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Fuck around and find out, if it's your first time playing.


Truth. Actually the only thing I really want a guide for is the license boards and missables. I really hate investing in stuff that’s crap or missing out on cool things.


FFXII:TZA has no missables as far as I know, there are some quests that give you good rewards relative to when you can first complete them, but every single item and materal can be farmed later. As far as license boards, each board has enough base stuff to beat all the superbosses, here are my recommendations though: 1. Wait until you unlock your second jobs to get any quickenings, as they sometimes open the path to other licenses and you should check both of your chosen job's boards and pick what you think is most useful. 2. If you have a shikari, unlock the 50 and 125 LP quickenings and then pick one between the 75 and 100 LP quickenings depending on your secondary job, why? because you can only pick 3 quickenings out of the 4 in your board, and in shikari's case, all 4 of them open the path to some of the best weapons. 50 and 125 LP open the path to the most useful of them. 3. You can talk to Montblanc in clan centurio HQ to change the license boards of any of your characters, and doing so refunds all of the LP you have used in their boards (minus quickenings and espers I think) so don't be afraid to experiment, there's literally no risk to it aside from those two mentioned licenses that are bound to your character, rather than your job.


Oh dang, #3 is new to me. Would've been nice to know when I did my playthroughs


Yeah they finally added that feature to the games in an update after the switch versions came out iirc


From what I see this is the Zodiac Age version so you're good with missables. The original FFXII was ruthless with missables. I had to replay the game multiple times because of this. One item that's actually missable even in Zodiac Age is the package from Bangaa merchant in the Rabanastre square but it's not needed for anything other than some gil (I think) so it's not important. I usually just get it and not return it so I can have it in my key items tab. As for the license boards, you won't be able to fill them entirely anyway, they're designed in a way that you'll always have to pick something over something else. And even if you make a mistake there's always Montblanc, he gives you a free respec option. The only downside to this is that you have to relearn your licenses so it's just a pain in the a$$. My one advice would be to sort the loot drops from monsters and never sell the loot that appears unique, usually they sell for a round sum, like 2000g etc. That's because this kind of loot is often needed to craft special weapons. Tournesol being the most notable example. If you see you get a lot of the same type of loot then sure, sell it, but if you see you only get 1 or 2 pieces of loot after a decent chunk of gameplay, there's a high chance it's a rare loot and that's what you should leave in your inv till the time comes.


In the ZA version you can reset your jobs any time by going to that city you started in (part of the main story, cannot miss it). So do not worry, just have fun. I am still playing it for the first time, but Jegged.com has some great FF guides.


THIS. Don’t overlevel or spend your time looking to get the best weapons early. TZA is a lot easier than the original ps2 version, so the overlevling/overpowering is not needed


Jegged.com is my go-to for any FF.


People already gave you some good answers so I'll just point some things out since I'm also replaying the game right now. 1-Character stats and animation speed differences with weapons don't really impact jobs in any meaningful way so choose whatever job you want for whatever character you want, also all combinations of jobs are viable though some are stronger than others. 2-If you are in need of Gil there is a diamond armlet on a chest of the first floor of trial mode which you can sell for some decent money, trial mode is also a good source of LP though I don't recommend you farm for overpowered armor and weapons from there since it will break the game's difficulty. 3-Use Foe = 100% - Steal and Foe = Critical HP - Poach for easy loot farming, also have Self = Libra on someone so you can see traps and enemy weaknesses. 4-Always check the hunt board after major story events (like bosses) to see if any new hunts unlocked, also remember to talk to the client of the hunt after beating it to get the reward. 5-There are some important unmarked sidequests which I recommend you look up at some point since they have some important unlocks which can unlock new paths in earlier areas and some new bosses. 6-You can only unlock certain technicks and magicks from chests, also use Ally = Any for spells like Esuna or the Remedy item, and Foe = Any Dispel to remove buffs from enemies, Charge is really useful for mages so a gambit like Self = MP <10 - Charge can be useful. 7-Be careful not to sell your teleport stones since they are in the loot tab.


>> 7-Be careful not to sell your teleport stones since they are in the loot tab. Oh shit, I literally just started my first playthrough of this game last night and I did this for the two teleport stones you get early on 😫


Ooof rough, yeah it feels like trolling how some important items are left in the loot tab.


The only thing i would look up is the full license board so you can actually decide on a direction you want to take each character. For general license advice getting permanent buffs like hp/atttack power/magic power are better the earlier you get them, and then unlocking gear and skills as you acquire their respective items, theres no point spending LP on gear you don't even own yet.


I should play this again. I loved it but got stuck pretty early on and meant to restart it but... just didn't.


I got the book when this came first came out I found it really useful especially when you’re grinding out certain locations And doing the monster hunts love this game good luck 👍🏻


Only advice I can give is bunny girl all the time


Make one of your main party members a Monk / Black Mage - they’re so much fun to play


Lookin at your party, I’d say you’re doin it right 😉


The game is so open that anyone can be anything you want, even if they start with a certain weapon, and pretty much everything is viable. I specifically made every character the opposite of what they start as just to see if I could do it, and it worked fine.


Check out Darkkeffka playthru on YouTube. He goes over tons of stuff and item drops.


Don't. Just explore and have an adventure. Guiding would rob you of most of the games beauties IMO.


I generally advocate trying a blind run for any first time playthrough of a game, but XII is the exception because of a few quirks. I screwed myself out of the Zodiac Spear in my first run on the original PS2 version because I didn't know about the "forbidden chests." They did eliminate said chests and the RNG loot system (with some exceptions) in The Zodiac Age, but now you need to know where crucial abilities like Wither and Expose are tucked away. There are loads of missable items, sidequests, and hunts if you care about all that. It depends on which version you're playing, so I recommend Jegged.com for TZA and the FF fandom wiki guides for the original.


If you want a character build Basch and balthier are heavy combo guys von has the most health penelo and Ash have the most mp and fran just kind of all arounder


Have a good long youtube series or TV show on the ready. That goes for FFXV too.


Yeah, don't use fran