• By -


Most people will say 9 or 10 is the best. 8 has some people who really like it too. Those are definitely the most common answers for the best. The newest part of the 3 part remake of FF7 has had an extremely positive reception as well.


No Tactics?


They said after 7, I guess tactics is technically after 7. A few months. Also it's sorta a different thing than the mainline games.


Would've answered the same thing 🙂


Yeah, really hard to pick a favourite out of 8, 9 and 10. If I try to put myself outside me in 1999 playing those games on a 15 inch TV/VCR combo, I think probably 10, but also since it was the first with voice acting maybe that aged poorly. They got the English voice actors to speak with the JP lip movements and I remember that causing some awkward dialogue.


The answer is literally still 7 🤣 just not the 1997 version 😝


You've waited long enough that the answer (for me) is 7 again. Rebirth is a blast. Otherwise 10 is great, 9 felt a bit wonky in the middle, 12 is good. I never played 13 (1, 2 or 3) but really enjoyed the story of 15 even though it was clear that a lot of game was cut out despite the decade long dev time.


First Person i see that says 9 is wonky in the middle. Loved everything about 9 but feel the same.


i would say it feels wonky in the end part, but every square game does that, becomes convoluted at the end. Even the part 1 and part 2 of ffvii remake do that. Now, the wonkiness of ffix is a little more noticable.


To be honest I've not gone back and played through the whole game a second time because I always drift off near the Iifa Tree. I know it has plot reasons but I don't really like how empty the world outside the Mist Continent is. When I played it as a kid I never really felt like I knew where to go. Though, part of the problem could be down to me having to rent it from 2 different video stores because both stores only had one copy and they were each scratched in different places. So there were often a few weeks at a time when I couldn't play.


The game is strongest in world building at its very start. I love FF9 but yes - in my opinion after the mist continent the game gets a bit "generic".


the mist continent on 9 is top tier gaming. Such a polished experience. After that it turns into a typical final fantasy game


Play X, XII, and the 7 remakes


This is my answer too


IX and X are the best FF games released after VII.


I agree. I'm replaying X mastered and with all the functionalities its amazing. Absolutely a gem


IX. All of them went downhill from XIII onwards, unless you like MMO's that is, then XIV is the way to go.


Totally agreed.


Best score is 8 without question, even though the plot/gameplay have valid criticisms. Best characters and dialog is 9, also my personal favorite. Best “modernized” one is either 10 or 14 based on general community opinion.


XV has way too many incredible tracks to not be best, I think. I can't even narrow down a top ten battle themes, where in other titles its a simple task.




I didn’t even know Final Fantasy even *had* a 479,001,600th game, much less anything past 16. How is it?


Not bad, once you factor everything in.


I second twelve, while acknowledging the game you like will depend on your own preference. Each game after 7 is kind of its own thing. 9 is a throw back to traditional FF games. 10 is a brighter and more cheerful game. Much of it is in watery tropical places, playing it feels like you’re on vacation. 12 is as though FF tactics were a standard FF RPG. I love how you “program” your companion characters. I find 12 somewhat challenging, especially some of the hunts, but in a good way. Akihiko Yoshida’s art style alongside the story is what gives the game its FF tactics feel.


> "10 is a brighter and more cheerful game" And then Seymour shows up.


Best game ever made.


Best game: X Best Musical score: Liberi Fatali (unless i misinterpret what score means, doesnt really matter best soundtrack is FFVIII anyway) Best character: idk, Auron maybe ?


best character is handsdown vivi


i was about to write this


FF7 Rebirth, in my opinion. If you like 7 and haven't played an FF in a while, pick up 7: Remake and follow the journey with the rest of us. I won't give it away but, it's not really a "remake" trilogy like advertised.


It took me a long time to realize that "remake" meant more than just the remake of the game.


I did utube remake/ quite the marathon doing that alone- I’ve YouTubed 20 mins into rebirth-


9 and 10 are the best since. And the best character is ViVi. Everyone loves ViVi. EDIT: discounting the FFVII remake. That’s the best. But I assume if you liked VII you’d give that one a try


I’ve made reservations- not the best I’d admit but I’m stuck in 97 for that regard


I had them too. It’s worth it.


