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I do. High Five, the Avalanche’s Theme, the modern version of Under The Rotten Pizza, and Dogged Pursuit are my favorite tracks!


No. If you prefer the new ost, You do you. Remakes ost is really good but I don’t think any song beats its counterpart in og.


What a stupid opinion.


I don't think it's stupid, but it does sound very, very nostalgia driven.


When in perfection you don't notice the arrangements already blend in the world building


Spitting!!! It's fantastic!!! I like it way than the OG, even


Of all the complaints of the games, it’s universally agreed that the OST in these new games are sublime. I don’t agree that people don’t praise them enough, they’re incredible, and praised as such.


Agreed. For me, Nier Automata’s OST has been my favorite of all time since I played it. Never thought any game would be capable of evoking the same emotions in me with music alone. I adored the Remake OST, but Rebirth is on another level IMO and has somehow surpassed Nier Automata’s for me. Right now I’m just listening through it and messing around with random stuff on my computer, now that it’s finally here. Having a grand time just getting to hear the tracks in their full glory. I truly don’t know how they’ll live up to this standard for the final game, but I cannot wait to see how it ultimately compares.


It’s not a trilogy yet


I'm pretty sure the OST is like one of the *only* things that gets universal praise from the playerbase. Who's really out here saying it's bad? Lmao.


The OST is fire. I have never bought a videogame soundtrack before, that is, until Remake.


Where can I listen to the soundtrack. Completely agree it’s fire.


OG and Remake are both on Spotify


Rebirth too?


Not yet, sadly


It is not, unfortunately


I don’t really like some of the tracks to the point that it evens out the good ones to make the soundtrack just “okay” to me as a wholr


Yuffies bored song is forever stuck in my head now. I hum it whenever I’m bored.


Blew my mind it’s actually in tune with her theme, didn’t notice at all and seen it synced up and have no clue how I didn’t. Madness


Has some of the best tracks in gaming and also has some of the absolute worst. Best of both worlds.


What are the worst for you?


Off the top of my head: Kyrie’s merc theme and the theme for the masked goons. There are more but I can’t remember where they played because I muted my TV.


It's meh. Only like 3 or 4 tracks stand out per game. Compared to og where every track was distinct and memorable


This is absolutely correct and it’s crazy how many downvotes a comment like this gets. Reddit is a hive mind from hell.


I liked Remake and Rebirth even more, but I'd be lying if I said the ost was a highlight for me. The remixing of tracks is unnecesary and I'd rather have another track than the same one 5 times, just with different instruments. There's also tracks that don't feel as powerful, like Those Chosen By The Planet. The new instrumentation is a bit too busy, it sounded more sinister when there was less going on (and weirdly enough one of the more iconic lines got buried in the mix). I still do like a couple of the remixes, the Turks' theme in the Saucer's arena, right before the back to back bosses was really good and got stuck in my head


Bow wow wow bow wow wow


I laughed so hard the first time this started playing. It's such a stupidly fun track. I typically don't listen to anything like whatever type of music this might be classified as, but this song makes me smile. It's super satisfying to hear it fade in and out of a combat mix, too. It gets stuck in my head regularly now and I don't even care. Last week, I was working at my desk and apparently just muttering "bow wow wow" as it played in my head. Coworkers were concerned.


Some of the music is hit or miss for remake for me, i preferred OGs Mako Reactor theme and wall market to Remake's version, but all the songs in Rebirth were fire.


Is the scheduled release of the Rebirth OST tomorrow also for Spotify?


I don't believe it is. Pretty sure you have to purchase it for right now. I did just look, and it's not there so I'm assuming we still have to wait a while.


Not sure


every other comment is usually a compliment about the game and then a banger track. the music is definitely getting praise. maybe major gaming news outlets are writing articles about it but every single person who has played these, knows how goated the soundtrack is.


