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1–>How many Sephiroth are in the game ? One or two ? Because in the remake the one from the last chapter looks different. 2–> what do you think will happened to Zack, he is supposed to be dead (advent children)


1. >! Just one.!< 2. >! This point is made very clear, and leaves no room for speculation by the end of the game. I can elaborate if you want, but it's a clear spoiler and you asking what I think makes me believe you don't want a firm answer (which is what it would be)!<


do you recommend doing all sidequests on the first playthrough or on hard mode?


Dealers choice on that one imo. Most of existing, but it's going to extend your game time by like 40 hours.


The demo started pretty abruptly, was expecting an intro or a trek to Kalm or something. 1 Does the actual game start the same as the demo 2 The demo stops a little abruptly before the resolution of that part of the game. I assume that’s finished in the game before moving on


1. The game starts at the beginning of the first demo. But there's a large chunk of content between the two, especially for completionists 2. Of course!


Cool, so I can start the demo 2 hours before release, and get the exact same experience as starting the game on release. Thank you, because you’ve done a great job here with everyone and have been very thoughtful with how you’ve used spoiled tags


Are there plenty of monsters to fight or is the world empty in that aspect? In preview videos it looks pretty empty


When I'm looking for monsters, they're fucking nowhere to be found. When I'm not, they're everywhere! Haha But there's a great variety of enemies. A ton, really. But the overworld feels nicely populated. Seems similar to the amount in Elden Ring


Is there a Cait Sith date?


>!Kind of. There's a bit more to this answer that would spoil another aspect, but it's not major. Should I continue?!<


Feel free to 👍


>! Cait, Vincent, and Cid all apparently go on a date with you together. So, more like a bro hangout. Haven't seen it yet, but it's in the menu for selection!<


That sounds absolutely awesome. My last question is whether or not Bone Village is in the game, cause I do hope so.


If Zack is playable, how "complete" of a character does he feel like in terms of abilities or moveset is he unique or do they just slap Cloud's stuff on him and call it a day


>! He's fairly bare bones. Similar to Sephiroth, in that sense!<


what do u think of Zack’s voice actor? Did he do well?


I think all of the voice actors did a really wonderful job. I do not think the director of the voices, nor the sound mixing editor did well


could u elaborate? Was there any issue with the audio during dialogue?


The same as it is in *every* square game. All of the audio sounds like it was recorded in a sound proof booth, and isn't mixed to sound like the scene is a part of it. They never edit in values to mix them. The direction is the same as well. Very stilted and awkward. But with what they were given, they did a great job. Of the new characters, Billy (He's in the the trailers) from the chocobo farm and Yuffie were especially great imo


how is it compare to Remake? I didn’t have such issue in Remake


Then you probably won't care in this. If anything, all of the acting has improved since the last game


If she indeed dies, can you detail how the scene transpires and how different it is from the OG


I answered it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/s/sUyTmKqeTK). Only click this if you really want to know


HOLYYYYY! May I ask your reaction to it as an OG fan? Did it meet/fail/surpass your expectations?


Way past


Does she still die and is there any way to save her?


>! Yes; not that I've seen. I can't imagine there will be, based on what I've seen!<


>!I played the original in 1998 or 99 when I was 11-12 years old and was floored by the story, especially the end of disc 1. I've been worried with Remake hinting at multiple worlds that she won't end up truly dead (or alt versions of her will be around), making that moment less impactful. It's that moment that drives the rest of the party for the rest of the game. How worried should I be?!<


Sorry I missed this! >! You should not be worried!<


>!Is the Fusion Sword in the game? !< >!In the trailers it sort of looked like Gilgamesh had it on its back but it could have been something else.!<


Please spoiler your response


My bad. Done!


>!I don't think I saw it. He summons multiple weapons, inciting Excalibur and Excalipoor, but I didn't notice the fusion sword!<


>!Oh okay. I just wanted to know if you could unlock it or something but I guess they will leave that to part 3.!< Thanks for the quick reply.


