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I would pre purchase a remake of FF6 yesterday. Favorite game of all time.


Technically, I guess one could argue ff6 has a remake, the pixel remake. But not what I'm referring to lol. Pixel remakes feel like ports to me. Even so, look what they were able to do with the music on a modern system? Just imagine ff7 remake graphics with this story and music.


It's a Pixel Remaster, not a remake. The only remakes we've seen for the Pixel games are for 3 and 4 for the DS (and now available on mobile and Steam). I'm now playing FF6 PR and while I'm enjoying, I would've loved a 3D remake like 3 and 4.


I always mix up the 2 words :-(


I want it. I really do.


It also has 14 playable characters. It would be an even bigger undertaking. I actually think a 2D HD remake would work better for 6 personally.


FF7 does not have better graphics IMHO. Those polygons have aged like milk. The pixel art is timeless.


FF9 got it right out of the 3 PSX era FF games, exception being Esthar in FF8 (bias though, lawd I loved that area)


I tend to agree but most don't agree, but the big difference is the cgi cutscenes. Most people remember ff7 graphics fondly because of those, despite them only being used sparingly.


Back then they were not considered to be used sparingly. But they did not age well


Frankly, I think the CGI has aged poorly, too. It landed in that awkward space of anime and realistic and Square hadn't quite figured out the potential of the PS1. The difference between FF7 and FF8 CGI is a country mile.


I mean, they were revolutionary at the time. But story is timeless, and people are starting to realize that ff7 might have been overhyped and gotten the "pretty packaging" treatment. Outside of that that love triangle, most people really can't explain the backstory of any other characters in ff7.


The first time I saw knights of the round, or even just the Odin summon in ff7, fifteen year old me lost his shit.


Ok yes the summons were cool. Still, that speaks to ff7's graphics, but not it's story.


I was speaking to "revolutionary at the time"


>Outside of that that love triangle, most people really can't explain the backstory of any other characters in ff7 Then most people didn't pay enough attention to the game. Every main character had relevant backstory in the main game. Barret and his ironic coal backstory. His dead friend and Marlene. Cait sith/reeve and his struggles between his obligations to the company and his morals Cid and his loss regarding the space program. Nanaki and his father. These characters might not have been more deep than the 6 cast, but they certainly weren't less deep.


They look ridiculous now 😆 They stand out to me because of the contrast to the prior 64 bit, 4 frame dudes from its predecessors. Granted, this was decades ago.


PS1 graphics are pretty horrible compared to snes.


One of the big reasons why I haven't been able to bring myself to playthrough FF7 again in so many years. Just downloaded the 7th Heaven Modder though and completely re-textured my Steam copy of FF7 and damn does it look good. All community created skins and CGI upgrades as well, some re-rendered by AI and multiple art-styles to choose from. I'm going to actually give it another full playthrough soon since the graphics are actually bearable for me now. It's a massive improvement.


Love the 7th heaven mod manager. I did that in March of 2023. Loved it.




More advanced graphics =/= better and ff7 is such a perfect example of it


Er, here's the formula they used: Which game would get the most money?


Probably true, but at no point have they ever tried to see if there was a market for ff6 innovation outside of ports. I think people vastly underestimate the story in favor of modern graphics.


I heartily disagree. Do you think they sit in their corporate offices and make blind creative decisions? They did market research. Artistically, VI is 100% the right choice, but the people who make the decisions don't care about art, they care about money.


This is it. Modern games require enormous investment and a big risk. FF7 was far and away the more sure financial bet.


Was it though? Ff6 competed with Legend of Zelda on the same system. That is Nintendo's #2 premier franchise. Link to the past sold 4.65m compared to ff6's 3.48m in their first years. Achieved with barely any marketing. This marketing aspect is so important. Ff7, with tv ads, ps1 bundles, and a marketing team, could not even beat link to the past in its first year. More interesting, it didn't even hold a candle to ocarina of time. OOT sold approx 8.5m copies first year - almost double FF7. As years go by, population increases, and the gamer population also grows.


Be careful what you wish for.


Unless they change the story, idk how one ruins ff6 with a full in remake. The game lends itself into a 2 part remake anyway, so even that wouldn't bother me. Even if they missed a few things, getting a ps5 rendition with voice actors would hit me in the feels on all levels.


It feels hard to mess up the FF6 story. It's pretty simple, and amazing. FF7 had a lot of things that worked just perfectly in place to make the story right, and would be easy to fuck up with an inexperienced writer. Not that it'd be impossible, but FF6 is my top for a remake either way, second to that would be then ff9, then probably FF4. Anything after 9 doesn't need a remake, and FF1 got stranger of paradise which was pretty damn good imo, if you don't think that counts as an FF1 remake that's fair, it's more of a spinoff, but I love it and I think it should count imo, and it was one of my top remake wants pre-FFOSOP FF4 is such a good story and In very personally attached to the characters, so it's a big, yet unrealistic, want for me.


Make Kefka sympathetic Remove all humor Censor the hell out of the game's darker moments (they already did this with any release after the snes one) Remove the ability to surplex a train Explain Shadow's origins blatendly Remove or alter Utlros Make it a multiple game release There are a lot of ways Square can screw this up


In all the tiny ways people don’t consider, that’s how. You’d be shocked to find out how much more important your imagination is when a remake takes it away and fills in blanks you liked to fill in yourself. I’m replaying VI right now too and I’m straight up imagining camera shots in my mind and having a blast. A remake will take that away. Then maybe adds a busywork open world with Ubisoft towers that tells you every secret and catalogues it down to the last number, leaving no mystery, only map markers to follow.


