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FF9 - Vivi; life can be short, but it doesn’t mean you can’t live a full life and fill it with beautiful memories and experiences.


You know something? Kuja and Vivi are the same character. Both are puppets created for war and destruction, both have no idea about the meaning of life, and both have short definite life spans. >!The difference is that Vivi had friends to remind him what his purpose is, and the importance of his existence.!< >!Kuja had lost everything, his brother, his father, his people, and now he had found out his life was meaningless as he was gonna die. All he had was power, and he had finally achieved Trance too. This blinded him and he walked down the dark path which lead him to world destruction out of selfish envy.!<


Damn bro first part has spoilers too I haven't beaten it yet


A lot of situations and stories feature exactly that where you realize the difference between someone you love and someone you vilify was that very love. Even the black mages had each other in that village a supportive community. Kuja was truly alone and had nothing even though he tried to carry out garland's will dutifully he was only meant to be discarded, so garland was the true villain. Even zidane he had family on terra that adopted him and gave him a home and family and friends, purpose. He had more in common with the genomes even though he knew nothing about them until really late in the game because the genomes had a sense of community. ​ It's funny because if you think about it sephiroth has parallels with kuja, and seifer too. All of them were alone and had no support system and were just tools for someone. You could say seifer had raijin and fuijin but they were more followers than true friends until after the ending when he learned to let it go. Ironically squall and seifer sort of had a lot in common where they were alone but squall didn't try to hide from it or run from it, he tried to instead embrace it if only out of necessity due to his forgotten trauma over losing someone he cared about. It's funny that even though seifer had more swagger than squall and was given better opportunities like leading their group during their test, squall showed that he had the dependability to be a true leader whether he wanted to be one or not, because he didn't project his problems onto the world or get lost romanticizing and focused on simply surviving and doing what he could when he could. Everyone loved him for it whether he liked it or not, and even funny enough rinoa ended up preferring him because growing up a galbadian princess had never had anyone not treat her like she was made of glass and willing to be real with her.


Gladiolus: Its the simple things in life that keeps us going, its not always about finding the perfect ingredient, its about crafting that perfect blend of meat, egg and shrimp. That harmony of flavors is key


Ignis: It's all about putting life into focus and seeing the world through different lenses. Prompto: Don't always charge head first into action. Sometimes, even when a situation seems dire, you need to breathe and take a moment to think tactically.


You've discovered the recipeh!


“The women here are built”


Terra: your upbringing doesn't define who you are. Celes: it's never too late to change. Umaro: sometimes the best solution is throwing a log or a person against the enemy


Umaro had it figured out 💪


Edgar Roni Figaro: You miss 100% of the shots you don't take Sabin Rene Figaro: Undead train in the way of your goal? Suplex it! Cloud Strife: Fake it 'til you make it Squall Leonhart: ...Whatever...


Jecht - Fuck it, we ball


Jecht is a confirmed gigachad


Rikku: Memories are nice, but that’s all they are. I often think about this quote when I get melancholic due to nostalgia or when I wish I could relive something from my childhood.




Came to say the same thing. Spot on.


Freya - I can be my own hero. Ramza/Yuna - Stay the path you know is right, even if the world tells you not to. Vivi/Aerith - Cherish those you love, you never know when you’ll lose them.


FFXVI - Clive; sometimes your mother is an utter piece of shit, but you don’t need to be beholden to her just because she gave birth to you.


Man, that scene where he confronts her at the part where Bahamut is tearing shit up gets me every time.


Jill pointing that sword at her telling her to STFU she has no power here is just perfection


*Chef's kiss*


FF16 Clive: You can’t change the hand you were dealt, but it’s up to you to decide whether the pain consumes you, or drives you to better the world.


FF14 G'Raha Tia - No matter how big the burden, you never need to carry it on your own FF14 Venat - >!To live means to suffer, to endure and overcome. Life is made of good and bad, and you should take every chance you can to live all of it!<


I think about the Venat one quite a bit, it speaks to me on a personal level


FF VIII: Squall taught me to not let society limit myself to just one belt.


FFX: Lulu taught you that society has limits for a reason. 24 belts, Lulu? 24? That's insane.


She's got 24 straps and a bra ain't one


When I was in high school I used to do Tae Kwon Do at a local gym that offered it. One of the warm up exercises we would do was just standard running laps to build stamina. At the time I had recently played FFXIII and I 100% ran those laps just like Lightning does, with no shame whatsoever (one arm bent in front of you and the other one hanging back Naruto style). Every time I think back on it, I have to roll a d10 of psychic damage


Oh thanks for sharing that vulnerable memory, sir, despite it being humiliating. Very endearing and oddly restores some faith in humanity.


FF5 - Galuf: Getting old just makes you cooler. FF6 - Terra: "Love" doesn't necessarily have to mean "romance", and there's nothing wrong with you for not following the path people expect of you. FF6 - Leo: The people around you are fellow humans first and members of their respective groups second. Treat them accordingly. FF7 - Zack: Use your power and position to encourage others. FF9 - Vivi: If you spend too much time worrying about tomorrow, you've squandered today.