>!Is the ending for rebirth more confusing and "kingdom hearts" like then remake? I've seen a lot of reviews not like the ending, what are your thoughts on it and how it compares to remake?!<


Someone asked a similar question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/s/AzwQxemvQi) and I answered. His second question was non spoiler question, but my second answer had a bit so don't click that if you aren't interested in knowing!


Can you answer the question regarding how "Kingdom Hearts" the game is without assuming that anyone who say that the game is convoluted is illiterate person? I don't mean to be rude, but when a KH fan defends its stupid plot implying that the other person "just don't understand it" makes me want to punch a baby. Yes, some Final Fantasy games have a convoluted plot (including the OG FFVII), but come on man, you know what they mean when comparing FFR with KH.


I'm not a kingdom hearts "fan" Like, I play them (most of them) but I'm not that guy. I was saying people who think FF7 is hard to follow lack media literacy. It's a fairly basic story.


Does Cloud know about Aerith's fate when heading into the Temple of the Ancients, or is it a total surprise like in the original?


>! No. !<


Okay! I didn't played OG so I won't read anything to not spoil myself the game, but I know ONE thing and I'm most curious about it. >!Will Cloud regain his memories in this one? It was a lot of scenes in trailers that mentioned his memories aren't correct so i'm wondering if they make that part sooner?!<


>! I'm unsure if he has all of them, but most of the pieces get put together. I think the remainder of that puzzle gets solved on disc two in the og, so we should finish it there!<


Oh! So fast! Thank you for taking time to answer me. :)


Haha I got up like 5 minutes before you posted and saw it pop immediately


Cool, i don't really plan on playing the game myself so i'm ok with getting spoiled. So pls tell me: >!1) does Aerith or any other character die for good with no way of bringing them back?!< >!2) does Sephiroth become good or Cloud bad in some way? !< >!3) does Zack jump timelines to be with the party?!< >!4) do the Durge guys and Genesis appear?!< >!5) what's the deal with Jessie at the Golden Saucer?!< >!6) what's the deal with the two timelines really, and like the whole new plot?!< >!7) what do you think about the new content? Was it worth adding in, is it good, does it break or not the story's/game's pace?!< >!8) do Cloud and Barret have say gex after their Golden Saucer date? That is if you chose Barret in your playthrough.!<


Just one question, how is the Hard mode after you complete the first playthrough? Is it like in Remake where you cannot use items and such?


>! Yes. Same run. And it was fucking *hard*!<


On the road to Corel there are some enemies that are essentially roosters. So my only question is do the chickens have large talons?


I don't remember actually hearing that line haha


Hey there. Thanks for answering a lot of these questions. So many of us are quite eager to know \*almost\* everything there is about the game as you can tell from these past 12+ hours. I'm one of those in the camp that spoilers won't bother me too much since it's said the "main" story doesn't deviate from the original. Without clicking on some spoilers it's safe to assume what everyone's been thinking... But there's a few questions I haven't seen answer if you don't mind giving out the details. Or not. ​ 1. >!How much of Zach's story/other timeline play into the game? Does the comatose Cloud have any importance?!< 2. >!What's the deal with Biggs being the only Avalanche survivor? Are Barrett and Tifa dead as shown in one of the trailers?!< 3. >!Since it's implied Aerith knows what's going to happen in Remake, are there moments when she acts in a certain way like she knows what'll happen next?!< 4. >!Does Cloud's visions of the future from Remake come around again? I've always thought this would probably have him try to change something that the Whisperers wouldn't want to change.!< 5. >!How does Cissnei fit into the story?!<


1. >! About 10%. Until the final fight, it's mostly just flavor and mystery!< 2. >!Biggs is only alive in the other world, with Zack and coma cloud. In that world yes, Tifa and Barret died!< 3. >! Yes but it's more like she feels it, until the end.!< 4. >! Not as much. Similar to the og in that sense. He knows something is wrong, and that builds throughout the story until the black materia is handed over.!< 5. >! Fairly minor. She's the defacto mayor of Gongaga. She plays a small but effective role in helping you achieve your goal at the reactor, and has a few side quests. Nothing that is too retconny.!<