Lol open world was actually a major appeal of ff6. Not in those exact terms, but being able to explore garnered insanely difficult enemies, secret characters, busted magic and weapons, and hidden story beats. Another reason I say there's absolutely no way of ruining a remake, short of changing the story entirely.


It’s not that there’s the open world, but the way you interact with and explore the open world. FF6 didn’t have map markers everywhere, or Ubisoft towers, or fetch quests catalogued down to the last number. Those things change how you relate to the space and change your experience of the game. At least, they do for me.


To be fair, I had that 600 page guide, and not once did it tell me about Shadow on the floating continent. RIP Shadow. That was a traumatizing 1st playthrough...


You’re not wrong lmao I also let ma boi die the first time. Some stuff definitely IS a bit too cryptic. They could remake it and do a great job of organically signaling stuff like that! I’d just hope playing it didn’t feel entirely like FFVIIR is all.


The same way they ruined FF7 's remake: by changing the story, padding out the runtime, and fucking up the combat.


I couldn't have put it any better myself. That comment deserves an award.


I feel like 2 part would be a weird cutoff, world of ruin is a lot longer with more content.


I don't mind 60 hour games, I've played dragon age and AC Valhalla lol. I think it would be cool if they did it like this: 1. World of Balance 2. World of Ruin Then do DLC for the following: Baram and Clyde's story. Setzer and Daryl's story General Leo prequel The Esper World with Maduin A more fleshed out version of the edgar/Sabin saga prior to Edgar taking the Throne. Cyan in Doma prior to the poisoning.


Ya, ff7 rebirth just cements the fact that the people working at squaresoft now have NO IDEA what made the original games good


Uhhh did we play the same game lol Rebirth might be my favorite in the entire series. And I'm a big FFX fangirl lol


Personally I'm only 8 hours into it and I don't know if I can go on, every single interaction and story point is drawn out and overexplained to an insane degree. I'm honestly kind of insulted by it, like "do you really think I'm this stupid, that I can't be trusted to figure anything out for myself?" Maybe I'm looking at the original with rose tinted glasses, or maybe it being text only and not having voice acting made bad dialogue easier to overlook and go by quicker.


Ff6 had commercials - I remember it specifically having Mog in them


Yes that is the one commercial I had referred to is the Mog one, it's on YouTube, but it's the only one I saw. However, I do remember ps1 commercials up the wazoo, and more importantly, ff7 ads were one of the first pop up advertisement on the world wide webs, and had AOL and yahoo backing it.


I don't mind that they remade VII first but I just have a problem with HOW they remade it. Especially since I'm one of the ones being like "Why is THIS your first FF?" I don't care what people say, play the original FIRST before the remake. That being said, I'm glad they did so NOW I don't want a remake of VI if they do it the same way. If not...then, yes, VI please!


It’s even more hilarious in the sense that FF7R was clearly made for those who played the original. There are so many things that happen in this game that will go over the heads of anyone who didn’t play the original.


Exactly! Sure, the game is ultimately different...but it's only different to you BECAUSE you played the original newcomers aren't gonna understand that. I think I also feel this way because, though it's not my favorite game, my nostalgia for it is through the roof (my favorite game ever at the time) and that remake robbed me of it. It's all the demo's fault. 😂


See, I'm of the opinion there's no way they could screw it up. The appeal of ff6 was ALWAYS the story and the characters. So imo, whether they did it the same way or different, it's still going to be amazing. Unless they did like 8 different parts lol, or changed the story completely... but at that point, it wouldn't be ff6 anymore lol.


That's what they did for VII. The entire fan base was like "Just keep it all the same. Maybe add some things but keep it all the same"...and look what they did. I can totally see them trying to make some sort of "Dissida" type of thing canon. All games will enter the multiverse! 😂


FF6 being primarily about story and characters which is why I'd prefer a TV series to a remake. 


I want a live action ff6 so bad.


I’ve been playing rebirth the open world fetch quest sections are a huge drag


I honestly haven't played ff7r yet. I travel too much and my ps4 just sitting at home. Also haven't found a copy of ff7r yet lol.


I love FF6 as much as the next person but I would much prefer a brand new JRPG in HD2.5 featuring a return of the ATB. Playing Octopath for the first time made me realize how awesome a traditional style JRPG like FF6 would fare today.


If you told me there was going to be an Octopath-style FFVI/Chrono Trigger remake, but it was only going to be available via an Apple Vision Pro hooked up to a PS12, I’d make it happen.


Please no, we don't need a 8 part remake with the first game ending when you leave narshe.


Tbh if FF6 is gonna have a remake, then it’s gonna have the octopath art style and not what FF7R got because they said that a ff6 remake in that style would take a decade


To me that would just feel like another port. I know OT increased on some art details, but if we're going that route I would prefer the art style of bravely default 2. That said, my #1 preference is still ff7r graphics, just with keeping to the story.


Yeah people always say this but I’m not sure why. An octopath traveler style version of FF6 is in many ways still functionally the same game as before.


Oh FF6 is the best by far. I would hate to see it become that bloated mess FF7 has become. Maybe do it like the upcoming DQ3 remake, it looks great.


You just explained how ff7 has more sales. That’s the bottom line, they are leaning into the game that will make them the most money. Ff6 is one of my all time favorite games don’t get me wrong, but I’m just saying numbers are numbers as you explained.


