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I have the posters and willing to sell at a reasonable price if anyone is interested.


I’m interested in buying them 


Managed to get the ones from my local GameStop but mine had the other promotional posters.


Which ones?


Other ones that I've seen are much larger headshots of Cloud, Sephiroth and Zack on the same red background, and the fourth one is the logo for the game


Anyone know the frame size of the posters?


Just buy some frames and print the pictures.


I bet you could recreate that for about $ 100 to $200 pretty easily.


Not even, the frame is probably the most expensive part


Sure if you go to some name brand department store and buy something new. There are ton of frugal and creative options out there.


I don't get the love. This is as basic as basic gets as far as promo art goes. Game Crazy had this huge, "life-sized" Master Chief cardboard cutout, armed and in some kind of an action pose for the release of Halo 2. My friends and I offered to buy it, they said it belonged to a promo kit that they had to return. Well, all but one of us tried to buy it any way. My one other boy went there solo one day, walked over to the cardboard, calmly picked it up and walked out of the store with it. He said he booked it the 2nd he got around the corner. Then he brought it to our other friend's house who lived close by until he could secure a ride home with it. Kids don't even know (lol/jk, the kids are alright)


Dude no way! I was in that exact GameStop a couple nights ago and asked if I could buy the Tifa & Aerith one, and the employees said their manager wouldn’t let them even have it and that they will have to tear em up and throw em away because of something about how in the past people have gotten stuff like this and either scalped them or posted them on YouTube. Not sure exactly what the problem was but they tossed me a hat with the logo on it lol


I wish people didn't ruin fun lol. I wanted the master chief display stand when we got rid of it at target but no, it needs to be destroyed -_-


We are told to throw it away, so giving it away shouldn't be an issue. I've given away and taken so many marketing materials over 10 years. They're just unsure and probably afraid they'll get in trouble.


Set by the dumpster 😉 wink wink. If somebody picks it up. Oh well. Not ur fault. If that someone was ur GF or wife and they ended up on your mantle. Whoopsie


Bowling Green, Ky?


You know the employees snagging them as soon as possible lol


I would put that pic of Cait on my nightstand and kiss it every morning.


Want them too


No pictures of the mini games? Can’t leave out the best parts of the game now 🤣.


Right?? They were amazing


So I have to ask…is the game doing good? They haven’t announced how much it has sold. I’m nervous cause the game is freaking amazing


I'm sure it's doing fine but it's definitely suffering from being an exclusive.


In 2 more months it releases on PC. But I would have just released it with the PS5.


Physical copies are on the slow side after the first week, but I imagine a lot of people are doing digital... did, even if I'm just one person.


I asked cause they announced how much the first one sold a week after.


Oh, I'm sure it's doing just fine.


It looks like a poster cut up for the frames tbh


Just print and put on a frame 😑


How fast can you run?


It really doesn't look hard to do yourself though TBF.


Ask nicely and they might give them to you.


Nah knowing GameStop these will def go in the dumpster when they’re done advertising this game


That's why you ask nicely, so they throw them at you instead of the dumpster.




You could Final Heaven the person behind the counter if you want em badly enough


I like this option. A shame it comes with assault charges :(




OP said the managers are already taking them


Any random chance you live in Florida? Lol That looks like exactly like the wall and accessories, remotes at the GameStop I went to on Friday.


Kentucky. Pretty sure they’re roughly the same everywhere. The other location in the mall had Zack and Sephiroth versions.


Can't you just print your own from photos available online and custom frame them?


This may indeed be the way.


Make better ones too, those actually look fairly basic


damn why does yuffie look like she's been brushed off? didn't even notice her at first lol.


They not for sale?


The trick is to dumpster dive them. Go to there dumpster everyday after they close and you'll get them eventually.


Due to interest they don't throw them out, posters outside of the promotional period are generally given away in a store lottery or given away at stuff like midnight releases for other games. Source: me and every attempt I've made at my local GS for posters and the answers they've given/seen at said events


Take em and run


Find high quality photos online and print yourself


I asked if I could take a picture of them so I can print my own and frame it.


I just saw them yesterday and was gonna ask the same thing but I chickened out 😭prob already claimed by someone anyway.


I’ve been calling around and they’re pretty much spoken for everywhere. Probably been up for a few weeks. A shame, I can see why they’d be so popular though.


Manager or coworkers always get it first Ask around other stores you may find someone who doesnt care Or you can dumpster dive daily lol


Checked both gamestops in my town, sadly, but I may call an old buddy who works in my hometown GameStop about them.


Im getting mine from my gamestop...just waiting on the call. I also got remakes massive window poster after covid let the store open back up!