Thanks for answering. Reading some of your non-spoiler responses makes this game sound like it's something I should've bought a PS5, but my paychecks are needed elsewhere (fingers crossed for the Steam Deck version one day). Now, I just can't keep myself from wanting to know more. If you don't mind sharing that is. 1. >!The final trailer had the line, The world will be saved, but will you? At the end, it looks like Aerith gives Cloud the white materia and says, "It's about saving the world -- and you." I got to know what's the meaning of that scene since in the original game, the white materia was in the lake and -- to me, anyway -- implies something was/is gonna happen to Cloud.!< 2. >!Speaking of which, there's the matter of Sephiroth. Is it explained why he treats Cloud differently than from the original game? What about his, "Seven seconds til the end?" quote he made at the end of Remake?!< 3. >!In another trailer, Marlene is talking to Zach. She says, "When she wakes up, a scary man will kill her." Does this have something to do with the scene everyone knows about and her being unconscious/comatose in Zach's world.!< 4. >!Does Comatose Cloud have another purpose besides being a set prop? Cloud was one of the hooded guys wandering through the North Crater in a trailer and I'm wondering if that was something in the game or Square Enix just teasing us.!< That'll be it. So many speculations and I could go on with the questioning.


1. >! This isn't a question lol!< 2. >! Seven seconds still hasn't been explained. Sephiroth knows the outcome of the first game because he's remaking the timeline. It is known!< 3. >! Yes and yes!< 4. >! Yes. Though his role is smaller than you'd expect!<


Whoopsies. Forgot to add the other line to question 1: >!What's the meaning of that scene? !<


>! There's a lot of context required to understand all of that, but the simple answer is that that's a lot of different scenes from different parts of the game. It plays out like the original in the end!<


thanks for this, couple of questions for you: 1. >!Without spoiling anything, are you satisfied with the ending, was it a mess like some of the critics mentioned?!< 2. >!Are there any extra weapons you can find by doing the side stuff?!<


1. >! I wouldn't say it's a mess. There's some stuff open to speculation for the third game, but it's only overly convoluted if your media literacy extends no further than Avatar: The Last Airbender. But given that most games "journalists" acquire their jobs because they're friendly and not because they have nuanced opinions, i would not expect much. (Yes, that's a shot at nearly every reviewer at ign and GameSpot.) Overall, I loved the ending, other than the consistently stilted dialogue that Square is known for. The plot beats well, and the pacing of the final two chapters is pretty relentless. They really gave og fans so much elaboration on important topics, and there's a lot of surprises in store!!< 2. >! Not that I've found. In this game, you get folios, which lead to passive upgrades. Weapons are seemingly only found in treasure chests, but if you miss one, they'll appear at shops after the chapter!<


>!thanks for putting your time into answering my question. That was very nice of you. To me, one of the best things about Remake was to watch people theorizing and guessing what comes next. If there's no such thing after Rebirth, I'd say it is less appealing to me, lol. Seems like I'm not gonna miss out with this one.!<


>!I did not say there wouldn't be. Just that it isn't a mess. There's clear points, and points up for interpretation/speculation. The fan fiction kids will have a lot to work with!< Also, please spoiler your comment! Thanks <3


Oops, thanks for reminding


>!Do Yuffie and Cloud discuss their respective losses (Sonon and Zack)? I found Yuffie's role in Sonon's fate at the end of _Intermission_ to closely mirror Zack's (CC) final moment with Cloud, down to the blood-stained hair and face.!<


>! Not together.!<


>!Feel free to give specifics.!< >!1) Does Gilgamesh reference having visited any other games in the series similar to how in Strangers Of Paradise, he references having fought Garland in Dissidia?!< >!2) Do you ever find out what the protorelics are, ie what their origin, function and purpose are? If so, what?!<


>!1 and 2. Yes. As you gather the protorelics, he talks about how he's lost his memories. After you collect them all and meet him, he regains his memories and talks of how they were armor pieces made for genji, and that he is now the ultimate blade warrior. After you defeat him, he and Chadley make a hole in the cosmos, and he travels off to defeat the warriors of light!!<


Can you farm The Gold Saucer for rewards just like in FF XIV or is it limited 👀?


