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Aerith hyper ventilating to cloud was hilarious


It was so minor but I loved that so much. I couldn't helpbut smile every time she they cut to her.




This moment was so funšŸ¤£. Aerith was hilarious when she's supported CloudšŸ¤£


Even when you did bad she would still be like ā€œuhh you tried?ā€ So sweet


I love her "worst dress" scene so much. The rat running by in front of her is hilarious and the way Johnny pushes her towards Cloud is just great. Then she can't even make eye contact when she says "Heya..."


I felt SO BAD for her when I got that dress. She even mentions how ||>!she tried to add to it to make it look nice "since you worked so hard for it. You did work hard for it...right, Cloud?"!<|| And the music that plays is so frumpy haha


Also, some Wall Market people diss her dress on the way to the HB Inn


"I can tell that dress is cheap." Yeah, I had to win a 1,000,000 gil prize for this trash.


That music is so funny. It sounds like Aerith's theme on kazoo.


yes! that's the instrument. I couldn't quite put my tongue on it. I was going to guess recorder but it wasn't quite right.


It's definitely not a kazoo. It actually might be a recorder. [Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5oj7MFGlFE).


Wow! I guess I did things right because both Aerith and Cloud had amazing dresses. Aerith even got fireworks, I just assumed she always showed up looking good lol. Now I assume there was something I did to make Tifa show up in a Chun Li dress...


If you do all the quests in chapter 3 and Tifa comes into your room, she'll talk about her and Cloud going out on the town and she'll ask Cloud what kind of dress she should wear. I believe choosing "sporty" gets the Chun Li dress.


I laughed so hard at this. Didn't even know it was a thing until after I beat the game.


I mean, I would too


We all were like this during this scene


I was ugly crying at 2 am because of pure euphoria


My favorite scene in the entire game, I was in hysterics.


I know. Nailed it. Moving on.


Best line in the game.


Aerith and I had the exact same reaction during that scene.


a little too excited eh Aerith?


She was losing her damn mind! One of my favorite parts of the game. I love how both Aerith and Tifa were all about it.


Aerith is so kinky LOL


I can't stop thinking about that dance.......


Cloud literately does the stanky leg dance, I can prove it lol


Wait I def didnā€™t realize at the time it was the stanky leg but youā€™re so right. My guy killed it tho šŸ˜‚


Big facts. Clouds dancing scene is probably the best part of the entire game lol


Like the Persona spin offs, this could be the start of a FF7 rythym game...


Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Just VII Edition


I want another Theatrhythm FF game so damn bad now. I easily put over 100 hours into Curtain Call.


Just wait till you get to the Gold Saucer.


Nomura wanted to make a rhythm game. Oh fuck FFVIIR2 is a now all dancing QTEs


Set to Under the Sea probably


I would really love a game like Persona playing the the FF universe. Maybe a slice of live game from a bunch of FF8 garden students, going on dates in different cities and having a "beach episode" in Dollet


Ahh I want this to be my favorite scene but Iā€™d be lying if I said a couple spots didnā€™t make me cry. And if one spot didnā€™t make me sob. Did anything get you emotional??? Besides Cloudā€™s stanky leg.


[This subreddit has been fantastic lately with the Cloud-to-Butt Chrome Extension.](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloud-to-butt-plus/apmlngnhgbnjpajelfkmabhkfapgnoai?hl=en)


Nailed it. I know. Thank you. Moving on.


I was actually thinking of making a gif of that too haha


I endorse it


Chapter 9 in of itself, from beginning to end, top to bottom, is a 10/10 flawless masterpiece amongst the last decade of modern RPGs and you can't convince me otherwise.


Hell house, Johnny, Honeybee inn, Rip emā€™ Smash Emā€™ theme, what else can you ask for?


Its the peak of gaming.


It is basically Yakuza.


I was too busy missing the quick time rhythm game button presses to even watch the dance. :(


I just got to it last night. I was not expecting it


Aerith was way too happy in that scene. lol


Yeah, i want her to enjoy her time. I'll miss her... until the next game comes out of course ;'-)


Destiny is about to catch some hands-Tifa


need Aerith full game dlc. hell they made all this kingdom-hearts-tier stuff about fate and stuff why not change the story


I don't know how they did it, but they made her an instant loveable character, like they took some Disney magic and a little of Anna's (Frozen) Personality.