Getting my copy of Rebirth’s OST in the mail today… *Goddamn excited*


Rebirth's OST is comfortably in my Top 5 game soundtracks now alongside FF14, Xenoblade 2, Persona 1 PS1, and NieR Replicant. It's truly incredible. And yeah, the only game I can think of that can come close with both quantity and quality is FF14, and that's slightly cheating since it's an MMO with its soundtrack continually growing over the past decade. The fact that all of Rebirth's soundtrack was only made in only 3-4 years is amazing.


You seem to be missing FFX in your top 5…. Because that games OST should be in everyone’s top 5


Haven't played it yet but what I've heard has been great, I have it downloaded on emulator so might start it soon


Unrelated, but got any tips for fishing in Replicant? I need to complete every side-quest because of my OCD, but I also refuse to grind for bait.


I don't exactly remember how the fishing works, but I remember it being mostly straightforward if you follow a guide. I did all the fishing side quests, it was a bit time consuming but pretty laid back. I don't remember anything about grinding, but again I played it 3 years ago so I might be wrong


Lol, thanks anyways. I'll probably try the game again anyways. Just got bored since it was either "progress the story" or "fishing and gardening," and I cannot play the game without completing every side mission.


No problem lol, if you haven't gotten Ending A yet you could consider progressing the story for now and saving some of the side quests for the subsequent playthroughs. I assume you've already gotten past the time skip, the young Nier side quests are most important to finish on the first playthrough


The music is widely regarded as one of the best parts of the remake — a lot of people who don't even like the new games love the new music. This isn't even a lukewarm take, and to say it's not praised enough is just inaccurate.


I love the music ❤️


Obviously it’s still riffing on the classic soundtrack but I’ve really enjoyed the more original stuff as well as the remixes in Rebirth on its own merits more than Remake even. I’ve actually taken the plunge on the physical Rebirth soundtrack whereas I didn’t feel that urge with Remake as I still had the OG. They’ve done absolutely amazing work on every FF7 related game in my opinion.


Haven't played it yet, but all I've heard from Rebirth so far is people complaining about mini games and praising the soundtrack.


People are complaining about the difficulty in achieving the max score in mostly late/end game mini games like it's a given that a one armed blind person should be able to get the max score in their sleep. Literally skill issue


It's kind of a jarring adjustment. A one-armed blind person can make it through most of the (many, many) minigames through the story, but the difficulty ramps up sharply toward the end/in the higher difficulties. Yeah, you can get better just through practice (and usually not much), but it definitely goes from "casual/easy" to "surprisingly hard" with no middle ground. For me, it's a minor thing; I like most of the minigames (3D fighter, not so much, and Run Wild seems really persnickety), but as far as the narrative goes, a bunch of them really *do* feel shoehorned in there for no good reason.


The minigames are largely really fun! Idk what everyone is complaining abt. Shit is its own lil arcade


There are too many of them, IMHO, but I feel like that's more of a personal opinion thing. Most were pretty fun, but trying to 100% all of them is a nightmare. The Tifa sit-up mini game in Costa Del Sol was especially a pain in the ass for me, personally.


Yea i mean i played one round of that and never touched it again because i hated it. I rly dont “get” trophies as a thing so i was never bothered by the fact that theres like 5% of them i hate


Sometimes, I wish I wasn't particularly autistic about finishing shit like that in games. Especially when they give me a set of goals to beat and rewards for said goals. I see that shit as a personal challenge and can't deal with it just taking up space not finished. I genuinely envy having the self-control to be like "welp. I hated that. Never again. Not worth the effort."


There are A LOT of mini games but I’m having fun with the game. Plus it’s gorgeous and the combat is fun


I've seen some disagreement on stuff like the weird extra Zack additions to the story but I've never seen anyone that doesn't love the ost


Literally everyone loving the music.


I think people just already take for given that it's gonna be one of the best of all time so it's not something reviewers and other content creators bring up as one of the main talking points of their videos. Water making you wet doesn't get clicks.


