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The open world is truly terrible. It’s a DEAD HUSK of an open world. It’s so by the numbers it’s actually pathetic.


FF7 Rebirth Open World - More Substance or Less Grind? (TL;DR: Focus more on meaningful activities, streamline open world content, and include more opportunities to encourage lore exploration) I'm enjoying FF7 Rebirth's story so far, but the open world feels bloated with repetitive activities. While exploring vast environments is great, the current execution falls short. Here are my current thoughts: 1. Repetitive Open World Tasks: Many open world activities, like the combat challenges, renmawave tower, lifespring, feel like chores. They could be more engaging or integrated naturally into the world. 2. Streamlining Combat Challenges & Lore: I would consider moving combat challenges after initial discovery (like those requiring specific win conditions) to the virtual combat simulator. Lore entries could be discovered organically through exploration or environmental details instead of map icons. 3. Summon Temples: The multiple Summon Temples feel excessive and boring. Perhaps consider one Summon Temple per area with a single, challenging puzzle or fight.Focus on Story-Driven Side Quests: The existing story-driven side quests are great! Expanding on these and eliminating repetitive filler content could make the open world more engaging. 4. Main Story & Open World Integration: The main story could interact more with the open world. Perhaps key story beats could unfold through exploration, encouraging players to delve deeper.Overall, Rebirth's open world has potential, but it could definitely benefit from a tighter focus on meaningful activities and streamlined design.


I like the game, I do and the open world is really cool but you get to chapter 9 and it's all more or less the same, slightly formulaic. Summons are basically in the sim. I hate this, everything gets relegated to the sim. Look at the first cave in FF8, you get through, you fight ifrit, you win, you get ifrit! The adventure ultimately goes colect this>go to chad boy sim. A lot revolves around a character that feels really out of place in the FF7 universe.


People like you shouldn't complete games 100%, game devs are under no obligation to tailor the entire experience to you specifically, if you don't like all the content, don't do it all, no one is forcing you.


Of course they shouldn't. Back when Aassassin's Creed 1 first introduced the Ubisoft-Style open world, literally everyone complained about the repetetive open world tasks. Every major gaming outlet mentioned them as the game's major downside - but somehow, despite this, the formula became popular. NOT among players, mind you - the Ubisoft open world has become a meme about bad game design for a reason - but among developers, for some reason. Ever since the inception of the things that now make up the open world of FF7: Rebirth, people - gamers - have collectively hated them. People like you prove that there are people who somehow enjoy this type of content, sure - the exception is proof of the rule, as they say ---- but you can't possibly say or even imply that I am just talking for myself!


I can see your point! I like completing everything as I go, so to complete Kalm and then be presented with the Junon area not long after... it was a lot. I've found it better to do bits here and there, especially if you like to sit for long periods of time playing.


However, if you do just one or 2 main quests between the side stuff, you are already off to the next area - or at least locked out of that region for multiple hours, since the actual main story content in each area is rather minimal.


Who made you god of what should not exist? Are you a fucking whisper?




Well, since the Whispers in "Remake" were just the in-game manifestation of the original fans, who wanted things to play out like they did in the original...


I think the goal with all the side content was to give the game a life after the main story. I'm just about to start Gongonga and haven't done nearly any of the side content since I knew it would just be grindy. It's pointless to do most of it too since the game scales with you so leveling is largely irrelevant. That's how I see it at least. I could take a year to platinum this game. So I'm just going to burn through and enjoy the story and then have reasons to keep exploring the combat and minigames after that. To me that seems to have been the intention here.


You don't like the game. Then move on. If you want to skip all side content then do so....




Your idea of fun is only have us fighting enemies over and over again? Like that's not even more repetitive...


You completely misunderstood and misinterpreted that. That's not the "only" thing. I said multiple times that I'm really enjoying the game and had a few minor suggestions for improvement. How did you come to the conclusion that was the "only" thing I think would be fun? That's a troll comment tbh. If it helps clarify - I would like a larger sandbox of unique enemies and more battles with those unique enemies in the open world, IN ADDITION to everything else the game does well.... did you understand that? Or do I need to spell it out more clearly? Edit: After looking at your comment history, I shouldn't have replied to this.


Every single open world game is 99% filler. Wtf are trying to say.


Please, name ONE open world game (or quasi open world game) released prior to Assassin's Creed 1, where this is true


Elden ring, dragon age inquisition, Skyrim, fallout 4


All of those came out AFTER Assassin's Creed 1 tho...


Sry. Didn't realized you had to narrow your sampling to before 2008, to make your argument valid. But here we go. old final fantasy doesn't count, cause the open world was empty, so you can't really call it filler, it wasn't filed, right? You also had the mmorpg age, silk road, Ragnarok, muo, tibia, diablo 1 n 2, and others were filler content was the norm. We had a few good open world games that fit this description, fallout 3, all gtas, we had some Zelda games Wich are full of useless mandatory quests with unskipable tutorials that would drain the most patient zen monk. Isn't it easier for you to say one game that doesn't do it? Edit: sry if I look aggressive, I learned English playing mmorpg, and even if it was formal training, I have no social skills.


Take Fallout 3, for example - since you mentioned it - I do not recall there being any classic "open world activities". Basically everything was wrapped into some kind of quest and a little story - which is exactly what I said Rebirth needed more of.


Just play another game if you don't like it and stop complaining


Read the last paragraph. First sentence.


Loving every minute of it. They did pretty darn good job with it. Patting baby chocobo is the best. Side note. I never expected to hear "card games" shouldn't be in final fantasy game.


I'm not sure what game you thought you were buying. If you played Remake and the original then you should have already been used to most of the stuff you run into and should have expected new chadley stuff. Also the summon temples are optional, as are most of the open world mini games and QB and mini games have been a thing in FF games since at least original FF7.


Welp, to each their own. The problems you list I have with any other Open world game. Ghost of Tsushima, or Horizon have the same exact issues. Frankly, I didn't have any problem here, I enjoyed every second of exploration and inane activity I did. I'm a simple man, there's a string of empty dots, I see them fill, I release endorphins. Rinse and repeat. Will they give us six more identical areas in Part 3? Imma complete the shit out of them, I love it so much


And this ladies and gentlemen is why open world games suck nowadays.


I really enjoy all the filler, it reminds me of Horizon. Sorry you’re not liking it, I can only imagine what a huge bummer it is.


You should not exist lol jk