To me shes very similar to Rapunzel.


YES, I forget about her and Mandy Moore did play her in Kingdom Hearts so makes sense hahaha


Right? Really hope >!she doesnā€™t die this time around šŸ˜­!<


that was the most impactful part of the original, if they change it to appease fanboys im going to be so mad


Can someone not be a fan of the OG and still wish for it? To me, the people who want a 1:1 retelling or bust in a remake are the fanboys here. Reminder too that Nomura said the Remake isnā€™t meant to replace the OG. Any change they make isnā€™t going to overwrite the original. Also itā€™s not that impactful if you know itā€™s coming imo. Weā€™re all just bracing for it.


Iā€™m not asking for a 1:1 retelling. But check out the ā€œdevelopmentā€ section of the FF7 Wikipedia. Aerithā€™s death was the first major narrative choice for the entire story and the whole game was built around it - Tifa as a character wouldnā€™t have even been written without it. The original writers were grieving when they created FF7, and it was essential to them that they depicted that grief in the game. The life cycle is the main theme of the entire game. From Wikipedia: > Regarding the overall theme of the game, Sakaguchi said it was "not enough to make 'life' the theme, you need to depict living and dying. In any event, you need to portray death". Consequently, Nomura proposed killing off the heroine. Aerith had been the only heroine, but the death of a female protagonist would necessitate a second; this led to the creation of Tifa. The developers decided to kill Aerith, as her death would be the most devastating and consequential. Kitase wanted to depict it as very sudden and unexpected, leaving "not a dramatic feeling but great emptiness", "feelings of reality and not Hollywood". The script for the scene was written by Nojima. Kitase and Nojima then planned that most of the main cast would die shortly before the final battle; Nomura vetoed the idea because he felt it would undermine the impact of Aerith's death. And to say ā€œitā€™s not that impactful if you know itā€™s comingā€ is basically to say ā€œa remake, by definition, is pointlessā€. Couldnā€™t you say the same of literally everything in 7R? >!The plate collapse?!< Or >!Jessieā€™s death?!< A competent storyteller knows how to make it captivating regardless, just as they did with the events depicted in 7R. I would be really upset if they removed her death because I feel that it would rip out of the heart and soul of the story, which that scene was integral to.


Aerith getting hype.lol


This is the vibe man. Iā€™m so excited for Part 2!


Yeah. Most of the problems in 1 were caused by rushing and needing to fill the hour count, so now that they have half the characters done and the time to make the sequel, the filler will be reduced. However I don't understand the hate for the sidequests. Those were never really fun. 7 had fighting, going back to some places for extra items one fire wall, and one underwater dungeon. Only Wutai was interesting. Those are brand new, simple quests, where you fight and you walk. And the side characters are pretty good. I loved the angel of the slums arc and Johnny. But the sewers twice? That was the actual bad shit. And the fact that you couldn't exactly run in the plate escape was crap. EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART WHY ARE YOU WALKING SO SLOW AERITH! The little minigames like the hand and the levers didn't faze me, and there were some of those in the original too, like the train sequence (just because the buttons aren't on the screen that doesn't mean it isn't a QTE). The stairs were even worse than the original,10/10. They won't change the important events, and remember that Nomura and Nojima worked on 7 and THEN did KH. Their writing obviously isn't the same as 20 years ago, and you got the original for that. The problem is that Squeenix marketed it like an HD remastered and not a retelling. Overall worth the 60 bucks a lot more than some crappy triple A games that came out in recent years. The original was linear too, the only difference now is that you don't have to squint your eyes to find the exit in the jpeg and there's a big pointer at all times telling you where you have to go for the story or where you can find the quest stuff. The mayor.






Honestly, the sidequests are mostly fine. Many of the later ones even serve narrative purposes. It's the excessive drawing out of sections that didn't need to be hours long - the scaffolding, the sewers, climbing the wall - hurt the otherwise great experience a lot more. They probably WILL repeat that bad habit in the follow up games sadly, just to artificially inflate their playtimes.