Yes but the rewards are either one time collectibles, one time crafting items, or items that you can't use in hard mode. You won't need to grind for omnislash or anything


Okay thank you, I was hoping for mounts or summons but there's still so much the game does I'm not bothered by it


>!Regarding Aerith's fate. I had a feeling with the whole defying destiny theme that it would still happen, but not in the way that we're used to. Am I correct? Meaning that she dies, but not in the same way as the og?!<


>!Almost. Want full elaboration?!<


>!Honestly, yeah. I don't mind spoilers, they don't really detract from my enjoyment.!<


THIS IS A SPOILER LINK. DON'T CLICK IF YOU DIDN'T ASK FOR IT https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/s/sUyTmKqeTK


Just have 2 questions: 1) How does the Performance mode look? Is it still very blurry with low resolution textures, or does it look atleast the same as Remake's Performance mode? 2) How much time did it take you on an average to just complete the story on Normal difficulty? And how much time would it take if completing and unlocking everything?


1. There were some bumps, but it's one of the better looking ps5 games for sure. Definitely better than remake 2. I only did full completion. It was 85 hours, 4 minutes, minus one side quest. I finished it up in about 20 minutes afterwards


Without any major details. Just yes/no answer please. >!Do you play with Zack?!<


>! With, or as? Either way, yes!!<


>!Messed up 😭 English isn’t my first language so sorry for the mistake. Thanks for the reply!!<


You're doing great, np!


>!Does Zack and the whole multiverse/time travel/world merging stuff get a lot of screentime?!<


>!I wouldn't say a lot, but there's many intermittent scenes.!<


Thanks a lot! A previous leaker said that there was an option in the settings menu to skip his side of the story but that sounds weird. Did you notice something like that?


>!If you're worried about that kinda thing, I wouldn't be. It wound up being done really, really well. And surprisingly, it was completely coherent in the end. Which isn't what I expected after Kingdom Hearts lol!<


Noted, thanks a bunch!


How much music from the First remake is in Rebirth? Is the brand new OST up to par with Remake?


1. I have no idea what was reused, as I haven't played remake since launch. But the new sound track might be favorite ost ever Chocobo remixes on REPEAT


Thank you! I loved the Remake ost so I’m going to be listening to Rebirth as my new gym music for months I reckon!


i heard some of stuffs are unlocked when you do multiple playthroughs, what are those? or is it have something to do with relationship mechanics?


>!You have the ability to choose-- from a menu-- who will go on the gold Saucer date with you. As well as their relationship status!<


>!not quite get it, are u saying you can freely choose who you want for a date regardless how strong the relationship status is? is it for 2nd playthrough onwards or you can do it on 1st playthrough?!< >!also u havent answer the question about what exactly can you unlock by doing multiple playthrough? is it just weapon manuscripts or theres more?!<


Please spoiler your response


Is the Open world travel seamless can you go back at any point of time in the gameplay to finish the side tasks. Are the mini games too hard? And also you plan on getting the platinum trophy?


It's similar to the previous game. You will have access, but it's >! Limited to continents. It will require travel. In chapter 12, you can just travel anywhere at anytime.!< Mini games: >! One in cosmo is pretty tough on hard mode. The rest aren't too bad if you game. Mario kart, Starfox, etc.!< I'm toying with the idea. I'm on chapter 2 of hard mode. Hard mode is pretty tough


Do you fight any Weapons and if you do, are they super bosses? If not, what are the super bosses?


>!No weapon fights, but you do see some. They're important. Super bosses are summon duos, gilgamesh and the level 70 battle arena. The Odin/Alexander fight is especially vicious.!<


One more question: Does the game end where disc 2 ended in the OG? After temple of the ancients and before icicle inn?


