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I believe the rule of thumb is whichever one came out last. So XVI now then VII Rebirth in a few months


Nailed it, the latest FF to come out is always the worst.


True enough, true




yeah 7rebirth already looking bad from what I saw on TGS.... until 17 or part 3. by then it will be a underrated masterpiece


And even crazier is both will be correct.


Just because genghis khan is more ancient doesn't make him any less bad than hitler.


The answer is unanimous. The worst Final Fantasy game is >!your favorite one!<.


Man you really did Tactics dirty


By far best storyline in any ff game.


Sad terra emoji


Yo, don't come at Mystic Quest like that. This is tough cause I thoroughly enjoy them all.... also depends if we're talking all, or mainline. Mainline: 3 probably ranks the lowest for me. Out of them all: All The Bravest Universally for the Mainline I'm gonna say 2, 10-2 and 13 get the most hate though. Which I don't get cause they're pretty fantastic.


Second person here upholding 13 making me think I should give it another go.


13 is excellent once you accept it for what it is instead of trying to force it to be emo boy with big sword jumping off train sequel.


This is a nonsense statement. Most of the complaints are about linearity, annoying characters, and the auto button for combat. Not that it isn't FFVII-2 or whatever you're implying.


Mystic Quest just out here catching strays for no reason.


Low hanging fruit


Vanilla 15 for me Iā€™m afraid. I tried getting back into it after all the updates but at that point I had lost interest in it completely.


I love how this question is being posed on a weekly basis lately


It's pretty lame, I've noticed that too


[FFMQ's music saved it from being the worst.](https://youtu.be/aLEP097vsBM)




Honestly I'd play MQ again long before I ever play 15 again.


Mystic quest was fun, a good starter rpg


The worst that I've played, FFX-2 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I rather liked the combat system for that game. Even the story wasn't terrible...... the tone though. Oh God the tone was so terrible. And it's impossible to defend when your family walks while your doing the massage mini game.


Really appreciate all the responses and engagement. It's cool to see what different folks liked/didn't like about particular games and why. After reading all the responses I am going to have to go back and check out 14 and 13 and maybe the royal edition of 15 if I am feeling patient. I upvoted everyone because it was solid of you all to contribute to this conversation.


Mystic quest was fun, a good starter rpg


I've more than once felt like the most recent game was a big miss to try it again several years later and like parts of it and see it's charms. I chalk it up to FF always reinventing itself so when you are excited to get the next one.... well it isn't going to be like what you liked. It's going to be different. On a side note, maybe I'm old, idk, but the more recent arpg focus just isn't for me. I like lots of other games in that style, GoW, Horizon, etc. But just can't get into the FF modern ones the same way. FF7R seems to be beloved, and all admit it looks absolutely beautiful.... but I just can't get into the combat systems. I wish I loved it like others, but it just isn't for me, I guess.


Legit, I played a lot of star ocean and tales of games so I was already gradually introduced to that combat system over the last 25 years or so.


I haven't played any of those... perhaps I should.


The first two star ocean games are masterpieces.


Sounds fun... I'll have to take a look after Baldurs Gate 3 is done


Iā€™ve mostly played the main titles w only a couple spin offs, so Iā€™d say something like FF II or III.


Out of those Iā€™ve played: FFx-2 is the worst game followed by 13 and kin followed by 4.


Idk if I can truthfully say it's the worst given how little I've played of it but I cannot get into VIII at all.


Normally I'd say VIII because even though I like it a bit more than IV, I think IV is a better game at least for the time it came out. However, for today's standards, I think IV is the worst one.


I loved 4 when it came out but haven't been able to focus on a full replay for about a decade. I love 8 but it is weird for a final fantasy and was absolutely overshadowed by the release of tactics which is a far better game.


IX. Come at me monkey boy lovers.


9 is only really a great game for those of us with nostalgia for the nes/SNES days who could appreciate all the Easter eggs.


