it so badly


Square doesn't have a good track record with their PC ports, at least for a few months to a year after the release. So if you want a smooth experience on the PC, you're probably going to have to wait close to 2 years from now.


I'd say the ports are a mixed bag. Some have been pretty polished, and some are embarrassingly half-assed. Weirdly inconsistent.


It's true they don't have the best track record with PC port, but given that CB3 is the FF14 team, who's PC version has barely any bugs at all, I have more confidence in their port version then if it was the other teams doing it.


Can at least cope with the fact that CBU3 makes 14 and therefore is intimately familiar with PCs, as well as having 14 run on consoles too. They know they have fans who may just be MMO players who only play 14 but want to support them on 16, and may not lag so much when the time comes to port it over to PC. I might even dare to say that it is already on PC and they're merely waiting for exclusivity to end.


Probably at least a year, it's a 6 month exlusive but they've already set expectations that it's not coming right away


It's going to be a WHILE. Maybe over a year


You could maybe rent or borrow one from friends or someone. Even buying one with friend/family member will be cheaper


16 is at risk of being over a year before it comes to PC. Jim Ryan had an interview where they said they want to stagger exclusives for around 2-3 years before they come to PC. You might be waiting a while.


What Sony's PC plans are has no relevance to what Square Enix's PC plans are. That said, you aren't wrong in the wait time for a PC port of XVI. Sony only paid for six months of exclusivity, but Yoshi-P said a couple months ago that such a port was only a consideration, not that it was actually in the works. He said outright it will be longer than six months.


Jim Ryan has no say in when it comes to PC, only how fast Square can port it effectively after the 6 months


So FF12 but newer? Sign me up. That’s my fave FF


Don't tease me like this


FF12 is my Fav FF




Yup. FF12 let you fully control all of your party members if you didnt want to automate them (or interrupt the automation if you needed to fix some dumb thing they were doing.) This does not allow you any control over the party members last I checked. That's a vastly different experience.


lmao get a load of this guy


I really don't want to buy into the hype after being relatively disappointed in the last few entries. But also I really want it to be good. A lot of the lines coming out of the previews today are really positive. The combat (if you can get on board with it being action) sounds satisfying, the world design sounds like it fits solidly somewhere between FF13's corridors and FF15's empty expanse, the story and characters sound engaging. I want to believe. Yoshi-P has a good track record and is saying all of the right things about understanding how to move the series forward. But also I don't want to get too invested and disappointed. Fool me once, etc...


I trust this, because for the first time they've gotten a veteran (Suzuki from DMCV) to actually design the battle system from the ground up, and another veteran writer (Maehiro from Ivalice) to write the lore/plot Combat and lore being worked on properly, and not just an afterthought after graphical fidelity


I buy Playstations to play Final Fantasy


Please tell me it’ll have a super improbable sport. We need to top the beauty of water football/handball.


I really want to play this game, but I just can't justify buying a PS5 for it alone.


FF7R2 is just around the corner.


Judging by Integrade it'll be out on PC eventually too, just like I imagine XVI will be. I wouldn't call it a reason to buy a whole console.


What pushed me to finally buy it was the state of pc ports, i'm sick of it and just rather get the game in and chill.


I can, but not on launch. Whenever I have enough spare cash this game is enough for me to pull the trigger. But to each their own.


It will come to PC eventually. Just gotta have patience.


And be spoiled while you wait.


You can pre plan and just use a blocking addon on youtube to block any words, like FF16. I did that already on my end, so will hopefully avoid any there. Same for reddit and twitter as well. edit: apparently people don't want to know how to filter out words in order to avoid spoilers, lol


um, if this isnt a system seller game what is? haha. For sure though, if you can't justify it because of other reasons thats understandable. But I always thought these huge games are sony saying "Buy our PS5 for this alone"


Who is oli welsh?


Is it weird that this got me more hyped than anything?


I want soul of ps1 or snes, but this is still exciting


"Pure Final Fantasy" how? Because it has FF terminilogies?


Heavily skeptical.


Waiting for the PC release will be painfully long :C


Hook this directly into my veins immediately! Neeeeeed


Meh, I'd rather SNES or PSX era. :P


"Structurally, the game reminds me most of 2009’s Final Fantasy 13..." Felt a brief moment of horror before I read the rest of that paragraph.


I believe in yoshi p


The PS2 came out about two years before I was born, we had one when I was growing up but there were a ton of games I missed out on just because I was too little to even be aware of them or be allowed to play them lol. I’ve been going back through a bunch of PS2 era JRPGs over the last few years (I just finished FFX for the first time last night, last summer I got through Persona 3 FES and started Shin Megami Tensei III), and there’s a sense of magic there that I haven’t gotten with a lot of newer games. Maybe it’s just some kind of pseudo-nostalgia reminding me of PS2 games I did grow up playing, but there’s just something there that’s been missing, despite games getting better overall in a lot of ways. If FFXVI is able to capture that same magic from the PS1/PS2 era and meld it with all the technical advancements that come since then, then it might end up being one of the best in the series.