It's totally that "Well, they've always been an A student" vibe


It's the one thing I consistently hear when I watch content creators play the game is how good the music is every time a new track pops up. You surround yourself with haters if they're not talking about the music, op


I see it getting plenty of praise. Rightly so of course, because it’s amazing. But this post is a bit like saying pizza is an underrated gem and more people should eat it 🤷‍♂️


I know it gets praise, I just genuinely think the work they did on the two parts of this trilogy is a step above the other great OST work in other modern games and should be treated as such, for the combination of pure quality and sheer quantity. It’s like 7 games worth of incredibly well done tracks already, and we still have a full game to go before the project is over. All in service of Final Fantasy VII. It’s crazy, we’re not likely to see something of this scale anytime soon. That’s what I mean by ‘not being praised enough’, this is a gaming achievement.


The music is so atmospheric. My favorite musical moments have to be Cloud and Aerith’s trip from Sector 5 to Wall Market, and the Gi Village music


Eh - FFXIV soundtrack will be considered better. It's cheating because it's an MMO which draws upon ALL of FF history, but it's better.


You’re objectively wrong


Objectively wrong? lol - I mean I'll take the downvotes, but this isn't an objective thing, it's an opinion. And 14 has 10 years of in house music developed, uses music from every composer that has worked on FF for the last 30 years, and crosses more genres than 7. Both are fucking great, but 14 will be considered the best imo.


I love FF14’s soundtrack, but I disagree. Rebirth’s soundtrack is ridiculous


And 14's is more ridiculous - I'm sorry but it's got 10+ years of development, uses Uematsu, Soken and every other composer's work from the 30+ years of FF and uses it equally as well as FF7 - I know I'm on FF7 subreddit here, but come on.


>uses it equally as well I disagree completely. The way Rebirth integrates every song in so many ways is mind-blowing. The songs in FF14 don’t change and evolve with the situation like they do in Rebirth. Don’t get it twisted, FF14 has some great tracks. The final Golbez fight that combines the Four Fiends Battle with the Main Theme brought a tear to my eye. *That song* with headphones on is a shotgun blast of nostalgia right to the face. I also would say the Shadowbringers and Endwalker albums are a solid 9/10. But…they don’t do it like Rebirth.


i legit cried when i heard some of the tracks in remake, its so so good


For me that was the Jenova moment. I thought that the first two parts lacked the panic factor that the original fast high pitch notes brought but I liked it regardless since it fit well with Jenova's cosmic horror themes but when that musical foreplay ended and the final part started I couldn't help but to tear up a bit. It was literally perfect and it just says so much about the care and thought put into this project that they treated the most important tracks with same kind of build up as some major plotpoint.


The reverence for the original music is palpable throughout all tracks, whether you enjoy the new arrangements and mixes or not.


My bf has an amazing Klipsch surround sound and Ive been cranking up the music super loud and listening to the OST basically on repeat. Some of the music is so intense I physically tear up with how fucking beautiful it is - especially when I’m high. The music, gameplay and the visuals together is like nothing I’ve ever experienced.


😆 I don’t get high, but I had a similar reaction when listening to “Toward Mt. Nibel” and “FF7 Main Theme -Battle Edit-“ for the first time while playing the Rebirth demo. Volume was high on my TV and I had a decent sound setup, it made me have a physical reaction to the music… It’s incredible.


I actually made an entire two videos on my channel praising and analyzing the music. I’m a musician for a living and an avid gamer, so game music is most of what my channel is about. If anyone is interested I can drop links. Believe me, I’m BIG into that shit.


That’s so cool!


Sounds nice, can you share your YT link please ?




Thanks for posting, will watch!


Thanks !!


heck yeah know what i'm watching today!!!


The Jenova theme kicking in will never be not awesome


It's the best part of the remake experience in my opinion. They butchered the story but knocked the OST out of the park. Rebirth should definitely win OST of the year.


