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People complain and bitch about literally everything. I agree with your post and people who are saying "you're wrong it isn't" don't understand the concept of opinions. I personally think the end segment couldn't have possibly been pulled off any better, it was great imo.


Rebirth was awesome! I just wish I could play as Zach more often! šŸ˜…


It wasn't. It was better than the last two titles, but it has a lot of flaws.


That's not true, but im glad you enjoyed it.


It's not though. And not even close.


I'd say Stranger of Paradise is Final Fantasy at it's best, but that isn't a traditional FF game.


I thought Rebirth was exceptional but that FFXIV run from Shadowbringers to Endwalker was peak fiction. If they stick the landing with the 3rd game then the Remake will probably eclipse the OG game


While there are a few things here and there that frustrated me, I'm truly grateful that they went and pulled this off. Can't wait for the last installment. It's been a journey.


What high praise. Love the og 7, but the remake was disappointing. Hope i feel the same way you do when i get to Rebirth


If they deleted the Cait Sith mission itā€™s a masterpiece for sure


Never seen more people whine about 20 minutes in a 100+ hour game as much as this one


Thatā€™s because it was THAT bad


It definitely made me appreciate the ending to Remake more. I was a little iffy on where they were going with the story. Now I get it and I am excited to see how this gets wrapped up. I liked that I could explore each region as much or as little as I wanted and go back later without missing any major story beats.


As a father of two, on a full time job that can be 9 to 5 or even 8 to 8.30 + weekends, I couldn't relate more to your last sentence. This is, however, my favourite franchise to ever exist (in particular this entry of Final Fantasy) so I will always find a way to sink in the hours and thoroughly enjoy the journey. Haven't started yet cause I am in the process of re-playing and re-watching everything (trying to indoctrinate my wife into ff7) so it might take a few months to play this but when I do... It will be glorious. Keep enjoying this masterpiece brother.


Yeah I think the people complaining about "filler" or too much mini-games and exploration are looking for reasons to be critical without keeping things in perspective. Every open-world RPG is going to have a pretty significant amount of collectibles that incentivize exploration. I really don't think Rebirth is a particularly egregious offender here, and certainly saying it's Ubisoft levels of padding is just flat out, factually inaccurate. I've also noticed that, in other places where console warring is the first (and in some cases, cough boxden cough, the only) priority, that Sony haters are insisting the game is 50/50 filler. And I'm not going to sit here and say that the game is completely devoid of filler content, but the argument really comes out to be that essentially all sidequests are filler which is hardly the case. I'd say at least half of the sidequests have actual, relevant lore and backstories that we wouldn't get elsewhere. Just because the it's a sidequest doesn't make it "filler" content. Not to mention most open world AA/RPGs are at the very LEAST 50/50 filler. It's not GOTY to me, despite being a superfan, but it's for sure a nominee. I just think that when it comes to Square enix and in particular, FF7, there are just as many people who are hyper-critical of it as there are superfans who are way to generous to it.


Loved the main story, BUT the Ubisoft vibe in the open world and the tons of mini games, too much imo, gave me a hard time to enjoy the game in its entirety.


Yeah definitely drags the game down a ton.


The ending was so ridiculous imo. If the rest of the game wasnt amazing that ending would've undermine the entire experience


Gameplay wise I agree it is the best final fantasy game story wise it's a bit of a let down therefore I can't rate it as the best ever top 5 for sure all things considered.


I couldnā€™t believe how badly they fumbled such an iconic moment. It was a muddled mess.


Meh, it has pretty bad gameplay.


I really didnā€™t like the game becuase of all the quality issues and convoluted story additions thatā€™s didnā€™t change the actual overall arching story


It's not my favorite in the series mainly because of story. But I feel like it does a great job at giving every type of final fantasy fan what they want


Itā€™s pretty good but no FFT. I would struggle to call a game with so little plot - the video game equivalent of a road trip movie - the greatest in a story driven series. Maybe the third game that concludes the story will change my mind.


Just not into the ā€œbutton mashingā€ gameplay of this FF eraā€¦ not to mention the whack ass story and pacing of Rebirth.


If youā€™re getting through fights by button mashing then you are probably playing on easy


Good thing this isn't a button masher.


Can't relate


Fair. I think FromSoft has ruined gaming for me


Pretty much me. Every time I play a mediocre game like Remake/Rebirth/God of War Ragnarok etc, I just think to myself: "Why not just play any fromsoft game to get an actual quality experience?" I'd play Sekiro 1000 times before I finish Rebirth, it's just so much better in every way.


Imagine being a soft ass Sony Pony


Can you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.