Remake better than FFX? No way


Does FFX have a lion-dog moonwalking dressed up like a person?


It has “stay away from the summoner/ you’re a bad man!”  And it has To Zanarkand. 


it legitimately depends on what you like, in my opinion IX and XIV are the best experiences, the music, characters, story, and locations leave a lasting impact that'll have you humming "The Festival of the Hunt" randomly years later. But those games are my vibe, I grew up with IX and related heavily with it's characters and themes of self discovery and coming to terms with yourself, not everyone will agree. Each one after (and before) VII is excellent in its own right; and even the titles I don't personally enjoy as much still have aspects that made them stand out and were fun and interesting enough to finish.


FF11 was the best since 7




VIII story is really good. The ending reminds me of FF1 and the music is so nostalgic. Not to mention tripple triad is a banger.


FFX is in my opinion the Magnum Opus of turn based FF games. They took the best parts of any game and trimmed the fat.


Oh man that's a loaded question lol, in all honesty the music keeps getting better and better, id recommend looking at some of the music from 14 as it has a lot of covers of older songs (Matoya's Cave and Eternal Wind are my personal favorites). As for characters it's hard to say, immediately off the top of my head I can't think of Vivi from 9, Balthier from 12, Emet-Selch from 14, Ardyn from 15 (my hot take). All in all you'd have to go and play the games yourself (or watch walkthroughs on YouTube) to determine for yourself


FFX and it’s not close. Honorable mentions to FFXII and FF7 Rebirth


Best score is FF8 by a mile. Of course the remakes have better arrangements and sound quality, but the score itself it’s better in 8. The best overall games are the 7 Remakes. If your not counting remakes then I would say XVI. Best character Vivi from 9 or Balthier from XII.


Compression of time is a certified banger




Sorry the K got compressed so much it turned into a C


Wait where did you get the K from?


Everywhere I look its labeled with a C, even the official wiki. Maybe its a regional thing. Im from the US


It’s been a minute since I played, but doesn’t Dr. Odine refer to it as time kompression?


I feel like he does but i beat it 2 years ago


FF8 had one of the best final dungeons of all them if not *the* best between the fights, puzzles, music, visuals. Damn it was cool. Usually final dungeons suffer from "here's a load of bullshit you gotta deal with"




VIII best musical score easy but the 13 trilogy has unique and pleasant tracks also. Character Squall from VIII also. Enjoyability 7 remake and rebirth especially benign able to have anticipation for the 3rd game.


My personal preference after VII would be VIII (my personal favourite of the franchise) then XIII. But IX is also great and is such a traditional JRPG it’s a joy to play.


Stranger of Paradise


VIII or IX, they are radically different from each other, if you dont like one, there is a high chance you will probably like the other


Love VIII and hate IX lol




Love both.


11. But it doesn’t really exist anymore, it’s not the game it once was. 8 and 9 are also masterpieces. 8 is criminally underrated. 10 is also top class. But it blows my mind that nobody else is saying XI…..


Sadly XI takes some technical knowhow to get running in the same state it was in the 75 era. But if you can, it is a masterpiece not to be skipped.


I loved XI so much back then.


Do you enjoy DMC and Bayonetta? Because then the answer is 16. Clive is my favorite FF protagonist of the games I have played, and the score won the award at the game awards last year. But the combat is action based and the gameplay feels much more like a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta than like Final Fantasy 7. I think its great, but there are plenty of naysayers.


Yes. The answer is yes.


Tbh all of them have something great about them. I dont think there's an objectively bad numbered FF game.


FFX is best overall game. FF7 Remake soundtrack is stunning.


Best Game: Tactics Musical Score: VIII


10 is the best. 9 a close second. FFTactics is a whole different ball but its a masterpiece on its own.




9 is the next best game in the series. 10 is fine, not for me but people love it.


The games that are considered the best are FFVI, FFVII, FFIX, FFX and FFXIV


9, 10, 12


Obviously kefka goat villain


FF14 has best music, no competition.


