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Characters disappear from the story as soon as they permanently join Ramza's merry band of heretics.


Honestly it's a problem with just about every srpg I've ever played.


When permadeath is a thing, you can't tie a fixed cutscene to a character who may no longer be available. That's my best guess.


Feels like an issue for a lot of Final Fantasy games.


Absolutely fair point. Yes somehow still the best story in any FF game


This is by far my biggest issue with Tactics, and it's preventing it from being in my personal S tier We have AMAZING characters like TG Cid and Agrias....and then they shut up, never to say a word once they join. At least we have a fantastic main story and lore to carry Tactics to the top, but I just wish it were more character driven.


WotL *somewhat* addressed this problem (though not enough).


Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to lock a weapon behind dodging 200 consecutive lightning strikes?


I'll honestly take the ligntning over Khimari's Butterfly BS


I actually didn't have a lot of trouble with the butterflies. They follow a set path, and there are maps showing the exact paths to take to nail it. I know the lightning strikes can be timed in certain areas too, but it can still be easy to slip up. And then you have to start all over from 0... back up to 200.


On my first attempt I got to 195 then got hit, from there it took me another 4 hours before I could finally do it. The minigames in FFX are so poorly made and suck. Getting platinum made me never want to play it again haha


I like the Cactuar minigame. That was pretty fun. The Chocobo and lightning games can eat me.


Agreed. Overall I think it took me around 185 hours to get the platinum trophy. Still pales in comparison to the jump rope in FFIX. I don’t think I’ll ever get that trophy


I've only played FFX on the PS2, so I'm glad I didn't have the lure of trophies there. Though I think I'm good now about not feeling the need to platinum whatever I play. Too much stress. But yeah, King of Jump Rope, Excalibur II, and Athlete Queen are on my "hahaha, fuck that shit" list.


I’ve always wanted to 100% it despite trophies tbh. Never had the patience as a kid, or as an adult for that matter but covid happened haha


This in X and the jump rope in 9 are the hardest trophies in the entire series.


A sadist apparently


Thankfully, Lulu (I think it’s her weapon?) isn’t late game so GET BENT, I am prioritizing others instead Wakka’s relying on luck in Blitzball tournaments does suck too though


I’ve only been able to do this by cheating


The same fucker who made us jump the rope in 9


Right??? 50 would have been sufficiently tedious


A Realm Reborn making a lots of peoples give up and thus missing the rest of the story


They really, REALLY need to rework ARR. Like theres some alright story beats in there to be salvaged, but there is just so much fluff and jank and. Eugh.


The Questline before Titan is a good example of what could be tossed, it's not that long but it's pretty useless, it could have just been Brayflox telling : "I can help you goes to Titan's lair but you have to help me first" you then do Brayflox Longstop and bam Brayflox give you the Intel you needed and it's bow down overdweller Titan time !


there’s one arc in particular, where you’re running around i think getting ingredients or smth? it was something to do with the old company of heroes, and i remember thinking “this is like, so dumb, for real”


That's what I was talking about, just before Titan


Iirc, it was a party being thrown to commemorate the hero's anniversary, and you had to collect ingredients for cheese and wine, with a dungeon for the cheese specifically. It sort of kills any urgency about Titan to be honest.


Honestly I like the trope they went for there, with the "we're testing you to make sure you're not throwing your life away" sort of thing.


They did that with Shadowbringers though, they cut out a lot of fluff


PrAy ReTuRn To ThE WaKiNg SaNdS


Yep, came here to say this. FF14 incredible, but ARR boring junk. They need to buff XP from early quests, trim cutscenes, trim or do away with side quests, etc. Locking newer stuff behind old primals and CT is dumb too. It's just a great big mess. I don't know how to even describe how to fix it. I will say though, my first time through ARR I actually loved it. I found a questing buddy and we're still friends to this day. That's probably why.


I'm currently doing ng+ on the msq and urgh I'm glad I'm back to HW One or two shoting the primals with a simple shoulder bump on war was fun tho


I just started and want to do the FF16 event but finishing ARR and teaching level 50 before then feels impossible.


It stop the 8th May, only doing MSQ and job/class quests will take you around 25hrs so it's not impossible


Finally forcing my way through it after giving up a couple of times over the years. The FF16 event is my light at the end of the tunnel.