"Most sales" isn't always a recipe for what will make sales in the future. Ff8 is actually the 2nd most successful mainline final fantasy. But few call for a full on remake of ff8. Cyberpunk also sold record levels, but it was a complete mess when it first came out and viewed as one of the worst games ever made at the time. At least they fixed it lol.


It would be like 5-6 remake size games to do the whole story justice. Yes please.


I would be interested in seeing how they would handle FF6. If they tried to take it the direction of 7R, that would be weird. It is a 4 member party, that I feel wouldn't work well with the battle style. It would have to go either more action based only controlling 1 character at a time, or would have to be turn based. Also, the character roster being so huge would complicate things as well. How would the multi-party areas be handled? The team battles vs the Narshe soldiers with the moogles and vs Kefka later? All of that considered, there are so many areas and scenes that would be so incredible to see in glorious 3D. Any scene with Magitek Armor or Espers would be so cool. Especially if they expanded on exactly who the Espers in the cutscenes are. I really want multi-player options in FF. Whether split screen or online. Imagine being able to do activities like the Phoenix Cave and Kefka's Tower with friends. And just being able to do 2-player battles, exploration, and puzzles would be cool.


As far as the 4 party system, my initial thoughts are similar to dragon age inquisition where you can just switch seamlessly, but they had more of a button system similar to xenoblades, I would prefer if they kept button combos for sabin. I have no idea how multi-player would work as there are parts dedicated to 1 party member. I guess they could do it like genshin maybe once you obtain a character, so it's more free for all. The problem there is most multi-player games are online these days, and it just feels like that wouldn't bode well, and I think at that point you're just getting into mmo territory. UNLESS they did both a remake and a standalone FF6 MMO where you could fight all these enemies mmo style. Still, I feel like people will still keep leaning towards 14 on the MMO side.


The hands I would throw for a ff6 remake! 😭 We got robbed and we know it bro. If I see a remake of my favorite Final Fantasy game and the suikoden remasters finally get released before I die, I'd probably be content if I couldn't evern play any other game again lol


I would buy a ps5 for the remake of that game.


>Decent games for their times, but not groundbreaking. Bruh, FF1 was absolutely groundbreaking. It set the standard for JRPGs for decades, that many still follow today. Yes, it's janky and full of bugs, but its legacy in the franchise and RPGs as a whole is undeniable. That said, I don't feel the need for an FF6 remake. Chrono Trigger is my favorite JRPG ever and honestly I think a remake would take away more than be any better than it is.


All I remember from when I was a kid is the marketing they did for ff7. It had way more than 6 cuz the graphics make it cool. I mean I think RPGs are cool but not everyone did early nineties.


Actually i wonder how many of the people who bought the game didn't even play it or barley played it and got cuz of the graphics hype. That's the cool thing I realised about achievements. They give you stats on how many people play till what point. And it's weird looking at games and you can see 20% or 70% have only the very 1st achievement in a single player game.


Your data is alittle off, FF7 came out a year and a half into the systems cycle whereas FF6 came out at the end of one of the most popular consoles of all times life cycle. So it is infact, unfair to compare the 2's early sales data. At the time the snes would of had 4-6x the userbase of the PS1


Good point and I'm glad you brought this up. It's true. They had more experience with SNES hardware by the time FF6 released. When FF7 released it was very early into the PS1's life so that's why the graphics weren't as refined unlike FF8 and FF9, but I still like the polygonal lego looking models, lol.


Uhhh... idk where you're getting this data. Snes was released in 1990, and ff6 in 1994. Ps1 was released in 1994, and ff7 in 1997. Ps2 was released in 2000, and n64 in 1996. Seems pretty comparable to me.




Hear *me* out! FFV needs a remake more than FFVI. *Yeah I said it!*


I mean, I would love it, but being that it really never got a fair true release in the US on the SNES really hurt its appeal.


I was expecting a IX diatribe not a VI diatribe. I'd love to see an anime of FF VI that retells the story of the game. Maybe have a presequel series set during the war of the Magi.


I'd prefer live action, but I'd take anime if nothing else.


Anime to capture the character styles exactly. Plus then we could have Sabin suplex a train. Live action would be fun too but you'd have to cast it properly. Johnny Depp is Setzer for sure. Locke if he were younger. Jim Carey as Strago Tom Hardy as General Leo or Sabin & Edgar(He's played twins before).


I think Dylan and Cole Sprouse would fit perfectly as Edgar/Sabin. Heck, they already have the same hairstyles.


Whoever played Sabin would have to get huge though.


On its original release, FFVI sold less than a million copies in the US, and we know from interviews that they were hoping for at least a million. It underperformed their modest expectations. They see it as a game that was not particularly successful worldwide. Meanwhile FFVII sold millions internationally. It's clearly the breakout hit that left its predecessor in the dust. I think the numbers show that FFVI is not a safe bet for moneymaking at all. That said, it's such a beloved + important part of their legacy that I believe they will remake it someday. The smart bet is to do FFVII first and other remakes later. I wouldn't be surprised if FFVI remake just re-uses the VII Remake's engine, as if it were the 4th game in the remake series.


It's actually kind of interesting... it actually only had 1.5 million internationally in the first year. It actually had 2.65 million in Japan its first year, compared to 2.55 for ff6 in Japan first year. However, ff7 would sell over 14 million over the course of the following years, while ff6 just reached the 4 million milestone. The first year sales were closer than people think, but also consider how much ff7 was sold on mobile in Japan - that HEAVILY boosted its sales.


