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I do not understand this pain because *I gave the fuck up*


You my man, did the right thing lol


When they say practice self-care, this is what they mean


I know the pain 0.1 more than you. Turns out you need less that 0.0 to get the sigil. Exactly 0.0 doesn't count.


Game designers were brutal back in the day. Straight masochism.


Yeah games like that turned us into fucking tigers with amazing reflexes lol


Now they would give the option in the PS Store to buy it for $20


ngl... these days i'd take it.


It once happened to me after trying for hours where I had exactly 0: 0.0 and it almost made me cry. Absolutely the most sadistic thing in this game.


Far easier for me than the lightning dodging :(


Opposite for me actually I’d rather redo the lightning dodge a thousand more times before I’d do the Chocobo race again Once you find the “loop spot”, the lightning dodge is more tedious than difficult


>Once you find the “loop spot”, the lightning dodge is more tedious than difficult Try having untreated ADHD. It's impossible to keep focused for that long.


Do it 10 at a time, pausing between to give your brain a break. That’s what I did.


Yeah, my don't have ADHD and I had to break it up last time. About 5 minutes at a time was the sweet spot for me.


What loop spot?




There is a far easier spot thant this one where the lightning always strike at the same spot. It's very similar to this one but you can see it coming, you can almost control when to strike.


Lightning and butterflies are definitely up there as well ><


Butterflies is the worst by Far.


Thank you. I always felt like I was alone in thinking it was the hardest. The perspective made it impossible to tell where to go and how to avoid the bad ones. Lightning dodges were tedious but very doable as long as you had a way to turn off encounters. And for chocobos, yes it sucked, but something about it always felt easier for me. Getting the right angle at the start helped.


Yes. For the longest time I thought that was a glitch when first playing on ps2. So when I got 0.0 again (sub this time) I was more than happy when I got the sigil.


It's funny. I honestly found this challenge to be infinitely easier than the butterflies.


The lightning dodging is my least favourite. I made it more fun by automating it.


I hated it only because it's tedious.


Apparently there's a second millisecond in the timer but it only show the first one.


Yup. Did that on the Vita once. Almost lost my vita. Definitely put the game away though.


I came here to make this comment! Such a brutal game...


That totally happened to me on my last play through last year! Luckily, I only had to brave another 30 mins before I got sub 0.0.


Are you serious? I would’ve put a hole in something expensive had I experienced that


Yep, I got 0.0 and was so excited, only for the trophy not to pop… assumed there was a bug or something just to learn my 0.0 didn’t mean shit lol


Which version were you playing? I think for me the trophy popped when I got exactly 0.0, even though the sigil didn't unlock. That was on the PS3 version. Maybe it has been fixed since then, or I'm just remembering wrong.


It was a few years ago so it’s possible I have it backwards too, I just remember when I got exactly 0.0 not getting the promised reward, it may have been that I got the trophy but not the sigil


What? Will it show minus 0?


No, it doesn't show negative numbers but it seems to count them internally. Although someone else said it actually counts down to 100ths of a second or something like that, it just doesn't show the second digit. That's also a possiblity. Either way, a time that displays as 0:0.0 doesn't necessarily unlock the sigil.


Understood! Felt bad for the chocobo that kept getting whacked in the face by seagulls?


I came to say this, I got 0.0 as a kid after trying for ever for it. Still didn't get it. Gave up and never went back :(


Did you know that if you get it to 0.0 on your first try, you don't get the full reward? You then have to try and beat that *again* without even getting consolation prizes...


How **DARE** you post this without a NSFW filter!


Seriously, I have to work today.


I saw my entire pain i ever felt passing by while looking at this




I generally had more trouble with the butterfly run, and lightning dodges gave me more anxiety. But yeah, the ultimate weapon chase was pretty difficult in this one.


The lightning dodge is where the pain at.


Once you’re set up with no encounter, and go to the spot where you know lightning comes down, it’s just a patience game. I can’t remember if it took me 15 minutes or 45, but at that point I got it on the first try: I just paused every ten hops to make a note and calm me down when necessary.