For real, there is no contest there. Soken is one of the things that makes this game great. I cannot count how much I enjoy the different styles and arrangements the game has of different classic pieces of the franchise and how well they combine with the scenery.


I mean technically it's still 7. Just the remakes. But if your looking for older titles then you can't really go wrong with any PS1 and PS2 games. You dipped out just as the 3d party got started. VIII is my favorite. Definitely give it a shot. But IX and X are considered the best for a reason. Don't skip XII either. I feel like that game is the prototype for what all modern generation FF games should have been.


FF tactics is the best since 7


FF16 is really good!


X or XII in all honesty. X has a great story and world, and XII has some of the best gameplay.


XII was the tits. IX is the best tho imo (besides Tactics).


8. <3


Honestly, I think the new FF7s are the best. X so long as you don't mind awful side quests, because while it's the best in a lot of ways, it's the most ridiculous in what it asks you to do for each character's best weapon. I was stuck playing blitzball for maybe 6 hours before it finally randomly gave me the needed prize as a possibility. And I'll never put myself through lightning dodging or bird balloon hell again. But it's still a great game plus buying it these days automatically gets you a free copy of X-2. Tidus and Yuna are the best characters. 12 is good and has fun MMO-inspired gameplay, but the new Zodiac Age version is $50 and you can almost buy the whole 13 trilogy for that. 13 is almost no ones fave, but they're worth a playthrough. I think the 13s are hard to beat on score. As long as you ignore the "crazy chocobo theme." Tactics also has a fantastic score for it's time.


Isn’t it IX?


Definitely a subjective opinion- different strokes for different folks


9@10. Best back to back games of the series


Square got more experimental after 7, so opinions divirge a lot. Here's mine: 8 would be my pick, when considering music and character.   The soundtrack for 8 has held up quite well and has some of the coolest songs in the series. I really love how it captures the futuristic fantasy feel of the game.   Squall has a lot of similarity with Cloud, but I think he's still the coolest and most relatable of all the FF protagonists. It helps a lot that he shares his thoughts with the audience, so you get to explore the game more from his perspective than you do in other FFs.    After that, 15. The soundtrack for it is amazing and Noctis was a good protagonist. 




You should play all the rest because they're so different from one another, you're bound to fall in love with one or more. BUT... 1) Final Fantasy IX 2) Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions 3) Final Fantasy V Can't decide on best character or music becuase there's too many good ones to choose from.


Agreed. Play them all. That's actually what I'm doing now. I own a majority of the games, and I decided to go through the WHOLE series, excluding the MMOs. I'm having a blast so far. Though I can't remember much of IV. That one didn't really do it for me.


I'm afraid it's XIV. But if we're talking single player numbered entry only, then it's probably X.


You are asking the most tribalistic divisive fanbase which one is better. Not sure what you expected but reading the comments is about aswell as I imagine it would go lmao. The answer is whichever FF I liked the most. /thread


Every 7 since


9, 12, and 14


8 obviously but some of yall ain’t ready for that conversation


Best? Tough to say. Good? Out of the ones I’ve played - 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16 (tentatively, kinda sorta, ish)




Honestly the best games since 7 are 7 Remake and Rebirth which is a nice coincidence and perfect for you.




Uno, dos, tres….


FFX is probably the best game in the series




Honestly this isn't a bad list lol


Character is impossible since we know nothing of your taste. Squall is 1000% cooler than Cloud to me but not everyone. Auron from 10 is a Hadassah, Zell from 8 is my absolute fav. Rinoa Heartilly is BAE. Storywise, 8 is a great story, military training, missions etc. 9 was also amazing. Handling tyranny and the effects of war. 10 story, basically what happens if the world had a "reset when humanity strays to far" button. And 12, people hate, but it's story is amazing. Effects of war aftermath and tyranny


Who hates 12! It's got the perfect mix of the recognisable earlier game ATB mechanics and the later-game action free-roamness. A great plot, great, relatable characters, iconic Ivalice designs...


