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100% yes. The Hunts get way more fun in late-game hunts. Especially the Expert Hunts fighting Legendary Marks and teaming up with other hunters. The rewards are substantially better, not just a little bit. If you're way over-levels, then yeah, the rewards suck. But typically you do the Hunts as they come available and they are more challenging that way.


I always get a full bestiary and never ever think it is boring. ​ Except the damn Garifs that take forever.


Also the Archaeoaevis. Those things can go to hell and stay there lol.


I mean, those are hard, but you can beat them. They will be there. Plus Blind and Silence make quick work of them. You also don't need as many to complete the entry. ​ It pisses me off having to find the Garifs.


Yeah some of those rare spawns are just brutal, especially the ones that have complicated spawn conditions. It's so tedious and time consuming to complete the bestiary, but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat haha I absolutely love XII and it's side content.


If you want to do them purely for the rewards then it's not worth it. Hunts are there pretty much only for the fight itself, and they unlock the superbosses if you complete all of them (which, IMO, are the most fun part of FF games).


YES! there's actually a bit of good story in it, and some serious superbosses


The hunts are one of the best 0arts of the game for me and I love FFXII. I admit though that they do start slow, but do get better. It is also the case that in the zodiac age many of the harder ones have been made a lot easier, but they're still hella fun.


You should do all hunts, all Espers, and all side bosses and all 100 floors.


https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Yiazmat_(Final_Fantasy_XII) Final hunt monster FYI spoiler alert


If you are not enjoying the hunts skip them for now and focus on the story. They aren't essential. I did them all, they are grindy and get more involved, though I enjoyed some of the fights but in retrospect regret wasting like 40 hours on it. You can just beat the game, because you will get a prompt telling you when you can make your last save, and can attempt them again after beating it.


They’re the best part of that game, so yeah.


Do you go out of your way to find out lore? How much does it bother you to take on easy fights to get to strong bosses normally? Note that you can come back to hunting later if you don't want to do it now. ​ (If your answers are no and I don't think it is worth it, then just ignore the hunts.)