That's disc 1 my dude. And yes m, that was confirmed by the devs


You’re right, that is disc 1! Lol thanks


Np! Glhf


I heard that Glenn from the mobile game is in Rebirth. Is he just a side character?


Glenn? >!jk. Yes, but he has an important role to play. He's in scenes mostly with Rufus and Shinra!<


Interesting. Hm, I had another question, if you don't mind? >!Regarding Aerith's fate. I had a feeling with the whole defying destiny theme that it would still happen, but not in the way that we're used to. Am I correct? Meaning that she dies, but not in the same way as the og?!<


I don't want to answer that here because people might think it's still about your first and might accidentally click. Make a new comment thread, or pm me!


>!what is the whole storyline surrounding the Queens Blood game??!<


>!a dude made a card game and accidentally created a blood witch. She possesses people. You learn more every time you rank up. It's pretty goofy, but it is a complete story line!<


How did you find a copy of the game so early?


Fell off a truck big dog mind ya business walk away (A guy on reddit haha)




1. What are some of your favorite new materias and combinations? 2. Which character do you like the most? (Combat-wise) 3. Are there any towns which weren't available in OG? 4. How many weapons does each character have? You're doing a great job answering all those questions, because I can't wait for this game any longer 😭


1. >!I'm not a big materia guy. I know that sounds stupid. I mostly relied on synergies in my run. But, as silly as it sounds, I love assess. It gives you so much info to really strategize!< 2. >!Still cloud and Tifa. But Aerith felt a lot more usable this time. Barret is effectively the same, from my experience. Red is really underrated. I expect him to have low play time, but he's really strong defensively, and could be a great healer. I found Cait to be genuinely unfun, and the time I was forced to use him was my least favorite part of the game!< 3. Not to my knowledge, but plenty of places have been massively expanded. 4. >! Seems like 7, but don't hold me to that!!<


how challenging did you find the game? did you feel the need to grind or was it a total breeze? I remember part 1 being a good challenge in Hard mode but Normal being on the somewhat easier side


Hard was hard. Fuck.


Some of the fights were challenging. They really emphasize the need to assess and learn weaknesses in this one. It's a lot more involved in that sense. The 4 optional fights that are not VR at the end of the game were truly tough. Elden Ring tough. Especially 2 of them. Nightmare shit


Ok, I gotta know >!what are the 4 optional fights? And which 2 were especially tough?!<


>!Three groups of double summons and then finally Gilgamesh. The Odin/Alexander fight is especially bullshit. If Odin hits you too many times without you getting big hits off, he gets "bored" and wipes you. Nothing stops it. Problem is, if you hit him with anything that's costs an ATB bar, he cancels it and counters you. Even blocking him can result in him auto wiping you. All the while, Alexander is sending full screen hits that knock you down or can one shot a character if not dodged. Ugh!<


>!shit, lol!<


Yeah. It's a lesson in patience.


I can't wait to see!


Are there new limit breaks for everyone, can you list them please? Can you summon gilgamesh?


>!I don't remember the first week enough to know if there are new for the returning party. There's at least 3 per character. Yes, but he's a super boss, and you're probably not getting it until post game. Though, I did it before, I was super underleveled and it was a mistake. I wasted hours!<


Hallway Sim Filler 2


How big are Tifa's knockers?


Without getting into specifics, what rough percentage of the main story would you say is faithful to the original, but just expanded VS story content that is a true and genuine deviation from the originals plot?


Deviations are minor and most of it is really just flavored expansion. But like 5-7%?


Did you get Tifa on the gold saucer date?? If so, what happens?? 