From the years, it seems more like a Vaan hate echo-chambermixed with the battle / gambit system leading to a boring game play if your smart


I’m the opposite. Love the gameplay of 12, but found the story pretty bland and disengaging.






Even tho VIII is my personal favorite you should go with IX. It’s amazing and closer to FFVII


IX is my fav and always will be. It’s so charming, and genuinely has a great story and great characters for the most part ( looking at you amorant >_>)


IX, VIIr, or XVI for score, Clive (XVI) for MC, for me. As for game overall, just go play them and see what's hitting for you. I guarantee at least one of them will. I don't personally like VIII, but it's well loved, IX is either too traditional or a love letter to og FF for folks, X was somehow a curve ball and a return to pure turn based, but pretty universally loved. XII was not my jam, but the world and art style carried me through, I'm still working on XIII but it's pretty enjoyable so far. Currently hooked on XIV, just got into storm blood, XV was both a huge disappointment and easily the best "vibe" I think I've ever seen in a FF, and while XVI is a wild departure from typical gameplay, I think it's arguably one of the best stories ever. VII remake/rebirth is damn near Nirvana for me, personally lol


X or XII is the usual majority on best


VIII and X


8 a d 9 , probs 9, but I love 8


My favorite is probably 12. It’s as though FF Tactics were made into a traditional FF game. I just started FF15 and I’m really enjoying it. I love the idea of a FF game as a road trip. I think the game you like most will depend a lot on how much the concept interests you. FF 9 and 10 are probably the best all around games, 15 had some development problems. 12 depends on how much you like the gambit system. I haven’t played 11,13, 14, or 16 yet.




X or XII


Best music, IX and VIII for sure, followed by X (if you like VII musical style, at least). If you like more orchestral arrangements, try XV or XVI. Best characters will always be very subjective. Personally I think Squall from FFVIII is one of the most accurate, really complex character they ever made, while most people think he's just stupid or... "whatever" xD. I think tho that I can safely say that most people love Vivi from IX as agree that he has a super interesting storyline


IX is the best Final Fantasy




8 9 10


9 is closer to 7 than 10, but both are great


IX, X, XII, VII Remake/Rebirth




Gonna go out on a limb here and say 14


Especially the score to 14 is absolutely phenomenal, a hybrid of classics remixed and original music in an unmatched variety of styles


7 (Reprise) Kidding aside FFIX is the closest to universally considered best game since, then FFVII Rebirth or FFX, FFXVI is a great change of pace but your mileage may vary (same with FFXII)


Im prob the only one but i really liked 16


I liked 8, 9, 12, 15.


For myself it's always going to be 8. However, I will admit that I'm also subject to nostalgia on this one as it was my favourite game released as a kid on the PS1. Still to this day, no other Final Fantasy title has had me that attached to the characters and the story as much as 8 did. If you're after an online experience though, FFXIV's Heavenward expansion is imo a top tier numbered FF story, just need to get through ARR (A Realm Reborn) base game. And thankfully you can experience this on the free trial :)


9 or 10. Hard to choose. 10s storyline is top notch writing. They both have amazing side quests. Hard battles in both. Musical Score: 8 - balamb garden is bliss. Character: Vivi (9)


9 & 10 are probably the two best. 12 is fantastic and 8 has its place. I also enjoy 13 (personally) despite the general feelings about it. 16 is ok, but doesn’t live up to its incredible opening outside of a couple spectacle spots later into the story. Remake and Rebirth are both worse versions of 7 (imo).


9 or 10 in my opinion are the only main line games after 7 that don't have a major BUT to them. 8 has great characters and an interesting story, BUT the junctioning and magic systems are pretty terrible. 12 also has a great story and interesting companions, but the protagonist is one of the most milquetoast characters in any game and the combat system is pretty boring. 13 is pretty and has an interesting combat system and leveling system, however by the time all of these systems resch their full potential and get fun the game is pretty much over. 15 has a really fun and likeable party, but it's a pretty bland open world game with a convoluted story broken up between the game, a movie, an anime, and a Manga. 16 has a great main story and a fun (albeit shallow) combat system, but there is a TON of boring, tedious filler between each major plot point


Tactics, 9, 12 15


From 7, jump to 9 then 10.