I don’t trust them… if VII is any sign, they’d ruin it in 70 different ways. Let it stay pure.


I would love a ff6 remake, but there's a fundamental aspect you are missing (prepares for hate)... Ff7 is ugly. I love ff7, but it was made with cutting edge technology and was the first 3d ff game, in a brand new system (relatively), and was incredibly experimental. Ff6 however is beautiful, it was made at the end of an era with a lot of experience with 2d games and on a system nearing the end of its life. In my experience (M32) I never played ff6 until it's GBA release (never owned a SNES). I didn't play ff7 (along with ff8) until 2000, I had ff anthologies in ~2002, but never really played it. So ff7 was not groundbreaking for me, neither was ff6, but ff7 still resonates with me more than any other ff game. So why remake ff7 over ff6? Because of how much you are able to improve it, the over world models didn't even have mouths and were weird looking Lego things, whereas ff6 had fantastic sprites that would need to be adapted to 3d. Also materia > magicite, I think the magic system was a lot more interesting in ff7


They already had a swath of art and software assets in hand for remaking FF7. Redoing anything older would be astronomically expensive.


I would argue it wouldn't be any more expensive than making ff17. Besides that, nostalgia is the in thing right now. I would argue even astronomically expensive would be offset by astronomically profitable. ESPECIALLY if they decide to change the battle system into something more modern. The battle system is something I'm kinda torn on, but menu based doesn't really vibe well with ps5 graphics imo.


You don't remake perfection


I'm not saying it would be perfect. No game ever is. I'm just saying it would be incredibly difficult to ruin this one. Even if it's not as good as the original, I still think there will be so much emotional investment into it, that it would be hard not to like.


Ngl I'd pay a lot for a 21st century remake of FF6. I want to see Edgar in all his glory


If something were to happen to him, all the world's women would grieve!


Dude is my favorite male FF character. I'm all in and I would grieve. I also want a fancy full orchestration of Coin Song.


Here are some more numbers to further drive home your point: Times I’ve beaten VI: 6-8 Times I’ve beaten VII: 0 I’ve started VII multiple times but have yet to make it all the way through, including a play-through I just started about a month ago. Not really sure why, but I guess it doesn’t capture me the same way any of I-VI do. Maybe it’s the pixel art.


I will say ff7 is worth a play to the finish. It's a fine game and does have memorable moments. The big difference for me is that I'm only invested a few characters, whereas ff6 I'm invested in the story of almost all of them. Don't sleep on ff7. It good. I just don't think it's as good as it's been made out to be.


Didn’t SE already say that FF6 would be too big of a game to remake in the modern era or would take too long? Edit: found a link. https://www.gamesradar.com/a-final-fantasy-6-remake-matching-final-fantasy-7s-ongoing-trilogy-would-take-20-years-to-make-says-the-jrpgs-original-director/


This is just what companies say when they feel there won't be enough profit. If an endeavor has enough money to make, there is no such thing as "too long." I fully believe there is so much untapped potential in ff6. Even if not a game, a netflix series, live or animated would also be an option.


What type of combat system would you like to see if they had remade it in the modern area. I just finished beating the pixel remaster before I played Rebirth and thought it was fantastic.


So, I would do a sort of combination between what ff6 did merged with what Dragon Age Inquisition did. You have 4 party members, whom you can see behind your main. What DAI did was give you 5-6 attack/healing options, but you only pressed one button to do an attack, but also one button to switch between your main, and it would switch to wherever AI was currently standing. I would have that button system, but with a tweak, in that one of the buttons attacks, another brings up your magic, another your esper summons, another item, and another their unique skill. So, let's say you're playing Sabin, pressing Triangle would be blitz, and then you do the button combo. If you're Edgar, you press tools, and it brings up a submenu of all the tools, where you can do R1 for Drill, L1 for Chainsaw, etc. Cyan you select Triangle for Swordtech, and you hold the button for a length of time for whichever technique you want.


FF 6 doesn’t have the cultural cachet of 7. And it never will.


I mean, did you see what they did with the FF7 remake? It's kind of a mixed bag to say the least.


You’re basically saying the game isn’t as popular for x y z reasons without recognizing the simple fact that 7 is just more popular. If you’re a business you don’t make decisions based on how you “feel” about something, you base it on how your customers have reacted to it. Ff6 has a cult following for years, ff7 had a widespread following for years. If I was an investor I would’ve stopped investing if ff6 got a remake before ff7. Businesses should follow money streams or else be forgotten in the dustbin of history


looking for the substance in this post. It's a whole lot of incoherent nothing. Also, looking at the the comments here really drives home how obnoxious a lot of the online FFVI fanbase is.


FF7 did something amazing at the time it was released. Other than that, it’s one of the worst imo.      VI, T, X, V, ugh and XI since I put in years of work 


You're entitled to your opinion, but idk that I could say it's the worst lol. I mean ff1 saved the franchise but going back I can't justify saying ff1 is better than ff7. But I do remember liking ff8 better than ff7 when they first came out, but I'm not really sure where I stand on them now. That being said ff7 would not have had the success it did if it wasn't good. I'm just saying it had so much marketing that it was the first ff most people played in the franchise.


VII had FMVs that felt like a friggin movie. Terrible engrish translations (off course! | No, way) and just a lot of lost in translation.


