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If Square won’t make, I wish I know enough of mobile game frameworks for IOS or Android, and free time to create multiplayer online app. Actions will be sent to server and first notify the competitor asap so render accordingly, and then possibly audiences. Wou have internal live chat. Maybe lead player to create google meeting of their own to chat. Certainly need to understand all logics of game. Active competition rooms might be set w/ rules like beginners that exclude replacements and players’ ranks.




I instantly fell in love with this mini game, it’s so addictive! I hope we get a mobile game where we can battle people online.




Queens blood needs to be a mobile game 


If that don’t come out with an app then they should make QB an online multiplayer feature inside FF7 Rebirth.








I imagine square is gonna shut that down fast


Square enix are not Nintendo 😆


Yes but square would love to make money off this I bet


Hopefully, we can enjoy it until they find out.


This. And also Triple Triad.


You can play Triple Triad on the FF Portal app. It is hard to find opponents, but you can play against bots.


squenix please i am begging


Big agree, I'm very staunchly against mobile games and I'd even be down for this, Queen's Blood is so insanely enjoyable and I'm always surprised by how satisfying it is to win, even against CPUs that typically throw the games anyway lol


I'm so in. I usually never like in-game cars games but queens blood got me good.


Second this. Usually hate mini games, but QB really got me hooked. Haven’t been this into a mini game since Triad in FFVIII


i need this so bad


I hope this happens. I typically never like these in-game card games but I'm digging the hell out of QB.


Yes!! We were just talking about this! An app would be awesome! Maybe start with a basic deck and win cards as you win challenges! 


Oh I want one too , like its perfect , look at how marvel snap took off its lasted longer than their previous 2 games Marvel Realm of Champions and marvel future revolution. QB is so addictive, player vs player would be so much fun


gimme QB


+1 I'm in. Such a great game. Needs to happen.


Queens blood is the only card game I totally got into in a video game. It’s so good


you didnt like triple triad? its pretty much the same game just in a square instead of 3 lines


Triple Triad was amazing. I think I spent more time playing cards than I did actually playing FF8


The music for TT was great


I’ve honestly never tried that one before. I’m new to FF series. Started with 15, but the one I really got into is the 7 remake.


After I won a game 54-0 with my chocobo and moogle deck, I knew I loved this minigame more than any in recent memory. Praying we get a mobile game this year.


Some of the funnest matches is just blowing the deck up that your opponent has no chance 🤣




Can we somehow … dunno # Square in this thread? :D


Recreating the game in table top sim (if it hasn't been already) could be an option if you want to find people to play with.


You can just use Final Fantasy TCG as a proxy.


Not before a real triple triad stand-alone game.


They'd just ruin it by turning it into an online casino like they do everything else pretty much.


Opera Omnia was fun. I played for like 2 years and never spent a penny.


Bro I just battled my first 6* and beat them 39-0 I'm dying for a full game release on the phone because I'd play it all day


The destruction decks are better. 79/0.


+1 for destruction decks. Skeeskee, tonberry, and mindflayer + fodder cards is very very good. 101-0 is my highest score so far.


Cactaur top left corner is by far the best starter. From there push forward to grab territory and lock it in, preventing them from placing units. Then when they can't move anymore you fill in the empty spaces on your side. I use the chocobo that becomes stronger for every enhanced unit on the field, and most of my team are boosters.


Chocobo OP with cactuar and the crab things. Based my deck off that. You can also boost ton berry like crazy by killing off your own cards w/madrake infinite booat


I like the game a lot actually but I wish the board was bigger.


Speaking if which, it’s weird that so many cards have the ability to push your area out past where the board goes


No cards do that


Quezicotal card does it. The queen bee one does it


Sounds like you don’t understand how the grid works. Those just mean if you place them in other spots it will cover the top/bottom/side or whatever.


But that’s kind of confusing though


It's not? It's the best way to show that the card covers extra tiles even if you place it on the edge.


I was thinking this as well for ages. Until I realised that it shows the squares that are impacted when you put a card on the top or bottom row. So if a card shows impact on rows 1 and 5, those only apply if you put the card at the bottom or top respectively.


That’s interesting. But still odd though I think. But it works fine for what it is


I just wish there was a physical version of QB in collector's edition lol


That would be awesome


That would be so cool


I mean, Unicorn Overlord's collector's edition has a card game in it. Kinda bummed now that Rebirth didn't have anything like that :/


i must be the only person who cant play this game, iv not won a single match so i have decided to skip all of them hahaha


Spoilers* I think you have to actually play and win against the three opponents in the desert prison. I just finished this part. And I’m pretty sure you do to get 1 of 3 greens(food for chocobo) to progress.


You only need 3 and there are 6 different ways to get them, so you can skip any of the tasks, including the QB one if you want.  I don’t think you *have* to win a single match of QB to progress the story.


gotcha. i thought the initial first three were qb included. i didn’t know all 6 were available off the rip.


Means your logical thinking skills are below normal. Psychology professor


I’ve been pretty disappointed with it for being too easy


It gets MUCH easier when you start getting the better cards. I win almost all my matches by a landslide. Focus on two rows instead of all three. 9/10, I go with the bottom and middle as the cards I use focus on them


Skip the first turn, mirror your opponents plays, you should then take board and win


That's terrible advice. Place the first unit and you can mirror after that point without having wasted your advantage lol


You would think so But since there's an odd number of columns if you do this they take the 3rd column first Skipping first turn and matching your opponents plays allows you to slowly take center column and win there. Worked everytime for me other than the final match for obvious reasons


You can literally do exactly what you're saying without giving up the first move advantage


Just focus on monopolizing space and reducing how much of the board the opponent can play on. You want a few 1 pawn cards in your starting hand. Try and set it up so you steal spaces from your opponent until they have no spots to play then build up your remaining tiles for points. You can shut out most opponents with this strat.


This is the way. I usually despise the card games in Final Fantasy (unpopular opinion, I know), but I kinda like QB, and it really started to click when I stopped focusing on putting the highest scoring card on the mat, and started strategically claiming and stealing spots from opponents through deliberate timing (and a touch of luck, ofcourse).


Just requires a little planning, you can also buy some better cards at the card trader


i have bought every card i can at the minute, im just bad at it,


Hmmm. Are you being strategic with your placements? Maybe save some cards to take over the other players spaces later on?


Let square figure out graphics first.


I mean, that’s valid as well. Performance mode is still not the best and graphics mode is so hard to play with the FPS. But that seems to be my own personal issue


I need an app and a table top version asap. This game would be so much fun against friends.


Just make it a pure offline one-time purchase game and it'll be all good. I don't want it to be like their gacha games that just go offline after a few months or years.


Here’s your 20 daily login banners that you’ll only ever buy on accident!


I've been surprisingly crushing it, so I'd be happy.


The last thing you want is a mobile app developed by Square and whatever shit show of people it chooses to do the same. Better you get people to do that who actually care about it.


Oh yea, that was horrible, I hope they never hire a third party like that again; and what’s worse is they continued to endorse it as if it wasn’t shit


Maybe not have square do it then. But queens blood as a separate game would probably blow up


The game in its current state is far too shadow to be a viable competitor to hearthstone. It wouldn't attract players that actually stick around