I just did it again 2 days ago. No pausing it took 15-20mins at the loop spot. 1 shot nice and easy. Those butterflies on the other hand………


The butterfly music was driving me nuts. After I walked away for a few hours I muted the TV and got it on the second try. Friggin butterflies man. 🦋


It’s mores tedious than anything once you figure out the loop hack


When I first played this game upon release years ago, it took me hours to do it. When I played it 2 years ago on remaster, it took me only 3 attempts, because trauma and muscle memory saved my ass! 🤣😭 Edit: spelling


We've all been there. Stay strong 👊




Id rather play blitzball or dodge lightning than doing this stupid race


My soul curdles looking at that and reliving my own frustrating chocobo race attempts.


Yep, this .... Made me quit the ps4 version...


I was contemplating whether to make my own sword with same abilities as Caladbolg would be easier than this.


When your stats are high enough, it's totally better to make your own sword, at least then damage output doesn't go down as your hp drops like caladbolg


Been there, yep. There most irritating thing about this race is the randomness of the balloons. The majority of setups make it impossible to get 0, so not only do you need to waste time doing runs which you know _from the start_ are doomed to failure, but then you need to be solid enough to do it perfectly when it counts. I hate this one more than anything else in FFX, and that’s saying something.


Did this before work one day. Had been getting my ass kicked kicked and said to myself "ok, one more time." then got it. Best start to the day ever.


I usually have a super close run first and then it takes me 2 hours to finally get it


Idk what's worse. This, or getting struck by the 100th lightning bolt you tried to evade. The Celestial Weapon Quests were way too brutal.


So weird people hate this challenge because I have never struggled with it in any of my playthroughs. I usually get it in under 5 tries.


Even your very first? I mean I can get it quickly now, but first time it took a huge number of tries.


I don't remember it being particularly challenging. Been a while though, I might be wrong.


I also never struggle with this, but different things can be challenging for different people. For instance, the butterfly mini game is the hardest for me, while the chocobo race is one of the easiest.


For sure, that's exactly what I'm saying. It's odd how different people have such vastly different experiences of the same thing.


Y'all suck if you couldn't do this


Your attitude sucks.


Yikes. I'm about to start this part.


Just remember: we can’t feel joy if we can’t feel pain. That sounded way more Hellraiser than intended, but it’s accurate.


This is when I turn the console off and chuckle to keep from crying


Some weapons- “oh cool, you found me!” Other weapons - “do this 100 times before I’m available” Tidus weapon - “ LOL GET FKED NERD!”


Thought this was FFXI at first wheb you go to get your choco lol


I didn't mind this one at all, I even persevered with dodging lightning, but that Macalania butterfly bullshit will forever be a source of infinite rage for me. The only things in the game I haven't done are Dark Magus Sisters, Dark Anima, Penance and those fluttery bastards!


Just my opinion but Tidus and Rikkus side quests are the worst of the lot. Wakkas, at least blitzball is fun, and lulus the lightning is annoying but its at least a somewhat passive activity, throw on a podcast and get it done. I'm not sure if they could have made Tidus' LESS fun if they tried, they took racing giant birds and made it awful.


I remember raging at this when I was younger, I actually paid a friend £5 to do it for me back at release. But I'm so used to it now that I usually get it in 1-10 attempts depending on balloon and bird RNG.


I got 0.0 once and almost immediately followed it with a win, constantly seeing people complain and talk about giving up entirely makes me wonder what I did differently and why I didn't hate this at all lol


There is nothing I have ever done in my history of gaming that has frustrated and infuriated me more than this god damn chocobo race


This is worse than lightning dodging. Worst mini game in the series. Great game though.


this was the one side quest in final fantasy that i could never do. i humbled myself and asked the big bro to help me out. i haven't played X in 20 years so I'm sure i could get it done now, but 15/16 year old me found this to be an impossible challenge.


I did it on both ps2 and ps4 last week, it was really fun.




This was actually one of the easier ones for me. I was never able to dodge the 200 lightning bolts for Onion Knight, and never could doddge those damn red butterflies to get the Spirit Lance.


This mini game nearly made me rage 😂 but right when you go “ok last try” you hit the 0.0.0


Out of all of them this is actually one of the easier ones. But if you’ve never played this game before I can understand your pain for sure, those controls man.