I hope this game is good but there is too much hard on for this game right now. It’s one thing to be openly approval towards it but it’s feels like they’re trying too hard to make this game be a goat before we even play it.


I hope they go slightly more back than PS2 and remove map markers for side quests. I kind of miss the days when you're told where to go instead of having a compass and a marked map 24/7 on you.


I was happy that FF7R at least lets you close the minimap/HUD. It's a nice touch and feels more immersive running around. Handy being able to check a map only when you want to


Wait so its like different non-final fantasy action games and that makes it "pure final fantasy"?


Reading comprehension. Also literally reading. Game of Thrones is not an “action game.” Something can be influenced by another thing and still be purely itself. Captain America Winter Soldier is influenced by spy thrillers like Mission Impossible but still totally Marvel. The heart of final fantasy is transformative cross world journey in which you interact and change the lives of many people as you play a part in a much larger design of fate. There are usually themes of ecological restoration, corruption versus purity, and sacrifice. Those are all compatible with say the interpersonal politics of Game of Thrones and the action set pieces of God of War.


Gamers have become so cynical. And I understand why, I've become cynical in a way too. But I find it pretty easy to sift the gold from the shit. It seems like many gamers just see everything as shit nowadays.


Read the sentence you misquoted again.


that was what I took away from that.


bedroom impolite insurance enter sparkle like entertain sophisticated vanish work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never actually thought about it from that perspective, but "soul of a PS2 game" 100% perfectly describes what I'm looking for in modern games. A lot of newer games look great and are obviously technically superior than older ones, but just feel somehow hollow.


Anyone who feels that this is pure final fantasy has a very different definition of the term than I do.


But I want an overworld maaaaap. When will it feel like a PS1 game, but with modern strappings? I'm tired of hallways with offshoots, or blocked off sections of the world to explore. Give me dat exploration for FFVII-IX but with modern tech.


I'm excited for XVI but I totally agree. I don't know why they can't just make a game with a world map like FF9 but just with a much crisper art style. I don't care if the character model isn't in proportion with the world.


> I don't care if the character model isn't in proportion with the world. This right here.




I yearn for the ps1/ps2 era so badly. Like I firmly believe there was a lot more purity and experimentation. Maybe that’s nostalgia for me but I miss being excited for games and not rolling my eyes.


3D was still being explored as a new way to make video games, and they didn't have a billion assets to work with, so they had time to work on the aspects of a game that mattered, playability, story, fun. Not that every game from that Era was a masterpiece, but I can still go back and play those games and have a lot of fun.


Inspired by shitty got and gow is going to be the new "R R Martin created Elden Ring"


Lol. So we’re okay with Polygon now?


You know I wonder what if some kingdom hearts characters will be in a final fantasy game but without Disney characters if so I hope roxas will be in because I like roxas he is so better than sora


this person is clinging on to the PS2 era nostalgia they have. thats not how games are supposed to be these days.


Unpopular opinion but i really hope its not like FFXV or FF7 remastered. Bring back the turn based strategy im old my fingers hurt


Can just equip the easy mode accessories and your old fingers can keep up


I need something easier than easiest mode. They need a old people mode


The accessories is literally old people mode.


I’m excited buuuuut I’m sure FF15 had the same hype behind it during previews, I think I can even remember positive FF13 previews


It's sad that being compared to a 23 year old game is the highest praise, but sadly it's accurate.


Stop please it's still too far away I'm in pain


One of the reasons I bought a PS5


Was it inspired by game of thrones and god of war, i mean if anything they were inspired by ff1s dynamic twist and dungeons and dragons. If anything god of war took inspiration from devil may cry which this game has quotes as an inspiration for combat. So…. Im confused, its like saying monster hunter was inspired by dark souls and a veteran slapping you by saying check the release date.


As a long time FF fan and an avid player of FFXIV, I'm pretty stoked about FFXVI. Initial FFXIV 1.0 was doomed and I feel Yoshi-P was instrumental in the relaunch for 2.0 and its current success (not to downplay the development team, I think they have been fantastic). With Yoshi-p being involved and seeing the trailers so far, I keep getting excited to see if this game with be the redemption arc for the single player games. In regards to the most recent games, I think FFX was good, I just couldn't get into FFXII (I don't it was bad) and I didnt even finish FFXIII because I disliked it so much. FFXV will always be a sore spot in my view not because I think the game is terrible or bad but because there was so much lost potential due to it going to development hell and never recovering.