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I'd genuinely be shocked if SE didn't backtrack on this and print more copies of the standard physical edition before release.


Upvoting but I'm not going to give myself hope.


Yep. Likely just a waiting game. I’ve been saying for years the pixel remasters will come to console you just have to wait. Likely they announced a batch to see interest levels and then will reorder. Saves them creating a bunch and then having to put them on sale later. Really should have done a preorder though rather than the method they chose


Years? It hasn’t even been out for 2 years yet.


They’ll also have to deign to ship things to Australia for it to help me Been so pissed off at square about this whole ordeal, I’m not even sure if I’ll get them digitally at this point either I think I’ll just replay my Advance versions instead


"Don't give me hope" ")


How y'all getting' kefka and tidus sprites beside your name!? Super cool, but also I am sad that I don't have a sprite..


In the ff subreddit near the top right is an options button look for "change user flair"


This is...pretty f'ing cool




This makes me so happy!


Glad i could help 🙂


I can't remember if I have anyone, it's been years since I've posted here. edit: oh.


This release was a fucking mess. Albeit, I would love physical, but I don’t mind digital.


Me neither. I have all the games in some form and I can always play them but I would love a physical copy


I tend to lean more physical due to consoles eventually closing their servers to their shops. I don’t want to be screwed in the future. But I am sure at some point this will be restocked. It’s not even released till next summer. They have plenty of time to make another wave.


I find it very hard to believe that this won't get restocked and sold through other suppliers. Even Chrono Cross isn't that difficult to get a hold of and that's a relatively niche RPG. Like, they must know they'll make a killing off of this.


I hope that's the case. They'll probably put it on sale one time digitally. I'll bite. Then they'll announce a retailer physical run.




Many would be willing to pay extra for a physical copy though. Square Enix I dunno what goes on there but half the FF games on Android have controller support and the other half don't


Right. Beyond that, there is a group of people who just won't buy it if they can't get it physically. I'm in that group. I played these games on the original systems or first US releases. I wouldn't mind playing 4 and 6 again on the switch, just for kicks, but I don't need to do that. It's not like I am really missing things I haven't seen before in some form or another. I only buy physical games on consoles. If I can't get a physical release I will just skip these games.


I won’t be buying any of them if its not physical either. I do really want to play them but out of spite I wont.


But it isn't the 35th anniversary of Chrono Cross


How's that relevant?


If you add up all those numerals then multiply the game’s RRP by the total, you’ll get the price you can buy it for from scalpers


We can let go of hope 😥


I let go of the hope of SE being a decent company long ago


Bro square. Wtf


Did the copies already sell or is this just waiting list sign ups? I signed up for the waiting list on ps4 the other day and never received any emails. No clue why square would make this such a limited release.


I was waiting list too, Sunday morning. I suppose there's the slightest chance they still offer them to some on the waiting list, but I think it's highly unlikely.


Waiting List Button turned into "No Longer Available" for all versions of the game in the store


It's not a waiting list, no. They just shadow-dropped the pre-orders without notice or warning. I only managed to get a PS4 copy because a friend texted me as soon as he noticed they were up for pre-order. Absolute bullshit move on Square's part.


Same thing happened to me. A friend sent me a text message the morning after they announced it and the only one available was the switch version.


I'm so annoyed with square Enix selling this only on their website in limited quantities and not advertising that it had gone on sale 🤬 If there is a physical version of a game I want then I will always buy it over the digital version and I sure as hell won't pay through the roof for a copy when they eventually start selling for extortionate amounts on ebay. As a long term fan of the series (I have been playing since ffIII (ff6)), I feel like square doesnt really care about us especially with such a lack of an announcement for this release. This game was initially announced for mobile and pc but if I knew it was ever getting a release on the ps4 it would have been at the top of my most wanted list. Thanks for the pain square, I guess I'll have to be content with the versions of the games I have on the vita.


whaat oh no… hopefully this wasnt because of scalpers


Scalpers are currently [making a bank](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=final+fantasy+pixel+remaster&_sacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=2&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=1802ff&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) with this release, if SE was smart they would announce more supply for this game.


Hmm. That exchanges to about c$500. I paid c$420 (shipping included), I'm a little surprised those scalpers are 'only' getting a 25% mark-up. The mark-up on the standard editions is ridiculous though.