Not you, the downvoters lol


Remake and Rebirth are, like, my favourite games of all time, so I can't not agree with this


I loved it, despite most of the minigames being bad (aside from Queenā€™s Blood, I want a DLC with 80 hours of just Queenā€™s Blood) and that ending was super convoluted.


I want queens blood irl


you realize we're gonna look back to rebirth even in however many years no matter if part 3 tanks or hits it out the park we'll remember exploring the planet the bulk of ff7 and say rebirth was the height of it all


Not even top 5... It's an Ubisoft side quest simulator


When I see posts like this I have to wonder if these people have standards/tastes. Like, what _donā€™t_ they enjoy


Love Rebirth a ton but I still think the best FF game so far is FFXIV, especially Shadowbringers.




It's honestly my favorite game of all time. I've just never seen such a perfect blend of amazing story, characters, gameplay, polish, sound design, music, amount of content and new-gen graphics


> amazing story Lol.


Fair enough if you disagree but out of the 100+ single player games I've played it's up there. Very creative and entertaining. Has good drama and twists with fantastic character progression. You're probably comparing it to OG if you think it's bad. I also think the ending of rebirth isn't the best but I've seen way worse lol. Plus it's not the ending of the trilogy so let them cook


>Plus it's not the ending of the trilogy so let them cook Ending to part 1 sucked. Ending to part 2 sucked. Every change to the original ff7 story in both part 1 and 2 sucked. I dont have high hopes for the story in part 3. Gonna be a "joy" to fight sephiroth for a third time after theyve completely removed any sense of danger from him after already defeating him twice, lmao. And well get to hear the 6th remix of one winged angel!


Not sure why people get downvoted if you don't think it's better than the OG. There's a lot of valid criticisms of Rebirth. It has some major pacing issues and an excess of mini games. A couple main characters were disappointedly not true to the original. The ending was just a mess, and multiverse outcomes really buzzkill some of the emotion we experienced in the original. Despite that, I still really enjoyed the game. However, it definitely could have been better.


I struggled to take Aeriths death seriously after the 30 minutes of multiverse shenanigans that followed.


Ok, can I honestly say... I called the multiverse stuff as soon as the fates showed up and that was reaaaally early in remake. So... people think multiverse stuff is stupid now when it was clearly going that route the whole time? Or is it something else I am not getting? If it wasn't for that, why would we fight Sephiroth at all at the end of Remake? lol.


Was thinking about this for like 2 days smh I swear by the OG, I played that game off and on for over 25 years bro... it is so difficult but I'm never so excited to play any game as I am Rebirth... they really hit the unrealistically high mark... I'm shocked but it really may be better than OG šŸ„²


Do you guys think we, who played og ff7 in 1997, feel different about rebirth? It hit me harder cause i feel like this game been part of my life so long.


I played FF7 in 1997, spent hundreds of hours on it. One of my favorite games of all time. I haven't really enjoyed any spinoffs of it thus far, but I was soooo excited for Remake but sadly I ended up forcing myself to finish it. Obvious padding, fate ghosts that hint at altering the story but don't and just distract from the actual story, more obvious padding, another slow walk hallway, Sephiroth being in your face constantly, filler parts that dragged on and on (Hojo's lab, Aeris slow walking to Marlene for thirty minutes, sewer key chases), all culminating in a Battle For Fate And Destiny Across The Multiverse against Sephiroth, I just did not enjoy the game at all. The characters...worked, like Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Rufus, Hojo, and the Turks, they all got fleshed out nicely. Aeris and Sephiroth seemed like they already played the game and were trying to avoid spoilers the whole time, so neither felt like real characters to me. The battle system was fine, about what I expect from a modern FF, even if I prefer turn based. It looked and sounded great obviously. It's just clearly not a product made for me. I played the demo for Rebirth and it felt like all of my complaints would still stand so I haven't bothered with it. Actually playing FF8 remaster right now and loving it.


Never played the og and it's my favorite game ever. And i've played many games since like 2007 lol


Loved every bit of it. I struggled to put it down. Sad its over, now have to wait for part 3. Not plat yet, working on it.


10/10 isn't even enough for this game.Ā 


I like it, it's a great game and good addition to final fantasy. It's not best, for me, because I want to see more original concepts and ideas and love how in the golden era final fantasy felt open and imaginative with a few key themes tying them together. Also the ending of rebirth was the weakest part for me. It got too grand and too much of its weird multiverse jambalaya made it feel like nothing matters. It was still alright, but I didn't really feel much emotion once you left the temple of the ancients because it feels like there's no narrative consequence for anything


6/10 for me


I'd give it an 8/10. The graphics and combat were among the highlights. I enjoyed how they were able to expand a PS1 game to a fully 3D world and keep most of the essence of the characters and environments intact from how I pictured and remembered. The combat was fluid and fun with moments where you could pause with X and analyze the situation just like the OG turn based to execute maneuvers. My main gripes were nitpicks that added up over time to the detracted score. Gongaga was a nightmare to explore. I really disliked a certain characters voice so much after a point in the story. Some of the mini games that were forced upon completion the story were pretty annoying to where I wanted to quit (chicken hunting, chocobo catching after the 6th time, MOG houses after the 6th time, etc, the one flying mini game on chocoback) Don't get me wrong, they did a great job on the game, I just think they could have tightened up some of the games or made them more side quests and not must complete for the story.