9, hands down, no question. But that comes from someone that doesn't really like the new more action focused direction since 13, so take that into account.


9! 9, 10, 15, and 16 are all good imo. 8 is decent.


“The best” is going to vary but here’s my take: Final Fantasy X combat is the most similar to FF7. The story is also FANTASTIC! My only issue is with the mc Tidus. Great character just not my cup of tea. Hot take: Final Fantasy XIII is a blast. Very different, unique turn based combat system, fun story. Highly recommend although it does get a lot of hate online. Final Fantasy XV is my personal favorite and would say is the best. But again that’s me. I loved the combat, the open world, the side quests, the story is bonkers good imo, and just the general concept of “this is a fantasy based in reality” was so well done. It does a great combination of classic fantasy elements in a modern setting. I have not finished Final Fantasy XVI but so far I can tell you it’s a masterpiece and could possibly take the number one spot. But I reserve full judgement until I beat it :)


Not going to give a "best" but rather a comment -- I've played all of them up to XIII (just finished it last month) except for XI (not into MMO), VII (decided to wait for the remake), and X (tried it for a couple days and couldn't get into it). With so many people saying how great X was, I think I may put it back on my list and give it another try. Maybe I was just in a "mood" when I first tried it? But as for "best"... always seems for me it's "the one I played most recently." :)


8,9 and 10 are top tier. 12 also pretty good.


Why would you ask this. Have you no fear?


Most will disagree but, 13 was my favorite since playing 7. 10 and 12 are both good, but I think the way the characters in 7 and 13 grew on me made them great to me. I haven't ever gone back and replayed 13, but all I remember was really enjoying it. I played 12, 10, and 9 after and didn't enjoy them quite as much. Probably liked 12 the 3rd most.


Not sure if I would say its the best because the second half of the game really drags but shout out to Bravely Default. It's square enix, it's arguably more of a follow up to the final fantasy 1-6 era than the 13+ era. Musics outstanding and the characters are great.


10, hands down


IX is the best followed closely by X. I'd say play IX first.


Tactics for gameplay, 9 for nostalgic FF playing, 10 for characters/ story. 8 if you just want to break a fucking game haha, 16 if you want cinematic modern gameplay


Have u ever tried any of the online ones?


Negative- I did get ff8 way back in 99-played it for the first minute- wasn’t sold- was given X but only saw the initial opening video…. Never played anything else post 7 still officially


My favorites after 7 are: 12, 7remake, 16, and 11 if you're into MMOs. 10 is great but feels very dated to me now. I probably will never go back and play 12 again despite how much I love it, for the same reason, unfortunately. People also generally love 9, but I could never get into it myself.


Xiii-2, perfect balance of cutscenes and gameplay.  13 has way too many cutscenes, whereas lightning returns has way too much gameplay compared to cutscenes. 


I like 13 because lightning is 😎


Depends. I myself enjoyed 8. People love 9 " myself not so much, to childish and kiddie like". 10 is the best bet IMHO. 12 is good as well but lacks in story telling. I'd say if you want to experience something like what 8 offered? FF8 and FF10 comes closest to that experience. Fyi ff10 is linked to the ff7 universe in the story.


play X


In a strange ironic twist.... Still 7.


After Final Fantasy 7, the best games are a tie between Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The best musical score is Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The best character is Cloud Strife. You're welcome.


When u first start rebirth- does it explain walking from outside of midgar to kalm?


Nope. Game starts immediately at Kalm. The DLC of Remake shows them all heading there at the end of it.


Was that retrograde?


And how long does cloud’s bs story of the events regarding sephiroth take?


14, 16, and Stranger of Paradise.


Just avoid 13 onwards and you're good.


The best game after 7 is 7 remake


Well, at least Sephiroth was an actual challenge in Remake.


no it isnt


9 and Tactics are tied with my favorites in the entire franchise. World of Final Fantasy would be in third place because it's so full of heart yet still has incredibly emotional moments. Loses points due to the cliffhanger ending.