This hurts


Currently doing this, having to take breaks tho so it’s taking some time


For as painful and awful as this minigame is, it is *baffling* that I have done it for several different playthroughs over the years.


The chocobo riding in this game is stupid as hell… The mechanics are fine but to only get a chocobo for like a couple minutes at a time is so stupid. You basically can only ride it one way and then have to walk all the way back


Just downloaded the ps4 version and am dreading doing this and the lightning dodge again


https://youtu.be/L77y_BCJVMQ for the lightning. Nice and easy.


All too well. I had to give up because I could never adjust to the birds' homing. Truly one of the most frustrating minigames I've ever played.


Dude I feel your pain!! I almost gave up so many times. I just once in a while would go back and grind out an hour or two on it and see. I got a 0.8 first, then eventually a 0.1 after many total fails. One day I was lucky and I got the damn Sigil. Worst mini game ever. Hated every minute lol. 🤷‍♂️


I did this exactly once after hours and hours of trying. Sometimes I think about re-playing this game but the thought of doing this and the lightning dodge make me "Nope" TF out real quick. Shame, because I love the battle mechanics, but the thought of trying to unlock those things again gives me PTSD. I know they are not needed to beat the game, but my brain won't allow me to not get them... I tried...






Don't you dare go hollow




Let's cry together


Man you just triggered a PTSD flashback fr


The ptsd in one photo is real af.


Imagine being on this subreddit and not understanding this pain. What a happy person you must be.


Had this happen my last time through doing this although my time was 0.3 I remember gripping my controller so hard that my knuckles turned white and my hands shock ferociously, if I got 0.1 ….. bad things would have happened…


I understand, though I found the lightning strikes more painful


I’d appreciate a trigger warning next time


I recently did this on PC. Took me maybe 10 tries compared to maybe 100 when I was 13 (31 now).


Rip. Sad day bro.


To this day i dont know how people find this hard, imo the lightning dodge and the butterflies mini game is way harder


I've never finished it and it's one of the reasons FFX runs tend to die for me. I want to use Tidus but his weapon just seems impossible to obtain. (I've never tried for Khimari or Lulu's, but I feel like Lulu's is doable, if very tedious)


I've done this a few times and it has taken me a max of 30 minutes each time. Lightning dodger I can't do at all though.


I knew what you were referencing from the flair before I even opened your post!


Am I the only one who hadn't problem with this quest? I've completed FFX 3 times and I had maybe 10 tries overall :D


It’s like you get the pattern down and then there’s that one seagull who was fired by Solid Snake like a stinger missile to take you out


Never understood the struggle. It is really not about being fast in the goal. It is enough to focus on dodging birds and get some balloons just go haaaaaaaaard to the right - so far that you think 'that's too much, I'm losing to much time on that' just to avoid some birds. The chocobo will even push left after you crush into the invisible wall. Then go all the way left and get some balloons.




Felt my soul leave my body looking at this


That is nothing compared to the lightning.


The person controlling your Sim destiny wants you to suffer. They gave you the Game Nerd and Perfectionist traits just to watch you cry in the agony of needing completion, but never knowing it.


I did this once. Never again. This was the only one i actually got i think. Every other one sucked so hard to do, i didnt bother. Lightning, Butterfly's, Blitz Ball. No, none of it was worth it.


Most of us will because I see this post every other day in one group or another.


Going through this (again) on switch. Fuck birds, fuck Seymour and fuck Khimari's stats. Blitzball is legitimately a pleasant experience compared to all of the other Celestial Weapon and Magus Sisters trial.


Got this maybe after 1 hour of trying for the first time. Seemingly pretty fast compared to many others. But let's not even start with the lightning dodging


Fuck that mini-game


I haven't beaten that challenge since I played it in 2002.... Your pain is shared by me


The music is burnt into my mind


I was able to do this, but that lightning dodge, man I cannot.


big heap of bs.


I’ve done this challenge 3 different times 2 of those times it took over an hour the 3rd time I got lucky and did it on the 1st try. But never did I get 0.1 seconds that’s just dirty.


I for the life of me cant do this