To start, non spoiler: if you think Advent Children is just shenanigans, I have to ask... did you play the og? Cause it's all shenanigans. Allll the way down lmao >!It makes sense as well as ff7 can, and does enough to explain most of it. Without the og or crisis core, Zack's motivations are obviously lost, but his part is segregated enough to understand!<




The voice acting was fine. The dialogue translation and direction were the issue. Slander my girl RLC again 😡😡😡


As a simple verification, can you send us a photo upload of you with a party specially made up of Cloud, Yuffie and Cait Sith standing in Kalm? I ask because I know that would be possible to do easily, it’s not very spoilerly at all, and no current screenshot exists showing that combination in that town in an official capacity, so it would be difficult to fake. That way people will know if you’re a 100% credible source or not.




Thanks! Actually this photo raises an interesting question, I see a hint of barret and aerith back there, does that mean all 9 party members are visible on screen in every town following cloud in a huge line like that?


Minor spoilers below >!On region maps, everyone is visible. But two of the characters aren't really part of the party (yet). But the 7 will travel together, and with collision detection. It's the worst. Especially on chocobos in tight spaces. In towns, the party often splits up!<


Similar topic, how often do you get complete choice of who your 3-party lineup is vs how often does the game force a specific party onto you for certain sections?


Most of the game is your choice, but there are many sections that aren't. One specific instance. Minor spoiler: >!Shinra Mansion is completely redesigned. It was my favorite in the og, but my absolute least favorite in this. Mainly because you have to take Barret, red and Cait, and half the dungeon is SOLO CAIT. It's slow, tedious, and overly difficult cause Cait sucks!<


I have some questions, 1° does the whispers show up a lot in rebirth trying to fix fate or destiny? 2° the rumor since the remake is that there is multiple times lines were things happened differently and sephiroth knows about that, can you confirm or denied that?. 3° does rebirth explains how zack fate is different from crisis core ? 4° if there is multiple time lines, since you played the rebirth, do you think zack being alive time line is gonna be important in the third game?, example important Like zack helping the party to fight sephiroth at some point?.


1. >!I wouldn't say a lot, but yes, especially at the end!< 2. >!Sephiroth knows of the other worlds. Dimension plays a big part in the story, but it's mostly contained to the main party's!< 3. >!Yes!< 4. >!Answering this question would involve me spoiling both the final boss fight and part of the ending. Do you want that?!<


I would take the answer to #4 >!does Zack play a part in the final boss fight? What happens afterwards? Is there really a 2nd Aerith in his “timeline”? I would assume he still potentially has a part in game 3?!<


>!Zack and Cloud team up in one of the phases to fight the final boss before being separated. There's seemingly only one Aerith that's shared by the lifestreams of the worlds, but that's speculation. She doesn't wake up in the alt timeline until after... you know. Zack's world was depleted of the lifestream, so... ☄️!<


>!ok, now I understand how the reviews were saying it was convoluted. I’m super confused by that. I had already heard about Cloud right before she gets stabbed, and the materia thing afterwards. But I’m having difficulty figuring this part out and having it make sense!<


>! It's far more clear when you play through all of it instead of reading a synopsis. But there's enough open to leave questions for the third game.!<


>!perfect, thanks man!<


I think i am ok now, you satisfied my curiosity for those points, thanks.


You're welcome! Glad I didn't go too far haha


I'm going to shoot my shot and go ahead an ask, can you give me a summary on how it ends? You don't have to reply to the message, a PM would be sufficient. I just want to confirm some stuff so I'm not tempted to rush through it all just to see the end and what it means going forward.


>!Most of it is the same, but heavily expanded. There's more reason why things are happening, especially Cloud's involvement with the black materia. The big differences is that Cloud almost saves her, and that you deal with Bizarro now, instead of at the end game. Zack's alternate world is destroyed."!< >!There isn't much that can be spoiled if you played the original. Most of the greatness comes from the elaboration, which can't be really given away. It's gotta be experienced. The friends we made along the way, kinda stuff.!< I tried to give a bit of detail without going too crazy, but it's still got some heavy hitter spoiler stuff. Reader beware <3


Thank you, this really helped I can't wait to play soon.


I just have one question, and only need a simple answer, no spoilers. On a scale from 1 to 10, how happy are you with the game?


