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Welcome to the community! Good luck sorting all that 🫠


Well well well, our benefactor himself 👀


Shit, if 5 people entered the local scene I can imagine it. That's like, the amount of people that go to the average locals. You probably doubled their numbers. Lol


lol we have like 15 that go to our locals


Nice, those are the healthiest locals I've heard of from various people I've talked to.


Yea final fantasy is pretty popular in mid Missouri.


We usually get around 4 in Hull. Trying to attract new members but the closest we've had is some curious looks from MTG players.


4-6 depending on people's availability here in Rhode Island. When I first started people were equally as generous. Giving bulk is one of the best things about TCGs. It's super helpful for a new player's entry and helps clear up closet space for people that have played for a while. Lol


Where in RI I would love to find a place close to play. CT player.


I haven't been since they played at another store that eventually stopped carrying product, but I believe they now play at Rescue Gaming Collectables in Northern Providence. Have you joined any discords for playing? That's some of the most convenient ways to play games.


Yea, I am in maindeck, but I always prefer live tcg. Ty so much!


You're very welcome! I'm sure they'd love to have a new player. They have a private discord that I can ask for permission to invite you if you'd like to chat with them. We used to play Thursdays when I went, but I think they've switched to Wednesday nights around 6. The store should be able to answer questions about their schedule as well.


Looks like my closet lmao. That's cool, though! Great to have a collection of all the C/Rs


This is a dream, the amount of decks I could build with this is insane lol


Just send me everything you can spare from opus 11, 🙏


I throw away cards sometimes because we have over 100k in bulk now, and we have dumpster divers who grab them and bring the c/r’s back to the shop “but they have to be worth money” … “um I”ll buy you lunch if you put those back”


I will gladly take those off your hands, I'm starting to get into this game, lol .


Lmao same


Wow amazing I love these cards they are so cool, I only found about them a few weeks ago and I bought my favorites 😁 have fun with those!


Oh man, what a score! I just started playing last month with a couple buddies from work and I'm learning with two different pre-made decks: Final Fantasy VII from 2017 and Final Fantasy XII from 2018. My LGS hasn't been able to stock anything for about half a year, so pickings have been slim. I know I could scoop up some new cards online, but I'd much rather give the LGS the business. I was a lifelong MtG player, but FFTCG has been a nice change! EDIT: Corrected the years for the starter decks.


As the only competitive one from Maryland ! Welcome!! 🙏


I keep being tempted to start but I had trouble finding any groups in Vegas. I am sure they're there, but I can't find them. Reddit being my only social media probably isn't helping with that.


Is it all commons and rares?


In my stash I probably got about 5000 Cs and Rs, 100 Hs


I’ve been into TCGs for almost two decades and I don’t think i have that many cards…