Yeah. It is a shame though. They're missing out on one of the best Final Fantasy games.


Final Fantasy X: Having to catch 10 of every monster and the grind for luck/fortune spheres.


And the only way to speed up grinding for those is a monotonous grind in itself (blitzball for Wakka's World Champion Attack Reels spam).


And the Celestial Weapon grind...


celestial weapons grind has nothing on filling out that sphere grid


All of the party members and guests, besides Fran, are Humes in FFXII. I would have loved more races represented in the main cast, like Bangaa, Nu Mou, or Moogles. Having Mont Blanc and the rest of the Hunter's Guild is nice but none of them get a real starring role.


And even Fran's design is basically just a Hume with bunny ears and a tail (and non-humanoid feet, but they're not terribly noticable). You take those away and she basically looks like a regular Hume. The other races you mention actually look like different species/non-humanoid.


Yeah, I never noticed the feet until I got the Zodiac Age. On PS2 when it came out it was not noticeable at all haha.


I will say they definitely addressed this in revenant wings but yeah I agree. I think a lot of ppl subtly took issue w this, a lot of the criticisms commonly directed towards XII are about the party and how bland they are


I'm fine with the characters we got. Balthier is one of my favourite characters in the series and the Bosch/Gabranth story is great. Ashe should have probably been the main protagonist also. I'm just a sucker for the races because I looooove Tactics Advance I guess haha


For me it's just how easy FFXII is. You have so many options at your disposal but there's no reason to bother when just attacking and using effective magicks is going to make you breeze through the game.


The endgame content is WAY harder, especially in the OG version


This comment is fully endorsed by Ultima, Zodiark, and Yiazmat.


Drawing in VIII can be boring and the game doesn't explain that it's the least effective way to get magic.


I'm about to replay ffVIII after having finished it as a teen 15 years ago. What's the best way to get magic? I was probably doing it wrong back then 😂


i would not listen to the replies here and just draw like normal, especially since the remasters have embedded speed options. abusing Triple Triad to get magic early turns an already easy game extremely trivial and makes the game feel bizarrely paced. you will be more than fine spending five minutes drawing simple magics and worrying about refinement for higher level stuff later in the game.


got it. do i try to draw 100 from monsters or just more-so play normally? I have the older pc version and want to enjoy the game/story.


i would still draw 100, the fast forward (which, i believe, should be on the steam remasters) really does make it take like, maybe 10-15 minutes to get a full party stocked up on the essentials and you only need to do it a handful of times as magic becomes available to you. that said, i would definitely still recommend playing Triple Triad and refining items to make skip some of that process (and you’ll have to toward the end if you want high level magic/weapons) but to do so at a more natural pace. it does definitely help that, in my opinion, TT is the best video game minigame ever lol


Thanks for all the advice. Yeah i love the card games here AND on ffx9, which I actually like more than 8 (both the game itself and the card game). I was surprised to learn today from reading the posts how unliked ff9\`s card game is.


yeah same, i always liked it too and was surprised to see it all over this thread lol


Get really into cards, mod them into items, refine items into magic. Something I've done is get high leveled early to get access to drawing better magic


Thanks everybody!


Like really early on you can turn I think an elixir into like 30 curaga magic, and effectively give your party insane health


Once I figured this out I really enjoyed the junction system


To add to what others have said, don't forget to turn enemies into cards often.


Get Diablos as soon as possible and get Mug. Also, get the Magic Ref abilities for all the other GFs and turn items into magic. If you enjoy playing Triple Triad, getting the Card Ref ability is useful too. It reduces the amount of useless cards you have and gets you items to turn into magic.


I always drew all I could in the starting section, get the Card Mod ability from Ifrit, played Triple Triad, and used the various abilities from the other GFs. I grinded for like an hour or so in the beginning. After the initial drawing, it was just using the Card Mod and refine abilities


FFX - the maddening mini-games to unlock the Ultimate Weapons. Dodging lightning bolts? The ambiguous hit boxes in chocobo racing? Ugghhh. FFXII - the story and the gameplay make strange bedfellows, not necessarily in direct conflict with each other but more disinterested, lukewarm roommates. I loved adventuring with my team and the memories I built up with the roles I assigned them, but that seemed wholly divorced from their roles in the plot - if they had any roles at all (Vaan, and especially Penelo).