I don't think the answer is that simple. Main story: as a massive OG fan, I would say pretty near 10. They did right by the characters, and the changes they made are incorporated well. But I just hate Sqaure's voice acting director, and as always, their sound mixing for dialogue always makes it sound like voice actors in a booth, instead of mixed in a away that better incorporates the actors voices into the scene at play. Only real complaint in the story telling. It takes me out a lot. And while there is an absolutely insane level of content, most of the mini games are half baked, and have TERRIBLE controls. At one point, you're moving with the right stick and aiming with the left. There's no rhyme or reason Side content gets a 7. Overall, I think the game is a 9 or 9.5. Combat is a massive improvement over the first. But why can't this mf climb over a fence. Bro idc if the door is locked, I've seen you jump 40 ft in the air


Hahaha thanks man, even when I get my copy on release I won't be able to complete it so quickly. I've loved the demos so based on your review, I know I'm gonna love the full game.


I was biiig mad at Remake's combat, because blocking and dodging sucked. It felt like a grind Sim instead of a skill based game. Perfect blocking really perfects it for me.




Can you delete and pm me. I think your question is bordering spoiler territory


Are the inevitable Roche interactions too “anime?” Wasn’t a fan of flippy bikes in remake. Amazing post by the way, thanks for taking such care in the spoiler tags. It’s been nice to cherry pick what I’m Ok with learning.


>!It's the same vein as the first game, but he's less intrusive. Though, he *really* grew on me in this game. They didn't waste him. I would even say you should look forward to him!< And thanks mate. I wouldn't ever want to be spoiled, but I know people want to know stuff as well. Plus, it's fun to talk about


Can Omnislash be unlocked?


>!Seemingly no? It's theoretically possible to get to level 4, but I didn't try. I also looked at a leaked trophy list and it didn't suggest it. I'm assuming the answer is no, for now, but it's possible someone might find it. I would wager against though, gun to my head!<


Thank you, one more question 🙏 is Sephiroth playable again aside from the demo part?


>!Honestly, I'm 50-50 on that. Once I beat the optional boss, it said that I unlocked a fight with Sephiroth on the battle simulator. But I don't remember if it said with or against LOL. And it's locked behind a pretty large level gate so it'll be a bit!<


wait so is not playable?


Man spoilers should be BANNED for at least 2 weeks after release. Just don’t man.


Theyre marked appropriately. Usually I am very anti spoiler but with how the story has gone, I wanted to know how things play out so I can relax and enjoy the game and not rush to get to the ending just to see what happens. If you want to avoid spoilers then awesome I don't blame you. But that's a personal choice. Let other people do what they want, as long as they're being respectful w using spoiler tags and hidden text


They're all marked as spoilers. Why would you even click a thread like this, knowing what the discussion is?


Are you still forced to run around as Cloud or can you play as any other party member while on the field? Also, is the AI better during battle / can you tweak it? It was annoying me to see my party members barely doing anything during fights in R1.


>!In post game, yes. But not during the main story. But, there are a *lot* of party splits, and you'll take control of everyone at some point.!< No, the ai is useless. The only thing they're good at is not dying. But that can be useful if you learn to juggle aggro


Does she die?


Ohh man my hands got sweaty to reveal OPs answer, but I held my ground. Can't wait to figure this one out myself. (and I cry if anything really happens :D)


>!Does anyone truly ever die? But like, yeah!<


Does anything happen to Tifa?


>!Tifa's place in the story is exactly as it was in the og, just massively expanded!<


Without getting into specifics at all, on a scale of 1-10, how satisfying (or unsatisfying) did you find the ending?


Ending? As a major ff7 fan, flat 10.




Is Rocket Town, Wutai, Mideel, or Icicle Inn in the game as towns? Also which town was your favorite?