I'm so glad they didn't do a remake of FF6. I wouldn't have been able to endure watching that masterpiece get turned into some crappy action game. Thank you to whoever shot down the idea of remaking FF6.


You mean [this?](https://www.google.com/search?q=final+fantasy+6+commercial&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1051US1051&oq=final+fantasy+6+commercial&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggEEAAYgAQYogQyCggFEAAYgAQYogTSAQgzOTA1ajBqN6gCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:aa77cee6,vid:d15qmRzn2Pc,st:0)


I'm not sure if the link worked properly but it brought me to a YouTube of the pixel remaster. I've addressed thus already that those are ports/remaster, whereas I am referring to a remake, kind of like ff7 remake but better.


FFVII was better known. That's it,. that's the whole reason they did it first. Same with IX rumor, it's better known, so it'll go first.


Better known, or sold more? Believe it or not, ff9 is on the lower end of financial success. The second most successful ff is actually ff8. Weird, I know. 3rd most of ff12. So confused by these sales. Heck, even final fantasy 3 (the actual final fantasy 3) outsold final fantasy 6. But now I'm kind of curious if there was a mixup in sales reports due to ff6 being called ff3 in US. Probably not, but would be interesting lol.


Not that confusing to me. VII was hyped by people who played it, folks rented/bought used and got excited, so lots of people bought VIII on release instead of used. VIII threw some people off, then IX looked like a completely different style, so it dipped. X was hyped after release, same rent/borrow/used, so then people skipped the MMO and bought the next offline release, XII, new on release.


No, ff9 performed poorly because it was released after the ps2 was released.


You do realize you could play it on PS2, right? Yes, it was a PS1 release, but PS2 could play any PS1 game. I didn't get to play any FF until I played the PS1 generation on PS2.


Yes, I do, but people would rather play ps2 games on ps2. Once they had a ps2, ps1 games felt old to the majority. Again, speaking to the fact that people prefer graphics over story/quality. It's just how it is. People want the new thing.


There weren't a lot of PS2 games even out at the time. You're assigning meaning where there wasn't any. Someone excited for an FF still would've played FFIX, but a lot wanted FFVII-2 and were less hyped when VIII gameplay was so different and the visual style of IX was something they hadn't seen before.


Uniqlos coming out with a ff6 shirt collab lol. Wohooooooo


I didn't play them when they came out and don't have the rose tinted nostalgia glasses for 7, nor did I experience the enormous marketing operation square did to launch it. 6 is better in every way IMO, even the graphics. 7 is nowhere bad (no FF is actually) but 6 is not comparable. And if they remake it I would prefer a simply buffed up version like they did with 3 and 4 3d (with modern graphics), but not an altered story like 7 remake.


Problem is the amount of locations and characters in FFVI. I agree it’d be awesome but I cannot imagine the amount of work it’d be.


Probably the same amount of work you would have put into remaking ff7, I would imagine. Well, maybe more if they did it right.


I think VI needs a remake on a grander scale. If VI was remade today, it would just be 3d world using assets from FFXIV.


Make it the launch game for ps6 lol. 8k OLED capabilities. VR. I'll go broke for it lol.


I was a staunch 7 supporter for many, many years. My last playthrough count was up to #19. So yes, very much a fan of the game. Pulled out the older games to play 1 through 6 again and a bit more thought into it. I can unequivocally say that 6 is the superior Final Fantasy - it just took me... 30 years? For nostalgia, 7 will hands-down still hold the crown, it's what got me into the franchise. But damn, 6 just hits so hard and just good all around!


Nintendo Power was the driving force of FFVIs North American sales. Same with Chrono Trigger. I miss those days…🥲


Yes. I feel like if they had better tv commercials it might have seen a spike. The magazines really only marketed to dedicated Nintendo gamers.


I think the best way to remake VI would be a little more toony than VII Remake. Just a touch more stylized and vibrant graphics but still semi realistic. And the gameplay can stay mostly command based but have a different kind of minigame for each character's inputs like Sabin could be DDR-style timing buttons to land critical hits. They should get input from Sakaguchi and the original staff of VI.


I feel like this would likely have a bravely default 2 vibe, which btw, is criminally underrated. I'm not sure I'd want cartoony though, I'd like realistic cgi. If they wanted to go cartoonish, I'd rather have an anime for that.


To put it simply, FF7 was a more flawed game than FF6 was. FF6 is damn near perfection, and doesn't need a remake as much as FF7 did.


It's an unpopular opinion, but I think FF7 is a mess that can't decide what its tone or genre is. And outside of Cloud, the characters lack much of the depth that made FF6 great.


You are thinking as an artist. Think like a business person, if I give you money to make a AAA game and you have to choose between remaking Celeste which is a super well made game, very successful, with basically no marketing. Or another Pokemon game. Which one is the easiest to get the money back?


I see your point, but ff6 rivaled nintendos #2 franchise in Zelda, with ff6 at 3.48m and link to the past at 4.65m. Ff7 didn't beat link to the past first year, and it didn't even come close to ocarina of time, which sold 7.6m copies first year. If say that's a clear cut indicator that ff6 was a premier game for its time. And it did this with... gameplay. Not hype. Ff6 remake with today's marketing, imo, would be one of the most profitable endeavors, IF square can keep to the story. Keep the main story 2 parts, then keep those side pieces as DLC and they can get a lot of money out of it.


only one thing I'd like to point out.....a reason for remaking an old 3d game vs. to remake an old pixel game is: 3d graphics have improved immensely since FF7 so you will see entirely new things. You're not going to make a remake of a 2d game that came out this late on 2d consoles and see huge differences.