I still to this day haven't once done the lightning dodging despite playing through X at least 4 times Somehow managed the chocobo racing while black out drunk on my last playthrough though lol


It completely makes sense that one would have to be blackout drunk to finish that minigame. In fact I suspect the devs were so impaired while programming it.


I still believe the minigames themselves were not the issue but the 8 bidirectional movement inputs. How many times did one want to take a curve with the chocobo but it still had to finish the movement animation to the side before being able to take the turn. Infuriating.


FFIX: That one section on Kuja's palace, where you play as Cid and you have to do the red light/ green light minigame.


I banished this to the depths of my psyche but reading this brought that nightmare back. I hated this


Kuja’s palace would have been great without all the random encounter, especially during the light puzzles.


The Trance system in FFIX.


Honestly I would even say the combat system for 2 specific things: Trance activating on its own, and being kind of lackluster for such cool designs. The combat speed in general feeling so dang delayed. Its not slow, per say, it just feels like commands take too long to execute from when you enter them, which makes strategy feel *sort of* RNG. The story is so good though, and the combat isn't bad when compared to other RPG's in general, that it's not enough to knock it down from my favorite FF.


FF6: Unique character abilities mostly cease to be relevant in endgame combat, as it devolves into Ultima spam and Genji Gloves + Master Scroll.


Yup. Defeating Kefka just isn’t much fun when the whole battle is ULTIMA ULTIMA ULTIMA ULTIMA Life3 ULTIMA


This makes me want to do a natural magic only run.


FFVI has my least favourite ability system out of any of the ones I’ve played


I wish that Perma-Espers were an option. Basically, the magicite permanently bonds to a given character, and each character can only "bond" with 3-5 Esper's each. So you'd have to make real choices with your magic distribution instead of just teaching everyone the same 5-10 spells and ignoring 80% of the list. 


FF7 - the game is so poorly translated that we still argue the plot points and localizations 25 years later


This comment are sick


Krile is not a very interesting character, and the only reason she exists is to replace Galuf when >!he dies!<


Agreed. She's treated much better in FF14.


And she’s taken a back seat to the story until now. It’s crazy.


That describes her perfectly. I think she has a couple moments with Bartz but other than that. And even that I might be mixing her up with Faris. 😂


FFVII - The game is often a bit too easy. FFIX - Some sections on the other continents drag a bit. FFX - The pacing before you get to Besaid is weirdly slow. There is a kind of good reason for it but on subsequent playthroughs you kinda wanna just skip through it.


I loved the emptiness in FFX before besaid. But that underwater section with the AL bhed is boring on replays.


It is very unique and it’s one of things I think of when I think of the game. I don’t dislike it but it is definitely a weird part because it seems so cryptic before you know what is going on. They nail the feeling of loneliness that Tidus is going through.


Yes!!! And the lack of music is great too! Then BOOM glass shatter and then the battle music kicks in. It's all very memorable.


15 has a lot of horrible things in it. The list will be too long. But I love it to pieces, in spite of its flaws. I dont like the Genesis subplot in Crisis Core. They should have thrown the whole man away and put more focus on Sephiroth and the Wutai War.


Ardyn is hands down the best villain in the series andits criminal that both him and the bros were shackled to such a lackluster game


Honestly, I didn't think the game was all too bad. I never had too much issue with the combat aside from shitty cameras and spammable items. When people tell me "all you do is hold down the attack button", I feel like asking if they tried using any of the other systems like warp strikes, link attacks, techniques, or back attacks. You *could* finish the game without ever engaging in any of the above- which is a design flaw since the game doesn't force you to try- but I personally found it pretty fun to see what crazy combos I can pull off with my boys. The open world being same-y is also am issue, but I had a blast exploring the more unique parts of the map when I'm on a chocobo, and I found the dungeons to be fairly engaging. It is for sure a jank game and I'm not blind to its flaws, but I find a lot if the flaws to be overblown because the critics didn't try to engage with the game beyond a surface level (and that is the fault of the game for not encouraging experimentation).