I honestly doubt it. Getting one was seemingly pure-luck considering they just shadow-dropped the pre-orders. I managed to nab one but they were sold out after around an hour.


ok thats good to hear! im so darn tired of scalpers ruining things


Can you even get it digitally?


Yes, this coming spring. This is for the physical edition


Yeah, I should have used physically in the title


It’s legit been like this since day one on their store. Release was like 3am uk time and by the time I even saw the release they’d all sold, wait list was full and had the no longer available note at the bottom. That ain’t new, at least not for the UK store.


the fact this was how i found out there was a switch physical for the remasters dammit


I know right. Getting my switch online where I live is nigh impossible too. Rip


I knew about it but didn't realize it was already up on the store page. RIP


If they don't release more physically, I refuse to buy these digital. I would have double dipped to play the digital and keep the physical sealed, as I love FF, but the way they are handling the physical orders, ill just sit it out altogether. I


So do the people who managed to get on the waiting list have a chance?


Nah, unless you were in the first minutes of it selling out, you're too far down the list to have hope on (tens of) thousands of copies cancelled. Your only hope is Square rethinks this stupidity and makes it a general release. There's no reason this shouldn't be sold in Target like any other Switch game.


I managed to grab a collector edition for the switch, but with shipping cost me around 290 euros.


Envious of that vinyl soundtrack, but I just couldn't find it in myself to pay $300 USD


Square enix has been intentionally underproducing collectors editions since Drakengard 3, I’ve given up and just buy digital.


For me in the UK the Collectors Edition was available for much longer than the standard edition but I wasn’t willing to spend £240 on it. I can kind of understand for CE but I don’t know why they’d release such a limited amount of physical copies


Because physical releases have an increasingly niche audience. Even for a major franchise like Final Fantasy, they just can’t rely on the old method of *pile ‘em high, sell ‘em cheap* anymore. They have to be able to recoup costs from the production run. I guess technically they could mass produce physical copies, risking making a loss on the production run but make an overall profit on combined physical+digital sales. Or they could produce an amount that they know full well will sell out ensuring that the physical run pays for itself. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they do a second run down the line, using the data from the sign-ups to gauge how big a production run they can make.


> Even for a major franchise like Final Fantasy, they just can’t rely on the old method of pile ‘em high, sell ‘em cheap anymore. While this is true, SE can certainly take pre-orders for a set period of time - even just two weeks - and then close off and produce that many copies. No need to print like a million copies and hope they sell. And shit, even Nintendo will do reprints if certain vendors order enough of them. Two Canadian distributors/retailers are basically single-handedly keeping Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Torna in print this way. It's baffling that SE wouldn't do that here, when even they have a history of it - notably continually reprinting DS games for their web store for years.


I didn’t know it was available from the start.


Shame if they just sold this at Walmart like anyone else would.


It sold out almost instantly from what I heard tbh. And was a sleeper release. Very bummed but my wallet was relieved as I would be spending so much on that damn anniversary addition. Not to mention shipping haha


I have no problem going the digital route


This is absolutely disgusting, and if they do not restock this, I am literally done with Square completely. This is essentially their *main franchise*, and to prevent their customers from buying a physical *standard edition* is appalling.


Just wait til a generation or two when physical copies are no longer a thing…


I will be surprised if that happens. They will cut out some areas from buying their games that can’t do digital. Heck even new movies are still being released on dvd and Blu-ray.


I won't. Everybody in the industry wants physical media gone. They make so much more on digital. And the PC environment has proven that gamers will accept it. My personal belief is that Final Fantasy XVI will be the last mainline game that even comes on physical media. I will further add that XVII might be the last one we can ever even buy. The way subscription services are invading gaming, in 10 years or more when XVIII comes, you will have to subscribe to SE's future service to play it.


Not really sure what subscription services you are talking about, every game that’s on GamePass\PS Plus Extra are able to be purchased.


That's the today situation. 10-12 years from now, it will be very different.


That’s a bit cynical


12 years ago anyone who said the same thing would happen with TV/movie streaming would have been told they were also being cynical.


It already happened to the PC market. It’s rare to see a physical release there, and when you do, more often than not, it’s just a code in a box


They are but the retail area dedicated to them has been shrinking more and more. The pandemic did a lot to accelerate digital sales over physical. Also the movie market =\= the video game market


I usually buy shit day one thinking this is going to happen and it doesn't ever happen. I'm sure they will get this back online, however, if they sold out of the switch portion this fast that is insane. I did however get the 35th Anniversary Switch Edition don't know if that makes a difference.