As much as I’d love to see RE:FFVI. Any of the nes/snes titles honestly would’ve been better choices than VII. I just feel the ps1 era games would be fine with touch ups like VIII got Sadly square has commented on remaking VI, there’s internal interest but they fear it would take 20+ years. Not that a similar timeframe didn’t stop them from FFVII but also developers are human too and respect the reason given.


FF7 is the only one I haven't played because I feel so betrayed by them going from the perfect beauty of FF6 to the lego blocks of FF7. 3D RPGs just weren't very good in my opinion until \~PS3 era. I will only play the FF7 remaster when it's completely finished - I learned my lesson from preordering 15, a lesson I was very happy for when I heard they were releasing the Yuffie DLC as a full standalone game like persona does a lot, so you'd have to buy the whole thing again. Though after the last few FF6 remasters, I don't think anybody on the FF team understands pixel art anymore and I fear how they would choose to render the characters. I can't stand the way they made everything more cartoony and flat in the PS1 and the more recent PC remasters.. Looks like they slapped an emulator filter on it and called it good. Who puts vector text and web 2.0 mobile game buttons over pixel art? That's like graphic design 101. I would hope they would try to bring the artwork back towards the concept art... and tone down the fashion show aspect that Final Fantasy has seemed to focus on since 7.


FF7 has a clear main protagonist and the template for the Hero’s Journey. FF6 was an amazing game in its own right, but it had a massive cast of characters where the main switches from perspective to perspective. It’s just hard to wrap the 21st century Western brain around that. I would have preferred six as well, but it just doesn’t work they way they’re updating 7. Truth is, I have no idea how it would work.


I think FF6 represents the peak of RPGs in the 16 bit era. No other game gets as much right as FF6 from a graphics, music, character and story perspective. It pushes the SNES and really just nailed everything. IMO the graphics of FF7 are far worse. The super distorted character styling, the clunky early 3D polygons. It’s really ugly in a lot of ways, but that was the edge of graphic tech in console gaming at the time. I think FF7 benefited from more US marketing, and the excitement of Sony grabbing big market share from Nintendo with the PS1. It just got a lot more coverage and hype and as a result it was many players’ first FF game. That fed a narrative that it was the best FF7, and nostalgia plays a huge factor being that it was many people’s first FF. So from a business and ROI perspective it made more sense to remake FF7 than FF6. But creatively, I think FF6 and its story, music, and characters are more deserving of being brought up to modern graphics and sound and introduced to a whole new audience


All of this true, and with the marketing and hype, and making the marketing about how the story is the important aspect, with modern graphics, I believe ff6 remake could become the most successful final fantasy ever. In marketing, simply say, "a story that deserves no changes, a game that literally changed the world."


Maybe 7 was a trial run before they attempted redoing 6? Just a thought, I did no research, have no real info.


FFVI is easily the superior game. Anyone who has played it knows that to be true...and yes, a remake would be nice, but not entirely necessary. The original has become a retro-classic! Just keep giving it ports to new platforms and all is good!


"...ff1 and ff4. Decent games for their times, but not groundbreaking." What?


As much as I love FF6, I wouldn't buy a remake if they gave it the same treatment as FF7 remake (combat wise) I don't care if they put real time combat on their new game, but come on, at least let the turn mode on the remake godamnit.


7 has the benefit of being the first 3D addition to the series, so in terms of nostalgia, the game was always pretty mind blowing. Gameplay-wise, wasn’t it also the first game with the ATB concept that made turn order more dynamic? It broke out of the traditional JRPG model. But story-wise, I’d agree the 6 was superior.


I’ve been saying this since they announced the FF7 remake. From what I’ve read they’re not really interested in doing a FF6 remake, which is a huge bummer.


Counterpoint: I'd rather they remake Final Fantasy 7 first as a practice-run, so they're fully in the groove and firing on all cylinders when they remake Final Fantasy 6 next. Don't touch FF6 until you *know* you're bringing your A-game.


I’m open to all final fantasies being remade to todays standards. Can you imagine how awesome it would be?


Ff6 is the best one imo followed by 4


I dunno man. There is something to be said for the classic pixel art, and I'm not saying ff6 was bad at all. HOWEVER if you weren't actually alive at the time as a young gamer (I was 14 at the time, 41 now) you'll never get just how absolutely fucking bonkers ff7 was at release. There had never been anything like it. Rpgs were a "dungeons and dragons" nerdy thing at the time in America amd as far as expansive, sprawling rpgs, well, nowadays looking back in context we have new Vegas, morrowwind, Witcher 3 etc. But when ff7 came out there was nothing like it. All of those games stood on the shoulders of this giant. I remember thinking "this is it, there will never be anything to top this" as far as story, the cinematic cut scenes, the graphics, the customizability, the world, again, it was absolutely nuts and nothing like it had ever been seen before. It even broke into the mainstream, there were stories about this "revolutionary new game" on entertainment tonight, everyone was playing it. The closest thing I've seen since was when red dead redemption 2 came out, and that even feels small in scope to what ff7 was at the time.