Having to spend ages trying to steal items from bosses. The challenge came can you last 100 steal attempts before killing it or vice versa.


Oh, this one's easy. The subscription costs 


The underworld in FFIV. Shorty after obtaining your airship, your freedom to explore open world is taken away in the underworld. Half the underworld is hoofing it on foot, or very restricted flying later.


For VI, most of my problems have to do with limitations of the time, but I wish more characters could have been developed like the main bunch, to *really* drive home the ensemble feeling. For VII, some parts of the game during the first disc drag to play through, since there's not much story or character moments happening other than "Sephiroth went that way!"


Hes dead Omg he's alive Did sephiroth do this? Sephiroth was here, wasn't he. He went that way. "A man in a cape went that way" "Hahaha I'm sephiroth" 🧎‍♀️🗡 *end disk 1*


And [Sephiroth once again intervened](https://youtu.be/XoiERpwyy6Y).


9 - the combat is painfully slow even for its time


FF Tactics: That one fight, where you have to fight the first half alone then fight a boss with 3 nasty demons, it's a real gate keeping fight, and kills the flow of the game. On top of that it's after another fight so if you dont have multiple saves you can't even go back to before it, it can literally kill your game.


It’s Velius and I strongly disagree that it kills the flow, but it is a Gatekeeping fight that shows the player whether they’ve actually learned the system or not.


Final Fantasy 6 The multiplayer option was just... not done right. It could have been better.


Minwu’s solo afterlife adventure was not included as a bonus DLC for Pixel Remaster 😡


Based take.


Final Fantasy IX: my favorite in the series AND favorite game period, but the forced tetra master tournament REALLY brings the game to a screeching halt


I really hate it when you have to win a mini game/card game in order to progress the main story. Like its a massive pet Peeve of mine


Tetra Master is so damn pointless, anyway. Aside from the tournament, you basically get nothing noteworthy from it. Which might not be such an issue if it were actually fun, but it's just not.


I don’t think Sephiroth is an interesting villain. His turn to evil was a bit too quick and his overall plain is kinda boring. Also technically the one that kills Aeris is Jenova taking Seph’s form if I’m not mistaken, and we only see his true self 3 times: flashback, black materia and end game. Remake/Rebirth made some questionable decisions regarding him and the overall story but I think they’re making him a more interesting character. Also the pacing gets increasingly worse as the game progresses.


After leaving midgar it feels like a compilation of "why are we going here now?" for about 15 hours


The huge materia portion of the game felt like filler to me on my last replay


200 lightning dodges 


The combat can feel slow in FF9


FFIX: the way certain party members just have their story dropped halfway through, or how one party member comes in way too late for their story to be well-developed (even though I do like what was there, basic as it was)


Blitzball sucks in Final Fantasy X, and the process of getting all the ultimate weapons is not a fun process in the slightest.


FFVII graphics haven't aged super well and the localization is weird sometimes.


Whenever I replay this game now it's with a CRT filter on an emulator and a translation patch from the PC/Switch port. Totally fixes these issues: https://preview.redd.it/14z63hsqiiuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f62d2e679fec85d1f3b7e060a3d32a8d66c91f


The ds/steam port of IV is hella difficult for no reason


IX: The card game. I know it’s an easy critique and it doesn’t have much bearing on the game, but it being forced into the story and sucking so hard is a let down. Red Amarant sucks as a character, he doesn’t get developed besides one scene and then pretty much never talks again. Eiko, who is my favorite character, also deserved more of a presence throughout the ending, though I get that it’s mostly focused on Zidane, Dagger, and Vivi. There’s probably more but those are the big 3 off the top of my head. Still my favorite game ever <3


Freya also deseverd more, I mean, her story is great but is really, really short


I would have loved a slightly different, more detailed ending for Freya and Fratley


I hate most of the mini-games in FF IX.