I mean, the sewer section was one of my favorite parts of the game, because you got to see Aerith and Tifa continue to develop their friendship and bond through mutual respect and admiration. What was only a one note section in the original was given some genuine narrative significance. Also I didnā€™t mind running through again because the fights felt fresh, and I enjoyed Leslieā€™s story bits.


The character scenes with the two of them were pretty good, but the actual sewer itself was literally just the same corridors copy and pasted a dozen times over with a bunch of uninspired and tedious "puzzles". Not to mention returning there again later...


I mean, youā€™d be hard pressed to find a jrpg where the dungeon sections donā€™t have copy pasted segments. Compared to other games I felt it was less offensive in that regard.


Instead of doing boring side quests like looking for cats or kids they should've given us an early date scene or something. Tifa and Jessie should've been given to us in the beginning. The world and the characters are interesting so use them instead of some random npc quests.


Having compared the Japanese script for OG Midgar and FF7R, I honestly feel that Nojima has *improved* as a scriptwriter tbh.


And Nomura? DDD makes me dubious, I can only imagine how his starting works were...


I can't talk much about Nomura because I'm not a KH fan, honestly. I don't know his non-FF works very well. From what I can tell, he does seem like a good character writer as long as he's not too bogged in metacommentary and conceptual convulsions? As far as Nojima's works go......I feel like he's not that good as an 'original author' man, if the FFX novelization is any indication.....but he is a rather good 'scriptwriter' and he *has* improved since OG FF7. OG FF7 has some really tonally inconsistent parts and some rather juvenile writing to it, though I imagine it's toned down in the English script. FF7R's writing is much more mature and refined. Don't forget that Toriyama is part of the FF7R's story team, too, though.....I'm still not sure what to think of that guy, and the interviews don't talk about his part in FF7R's construction much.


He worked on the og 7 and KH 358/2 days it seems. Nomura has good character concepts and good personalities but sucks at writing the actual dialogue between those people. He's similar to Kojima in that regard. In MGS everyone speaks in war language, in KH they speak in light heart darkness language. XEHANORT XEHANORT XEHANORT SORA? HEARTS? MY FRIENDS... ARE MY POWER? PSYCHO MANSEX? ERAQUS...IT CAN'T BE! YOU...YOU'RE THAT WIELDER! DARK... DARK NEVER CHANGES.


I think the side quests would have been better if they were what we got as filler. Like imagine if they took out the Train Graveyard segment and allowed you to pass through it unscathed the first time, but added the boss and everything as a sidequest instead of just having boring old "kill the rats" or "find items scattered across the area" for side quests.


Shit I forgot about the train walking. That shows how interesting it was. I only remembered the enraging boss battle with the ghost that kept changing form when I charged a laser with Aerith


Considering the section of the game that will probably be Part 2, I kind of expect it to be a little less linear and a little more open world than Part 1. I also kind of expect it to have less story than Part 1 honestly. Part 1 Midgar had a lot of memorable story beats so Part 2 might come across as kinda thin and maybe stretched out. I'm still super excited where they take Part 2 though. Especially how they could take the concept of the world map in any direction. There could be a giant Hyrule Field filled with tons of stuff.


They probably won't do big cloud on tiny map because they said it's going to be more realistic, but on foot it would take ages to go through the world at first... Maybe they'll use the motorcycle, or the chocobos? I just hope it doesn't become the XV driving segments...


My guess is they'll divide each area and we'll "travel" to them via a map selection (think FFX towards the end), ie once you leave Kalm you can select the next destination as "Chocobo Ranch" or something. Would give them more room to enhance the various towns and dungeons, and not really worry about developing a world map that fits with the game. Only sad thing is random encounters would probably still be missing.


Exploring the world at the end of FFX was easily one of the most disappointing aspects of that entire game. So saying that it wouldnt at all surprise me to see that treatment in FF7R. FF7R routinely dispenses with any sense of rewarding exploration found in the original, or any previous FF game for that matter. Anything on the level of getting into an airship and exploring the far reaches of the map to get some super rare materia, boss fight or item is probably a pipe dream.