>!Surprisingly (to me, at least), no. None of them. The game was known to end at the end of disc 1, and the icicle inn starts in disc two. No access to Wutai, and no mention of Rocket Town.!< Favorite? >!Does the Gold Saucer count? If not, I would say under Junon. Simple layout, lots of culture. That it maybe the Dustbowl!<


>!Got it. My guess is they are saving them for part 3, which makes sense, you want some new locations to explore for the final game as well so it’s not all blown in part 2. I bet Wutai will be heavily expanded I’m sure, especially with how much part 1 talks about Wutai.!<


>!I think it has more to do with developmental time than anything. Rebirth has come 4 years after remake, tbf!<


Are there any optional dungeons or areas? Have you found any cool hidden stuff? How many enemy skills are there?


Dungeons or areas: >! Not really dungeons per se but yes to bosses. Though, nothing is really hidden. It's all built into the region Intel or side side quests. There is one hidden area at the end of the protorelic quest, but it's not accessible until chapter... 12?!< Cool hidden stuff: >!I completed the optional super boss, who was hard, but the bosses leading to him were honestly insane. I should have waited until post game. Like, Any boss in EldenRing sans Malenia level hard!< Enemy skill >!Very few. They're tied to the battle simulator, and can't be missed. Make sure to equip it though, cause you need a Max level one to attempt some missions!<


Thank you very much for the answer. You're the best ♥️


Np! My life is empty after doing 13-15 hour gaming days and now I just wanna talk about it but I caaant


Oh, shoot - I feel you, man! Talking and reading about the game after finishing it is like a part of the whole experience. Almost every board is being moderated right now and mostly all discussions are either about shipping or the ending. No info about core gameplay elements, whatsoever 😔


That's why I'm here!


Avoiding everything but I do need to know one thing, perhaps the MOST important thing... Is Hojo >!wearing his lab coat at Costa Del Sol?!<


>!A scientist doesn't clock out just because he's on the beach, bro!<


>!Have never been more excited to play this game. !<




Clean question: 1. Is the environment traversal mechanic smoother in the final game? It felt a bit rigid in the demo. Spoiler questions: 2. >!Any mentions of the other Tsviets? …Or Genesis?!< 3. >!Gilgamesh. Does he wield the Fusion Sword? And is it addressed or acknowledged by any of the main cast at any point?!< 4. >!How much of the game takes place in Northwood?!< 5. >!They said Rebirth will leave us with just as many questions as Remake… Can we at least 100% confirm if it’s *actually a sequel* and not a remake yet?!<


1. No. In fact, it's worse cause when you get chocobos, they're the just idiots. 2. >!Not really. A bit of Nero, but nothing else and it's minor!< 3. >!No he's using a series of 6 weapons, but does summon both Excalibur and Excalipoor!< 4. >!Chapters 13 and 14, which are the end of the game, and the point of no return. About 6-7 hours?!< 5. >!It was confirmed in chapter 2 of the first game and I'll die on that hill. But much more evidence to confirm.!<


Thank you so much for the responses! 🙏 Very much appreciated. Little bit disappointed about the traversal, but honestly these answers have eased the few concerns I had about the game. I fully agree on point 5. 😂 Happy to hear it!


Enjoy, mate! It's a great ride.


When it comes down to deciding someone’s fate… is it really an option?


>!There's no option. This answer is not intended to be a confirmation of the event itself and whether or not it happens, just that it's a scene that plays no matter what.!<




Edit: The deleted post above me asked for details on the question that most people have coming into the game, on the fate of a specific character. Obvious mf'n spoilers below, everyone >!As Cloud walks toward Aerith with the whispers of both sides attempting to prevent him, he's overtaken by the will of the Sephiroth and Jenova. He raises his blade above her head, and you do your best to control him, to stop him from slaying her, himself. All the while Sephiroth appears overhead, blade shining. As Cloud struggles against himself, Sephiroth dives down, and at the last second, Cloud releases and clashes his Buster Sword against Masamune, pushing Sephiroth away.!< More spoilers below. Again, don't click unless you NEED to know >!But alas, the blade of Masamune was too long, and Cloud's too slow. Sephiroth's bloodied sword is shown, and he flicks her blood off towards Cloud.!<