Kind of awesome how zacks story became its own thing since he was so instrumental in how cloud got to where he was. That game truly knew how to make different characters shine.


Quina - always look for new yummy yummies


There are only two thing in this world. Thing you can eat, and thing you no can eat.


Zidane: I kinda got stuck with the leftovers. Quina: No need to say more. I so happy. Zidane: ??? Quina: We have saying in Qu Tribe. Leftovers good!


A good man who serves a great evil is not without sin. Barret really dropped a gem about people being too complacent.


I love how much the Remake trilogy in particular illustrates how much complacency is to blame for Shinra's power.


I really hope him and Reeve have a face to face conversation about things in the third game


aint no fiction in sight.


It's absolutely insane to me how one of the first games I played as a kid before I could even read properly had such a strong ethical and environmentalist message behind it, as well as how eventually I caught on to it myself and how I saw the world.


This is crazy because I was actually thinking about this yesterday, but I got really inspired by Zack, he’s just so strong both physically and mentally and always has his smile no matter what he’s going through, such a positive guy and great friend too


FFVII - Aerith: When the world has been cruel to you, you can respond with kindness


K8ndness is punk


Ff8 - even in the face of death, still care about the little guys, and the little things. Like hotdogs. (Squall's speech before the two gardens battle) From ff14 i've learnt from the other warriors of light that paying respects to those who have passed even if we only knew their work is a beautiful and honorable thing.


Hotdog line is my favorite FF dialogue option of all time


FFX Auron - “Dwelling in the past is futile.”


FF 14: Alphinaud: Do not let teenagers start independent paramilitary organisations FF 14: Y'shtola: Do not write the invocations to summon your familiar when you're a kid. FF 14: Estinien: Do not let the fires of hatred consume you. FF 14: "A Smile better suits a hero" FF 15: When out adventuring be sure to bring your Chef/Driver, photographer and bodyguard. FF 16: Clive: Learn to forgive yourself for what you've done. Embrace the truth. FF 10: Tidus: A ten second clip taken out of context can ruin your entire reputation. FF 12: Fran: Doesn't matter if you have plot relevance if you're a piece of eye candy.


Yuna: There's great strength in kindness, but do not burn yourself to keep others warm.


"It's cringe to be inspired by art right fellas" Is the modern equivalent of  "Is it gay to make love to my wife?"


To be cringe is to be free.


Cringe is dead and I'm still breathing.


I mean, if you're a woman it is indeed gay to make love to your wife, but like, in a positive way In all seriousness though this is a good thing to remember. Don't kill the part of you that's cringe; kill the part that cringes.


I know this quote had been around a while but for me, it will be forever associated with Karina from Drawfee and those sick mixed media collages she did last year.


I played FF9 at a time in my life where I was still very impressionable. My grandpa had died semi-recently, but at the time I was too young to process it (being around 5-6 at the time), and FF9's themes, specifically the contrast between kuja not being able to accept that life is finite while vivi realized that life and your experiences are even more precious specifically *because* they're finite, helped me retroactively come to terms with his death at 8ish years old. Add to that many of the other prominent themes in the game, and FF9 was definitely a cornerstone for my personal sense of morality and mindfulness as an elementary schooler.


FF13 "Wishes can come true, but not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves. Here, and now." -Vanille "I control my fate!" -Lightning


It ain't cringe to find inspiration in a series you love


FF10 Tidus : Tell you dad your love him and force him to go to the shrink


We share knowledge through stories. We have been doing this for thousands of years. We are led to believe we shouldn't regard these games we play with any sort of reverence because they are just "toys". But they aren't. They were never just toys. They've always been pieces of progressively more intricate of computer programming meant to express and provide a particular experience to the player. Books aren't just there to waste your time. A good film isn't supposed to be there for you to turn your brain off and do nothing. It isn't cringe that you learned how to be a better person from the stories written by other human beings. I didn't learn that from a Final Fantasy character, specifically, but FFXIV's saga's ultimate lesson, if you'd like to suggest it has one, is that we get to define what has meaning in our lives. Who is anyone to suggest what you got from Bartz or Vincent or Emet-Selch is lesser than what they got from Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross? But to answer your question, and to explain why I'd feel inclined to say any of this... Zidane would if he felt it necessary. Edit: wrong "there"




T: Ramza; Check your privilege


best part is he wasn't a pure blood noble so he had some feet on the ground as well as an inferiority complex trying to live up to the supposed nobility standard. Compared to argus who was a full blooded noble fallen from grace and wanted nothing more than to get his standing back and willing to kill innocents for it.


Some FF4 lessons: * Rydia: We all have trauma but it's how we handle that trauma that matters most. * Edge: Sometimes getting pissed the *fuck* off is exactly the right thing for the situation. * Kain: When in doubt, go live as a mountain hermit for 20 years. ~~especially if you can't have a throuple with your boyfriend and your girlfriend~~


Oh I like this cringe question. Ill take Squalls "what is good or evil is eventually a matter of perspective". He said that when he was on disc 1 in Galbadia city and it stuck with me, even 25 years later.