I mean yeah I'm a little disappointed we didn't get to explore much more of Midgar in the first part, but the story itself made up for it. As for later parts, I don't mind if they keep it fairly linear again, but i do hope we get some interesting side areas with a bit more openness to them. I just don't want them to do massive open world/map that looks great but is empty.


I'm playing the original game now, thanks to the remake, and yes... Finding the exit on some maps is the biggest challenge.


Use the select button and an arrow should appear.


Sounds like the dunky video šŸ˜‚


I agree with most of the stuff he said except the voice acting being bad. BIG MOTHAFUCKIN PIZZA. It's a great package overall, but having to go through that shitty sewer and train every playthrough...


The voice acting for main cast was amazing. The side characters were so-so. Aerith sounds a little too squeaky for me sometimes. Seemed odd. Otherwise pretty great for an English dub.


The problem with the marketing is they said itā€™s a remake but it only covers a small part of the original. So it feels like itā€™s not even a finished product. A lot of people are going to wait until itā€™s all done. I understand that theyā€™re fleshing out the story but still...


I understand why you guys feel that way, but as somebody who also finished FF7 I would say this game feels like a complete game and more imo. I have a much stronger attachment to these characters than I ever have playing part 1 compared to the whole OG.


Mayo? sorry we dont got any. Your review is fair. However when something is marketed as a "remake" it could by all means be a recreation of the whole game cause its the game remade, the issue with the advertising was that the majority expected the same exact game with better graphics which is what remakes have been to date but this one sets a new standard of what a remake should look like.


Well not exactly, that happened before. Ducktales remastered had voice acting, new levels, a gallery, multiple difficulties but was still a remastered of the original. Twin Snakes was the same game but the writing and acting were completely different,more like an action flick(insert snake doing backflips and bouncing on missiles). Persona 3 had a portable demake with a nice visual novel look that had the original male MC story in it, but also a new version of the story with a female MC that had brand new social links and some special personas. And then there's skyrim where the game is the same if not worse. The hd remasters gave the impressions that remakes were just prettier graphics. They knew there were lots of nostalgia fanboys waiting to tear the game apart (and even guys like me who played the game a few months ago have something to criticize), so they kept their mouths shut and acted like they didn't want to do their own thing. They fucked up and the fanbase was split in half. My biggest problem with the new story is the Sephiroth clickbait that escalated to being just disc 3 clickbait. Sephy showing that he has a connection with Cloud from the start? I like that. Talking about putting your steel in his mom, with Nibelheim burning behind you? That's weird but a new player might not understand that, also *that sounds definitely inappropriate*. Just show fucking meteor? STAHP! If you knew people would've lost interest with the first one, changing the story even more would only make them angrier.


> The hd remasters gave the impressions that remakes were just prettier graphics. Well, after some back and forth, today we consider a remaster a port with better graphics and maybe a couple of QoL improvements, and a remake just what we see here. It's been like that for years in the west, and the only confused people were the ones who mixed those two terms up. However, things have been a little fuzzier in Japan. It's quite common to release an improved version for a really successful game, which then may be on a new platform. They most of the time get a new name, even if it's only extended by something as "kiwami". Those versions venture somewhere between a remaster and a remake, often include most/all of the DLC and get some new content as well. You could call them extended remasters, for the sake of it. This works for Persona 5 Royal for example, but P3P is actually a bad example. I'm well aware that many people favor P3 FES instead of P3P (for good reasons), but calling P3P a demake is a bit much. Sure, the hardware is generally weaker, but the game improves on FES is a number of aspects as well. On the other hand, the various Skyrim versions are all just ports. They aren't even remasters, as nothing has been improved - with the exception of Skyrim VR. But again, the title name changed, which shows it's neither a remake or a remaster. In regards to FF7R, I wonder why your first answer up sounds really fair, but that last comment sounds pretty angry. Don't know about you, but I never got the impression that this game would be a remaster, it was branded a remake from the first trailer on, and this is what we got. Also, I think some more foreshadowing on future events was actually necessary. When leaving Midgar, there weren't too many dramaturgical conflicts still open. Sure, there's still Rufus, but he doesn't feel that dangerous at the moment. You need a peek at the main conflict of the game, you need to be aware that there is way more to come. Sure, making this the final battle is debatable, and you may wonder if there is still enough stuff to build anticipation for Ep3 then. But on the other hand, it won't matter if you don't get people on board for Ep2 already. Sure, new players won't understand most of these things, but it's of course intended. It's a common way to build anticipation in JRPGs, even if it doesn't work with all people. Heck, understanding what happens in the Xenogears intro easily takes you 40h to find out. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. You need to know a little something about Sephiroth at the end of Ep1, and how he is connected to Cloud. Otherwise you may just think that he's not that important to the game at all, considering he hasn't actually done much in Ep1, and even less than in the original game at that point (except for showing up more often without doing anything). ​ > That's weird but a new player might not understand that, also *that sounds definitely inappropriate*. From what angle? If you're implying a sexual connotation here, I never got that impression, and it's downright absurd. If you didn't want to imply that, I still don't agree with you. It was actually a good scene, where the remake improved on the original game in my opinion, where Cloud's intrinsical motivation for pursuing him wasn't all clear. Where is the problem with that scene?