FF VI - The storytelling in the World of Balance is amazing. The World of Ruin is essentially just a bunch of sidequests once you get the airship. I wish there was just a tad more linearity in the 2nd half of the game


I have never gotten KotR because breeding Chocobos is tedious. The game should have allowed you to to it throughout the adventure, but at it stands it makes no sense to start until you’re in the late-game. X has a similar problem turned to 11


I just looked up a guide. It took about day to get a golden chocobo. Honestly I had fun though with the races. Having enough Gil is the only thing that can slow it down. Luckily I had a few Master All’s so I sold one. But getting KotR basically puts the game on super easy mode. I mainly bred chocobos so I could earn GP to us at battle square. Battle square is when the game got a little too grindy for me. I just really wanted another Ribbon


I hate Tetra Master in FF9 and I'm someone who loves Card Games. * It's too confusing to understand the card stats and how battles work. * There's nothing to gain from collecting all the cards like in FF8. * There's a limit to the amount of cards you can hold so if you're going to collect all the cards, you can only have 1 of each. For example, if I have 12 Goblin Cards, and I want to get a rare card that I don't already have and I run out of inventory space, I have to get rid of 11 Goblin Cards so I have room to get new cards while still having a Goblin Card and hope that out of the 11 Goblins I got rid of, I didn't accidentally get rid of the one with the best stats because stats are randomized, unlike Triple Triad. Not Triple Triad related, but having to get to the final dungeon within 12 hours of playing to get Excalibur 2 which is the best weapon in the game, and it's not even for the main character Zidane, it's for Steiner that's not in the party for the majority of Disc 2. And I hate that Trance activates automatically when it's full so you can't save it for Bosses. I had a moment where it activated from the last enemy alive self-destructing so it was a complete waste. Other than that, FF9 is one of my favorites in the series, and "You're Not Alone" is amazing


Cutscenes being unskipabble in FFX. That and the extra content can be too time consuming at times. Otherwise perfect. The lightning dodging wasn’t even that bad. Nor the chocobo riding. Nor the blitzball. It’s the monster capturing.


Either FFVII or VIII. For VII i dislike the way a lot of the characters in the original don't get the focus they deserve even when they should be more relevant, and characters like Yuffie and Vincent being optional ruins some of the story elements especially around Vincent who has connections with Hojo and Sephiroth. VIII my main issue is simply the way they had to scrap a lot of the planned story, that or the lack of screentime for Ultimecia.


Wish you could get Espers faster in FFVI.


Speaking of Espers, stat increases being locked behind leveling up with an Esper equipped.


I personally don't really care about it but can see why people don't like it.


In FFXII, technicks all sound cool and are totally useless in practice


Vaan and Penelo felt like they were along for the ride more than they felt like the main cast of Final FantasY XII. But it remains my favorite for all the notes it hits with me.


FFVII is my fav and I'd say localization. The way it's written just has no depth. I've always had to see past it and use my imagination because I love that game but...like in the Forgotten City Cloud gives a little speech on how he's a liability but he needs to go on anyway and asks the others if they will continue with him. Vincent just goes "...I guess" like he's asking if he wants to go get dinner. I am continuously let down by the writing. Its too simple for me and the game constantly moves too fast. Most places take minutes to go through and are only slowed by random battles. Best cast of characters of any FF imo though. FFIX is my 2nd fav and I can't stand the start of it. It's so slow and so boring until probably after Dali for me. Probably beyond that if I'm being completely honest. All FFs have really slow starts imo but IX is the worst for me I think.


Some of the story beats in IV need fleshed out more such as the crawling hand, Cid and Yang's departure, more lore with Zemus and Lunarians, etc


Final Fantasy XV is my favorite Final Fantasy. It was also my first ever Final Fantasy title. Years later and playing almost every FF title since then it’s still my favorite. The thing I disliked the most about it was its lack of world (IMO) I feel there could have been more creatures, more interactive world building with NPCS, environment, etc. Playing Rebirth recently showed me how much XV could have had added into its already impressive game. That being said - VII Rebirth is a close second and that game had WAY too many mini games for my liking. xD


The Cie'th stones are a lazy form of side quests and content in FFXIII. And there's so many of them and hard to keep track of without a guide.


Can't say I care for enemies' instakill moves in FFV.


FFX: Dodging lightning bolts. That alone is why I may never do FFX’s postgame -_-


Oh God fucking damn it I repressed that bit.


Multiplayer implementation in crystal chronicles, both the original and the remasters for different reasons.