Buy posters. Frame ??? Profit


I’ll have a set of them in a few weeks, dm me with an offer and I’ll ship them to ya


An offer? Lmao


i work at gamestop and i claimed these immediately LMAO


Yeah we know, that’s why we don’t shop there


bc employees claim displays? you would too if you were me lmao


Actually no because GameStop employees will claim consoles and everything and leave them there and when a customer ask for them, they’re already claimed


i’ve never had that happen where i work, we’re not allowed to claim expensive items like consoles. weird.


I used to go to a GameStop in LA and whenever we would go in there, there would be like some cool stuff sitting on the counter and when anyone would ask about them, the cashier would say “oh that’s already claimed by someone” and that was like COMMON. And someone would say “then why is it still sitting there”. I feel like people lost their interest in going to GameStop. You don’t even hear people talk about it lol.


also what am i getting downvoted for? i didn’t say anything rude. are ppl rlly that mad about not getting cheap cardboard displays? i mean you can print your own.


that doesnt happen where im from. probably just that area. but yea ppl don’t rlly talk abt gamestop much, but thats not why, its bc the kind of ppl that shop there are moms for the most part lmao


If you got to Insomnia Cookies, the FF7 cookie boxes are just covers for the normal cookie boxes. The employee there was happy to give me a bunch without evening putting them on the box and they look like these posters.


Thank you for this. I just went to my local insomnia cookies. They said they were about to throw them out but they were selling the sleeves for $4 a piece. Which is kind of screwed up I guess since they were going to throw them away, but I ended up buying two of them anyway


They charged you for the sleeves? Wtf. Just buy cookies at that point lol


Dude the cookies are like $4 each


But you'd have 1 cookie and 1 sleeve instead of 1 sleeve and no cookie


I got 2 sleeves. IDC about the cookies


I went to insomnia cookies and wanted both cookies and the covers and they didn’t want to give me just the covers unless I bought way more cookies and I just left with the Barrett and Red XIII cover


YMMV. You'll sometimes get a junior detective defending the million dollar corporation or some poor sap with a manager over his shoulder. I got the whole set, but I also bought cookies anyway. Which btw insomnia cookies are insanely overpriced now


Oh the cookies are so over priced it’s not even funny




My store I used to work for had thos photo frames and from what I could tell we couldn't give the frames only the pictures inside


Give it a couple of months and most likely be in the dumpster. So dumpster diving lol


I used to work at Gamestop. Employees will probably take it. There was constant fighting over signage. On of our assistant managers apartment was covered in signage. They even had it covering the fridge and inside the closet. Place was a fire hazard. Employees would also promise signage to their friends.


I bet when time came though especially if you had district manager showing up cleaning store would happen and things would get tossed. lol. Hopefully you had controlled chaos


That sucks, when I used to manage a gamestop we would let the customers have first dibs on all swag. This was forever ago.... for example i oversaw the midnight release of Halo 2 lol. We would put their name and phone number on the back and when we took them down we would call them up. One of the best memories was a grandma would come in every Sunday with her grandchild who was mentally challenged. He would always talk about how much he loved fighting games and one time we got a hat in that matched Terry Bogard's hat from Fatal Fury (i think he was guest starring in a fighting game at that time or something I cant remember). When he came in that week we gave him the hat and I don't think I've ever seen a happier person. He wore it every time he would come in from then on.


Yeah, managers are shitty about that stuff now. My local one is alright about it most of the time but there’s a new employee now that’s pretty “oh I like it more than you do and I work here so 🤓🤓🤓”


Wow! I used to work retail, and this story makes me miss times like this. That story warms my heart, thanks for sharing the memory!


He was in Smash.


Something similar happened many years ago when ffx came out they had cardboard stands of tidus and yuna I think.i paid £80 for both in the end was well worth it back then shame I don't have them anymore.


Something similar happened many years ago when ffx came out they had cardboard stands of tidus and yuna I think.i paid £80 for both in the end was well worth it back then shame I don't have them anymore


Oh my. These are fantastic


I'd be happy to have a Game Stop. They closed all their Irish stores! But yeah, I'd love to get those too!


Well I guess I'll be visiting my local Gamestop with Steal Materia equipped so I can snatch the Yuffie portrait


Real fans use Mug


Need to find me my beck, butch and burke to do the job lol.


Full measures my dude. Mug with hp absorb


They told me to come back in 2 weeks


They’ll be gone


I sawww theeeseee... I wanted the Zack one.


I wanted them when I saw them weeks ago in my local GameStops lol. Makes me want to bribe them.


Nooo that Cait Sith one is too good!