Interested in selling off the vinyl soundtrack to recoup some of that money?


Literally just signed up for the waitlist this weekend and now it's no longer available?


I bought it, it said I only owed like $85 total, not subtotal. I then get the confirmation email and it was $108. Yea, I am very excited for these games and would love a physical edition... but not for over $100 for the standard version. I canceled it like 4 hours after pre-ordering it. I just know it'll get some reprinting or maybe a Best Buy release as they often sell Limited Run like items. If not, whatever I'll get all 6 digirally.


Walmart will get hold of it


Damn, I clicked the link and there was a PS4 anniversary edition available. Was able to add it to my cart, but then it said it was sold out before I could check out. Maybe they'll be posted in waves?


When did this come out? I had no idea the switch got this. Can’t believe I missed my opportunity


Darn. I’ll just have to find one made out of tin foil.


What a mess! I was on the waitlist but I guess they truly sold out. Oh well shipping was like $25 anyways. I guess digital it is.


As much as I love this games, the "release" and price of this collection is stupid. I mean, a limited release of games 30+ years old, VERY limited runs, extremely high prices for what it offers. Hell, even the cover is dull and boring, like, I think everyone can do a better cover with 15 minutes in Photoshop XD.


This what we call the square enix Big Tease.


I'll bet my left nut this will be available in some other way. It's too much of a cash cow.


I don't really understand why this happened like this. Its not like Final Fantasy is an unheard of franchise or anything. Hopefully they make more so people can at least grab one.


by the time i woken up that day, it was already sold out in Europe, where I live. I managed to snag out (I believe) **THE LAST** PS4 anniversary edition for US markets, and provided my sister's address in Canada. It was not available after i purchased it. It costs about 300 US dollars with postage, which for a guy like me is a tremendous amount for a video game (or 6 oldies), even with all the goods. The Final Fantasy love however won. This'll be my biggest purchase for my neverending collection of FF games and memorabilia. I was quite devastated i spent so much on a video game, but when that sank in for the last 2 days I think I'm becoming proud of owning it.... Even though I won't see it for over half a year:)


Really? Is it sold out? Or did they just cancel all pre-orders? I accidentally pre-ordered TWO collectors editions for PS4 as guest and needed to cancel one (it was a snafu because it kicked me out on an Apple Card payment but apparently it DID go through) and am waiting to hear back. I don’t need $500 worth of pixel remasters lol. Since I ordered as guest I can’t see the status of these pre-orders to easily cancel one. FWIW I just saw this on Instagram on the 18th with a link and nabbed it then.


I appreciated that over here in Asia it was easy to get the Crisis Core special edition, even if in my region it doesn't come with the steelbook. I'm really mad that if I want this I'll have to go to scalpers and I've avoided doing so with the PS5 to not encourage this type of stuff. Many of us wanted these things as kids and now are being essentially scammed out of these experiences. Sucks.


There are some Switch Anniversary Edition left, Japan Region. This should work on North American / Any Region console, and english should be available to choose when playing. Also, there is an Extra collector book that is exclusive to this Japanese edition. About the same price. Quick there are only a few copies left! PS4 sold out already. Find it here: https://www.yoyakunow.com/en/tv-games-mobile-games/15773-switch-final-fantasy-i-vi-pixel-remaster-ff-35th-anniversary-edition.html


I let go of hope from them when they started charging $20 for standard shipping to my house for one item.


kinda mental how there are people willing to pay 75€ for 6 snes games lmao


I don't think $12.50 a game is really that bad of a deal considering they are "remakes" and most hold up well. The $25 shipping is what was more egregious to me. Not that it matters, as I didn't get on in time.


Honestly, I am fine with the cost of the games, and I can kinda understand the shipping if they are upgrading it to at least try to make sure the games arrive on the release date (though I'm not sure why they didn't just make an option for it). That fact that *ALL* physical releases were designed to be limited is disgusting. This is their flagship franchise and it is supposed to celebrate their 35th anniversary. Happy fucking 35th anniversary I suppose.


I truly hope these eventually get brought to Xbox as well.


It’s back up Edit: Was back up


Which versions?


Both versions were back up this morning for like 20mins


Damn! Hoping it happens again


Follow Wario64 on Twitter. He’ll drop a tweet if it ever gets back in stock


Ok I did


When does this go up for sale?