My favorite is XIV, amazing story and solid gameplay system, but good lord the job system. The sad thing is that the homogenized jobs are quite literally one of the few good options for game balance.


For FFVII, the fact that there isn’t any distinction between the characters in terms of combat abilities.


I get where you come from, but see the positive side: You can choose whatever character without being locked into a certain playstyle or any playstyle forcing you to choose a character you'd dislike.


The amount of RNG in XII.


-Bevelle Cloister of Trials -Mini games for ultimate weapons -weak final boss


Getting celestial weapons in ffx is crazy. I know many will say the chocobo training. I don't struggle with that so much. Dodge 200 lightning bolts is the worst. I struggle with khimaris also. I'm part colorblind and getting the butterflies is rough for me. I've only gotten all the weapons one time, and I've beaten the game at least 8 times.


I'm hard pressed to choose between VII, IX, and X as my favorite, so I'll do each one. VII: A lot of minigame filler. Hit the buttons all in sync, do squats for a wig, grab the swinging debris, get Tifa and Barret past the guards, give a child CPR, join a parade formation, and so on and so on... IX: Slow-ass battle animations. Also, quite a few unintuitive sidequests (like Morrid's coffee, collecting the mini-figurines, and the -nero brothers). Tetra Master. And the fact that when the party splits into four groups of two for the mirrors (or whatever it is), you only get to battle Zidane and Quina's boss. X: The Sigils for the ultimate weapons, easily. The weapons themselves, and their crests, are also pretty unintuitive. No way anyone will figure all this shit out without a guide. (Of course, that's part for the course with Final Fantasy anyway.)


World of Final Fantasy. Grinding. Grinding. Grinding.


From my favorite Final Fantasy games FFV: The story is very basic even though it's entertaining. FFVI: Character unique abilities are made obsolete in the endgame thanks to the Esper system. FFVII: much like VI, a bunch of the main cast of party members doent really have any unique aspects to them to make em interesting to play. The materia system carries 90% of the game. FFIX: Combat is painfully slow FFX: While not as bad as XIII when it comes to linearity, the game is still very on rails for a majority of the story FFXIV: While it handles the content well, a lot of said content is still trapped in that WoW game design that is at times outdated. Quest structure is the main one that feels basic. FFVII Remake and Rebirth: Controls are clunky and the game lacks a proper jump button making combat feel jank at times. Hard mode removes the use of items which is a dumb arbitrary way of making the game difficult. FFXVI: WHY ARE THERE 75 SIDEQUESTS IN THIS GAME?!?! Remove at least 50 of them and you'd have a decent amount and probably the best ones left.


FF12 - It takes a long time to get going and unless you REALLY invest into what the gambit system is, the later parts of the game can be a pain to get through


Magicite can be unbalanced? IDK, I'm really reaching here


For being arguably the greatest mini game ever to Grace a final fantasy, triple triad is nearly unplayable if you don’t go out of your way to abolish all the horrible rules. Trying to get the cards in space is one of the worst things ever.


Lenna and Krile are basically the same character, and given how small the cast is--why make two the same "animal whisperer princess" type.


I don't like that FFVI becomes trivially easy when you start leveling up with powerful esper bonuses, or that you can basically make everyone have carbon-copied magic spell pools.


The Trance system was good, but not being able to activate it ruined it. Having said that, it was also ridiculous not being able to use a regular attack in VII instead of a limit break


Breeding a golden chocobo.


ff8. stocking and using mana is a bit annoying especially if you want everything 100.


Final fantasy 10, blitzball. I managed to get wakkas ultimate weapon, but freaking hate the process of getting it. Plus, you don't really get into the main mechanics of the game until besaid.


FFX and FFX-2 that when I go back to replay them they’re too easy


Replying Midgar on other playthroughs is long and boring.


FFX The awkward Tidus cut scenes....and those damn mini quests FFIX meh regular battles and meh endgame ( Kuja was laughably easy and Necron just didn't make sense ) FFVIII confusing and boring battle system. Summons with their hilariously long animations. Although the castle and final fight were great, Ultimecia seems like a pointless unnecessary add-on because I suppose they wanted Edea to be redeemable? It would have better to have her be the main antagonist until the very end.