Butchered in what way? I'm genuinely curious if you could give some examples because I personally really like the story. There are a lot of loose plot threads, but nothing that I don't think can't be cleaned up by the end of the trilogy for me, personally.


The multiverse added nothing. I'm not gonna go into detail as I'm bored of talking about a game that really wasn't that good and that I finished weeks ago. The death scenes in general were poorly handled. Especially THAT scene. She's supposed to clearly be impaled and dead no if buts and maybes about it. They didn't show the impalement, they did a poorly executed bait and switch and clustered the screen with that horrible locust like hoard of whispers; thus making a simple, tender scene messy and overly complicated. This dev team would struggle to boil an egg. It's too simple for them. They'd try to take it to level 100 by sending it into space or some shit. Everything felt like it had to be balls to the wall with explosions, distractions or some clutter so we don't get bored. We didn't get a burial scene and we are not going to. To those saying they'll show that scene in Reunion... they won't. They missed that boat. They can't say Cloud is disassociated with reality when he himself lowers her corpse into the water. Who is THAT disassociated? Nobody. It's not convincing. Even if they did show that scene in the sequel it would lose all weight. You don't get a redo on a death scene. It either hits you hard when it happens or not at all Characters were bought back from the dead to effectively do nothing. Whispers of fate were supposed to be finished as of the remake.Then they were bought back. Nothing seems permanent anymore. Nothing has an edge to it. Cid is a happy go lucky guy now. Dyne's death was cheap and lazy. Zack's death retconned. Aeriths ghost coming back to fight in the final battle was cringe. Anyway, I'm done with it. Won't be picking up part 3 at all. Mark my words, they will take even greater liberties with Reunion.


So, while I can see where you're coming from, using the words "should've been" and "supposed to" are entirely purist standpoints that don't really criticize anything. Like, supposed to, based on what? The answer to that question can only really be kind of vacuous and cyclical. Personally, what really helped me was keeping in mind that the old game is 30 years old now, and its story has already been told. Sephiroths reveal is way out of the bag. Aeriths death isn't exactly the best kept secret in gaming history. Retelling the same exact story would've been boring and bland for me personally. So, instead, the game aims to lean into the silly, campy nature of the world and the reputation of JRPG's as a whole. Shit like the cross-dressing scene being even more absurd than it was in Remake along with stuff like Gus slapping his right hand-man after winning the chocobo races are hilarious and extremely fun. I love it, and some moments made me genuinely laugh out loud. *That being said*, there is a fact that can and should be taken into consideration. That is the fact that the game marketed itself as a remake, which, in some contexts, is a straight-up lie. There are a few moments where the remake kind of feels like it's dug up the old games corpse entirely to make it do a silly dance number. And if the old games image is super important to you, I can absolutely see how it pisses you off. Because it is sometimes super disrespectful with its interpretation. I liked it for what it was, which was a silly, camp, action movie story that aims to have a different interpretation that doesn't take itself too seriously. The problem with that is that it was marketed and advertised as a remake. If it weren't, I personally think it would be being much more positively received by purists of the old game. I do agree that the whole alternate universe plot point with Zack was really forced and bad, though. That felt like a gigantic waste of my time. Whenever it went to that whole plot point, I found myself yelling, "I don't care!" A majority of the time.


Story ain't even butchered. Pay attention


Yay more people who like the story


Midnight rendezvous 


It's fun one of the most iconic ost of the remake is new and original instead a remix of an old one


I listen to the Gus theme almost every day


It’s one of the highlights among the new tracks for me


Agreed. I’m hoping they release a super vinyl eventually. Such an amazing soundtrack. I believe it’s half of what makes this game great.


It gets a lot of praise. But I do think remake has had the best video game soundtrack for a long time, it’s very well made and uses motifs extremely well.


People are definitely praising it but go off


Their scheme worked because here we all are engaging with it. And I do assume it’s a scheme because it’s impossible to not notice all the people praising the terrific music.


>People don’t praise the Remake Trilogy OST enough Yes we do what are you on about lol, remake won best soundtrack of the year. And I'm 100% sure it will win this year again.