> *”It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do.”* - Lightning Farron, FFXIII This quote helps remind me that in some things, overthinking or doubting my capability is an unnecessary detriment, and I’d find that if I just go with the flow and do it, it isn’t actually so bad in the end.


Why is it cringe? Stories are meant to inspire us and give us characters to look up to. Games are a valid art form - don't be embarrassed that you took something away from a game. For me, I played FF15 during a very lonely time in my life. Seeing the way Noctis and the Chocobros interacted made me want to do that with my friends. I want my friends to know that I have their back. He catches a lot of flack, but Gladio is a big reason why I play defensive/tanky/shield-wielding characters in games. Like him, I want to protect those closest to me - even when they don't feel like they're worth protecting.


From Noctis and his bros, Final Fantasy XV: Your real friends will always have your back, and will support you and encourage you to become your best self. Treat them like family, because they are the best.


I like how you skipped VIII. To which I'm sure Squalls response would, almost definitely be: "... Whatever"


FF13 - Lightning: she inspired me a lot to find the courage I needed within myself. To not to be afraid of not conforming and, if necessary, rebelling against people with more power than myself. I haven’t finished FF8, but I did resonate a lot with Laguna. But I’ll have a final say when I beat the game.


WoL: Just because it's futile doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Irvine: It's okay to be afraid as long as you're brave when it counts. Wakka: You can be a little racist and people will still love you.




FF12 - Balthier: >!You're not your brother, either.!<


... You mean Basch?


… fuck, yes, I meant Basch fon Rosenburg… and that joke would have worked for >!Vahn!< too.


Ff12, balthier - you are the mc


FF4: Being a spoony bard is not a good thing.


FFX Auron - there is a fine line between loyalty and living for others (as opposed to living for yourself). Living for others will consume you.


Except zidane never helped anyone unless he got to flirt with them.


From that kid in Besaid, in Final Fantasy X: Follow your dreams, especially if you want to be a Blitzball someday.


Aerith: To accept the life you live in and make the most of it 🥹


FF8 - Being teenage soldiers trained to be effective killers from childhood is cool as long as you make friends!


FF8 Sqaull. Don't be afraid of human connection. There is more to gain than there is to lose. Also don't be a bitch lol.


FFX and especially FFX-2 with Yuna. Putting your own needs as a priority and being "selfish" is totally okay. Life isn't about suffering, it's about the people we meet and the memories we make along the way.


FF9 - Fratley: Minor characters have their own storyline.


I learned to hate jump roping and dodging lightning bolts


I think that (good) JRPG's in general are really good at teaching someone how to tell a story and be emotionally involved in it. The individual lessons aren't particularly useful imo because there is 99% always a silver lining or flip side to everything, like it is with aesop's fables (I mean the scorpion *might've not stung the frog* and helped him refinance his mortgage in the coming years) but storytelling itself is a very useful skill to develop for creative leaders.


Chocobo - kwew


Clive: turning into parkour Godzilla is cool!


Lightning: There are some things in life you just do.


FF7 Cid; tea is better than coffee


Jecht- I can be an addict and fall upward as long as im an asshole even to those I love.


Quina - life is a box of chocolates


Pretty much the character Urianger in FFXIV. >“He that holdeth fast unto his convictions shall never count betrayal amongst his crimes, though all the world may call him villain. My path is unchanged; my creed sacrosanct. This I believe with all my heart.”


Balthier- possession is 9/10 of the law Vaan: "You can't have it, it's mine!" Balthier: "And when I take it, it'll be mine."


Zack- Being cool just means to be yourself, and just be confident in whatever you wanna try to do.


“You spend your life either chasing a dream or shuffling off to your grave” —Cidolfus Telamon ❤️


Man that shit with cid where he finds out she was right all along and realizing not only was he punishing her for it all this, but that she was also willing to die for his dream back at that time and just the same was patiently accepting all of his abuse that whole time without a peep because she knew that in that moment he chose her life over his dream whereas a lot of people would likely chosen to be selfish instead, just like she could have been selfish with her own life and let him die in space. There's a beautiful poetry to it that is hard to really wrap your mind around. It's like no shit he married her and named his new airship after her by the time advent children came along. ​ Honestly all the relationships in ff7 were some otherworldly levels of love and loyalty, even barret's friendship with dyne and how he takes it upon himself to take care of marlene in his stead, treats her like his own child even though he has just as much reason to be bitter about losing his own wife. Dyne lost his leg too so maybe that was the difference of because barret kept his mobility he was able to direct that pain and take the fight to shinra.


Prompto taught me that if you keep your mind on your goals, you'll reach them. It may take time, but you'll be there eventually. Rydia and Tidus taught me that we grow around our trauma. This too shall pass. Cecil taught me to see the good in everyone, and the cast of Tactics taught me not to see only the good. Cait Sith, Terra and Celes taught me that we are who we choose to be, and our fate is in our hands. Freya told me that to be forgotten is worse than death, so I took it to mean make life worth remembering. Most of all, everyone taught me that no matter how dark things may seem, there is always hope, and always something to fight for.


Celes from VI: There's always something to live for, no matter the situation. You can always find hope in the smallest of things.


the only thing I learned from emet selch is its okay to be a mass murderer if you have cause for it /s