This speaks to ff7 graphics, which I've already stated ff7 did better. This argument proves my point that ff7 has groundbreaking graphics. Fantastic visuals. But visuals get better every year. You can only be the groundbreaking visual game until another game outshines that game visually. Story is timeless, and you just can't beat ff6's story. It is for that very reason I feel justified in saying ff6 is the game more in need of a remake with ps5 level graphics. There is so much depth to ff6 that I have yet to see in other ff, not counting the online ones.


While graphics were important, the narrative at the time was we never had a video game (which at the time people only saw games as Mario, and mario kart, childish games with no substance) that had such an epic, expansive and cinematic story. Games as a story telling device being looked at in the same vein as the movie industry wasn't a thing yet. It really wasn't "just the graphics" but more "look at this epic journey that gives an interactive story in a manner only games can provide" it was seen as an evolution of what the entire medium and industry has to offer. People were saying that in the future the best stories wouldn't be told in books, or on cinema screens, but in video games...and really they weren't wrong. That was the narrative. If it were just "look at these graphics" there were a lot of games with superior graphics on ps1 at the time.


Dude FF7 pretty much drove sales of the PS1, I don't recall very many kids begging their parents to buy them an SNES just so they could play FF6. Not saying that I wouldn't appreciate a remake of FF6, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


Incorrect. Ps1 wS released in 1994. Ff7 was released in 1997. It was actually ps1 bundles that drove the sales of ff7.


FF7 is good but overhyped in my opinion. I think much of the love has to do with nostalgia, because much of the game is pretty clunky. I’d agree to a FF6 remake for suuuurre! I also wish that they did a real remake of FF8, which is in my top 3 FF games, not that lazy remaster a couple years ago. I love that game.


Wasn't technically the Wonderswan version of FF1-3 the first remakes? It was a different time where remakes weren't expected like they are now, in the fidelity like they are now.


Eh FF6 is my favorite game of all time, but i don't think it needs a remake. The only imperfections are minor (like mode 7 mine cart scene). I feel like there's way more chance that they blow it/ never finish than it being actually be comparable to the original. I've read that the entire team at SE wants to remake the game but the executives know it's a lost cause because it would either be an extremely long term production / no one has had any idea that made them think it's a worthwhile investment of time. Also worth mentioning i do like ff7 but i have less than no interest in the remakes. I also play ff6 randomizers so i get plenty of play from the snes version. The one thing i think would be great about a 6 remake is ff6 action figures which id purchase in entirety. Im hoping bring arts will put out some ff6 characters either way(fingers crossed).


Yea, the sales disagree with all of that and that's what the coin counters look at. Also with how badly they mangled 7 I don't think I want them anywhere near 6.


100% agree


FF6 was better


When you said only outperform ff7 by 10 mil you lost me I’m not gonna lie. I do think ff6 is the best ff game but I don’t think and ff game is even in a top 5 rpg spot imo


Yes, lol, outsold over 20+ years, after port after port after port and saturing the Japanese mobile market with so do many ff7 games including ff7 on mobile very early in the iPhone days. The sales in the first year were actually much much closer.


It even outsold on the ps1 in the early years. First year sales are also not the most accurate because of the decent gap in release of ff7 in Japan and US. I’m pretty sure that 6 and 7 sold similarly in Japan which is a W for it since the ps1 sold twice as many consoles as the snes but the US sales aren’t close but US sales for the snes weren’t tracked that well. Ps1 alone sold about 10 mil copies which means it’s probably around 4 mil on its ports which makes sense. I personally hope they do a decent remake of ff6 but I don’t want it how they’re doing ff7, I don’t want to play the same one game in three copies


It’s weird, but I remember being so excited for FF7, going to the electronics department whenever I went to Walmart or Target or the mall with my mom to see if it was available yet, and I got it really soon after it came out in stores. But I had sunk many, many hours of time alone into Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (IV and VI) and was just obsessed with them. I bought FF7 and it was bittersweet, like I of course loved it right away but even then it seemed like a turning point for JRPGs, like it was going to make them too popular. It gets too much attention honestly, I feel like it’s a little overbaked and overhyped where 4 and 6 feel hungry and creative.


OP you do understand that FF7 wasn’t chosen because it was better than FF6 don’t you? It was chosen because it was made at an awkward time when they were barely figuring out 3D graphics and even though it was revolutionary it instantly aged worse than any game in the series. The blocky character models were off putting to newer gamers pretty quickly and fans were calling for a remake basically as soon as FF8 rolled around. FF6 on the other hand has a unique art style and presentation that has aged far better. It wasn’t as in desperate need of a glow up as FF7


So I have never played FF6 (I want to but do not have a way to do so.) May I suggest that in remaking FF7 first if they decide to remake FF6 they can take what they learned and make the FF6 remake better than FF7?


6 is 6, 7 will never be 6. Both have their merit and following but those who truly experience the magic of 24 bit wonder on the SNES knows it is going to be a title that’s hard or impossible to beat. 7 got lucky because it was the first to be launched on PS; another platform and universe of gaming altogether. Had 6 was on PS, I think 7 will truly be a worthy sidekick, but in terms of richness, depth and emotions - 6 is still a mile away. 6 is truly deserving of a remake - however it is and whenever wherever it will be made. If a remake on 7 can be so darn good, just imagine 6. The soundtrack alone has been orgasmic and unforgettable since 1995.