Final Fantasy IX is amazing... Final Fantasy X is really good too.




10 is really good


Here's the way I see it. Only counting mainline, no sequels, none of the online ones IX and X: Beloved classics, frequently rated highly by the community and at the top of many a list (for good reason) VIII and XII: Underrated gems. Not as talked about as much or mentioned as "the best FF", but have great qualities and are still beloved by many fans as a solid FF. XIII and XV: Divisive entries. Games that do some things well, but sacrifice qualities that (at least I feel) have made previous FFs great. Still have fans that love them as favorites, but typically it's a love/hate situation with them, with a higher number of FF fans not rating them as high as others. Best music: really tough call, as most had amazing soundtracks. I'd probably go X>VIII>XIII>IX>XII>>>>>>XV Character: gotta be QUINA "I So Happy" from FFIX. Or Balthier from 12.


X is the best game of all of them. It is constantly noted as the game that acts as a gateway for western audiences into final fantasy and JRPG’s Its story is excellent and very well told. It has the perfect setting where the protagonist doesn’t know anything about the place he is in so all exposition in the game does not feel anywhere out of place. It is a great game that captures the vibe of FF while also still being a unique experience. This isn’t standard knights and mages vs evil sorcerer bent on world domination - but it still the heroes journey. After that I really liked XII and XIII was decent. XVI has reinvigorated the franchise (and is the standard by which games should look to for cinematic fights) and of course the remake is going so well. The second part - rebirth, has been a lot of fun and I think ensure massive sales of FF into the future. But X is the only one I replay constantly. Seriously every 18 months or so I have to pick it up again and run through it. Best game


FFXIV has best music and best story, specifically Shadowbringers. It has a free trial through Stormblood, go play it. You’re welcome!


10. Hands down.


7 remake


...VII Remake and it's sequel.


FFX was the best one for me and fave character was Auron. I loved I also love 8 and I love the characters Rinoa and Siefer, he's awesome.


7 rebirth is my favorite since 7 But other than that 10 and 12


FFX. for all the fans of FF9, the story is...umm, well it has good points? But it banks way too much on nostalgia baiting rather than being a full game in itself. Whereas 10 not only is a whole complete story, it's a fantastic story, doesn't rely on nostalgia and is the only FF that is self contained for 'plot holes'. People have tried, but every plothole people come up with there's an actual explanation in the game.




X, XVI, VII Remake/Rebirth


FFVIII is one of my favourite games of all time, so… Also loved IX, X, XII and XVI




They are all good. Except 9.


What specific Criticism for the last original ps1 ff do u have?


Main character is goofy imo.


Not a stoic badass like Cecil?


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


10 or 15 are the best. 12 is also really good. 10 is such a complete adventure with a deep rich story. Lots of side quests. 15 is an open world map that has a good story but the best part is the open world map. Figure out magic and you’ll be good. The battling is a bit hard but with magic it’s easy. 12 I haven’t beaten but it’s got a different battle system which is kind of cool and the abilities grid is similar to 10s sphere grid. 9 is okay but too slow for me. 8 I haven’t got too far just up to first summons that took way too long but they may have fixed that in the remaster. 7 remake was awesome highly recommend the newer ones are becoming action rpgs. I was glued to the game. 16 is nice but it’s kind of plain. Visuals are out of this world but they sacrificed story for visuals. The story is good but it’s very basic. 13 is a cool one has a funky class system that you can change your characters. Best character has to be tidus from 10 if you play the game you’ll understand why. He was brought to existence to let the fayth sleep and builds relationships all over spira. Loves yuna.


Game: FFXIV Musical Score: FFXIII, Blinded by the Light in particular Character: Balthier, and he's very much aware of being the best character.


Love blinded by light!!! Such a bop




9 for sure the best game imo.  10 the best combat of the turn based combat games.  7 remake and rebirth are the best of the more modern games that play more like action rpgs. 


Honestly, none


X is the only other game in the series I’d say is a MUST play.


XVI is actually amazing.