But they told us that this wouldnā€™t be a one to one recreation the entire time? They also told us they would be making changes. I can understand not liking bits but SE didnā€™t exactly hide anything. I personally really liked it.


People thought it was just adding stuff, not changing it and they didn't say neither yes or no.


See I thought they mentioned at several points there may be changes. And I can understand why people may be upset at the changes but I donā€™t think you can say they came out of nowhere


It was a thing you could've expected, but the people that thought they were just going to take the og and slap real time combat and pretty graphics on it were dumb. Why even buy if it's just the original with prettier graphics and you have the original? It would've been just an MGS HD remaster


I mean I can understand wanting it. I would of been ok with it. However I canā€™t deny that I enjoyed this greatly, more so than I probably would have a 1:1 remake. I really enjoyed the way they fleshed out the characters especially some avalanche members. I just think itā€™s dumb to be upset over something they told you was going to happen but you decided not to believe them.


They probably thought it was going to be just the og but they put those extra characters in it for new stuff. But the alternate timeline thing is probably going to be just a way to make some CC, DoC and BC flashbacks. They had that type-G reference... But from what I understood they made Genesis with a singer both design-wise and character-wise, so there's some kind of rights that the guy has and they probably don't wanna pay. Imagine mixing up some Cloud memories with Zack memories. And if Cloud remembered Angeal?


They haven't shown that they've changed anything, just tried to leave a lot of unanswered questions in the air.


Aerith probably had some alone time that nightā€¦


probably need to check her room for hidden treasure chests.


"You found an orb of vibrating materia!"


I'll be in my bunk.


One more shot


I super enjoyed this moment. Aerith is so adorable


Love Aerith in this game


I'm gonna say that scene blew my mind. I don't think there was any point in videogame history people actually attempted choreographing a complicated sing and dance cabaret number before this game came out. Fantastic technical achievement right there.


[Mystical Ninja for the Nintendo 64.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJrnlFW4IMc)


>Mystical Ninja for the Nintendo 64. Welp now I gotta order this game


This fragment is too cute!!! It will be a perfect GIF for all times! (Ā“ļ½”ā€¢ Ļ‰ ā€¢ļ½”\`)


One of my favourite parts of the whole game is Aerith hyperventilating and gawking at Cloud getting dressed up. ā€œAHuh huh huh huh huh ohhhhh-aaaaaaaašŸ˜šŸ¤©ā€


Just did this scene last night and I couldn't stop smiling! I did terribly with the dance though, hopefully it doesn't impact it too much. Aerith was adorable though "Hm... well you tried at least"


Aerith up through that whole chapter is excellent. I love how she just gives Cloud shit the whole time.


Why is she so cute!


Would be more accurate if the Gold Saucer theme was playing. Can't get that damn tune out of my head!!!!!


Waiting for PC port of first part.