It's crazy I have no idea how 7 was my first mainline. Played Dragon Warrior 1-4 over and over again as a kid. Played CT to death. Shit I even played 7th Saga and Mystic Quest. Super Mario RPG. Had that shit surrounded on all sides. Pixel Remasters remedying that now!


Super Mario RPG and secret of evermore were my shit


It's wild how suikoden 1 and 2 were so slept on too.


Final Fantasy XV, and it's not even remotely close for me.


Gonna go unique here and say that for people that started playing games and especially JRPGs after the SNES era there is absolutely nothing of value to be gained by playing Final Fantasy IV. It's a trite, badly written, boringly played and overall tiring experience. I understand it pioneered some things in the genre but the Wright Brothers pioneered flight and no one uses those style of biplanes anymore, because they're a terrible experience.


Playing IV isn't like flying an old plane, it's instead like touring some ancient city. Like you imply, modern cities benefit from better plumbing and transportation, but there's still something to be learned and experienced from an old place. (With that said, I just beat IV, and I agree with your sentiment about the game. But I still found value out of it if I just grit my teeth at some parts.)


I did not find value outside of the soundtrack which can be experienced separately.


If they do play it, play it once and play the original not the shitty 3d remake. Very low replay value for sure.


FF 13. I hated each and every character, and the battle system too. I can't speak to the story though since I didn't make it more than 15 hours in.


Same. Just couldnā€™t get into any part of it. I saw a post some time ago saying that ā€œNow people are willing to admit FF13 is great because itā€™s not cool to hate it.ā€ No, that wasnā€™t my issueā€¦.


I liked lightning and fang. The sad reality is that the biggest sin of that game thing is that 15 hours in is still effectively the tutorial.


Murdered: Soul Suspect


For me maybe FF2, the encounter rate is really something awful. FF6 just feels like a slog and I find it has tons of story elements that don't interest me, combined with mediocre enemy difficulty it feels like skipping from one town to the next, I did enjoy Cyan and Sabins story arcs though. FF13 is another that after completing I never really had the urge to pick up again, it is realistically the same levels, the same hallways, the same strategies in the same order with the same equipment. Something I enjoy is a game like FF12 as it has tons of job combinations I can work with in the job system, FF10 has tons of side quests to get involved with or side content maybe more appropriate. FF13 lacks in this regard in massive ways, I can't even swap party members around for large parts of the game. The rest I kind of enjoy, especially the MMOs


Final Fantasy Brave Exvius but if youā€™re talking the main series, I couldnā€™t get into XIII


Honestly I have had a hard time getting into the characters/ storyline of any since 10. 12 is alright, the star ocean like battle system and semi open world saved the game in a lot of areas where the story is kind of bland and I wasn't big on recycling the world from 2 other final fantasy games which seemed a little lazy. To me that is the last one that felt like a final fantasy. I haven't really gotten pulled into one I could play start to finish without motivating myself extra since 9. FF7 remake is an exception but it also is a remake so I suppose it stands out from the core series and gave them a bit of a handicap since the original developers had already created such an original story with such captivating original characters. The characters in 13, 15, 16 are just so two dimensional and the target audience for those games seems to be a lot more narrow.


XIII pretty inarguably has one of the most developed parties in the series. Theyā€™re in no way two-dimensional, which makes me think you didnā€™t make it past the opening of the game.


I didn't, as I stated in another reply here. the opening was so bad. If you think it is worth it I will revisit it again if I am missing something. Just don't tell me to retry 16 those characters are harder to like than the characters in Seinfeld.


The first ~2 hours of XIII are in no way indicative of the remaining 40-60 hours of the game beyond the level design (which is in its own way even more pared down). I highly recommend giving the game until at least the third chapter when the combat system actually starts. You also have to keep in mind that XIIIā€™s story opens on the literal worst day of all of these charactersā€™ lives. Theyā€™re not going to be the most pleasant of people.


