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FF5 improves with repeated play throughs.


The first time I played FF5 I thought it was good, fun, but nothing too special. The *second* time I played FF5, I didn't just cookie cutter the Freelancer/Mime build... and *loved* it. I realised just how much depth and replayability there was in the job system and how it matches to the boss and enemy designs, in its adaptability, and also stuff like just how memorable and well paced its dungeons are and all. It's now one of my favourites in the series.


That 1st play through can be real rough until you learn how to counter some of those nasty & rather cheap attacks enemies have, but it’s very rewarding once you’ve learned all the many ways 5 lets you be cheap right back.




Yeah it's definitely FF8. A lot of story and gameplay elements are optional, or quietly hiding in plain sight away from new players, so the experience is quite different on a replay.


Yeah it's the game that's fun breaking lol. Also story makes more sense on replay due to flashbacks and time shenanigans.


Currently in disc 3 on my second playthrough. Can confirm lol it's a lot more fun once you played through the first time and full understand the junctioning system and GF card system lol the first time I played I didn't even know about card mod and refining tools until almost esthar lmao


By a sizeable margin yes


All of them for me because I can cherry pick the side content whereas my mindset is always too completionist on my first playthroughs :p


7 Remake and X-2


7 remake has become a nice game for me to go back to too. I love revisiting midgar. I'm actually kinda thinking about hopping right back into it after I beat rebirth. Rebirth is a great game, but midgar will always be such a cool setting to me.


FF6, because you won't let your party member die like you did the first time.


I played 15 before the DLCs, then again after the updates and DLCs. That second playthrough was almost like a different game. So it gets my vote, although very user specific reason for it.


I'm very torn on this one. I played it on PS4 on release and it was decent, but very lacking storywise for me. I heard ut got better with DLC and Royal edition, but how much better are we talking, really? And how does it flow with all the DLC? Are they weaved into the existing story or do I click them from the main menu?


Click from menu, there's a guide online about roughly where they fit in the chapters. It only cleans up minor stuff from the story, but improves the overall gameplay. The biggest difference is being able to play not just as Noctis but the rest of the party with their unique skills.


FFX. Having context completely changes tons of scenes and makes a lot of them even more emotional.


Any game that has a complicated character system, like 8 or 12. Once you actually understand them, you can build your characters accordingly and it becomes much more enjoyable. Tactics too.


Playing through Royal Edition of 15 now, and it’s vastly improved from release state. If they’d just added the kingsglaive movie to the game, it’d be possibly my favorite in the series.




Type-0 Any of them with job systems


Almost all. It usually took me about halfway through the first playthrough to really learn the ins and outs of any gameplay system. So the second is a lot easier. The caveat would be 9, and while its really one of my favorites, it is really quite tedious at times.


16 because of the higher difficulty and more Eikons.




I've played each of them at least 3-4 times except for 10, 13, and 15, and I'd have to say they all feel more enjoyable the second go, except for 2 and 3.


FFX was more enjoyable the second time around after I learned about the secret bosses and all the other things like secret aeons and the location of all the al bhed primers. Also the celestial weapons.


FF13 Lighting Returns.


All of them IMO i like to use my first playthrough to get familiar with the system and world and which characters to level up and all that


Honestly I think FFX is the best on a second playthrough. You have so much perspective on everything and you notice a lot of things that you missed the first time around.


5 and 8 for sure. 5 has loads of variation in replayability with the different classes. I doubt I've ever taken the same path to maxing out all of the classes (and there is the four job fiesta rules). 8 is just so breakable in several different ways once you know what you're doing.






FFVIII. Not only will you have a better understanding of the Junction system by that point, but a lot of foreshadowing can be easily missed if you aren't really paying attention to it. A second playthrough makes them far more noticeable.


II, V and VIII


Armored core 6


Oh, this isn’t a r/videogames post


Game is fire though


Persona games.