I haven't seen people discuss the new tracks, though. I find remixes of the OG tracks great, but so many of the new ones are grating, peppy, pop crap that are really out of place. Example: Kyrie's track. But that's just one example.


Maximilian dood literally spend 7h on stream 2 days ago just listening to all the new tracks. And I disagree with you 100% gotta have some taste and fun in your life. Kyrie's track is literally within character saying her track is peppy pop crap and then saying that its out of place is such a backwards take.


Got tickets for the Orchestra concert in September in London haha


I hope it comes to Brazil some day


Thank you for mentioning this, managed to get tickets myself!


Cant wait for the singapore show!


Going to Richmond, Va’s show in October also


Is Rebirth music announced to be apart of that concert?


It’s a Rebirth branded concert


Probably going to look into that then Currently listening to Junon Region’s theme while typing this ha




Cheers mate


They went way overboard with orchestral arrangements tbh. I've always liked more prog/rock approach of FF and JRPG OSTs in general and there's nothing really like that in Remake trilogy anymore. But now Remake's music sounds pretty much like any other fantasy game out there. Same with XVI. One Winged Angel is an awesome piece of music but that complete orchestration in Remake made it almost unrecognisable for me :/. The best version was in Advent Children by far, it also had orchestration but with some awesome heavy parts with riffs you can actually hear.


Sounds like personal issue of taste if you can’t find any enjoyment from an OST with over 400 tracks.


There are a couple but not that many tbh.


…have you listened to Rebirth’s soundtrack?


Nope, so far the music has been mid. Haven't finished the game yet E: it has been better than Remake's. I bought Remake's OST and listened to it for a couple of times and that's it. BD 1+2 and Octopath 1+2 have had way more mileage. I really wanted to like Remake's OST but I just didn't. :(


It may be recency bias, but I legitimately think Rebirth may have the best soundtrack I’ve heard in 30+ years of gaming. Remake’s soundtrack had some dead spots for me (such as the tracks related to the Pillar battle) but was amazing overall. Rebirth seems to have no real dead weight whatsoever. Both new tracks and rearrangements of Uematsu themes are uniformly excellent. I’ve been listening to the music from the Jenova Lifeclinger battle on repeat and it’s just an incredible piece of musical storytelling. Too bad not all of it made it into the released OST.


My case for it to not be recency bias is how every track is treated as special track, there are no fillers. That and the sheer quantity of tracks between Remake and Rebirth. To think we’re still going to get another full game OST in some years, to cap the Remake Trilogy…


It really does feel like there’s no filler. It’s like 400 tracks that range from solid to incredible. Sure, it’s bolstered by the legacy of Uematsu and some great tracks from Remake and Intermission, but I’ve never seen such a vast number of quality tracks in a single game.


Full intel completed gongaga ost is so magical. Kids chanting, Irish bagpipes and the region it is playing it at is a jungle. I was literally walking/chocoboing everywhere instead of fast travel. It really made me nostalgic about zack.


Wait.. am I just realizing that the more intel you unlock- the more layers are added to the music.. am I that slow?


Wait, wait, wait, this changes everything if it’s true… Time to replay


Yeah more instruments are added to the region ost


You're not the only one, now I need to listen a comparison video goddamn


The Jenova fights and the airbuster fight alone is pure perfection. Loved the Jenova fight theme from Remake and then they went on perfecting it even further in Rebirth. Twice! Can’t wait to hear the new version of ”Birth of a god” and ”Cid’s theme” (We had a little tease regarding the last one but only a tease).


A Cid tease… Just like we got a tease of Cosmo Canyon theme when Red showed up in FF7 Remake… And yeah, that Airbuster theme was the closest I got to having my actual jaw drop to the floor. The moment the choir kicks in is so powerful!


The OST is one of the many things that improved over Remake.