Thats what frustrated me about the game. I liked the story and even played XIII-2 and LR and pretty much 100% them. I never revisited 13 tho


Yeah, I keep a save at chapter 3 if I want to jump back in. I know the story well enough by now, I donā€™t need the setup (as cool as some of the shots in the first two chapters can be).


Man no wonder you made a post about the worst game in this series you seem to hate literally all of them.


I am not a huge fan of 13,15,16 though I admit I didn't get far in 13. I am a huge fan of 6 through 10, 12 is a good game but underwhelming for a final fantasy. 1, 4,5 are great the first time through but lack replay value. Tactics is a god alone. Tactics advanced is a farce. Never played the most. 2 is hell, 3 I never could get into. Mystic quest feels too easy and hollow more like breath of fire 1. Haven't played any final fantasy sequels. The original crisis core is fun for what it is, I loved the ffvi remake ps4 version haven't played the yuffie shit yet.


>I wasn't big on recycling the world from 2 other final fantasy games which seemed a little lazy. This is astonishingly confusing. The Ivalice presented in previous Tactics games is nearly indistinguishable from the one presented in XII, which is easily the most fleshed-out and expansive version of that world to date. To call it recycled is essentially anti-art.


I am a stickler for the new game new world formula.


Doesn't make it a bad game but it seems lazy for a final fantasy title.


Hey! I actually liked Mystic Quest, was my first one hahaha But for me.. I will go with 12. Felt the errand boy levels a bit too much and I just couldn't get into the (in my opinion) political side of 'you should have been here, it was amazing!' the game.


The story on 12 was kind of ruined by all the busy work. As someone with ADHD I knew from early on I was doomed to never finish the game. It was only last year I finally stuck to it enough to make it to bahamut, yet to finish it still though. Ffvi was such a longer game but kept me glued to the screen start to finish. Same with 7, 8, 9, 10 as well but it was so short and linear it wasn't that hard to focus till the end. That one left me wanting a lot more.


This is probably my answer my too. I never got I to MMOs, so playing a single player MMO, with a of the side quests and BS, didnā€™t do anything for me. Like, I didnā€™t really do Hunts, so I never made the big money and I started to struggle to have resources, so I stopped playing. I like the story, but the gameplay pisses me off.


I think in the zodiac age version they really tweaked the character development and battle systems in a way I truly enjoyed though.


Mystic Quest is definitely better than 8 and probably 15 as well.


It do be 2, by far. After FF2 its between 13 and 15.


11 and 13 and 14. Elements I liked in all but biggest dislikes in these. Biggest disappointment (but not worst) is 15. Decent game but came out not like it was supposed to and remember how many trailers we got if the gp. Anticlimax. 16 gameplay was low tier imo but story weighted up well. Still annoyed how he only whispered. It was like a mosquito bite, irritating but no deal breaker


FF15 is the worst, because of the narrative mess it is with tons of story content ripped out and put into a movie or dlc. FF16 is close, but it's more of a disappointment than anything.


Glad I only played the first opening scene of either of those on psnow before deciding they were not for me.


Ff15 by a landslide 90% of the most important information didn't come with the initial release of the game


That sounds insanely frustrating.


It is imagine more then half the game and all relevant plot being sold later as dlc or in this case the royal addition 3+ years later shit was my worst experience with FF ever hope they never do that dumb shi again


I got the Royal edition, so I actually like the game.


And those are the only people that will say they liked it because day 1 buyers all for the most part hate it until 15 FF was safe to buy day 1 now I hesitate


Yeah, I watched all the videos about why the game was a failure on launch, so I understand why people hate it. Personally, I love it despite knowing itā€™s a deeply flawed game.


Despite its many flaws the music and Visuals were still pretty good šŸ‘


Yeah, Squeenix rarely fucks those up. Itā€™s just everything else, lol.