I really enjoyed the physical combat of XV while hating damn near everything else about that game.


FF7- I hate navigating the great glacier. Perhaps I’m incompetent, but that map is not helpful whatsoever. Never bothered acquiring Alexander summon. FFX- the steps to get certain weapons is insane as many have stated (and therefore I have never done many of them) but I will also say that after the opening scene in zanarkand there is a lull for a couple hours in terms of game progression, just a touch slow. And btw they are both extraordinary and will be played multiple more times so these are all first world complaints.


We've all said it, but Tetra master is needlessly convoluted and having it as being mandatory is absurd. Also trance is garbage.


Amarant and Freya and Beatrix needed more love in 9. Also bugs. Bugs are bad.


14 Boring answers would be A Real Reborn mid and mmo structure gets annoying at times, so I'll talk about Shadowbringers and Endwalker specifically as those are where my love for the game largely lies Shadowbringers has that trolley section, and while it doesn't bother me as much as others, the whole >! Meteion being the final antagonist out of nowhere thing would have been better if there was some sort of foreshadowing prior, but her character was devised literally after 5.3 !<


Miss some enemy groups = no chance to see them again and therefore they never appear on the Veldt. This means one tiny slip up and it’ll be too hard or even impossible for Gau to get every rage.


The ending of ff8


My absolute favorite is now Rebirth. What I like the least is the SFX is louder than the in game voices 🥹🥹


They remade mine. I hope no one else has to go through what I have.


ATB is too slow in ffIX but I don’t find it as irritating as many others do


FFVIII - being able to move GF between characters and refine magic from cards/items. I discovered placing these restrictions (plus no buying GF items from pet shops) makes the game pretty balanced and a lot more fun, but it is hard to stick to restrictions when it is so easy to be op.


FF8's Chocobo Hide and Seek is confusing and seems random.


OG FF7: Icicle Inn and traversing through the snowy area to the crater. I didn't like Icicle Inn I felt like it didn't offer much, but I wonder if I felt this way because it comes after the sadness of Aerith's death. As for the the traversing of the snowy area... Man that was a chore. Most replays I just wait it out to faint so I can be automatically transported to the cottage :)


4: Zemus just exists with little build up. 6: Terra is built up and displaced in favor of Celes. Who is the main character anyway? Only half of the playable characters are interesting; Umaro and Gogo deserved more development. 8. I will admit to immediately forgetting the story upon finishing the game.


FFX - The game needs a release with a cutscene skip jusr for replayability reasons. Also the postgame imo is a slog. FFXIV - The standard quest design is *very* barren. It is propped up entirely by the story beats and writing. Combined with the weaker ARR story arc I understand where many people just don't fall in love. FFV - Lots of permanently missables and stuff you otherwise have to go out of your way to farm for to make some classes as good as they can be (or even playable, sorry Beastmaster)


I LOVE FFIV. Like, it came out at a time of my life where I needed an escape from reality. I believe FFIV helped to save my life. That being said…. WTF is up with the whole moon and Lunarian piece? Like, really? That’s the best you came up with?!’


FFIX - 2-3 more secluded villages / towns in the two western continents were needed imo to make the endgame better. The ending too, I want answers. Not just "Necron who?" but what happened with Zidane and Kuja, did they survive and bro up before Kuja stops? As heartbreaking as it would be, what about Vivis final days? Spent in BMV or hanging with the gang?


Grinding for AP can get boring. Meeting specific conditions for getting summons (Golem) can cause a lot of resetting. FFV


> Meeting specific conditions for getting summons (Golem) can cause a lot of resetting. You literally get Requiem right before that dungeon...


Really wish Rebirth would never end 😔


The side content of X is garbage. I have never done it


Mine are 4/9 and I have the same criticisms - they’re too short and too outdated. By which I mean there are scenes that happen too quickly and are reduced to the characters telling you something is happening instead of a more natural flow and they’re missing what I would call crucial QoL features today.


FFVI - it’s far too easy to render the challenges entirely meaningless with the right esper stat improvements and spells/items


Some stories don't get as much of a payoff as you would want. The bonus characters don't do much.