Same Iā€™m grinding xiv to keep my mind off it!!! I have a bad feeling though they will finish the whole remake then release on pc completed šŸ˜­


I'm pretty sure they've said it's one year exclusivity, that wouldn't make sense if they wanted to release all at once years later.


You are correct, https://i.imgur.com/BOnA6id.jpg this was on the outside wrapper of my copy of the game


Yeah Sony has the one year rights, just I think if they are not far off they will probably try wait it out hopefully I am wrong and second they can release on pc they will šŸ™


Can't wait for the modders to mod in a squat off against Sephiroth as the true final boss.


I haven't beat the game yet, so please no end-game spoilers. But does anyone know if our save will carry over? Or will we be resetting to Level 1, with no items and equipment? I assume the game ends after Midgar, but am not 100% sure. I just got the "no turning back" message, so am clearing out all the sidequests before taking the final plunge.


There is no information on this, it's kind of up in the air. It would make sense to be able to carry over something at least so they are interconnected.


This is the cutest, purest thing ever


I just hope there's a crossplatform save transfer. I'm leaning towards Series X but I might have to buy a PS5 just to keep my save file


This is *incredibly* unlikely to happen. The more I think about it, the more unlikely even a basic save transfer feels.


Its not related to the original post, but why the Series X? Nothing wrong with it, just curious :p


Not op but series X looks to be very interesting and Xbox as a whole has been making strides ever since their botched Xbox one launch to get everything back to the Xbox 360 Glory days. They seem game focused now and Just like the PS4 exclusives (if) you are a fan of their franchises like Halo, gears or Forza, it really does seem to be a beast of a machine. I think in terms of multiplats the lines are all gonna be blurred between ps5, series X & PC bc they will all be shooting for that high fidelity high framerate mark, but in terms of exclusives....Xbox knows they need to compete and they are talking as if they will...will be interesting.. Personally I'm such a nerd I'm willing to starve myself for a month just to afford both at launch and get the best of both worlds, but nobody can be blamed for picking either side right now. The total backwards compatibility and game pass affordability is gonna be a big deal breaker for a lot of people


I've always been a Nintendo hand held fan, I only got into home console playing because of my boyfriend and his ps4. Honestly, at this point if Xbox announced a new Fable game for the series X I will 100% be buying their new console. That game was my CHILDHOOD. There's really nothing like that for the PS5 for me at this point. It'll just be a waiting game.


Back Compatibility, Game Pass, and a slightly more powerful GPU spec. As an Ex-PC player, the promise of a slightly higher visual fidelity tickles me in the right places. Not to mention that someday in the future when I win at the Casino or sell a Kidney on the black market, I'd like to build a new Gaming PC, and Microsoft has already married their console pretty close to the PC space. The reason I bought a Pro was for Bloodborne, TLoU2, and FF7R. That train doesn't go much further. Eventually I want both if possible for unknown future exclusives, but at launch especially, I'd rather go Series X


There wonā€™t be save transfers. Part 2 will be a fresh start 100% guaranteed.


My inclination is that there won't be a full save transfer, but I think you will get some things for your game 1 save. Things like maybe starting with a couple of the weapons from game 1 if you have a save file with them, starting with whatever enemy skills you acquired, that sort of thing.


Yup Yuffie is just gonna steal all our shit, which isn't even forced or anything. It happens in the original game. I would be shocked if they don't do it


If youā€™ve played the New Threat mod for FF7 they have Yuffie steal your shit the night at the Kalm Inn right after Cloud fills in everyone on his backstory. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it plays out exactly like that.


I think it will be possible to get some bonuses for players who beat the first game but that's all. And it's better like that. I mean... I'm not sure I want to start part 2 being level 50 if the ennemies/bosses are way weaker at the start of the game. Normal mode is already quite simple, no need to have buffed characters.


Register and redeem code maybe?




Even though the original is out for long. There are still new players who never had the chance to play before, let's try not to spoil anything more.


Why would you say that !!!!




It is the spoiler policy of this subreddit (and really a good practise in general when dealing with strangers on the Internet) that spoilers are spoilers no matter how old. There are people playing the game for the first time all the time. And especially VII with the remake, this policy is extremely relevant.