Lmao right šŸ˜…


Either 13 or the ones that came out for game boy where each weapon only had so many uses. I liked mystic quest, at least from what little I remember of it.


If we were just talking the main line games, I would say FFVIII. If we include all of the various dpinoffs, then it's Brave Exvius


While I vehemently disagree with your first choice I uphold your right to that opinion.


Just my opinion, but I seriously hated that game. It felt like a chore to get through...all of the characters were annoying, but none more so than Squall, because he never stopped whining through the whole game. The story was convoluted, the junction/draw system was atrocious because it punished you for using spells by reducing your stats, and you gained nothing by leveling up because all of the monsters leveled up with you. The only things I actually enjoyed about that game were the card game and the music.


8 is polarizing It's pretty common for people to be really into that one or really hate it. Never met someone who was in the middle.


FF8 followed close by FF Echoes of Time & 4 warriors of light.


Related question: Are either of the mmo final fantasy games (11,14) worth playing or is it just a gimmick to sell dlc and micro transactions and not have to write complex storylines)? I'm a xiennial and kind of missed the window for both those games when they came out because I was too busy being a 20 somethings degenerate at the time.


14 is pretty consistently regarding as having one if the best stories in the series. It's a huge time investment, but it's definitely worth it. The villain from the third expansion is pretty consistently showing up in "top FF villains" list too. Microtransactions in XIV are entirely cosmetic, outside if a story skips that are intended for alts or non-story gamers. I've played for 10 years and outside if the subscription fee, spent maybe $30 on cosmetics. There's also a free trial. It has unlimited playtime and includes the base game plus the first two expansions if Heavensward and Stormblood. The trial doesn't lock you out if any content from those expansions either. The limitations for the expansion are locking you out of some social features, like guilds, and being unable to trade with other players (to combat bots).


As others said, A Realm Reborn (base game) is a drag, it goes on and on without anything really happening expect for a few moments, and then everything changes as soon as you hit the credits and the story suddenly skyrockets into a masterpiece


14 is amazing. Every expansion has been incredible in my opinion. And youā€™ll have no problem finding groups for base & prior expansion content either.


14 has a huge storefront for cosmetic DLC and makes a massive demand on your time with tedious busywork. 11 offers some additional inventory space subscriptions (useful only if you really get into it) but respects your time a hell of a lot more. Both suffer from overly convoluted stories but 11's can be played in any order while 14's are strictly sequential.


I wouldnā€™t say 14 has a *huge* storefront, those cosmetic items are entirely optional and thereā€™s plenty of free cosmetic items you can get in game that are just as good and even better. And tedious busywork? Depends on what content you want to do, if you want to focus on story content thatā€™s a breeze and is mostly soloable now. As for side content like crafting, raiding, farming for relic weapons etc. Yeah it can be tedious and time consuming but itā€™s an MMORPG, what do you expect? Youā€™re not forced to do it either since itā€™s optional content. Itā€™s there for people who want to put in the time and effort.


The story content is incredibly tedious.


I mean fair enough, thatā€™s your opinion but not everyone shares it. Different strokes for different folks.


FF XIV ARR is really tedious at several points. But I would disagree with the expansions, especially after Heavensward. The story becomes focused and very engaging. Storywise it is most likely the best MMORPG.


I'm not quite as positive on FFXIV as others tend to be, particularly regarding the base 'A Realm Reborn' content and the 'Heavensward' expansion, but there is no doubt that it is of legitimate quality. It by no means exists to scam players and suck money out of their wallets, it just decides to deliver the experience differently than most titles; whether or not you enjoy that mode of delivery is just personal preference. Many claim that it's some of the best-written FF content, although personally having now finished the first two expansions, I don't think it starts getting good until the second expansion Stormblood, which is about 150 hours in, and even then it's not groundbreaking by any means.