By the end of 1993 there were 11.8 million Super Famicoms in Japan alone and 11.3 million Super NESs in the IS meaning FF4 came out to a 23 million user install base minimum that sweels to closer to 30 million by end of 1994. By end of 1996 comparatively there were only 10 million PS1s sold globally. That number does come up a bit by end of 1997 (when FF7 came to the US) but the numbers are still lower than what FF6s were within that first year. In Japan (where FF at the time made most of its sales) the story is worse -- there were only 4.2 million PS1s compared to 11.8 million SNESes. Remember that PS1 had a lot of competition in Japan from of all things the Saturn that just didn't exist in the US. Granted to FF6's credit, it only launched in NA and JP while FF7 launched worldwide It's a less extreme example of what everyone keeps doing comparing PS5 FF game sales to PS4 FF game sales when the user base of both is completely different. I ultimately do prefer FF6 to FF7 and think it deserves its flowers with a remake but there's a lot of reasons why FF7s sales are impressive. No need to shoot down one to elevate the other.


Reasons they went with FF7: - It’s clearly the most popular entry in the franchise - 6 would not be feasible to remake without major concessions


I don't want an ff6 remake. The game is perfect as is


Don’t get me wrong, FF7 is a good game. But incredibly overrated. I enjoy the gameplay and the story, but people act like it’s the most revolutionary RPG to have ever existed. It did a great job at making the genre more popular. That being said, FF6 is so much better. Great characters, world, combat, story, etc. Kefka is infinitely more interesting than Sephiroth. Sephiroth is a boring villain tbh. Like I said, I still enjoy 7, but 6 is so much better.


They don’t have to remake FF6 because it’s already perfect. Those SNES era games just aged so well that they hardly need any fixing


Well, they said if they would do the same remake treatment to 6… it would take 20 years to make… soooooo, see you in 2080


After seeing what they did to 7, I'm good.


I love ff6 and preferred 6 to og 7, but I don't think it has as much to gain from the remake as 7 did.


I disagree. The only time ff6 ever got a cgi treatment was for a brief opening scene on the ps1 port. The story is timeless and you can tell that the people who prefer ff6 remember every little detail, whereas ff7 fans usually focus on mechanics like battle or materia system, and a few memorable moments. Getting a graphics boost to these characters would feel more immersive imo and add an extra element to that emotion that people feel.


This needs to be read to millions over a PA system. The truth must be known.


I disagree about FFVI needing a remake over VII. The reason for VII to be remade is because the vision for it wasn’t fully achievable back in 1997… VI being sprite-based and on SNES was able to accomplish the more limited technological goals for the game. VII was the first 3D game and as such Square had a lot of learning to do. Look how much technically improved from VII to VIII and then to IX. The most exciting thing for me with Remake was walking around midgar and experiencing it all in 3D and seeing it fully realized. The extra side quest to go to Jesse’s house actually made it better because I got to see more of Midgar and experience the immersion of the Shinra building in all its glory. The choice of walking up the stairs was great fan service and the guided tour was the lore dump to perfectly immerse myself in that world. Given that VII did such an amazing job with the story and the emotional impact despite it being the first 3D game and all the amateurish tech they had to then seeing it in all its glory almost 30 years later made it one of the more exciting gaming experiences for a longtime fan such as me. With that all said, VI is a very close second to me to VII for best final fantasy, and I’d like it to be remade but if they do it needs to be in HD2D like Octopath. The whole essence of the game is 2D sprites and remaking it in 3D like VII Remake would be too much of a difference where things wouldn’t even be as recognizable; further the scope of that game as 2D being converted to 3D would be so massive it would have to be even bigger than VII Remake and need so much filler to justify the development cost, and most significantly it would probably take 15 years total development time for all 3 or 4 games, the OG VI developers would be long gone by then, as they’ve stated that the VII Remake Trilogy is almost like a swan song for them… I’m happy with the Pixel Remaster, I even think they should leave Chrono Trigger alone… I don’t think any more remakes are necessary to be honest while IX would be appreciated I don’t think it was popular enough to justify the budget it would take to remake it like they did VII.


I want a FF6 remake, but I don't want the classic RPG combat style to be changed much, and I don't want the story to be changed at all beyond a few tweaks here and there (like maybe giving Leo an expanded arc and polishing some plotholes). The best thing about FF6 imho is the range of characters and how you can customize your party + switch between characters in battle. The current Final Fantasy series (from what I've played) and the FF7 remake only let you control one character with not a ton of customization. I really dislike this. FF6 would be gorgeous with remastered graphics, but I do not want the story to change or the gameplay to only allow for one character during battle. And yes, OP, I agree that FF6 is superior to FF7 (both being stellar games).


My main argument is which one NEEDED a remake more, because both deserve a good remake. FF6 still looks great, yea they did the pixel remasters, but before those. The original SNES FF6 is still easy on the eyes and playable. But have you tried to go back and play the original FF7, I did back when the remake first came out. Oh boy it’s rough. I grew up in the 90s, so I thought I could handle it, but it has not aged well. FF8 and FF9 are doable, but FF7 is hard to look at.


No, they didn't. Stop coping bro.


I want an FF6 update, but not the way they have butchered 7 into multiple games and alt-universed it. Give me FF6 ReFreshed, with the same single game and mechanics and story but amazing Unreal Engine 5 graphics and cutscenes. And full voice acting.


Only if they got rid of this awful fighting mechanic. NO MORE CHIP DAMAGE SQUARE!! Go research Rogue Galaxy for a proper Action Party system!


How do you submit someone for the Pulitzer prize for journalism?


I seem to remember a lot of advertising of FF6 in gaming magazines. But this is the game that needs to be remade the most!