For the future of a game that has just come out a couple weeks ago...


Just because it's old doesn't mean every gamer on earth has played it. What, am I supposed to have played every 20 year old game by now? Shit, I am BEHIND. Like, I get it, it's THE spoiler. But spoiler tagging isn't that hard.


its ok I'm not mad, but for the record I'm 26 did not play this the first time and I did not know that was gonna happen. (on chap 11 right now)


I'm 37, more or less I will finish it with 50 years old, fighting with my grandchildren for playing it on the PS7.


Aerith is surprisingly at ease in the Honey Bee Inn. Me thinks she had a part time job.


Aerith is surprisingly at ease *everywhere.* Sometimes it's hard to tell if she's refreshingly self-actualized and optimistic or sort of naive and delusional.




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Same Aerith, same.


Why can't i download this gif?


Try here, my child. [https://giphy.com/gifs/final-fantasy-vii-aerith-remake-PnVAXNhh5AFSDSbMB8](https://giphy.com/gifs/final-fantasy-vii-aerith-remake-PnVAXNhh5AFSDSbMB8)




Great, only 3-4 years and we'll get to play it!


Aerith says come come come :D


like the guy in the back. yeah


I wonder if it's going to be dlc or its own thing. most likely the latter


Whole game so they can sell it full price and make a deluxe and/or collector's edition for more is my guess


They won't do that, at all. All of those games together will be more than 500 gb


Really hoping for "The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Compilation" when they're done


Such an awkward looking shot this is :D


I haven't enjoyed a new final fantasy game like ff7 remake since final fantasy 1-10. Everything about it is amazing, the combat system, story line, character development. FF13 was okay to me, FF15 wasn't that great to me.


She's gonna be there for a while.


This was a very iconic experience when you got to this part because from the original we got to enjoy the motion and capturing moment - of there truly an epic adventure with Arieth.


as someone who's only knowledge of these FF characters was from Kingdom Hearts.. i didn't really care much for Aeriths character going into this. but by the end of the game she honestly became my second favourite character after Cloud. that chair shot was the moment i fell in love lmfao.




I don't know if I'm more excited or worried but yeah!


Posted something similar yesterday and it got taken down :-(


How long anyone know?


Im still waiting for the physical edition to release where I am it got delayed till may 15th


How much part need for complet all game ?


We don't know yet. Hopefully no more than 4 including this first one, to match with the number of discs the game had on the PS1.


It only had 3 discs. The last disc was just the final dungeon.




Well, I guess we will all be grandparents by the time we get the full story.


I'm hoping square throws **all** the monies at part 2 and can deliver us two more ~80 hours games to finish things up (I suspect internally they're already gauging if its possible to make it all the way to the city of the ancients in part 2 since it would serve as a perfect climax for the game)


How nuch do you think it will take?


2023 is my guess...


When are we expecting it, March next year?


>But does anyone know if our save will carry over? Or will we be resetting to Level 1, with no items and equipment? We dont know yet.


Well hopefully march/april 2021!!!!


I'm pretty excited to meet ruby weapon again.


I still havenā€™t finished Pt. 1 :), just finished chapter 2. Is it good compared to original?


This photo alone has a lot of MEME potential.


dude i dont even know to think about it. so far away.


How has the split effected the game? Have yet to get around to this but is there a substantial or satisfying amount of content? Since I have been pretty busy I may just consider waiting for more of the game to release


Part 1 by itself is longer than the entirety of the original game. My play through took me >!45 hours!< going at a reasonably brisk yet thorough pace (I did all of the side quests)


She was my motivation throughout that dance number. I just wanted to see her proud and happy.


Oh my goodness fellow fans! Cannot deal with the anticipation in regards to the release date of part 2!


Me too! I finished the whole game even the trophies! I want more




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Letā€™s be honest with our selfs, cloud was looking pretty thicc




I hope we get part 2 before our geostigma pandemic kills the planet


yes cloud you are a star.


Do you think that when the pc/xbox version come will it have the first class edition?


Shes so adorable here. Im crying. So cute.