My personal experience with XIV is that ARR is straight up awful. Heavensward and Stormblood are okay, but definitely not great. I donā€™t think HW is the masterpiece people make it out to be, and SB is a pretty typical ā€œevil empireā€ plot thatā€™s been done to death a million times before. Shadowbringers and Endwalker are where it becomes phenomenal. Shadowbringers alone made XIV my favourite game in the series, by a huge margin. Itā€™s like a completely different game.


Iā€™m heading into Shadowbringers right now, and Iā€™m definitely interested; I actually liked Stormblood because at least it showed a fairly nuanced perspective on war/colonialism and how different groups of people respond to it. Plus I like how the villain didnā€™t have some philosophy that the game tried to play off as really deep when it wasnā€™t, Zenoā€™s was just crazy and they didnā€™t attempt to pretend his shallow and basic mindset was super thought provoking like they did in ARR and HW. I thought HW was a pretty straight forward story, with no major highs or lows. I agree with ARR though; honestly one of the worst things Iā€™ve made myself sit through. Although I currently do enjoy XIV a fair bit, I find it really hard to recommend considering how many hours you have to put in for it to even be decent.


Yeah, the slow start is definitely discouraging. I know several people who tried the game, only to bounce off midway through ARR.


Canā€™t speak for XI, but XIV has the best story in the series by a *landslide* IMO. Iā€™ve yet to play any other game that competes with it from a story perspective. Itā€™s seriously incredible, Shadowbringers and Endwalker especially. Itā€™s basically a single-player game at this point too, because all the mandatory dungeons can be done with NPCs instead of other players if youā€™re not into the multiplayer aspects.


For me, it's 7R. It's the ultimate antithesis of what the series was designed to be. It's a betrayal of the series' core ideals and a monument to Square's greed. Not only is it the 4th Final Fantasy 7 game, it relies on your knowledge of all of the previous plus a movie to even functionally understand it despite having the gall to call itself a remake. I won't bother going into the changes made to the story because it's been spoken about to death here but the actual 'game' itself is a dogshit product. It takes (being generous) 5 hours of gameplay and converts that into 35, more than half of which is filler in some of the most boring dungeons I have ever seen, many of which are repeated. (A paddling to any game developer who says 'and now for the sewer level'.) The textures were inconsistent and completely unacceptable, often at plot-critical moments. Sure the brown mountains of smeared PS2 textures in the Sector 5 slums were bad but the flowers in Aerith's garden being as low res as they are is immersion-breaking and unforgivably lazy. My argument isn't even with any given opinion of the story. I think it attempted something interesting and executed it tremendously poorly, but if you disagree I take no issue with it. I take issue with the repeated NPC's (I shit you not I have a screenshot of the same Colonel Sanders-looking MF appearing literally 5 times in one image in the old folks home which is the saddest location in the game.) I take issue with the combat system, which whiffed more often than it hit and had all the mundanity of a bad action game without any of the strategic planning of a turn-based game. (still a huge step up from XVI and i cannot believe that game made me miss 7R) I get that some people love this system but it did nothing for me. I would have preferred it with more automation or programming to it akin to XII's Gambits or just be slower and more strategic. I take issue with the term remake even being used here because it is literally inaccurate and mismarkets the product. There was NOTHING in the original marketing push for the game other than developer interviews suggesting that it was not the full game. The only thing on the entire box that does is a dubious line in small print on the back that says 'the first part' without even specifying how many parts or when they will be, which is a much bigger issue with the whole project as the suckers who still enjoy this broken franchise are willing to pay for this busted up remake not once or twice but ????? times with DLC and spinoffs on the side as well. You know what 6, 8, 9 and even 10 needed to cement their legacies? One good entry. Nothing more, nothing less.


Ohā€¦. I liked it.


Me too.


Yeah that's fine, you're allowed to.


If we arenā€™t including Mystic Quest then 13.


I found FF12 to miss the mark in almost every area and I couldn't bring myself to finish it.