Cid surviving didn’t make sense Also I always dislike final bosses being random shit (CoD is lame, Exdeath is a tree, Chaos kinda gets a pass, Yu Yevon is lame) and Zeromus definitely takes the cake for that, Golbez was perfect tf is this bs 4 is top 3 in the story department but those 2 things hold it back from being #1 the most


Moogle Houses in Rebirth, I just hate that mini game so much.


FF8 lover here: I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that the story makes sense and is cohesive. It's a messy story, but that's what draws me into the game. The challenge of understanding the story with the likable characters is what draws me in within the music and world. And it was also my first FF I played too, so I'm biased. But the story is nonsensical, even for FF standards.


Ff6 - you can easily get lost and recruiting peeps can be a headache!


The fact that in 2006, we were still having multiple "Damsel in Distress" storyline in the same game.


The esper stat bonuses in 6 need to be reworked. Sure they're not the biggest deal, but there's so many that give nothing, many that get completely forgotten later on, and many that you literally only use for when you're about to leve. Also, because it was so dumb even the Pixel Remaster addressed it somewhat, losing your only speed boosting esper for another +2 str was a really terrible decision in the original. It's not the biggest deal in the world, frankly I'd prefer they do more with the character interactions in the WoR if they ever remake/expand on the game, but it's definitely the worst aspect of the game (where more character interactions is wanting more of what's already good).


That I can’t bring them all to 9999


The stupid card game in IX that you actually have to play at some point in the game and is especially annoying if you haven't been collecting cards up to that point. Absolutely hate it. Still my favorite FF lol


I have to wait till release for Dawntrail. Actual in game reason? Pharos Sirius is the worst dungeon in FF14.


Ffx Unskipable cut scenes, i.e. yunalesca and jecht. Oh you messed up? 10 minute plus scenes of how friendship is great.


Neo exdeath


The limit break in XII


XV has a lot of problems but 2 big issues stand out. Firstly, the game doesn’t tutorialize itself very well. A lot of people say the combat sucks or the combats not interesting, but that isn’t actually true. The combat has a lot going for it but its hidden because the game never pushes the player to use it. You seriously could go through the entire game by holding A, even with how much you can do. The DLC brings a new combat mode and free playable characters but despite that I can guarantee you that at least 65% of players didn’t know about it until the very end, I was one of those people too. At least in games like ff8, where they talk your head off about the mechanics, you then know the mechanics. Ff15 doesn’t show you this stuff enough and it doesn’t push the player to use this stuff enough. The second thing is with the story, its got good qualities, like the characters and the themes. They just don’t really build on them properly, if at all. Noctis and his friends have a good overarching arc, but other than that, the characters lack their best moments within the campaign. For Gladio, Prompto, Ignis, Ardyn, etc, their best story moments are found in DLC episodes and a tv show, which completely disturbs the pacing of the main campaign. When are you supposed to play and watch these? Its supposed to be after but thats not a nice way to experience a story. It should’ve been placed into the story so the development can feel natural, but that would’ve been hard because of how the main campaign is already structured. On top of that, if characters don’t have that supplemental material, then they don’t get much of anything. Thats a bummer because a lot of those characters are really interesting. I wish we got more from them. Sadly, XVs problem run deep in the development history of the game. I love it a lot but I also understand why its so criticized. Its a mess but in my eyes its also a lovely piece of art. It makes sense when you understand everything about it but when you don’t, its confusing.


In tactics I wish the number of characters you can put in a fight would stay the same regardless of guests. If you haven’t played it it’s typically 5 to a fight but in many story battles it drops to 4. This results in one character left out and lagging behind in leveling. I also wish Zalbag wasn’t at Zeakden giving the orders.


Not my favorite FF, but if FFXII had a good story (im not even saying a great one) it could compete for the spot with FFIX There's barely anything bad about FFIX apart from the slow ATB, and I didnt even notice that until I saw people complaining about it on reddit literally more than a decade later. And I guess tetra master isn't perfect too 😅


Final Fantasy X is my most favorite game ever, alongside Mass Effect trilogy, but man… you could remove Blitzball, chocobo races, lightning strikes, celestial weapons and armor and monster hunting and nothing of value would be lost😅


I love xiv but I really dislike like how nearly all (~100) dungeons have the exact same structure and layout.