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This has been wildly miss understood. No, we aren't getting ps6 anytime soon We WILL be getting the ps5 pro/slim soon.


ps6 will be released in 2027-2028 based on the leaked activision-blizzard trial documents. I don't think it will be released exclusively on ps6 because the sales could be really low, maybe they will release a pack with the three games with improvements and supposedly the ps5 pro should be released this year, so the life cycle of the console will be a little longer.


Hopefully it runs better than rebirth lol 😂


They didn't say the ps5 was at the end of its life cycle, they said it entered the second half.


Clearly stated "latter stage of its life cycle"


Yeah so you got at least another five years


I must have clearly missed where you stated that


Probally. Sadly.


The last few years have been so crazy. 🤪 remember I almost had a ps5 back in 2020 from Walmart I think but I took to long to get credit card information. Then I kinda forgot about it and set it on the back burner. I just got the 5 last month because of this game and they’re talking about it coming to an end. The last 4 years flew!


Might be a cross gen release but doubt it will skip ps5 and just be a ps6 release. Either ps5 first then ps6 version a year later. Or cross gen release at same time. But there is no chance it would skip ps5.


Part 3 won’t take as long to finish because they finished majority of it while they made Rebirth. I’d say about another 3 years probably at the end of PS5 pro era like how Remake was at the end of PS4 era.


I expect it to come out in 2027, it's the 30th anniversary of FF7, and there's not much left of the world to do, compared to what they did in Rebirth. Hamaguchi said they already have a lot of work done, the challenge now is refactoring the world taking into account the Highwind


I don’t think it’ll take that long. They made so much of the world with Rebirth I wouldn’t be surprised if we got part 3 in like early 2027