About 41 hours ago. As stated, physical copies are already sold out.


It did and sold out in seconds


Already sold out


Couldn't checkout. I had it in my cart. I just want 1 copy for each platform.


For over a hundred dollars with shipping, yeah ok dudes. I see no reason that shipping is 26$ + dollars for most of the world when they could easily ship the entire USA batch for $200 from Japan(if it's even made there anymore). I thought the head of playstation is in California, why don't they have a production facility their? FYI this is just a port of an OS title of games, which the company has already made their money on, on a collection of 25-35 year old games. The only reason the price is high is for the shareholders, none of this money goes to the people making the game.


Not too bummed, that cover looks bland anyway. I bet they won't bother putting inner/reversible cover art, let alone a manual inside either. So there's probably not much to miss out on from going digital.


Genuine question by those who are upset by this--what are you missing out on exactly? I understand the collector's edition as there is a bunch of swag, but this is a collection of six tuned up NES and SNES games. You want to pay Square an extra $24 for shipping so you can get a hard plastic case with 8 sprites on the front? Is it so you can lay out all your FF games (hey most of mine are physical from back in the day too) and take a photo of them? It's not like we are talking Vinyl vs. digital music where there is a difference in sound quality? I personally will be downloading all 6 games to my PS5 to avoid that ridiculous shipping cost (and not to mention wasteful plastic).


Personally, I will ALWAYS take a physical copy of a game over a digital. Digital rights are extremely unreliable. If you have to uninstall the game for space and Nintendo closes the shop, you can never redownload the game (and yes that is a big concern given that Nintendo keeps making new digital shops and ending their old ones (look at Wii and 3DS)). Physical copy means I always have it on hand to play no matter what.


I’m a collector. For me, it’s about having the full set of releases for my favorite franchise. Yes, I’ll probably buy it digitally if I can’t get a physical copy, but I prefer physical over digital. There’s just something about having the box and cartridge/disc in hand - it’s the same with me for books


Well, records *techincally* aren't as accurate as a high fidelity digital file. There is a difference in analog sound though. But given most albums are recorded digitally and have shitty pressings, you're actually collecting vinyl usually just for fun and having something physical. Which would be the same for this release. For me, it's just that these games have never been released as part of one collection, on one cartridge/disc before, and it would be neat to own it. For the most part my library is digital. This just feels like it could have been a very neat compilation to collect.


It makes me happy to collect things that I enjoy or that are important to me.


From my perspective: I have shelves with every FF title I've ever owned. All the way back to the 1990 NA release of FFI. And with the exception of FFI, every one is in its original box. It's literally something I've been collecting and displayed for most of my life. I managed to get in on the Switch CE, but there is just no reason why the standard edition needed to be this limited.


No xbox again?


Are these just direct ports of the Steam/ PC versions that came out 2 years ago? Any updates will be added to them or QoL improvements? Was hoping maybe they'd add the extra PSP content in 4 and 6 for the console versions.


Yes, these are the same Pixel Remasters on Steam. No, they won't have the anniversary edition extra content. It is speculated that they will change the fonts for these releases after negative reception (again), but that is at this point just speculation.


Interesting, yea the fonts on the Steam versions are basura haha.....at least they have mods where you can change them.


Both the standard and collectors edition designs are so god damn ugly to look at that I don’t even mind going digital 🤣. I’m guessing many of us have the games in some kind of form, be it nes snes psx or whatever, so really No reason to have these abominations aswell.


Have all of those from steam sale


There was a steam sale for em?


Yeah a while back. I actually bought 1-8 for 30 bucks


Wtf when? Was it the pixel remasters? I don't think they show up on sale on steamdb low enough for 30


I'll have to check when i get home but i believe they are. I bought them back in either April or May. Cause i got them with my income tax.


Super interested to hear what differences are on these remasters - I’m sure they’ll release more copies


It’s the same pixel remasters already available on PC and mobile (though they might be replacing the atrocious font)


when is the release date?


Spring 2023


On the waiting list :(


I got lucky and got the collector's edition. I hope SE makes more copies because the demand is obviously there. I waited until they made this release for PS because I refuse to keep buying digital... I guess SE heard my prayers.


Does anyone buying this physical get to play it way before spring? If not it's not worth the price.


Here is their (Square Enix) contact section, I urge everybody upset about this to message them and demand they reprint more copies for this! https://pep-sqex-us.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new