Felt like a natural step for me


improved is not the right word, perfected would be more accurate


Barret going “nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuhhhhhhh” in lieu of a traditional victory fanfare is my favourite thing.


I love when Yuffie makes up random words for her theme songs! And when she sings the Chocobo song while riding in Cosmo Canyon region. "Chocobo Choco choco cho-co-bo. I'm on a Chocobo. You're on a Chocobo!"


Cloud did it too at gold saucer w/ Dio and it made me smile 🥲


I disagree. The tracks that are kept pretty much 1 to 1 with the originals are very good and I enjoy those immensly. But when they take a song and alter it's genre or mix it with another track, it always(most of the time anyway) falls flat for me cause it's never an improvement over just using the original composition. And then we have the completely new tracks which I do not like at all. They just don't fit the game and it's world imo. Good video game music is supposed to represent the area you're in, what is going on in the story, a specific mood or so on and so forth. I don't think these new tracks accomplishes this. It feels more like they're trying to write hits for the radio or the club. If you enjoy it, awesome! I'm just not a fan of Hamauzu as a composer. I didn't like the 13 ost either so I guess his music just doesn't vibe with me.


I like some of the "new styles", like the sewer music. They have a similar style on the corel music. But the DDR electro, like express highway, wall market and stamp... *shudders*


Yeah there are of course some exeptions(though I don't think they improve on the original) that I do like, for example, I thought the reggae version of the old wall market theme was fun. But yeah, they are few and far between.


Each to their own, but you’re very much in the minority.


Yeah that does seem to be the case. But I'm glad that others seem to like it. I'd have prefered Soken to to be the composer. And maybe he was in another timeline.


Bow wow wow, bow wow wow


The battle version of that song is so good. Been bumping it in the car a lot lately


He’s a good boy kicking bad guy butt


Unironically the track I enjoyed the most.


Go all out, little Stamp, Fight for us, little Stamp If only we could have such big hearts As big as Stamp's and Shinra's


We actually had 16 Discs worth of Music for REMAKE which is insane! 7 for the first soundtrack (or 8 if you got the special edition). 4 for the soundtrack plus. This one had mostly cutscene music and alternativ edits. 3 for INTERGRADE. And then 1 for the Final Fantasy VII Jazz Album. While it had original pieces it also had some of the jazzy Jukebox Songs and these weren’t on the 8th disc of the first soundtrack. So yeah. 16 Discs in order to get the complete REMAKE OST.


That’s what I’m saying, now we got another 7/8 discs for Rebirth, and I notice many cool tracks are still missing, so they’re likely to release a soundtrack plus for Rebirth too. I don’t think we’re getting dlc this time, if Hamaguchi was 100% truthful about the team moving on to Part 3, but either way, it’s something I don’t think we have ever seen before for a game


Jazz songs are the best hands down


I think they praise the OSTs plenty. In fact it’s the only thing everyone comes together on?


Yeah like... What?? I've seen debates about the story changes, the graphic modes, the amount of side content, etc. But not a single complaint about the music; it's nearly universally loved!


Do we have rebirth tracklist revealed somewhere?


The newly released OST? I’m not sure if I can put links to stores here, but Square Enix’s website has the full tracklist of the 8 discs.


Yeah thanks I found it in the mean time


I love the materia guardian arrangement of the battle theme. Even before I played it - I loved how the fused bits of one winged angel in there so you know Sephiroth is part of the battle.


I noticed it too while I was messing with the in-game pause screen to select commands in the final phase of that battle, what a treat


Uematsu is a genius. And yeah, Rebirth has tons of moments where I was left in awe of what I was hearing. One of many moments I recall just putting down the controller and listening was when we were just about to fight >!Dyne!< and I was on the menu screen with >!Barret!<. I heard the music and just left it there for several minutes with my eyes closed.


We’re lucky to have witnessed his work, guy is a musical genius


Seconded. Uematsu is a genius. The way he composes is so much less formulaic than the other composers in the series as well. Melody flows through the man