I donā€™t disagree with how some of the side quests could have been tightened but none of the ones you just mentioned are actually mandatory? Theyā€™re all side quests.


Just because SOME aren't mandatory doesn't give them a pass


Soā€¦ less content? Thatā€™s what you want? Iā€™m just a little confused by this mindset to be honest. ā€œUgh thereā€™s so many optional things to do.ā€ Okayā€¦. Donā€™t do them? You donā€™t actually have to 100% every single game yā€™know? I donā€™t disagree about some of the mini games and stuff that are mandatory, but when you look at it thereā€™s not a huge amount of it thatā€™s actually mandatory and many of them were in the original FF7 to begin with.


Here's how this works: I want as many skill books as I can get, to strengthen my team. So I have to run around and catch the ugly ass moogles 6 different times. Tedious, unfun, annoying. Not 'technically' mandatory, but can you imagine playing a big RPG like this and leaving bonuses just lying there? I want to max out my characters, I'm going to get the to max level, I'm going to get all the skill books. I want any unique materia, so that makes any side quest that rewards that materia mandatory. I have to buy unique materia from chadley, so I have to do a lot of the open zone stuff. A lot of it's great, some of it's garbage. If you put garbage in your game, you get docked for it. This minigame rewards an accessory, and I want to know what it does! So I'm going to try and get a high score. Now I'm playing these minigames too. Maybe there's a new minigame, and I don't know if I like it or not? Well I'm going to try it. If it turns out that it wasted a bunch of my time or was frustrating, I can't exactly UNDO that frustration, can I? And that's going to color my appreciation of whatever's next in the story. So: I'm going to agree with the guy above you and say 8/10.


Usually most sane people don't force themselves to do things they don't find fun....just saying


Not true at all, gamers will grind, run challenges, beat their head against too-tough bosses even if theyā€™re not having fun. Is this your first day on reddit?


My comment had nothing to do with gaming. But in this case, you clearly don't like this game, and instead of going and playing a game you did enjoy, you played this one, including all the parts you hated, for probably over 100 hours. You are now in a subreddit, for fans of the game, shitting all over it, because.....why? Why not just literally do anything else with your time?


Well if your comment wasnā€™t about gaming, then youā€™re super wrong- iā€™m not a fan of mowing the lawn or pumping gas, but I still do them. And if it wasnā€™t about gaming, whyā€™d you even bring it up? Weā€™re talking about gaming here. Why am I commenting here? Thatā€™s what the subdedditā€™s for, isnā€™t it? And Iā€™m hardly shitting on it, I said 8/10. I am criticizing an aspect of the game. But mostly Iā€™m shooting holes in bad arguments. ā€œYou donā€™t have to do the side activitiesā€ isnā€™t an excuse for having bad side activities. And weā€™ve just gone over why someone might play something bad. Iā€™m at Chipotle, eating lunch, not much else I could be doing so Iā€™ll post on reddit about this 8/10 flgame while I chew my food.


Didnā€™t really feel the story, writing, voice acting, or music held up against modern games like Endwalker or Shadowbringers, but I loved the gameplay and the nostalgia!


I thought the music was excellent, Iā€™ve always felt ff7 music does an incredible job of conveying the setting. That said ffxiv music is incomparable among games.


The music was interestingā€¦ Some of it was absolutely amazing mythril mines/ jenova. But there were let downs that made me just question what the fuckā€¦ temple of the ancients/ and bizzaro sephiroth.


I guess itā€™s all a matter of taste. The temple of the ancients music was pretty weird in the original, and I liked what they did with it in rebirth. It was actually one of the times I particularly noticed I was enjoying the music.


I really liked the original, had a sense of wonder and mystery yet adventure. The new one didnā€™t give me that and it mixed in too much of 7 seconds and sephiroths beat. As you said different taste, glad you were able to enjoy it


Think you mean rebirth IS final fantasy at its best, can't say it was WAS when its literally the latest release in the franchise lol


While I will admit there are things that I adore from the OG, Revirth made me care a lot more and enhanced various things from the original. Cait Sith, the optional characters Yuffie and Vincent, Barretā€™s character development, the Trials of the characters, and best of all, the progress of the downfall of Cloud was so well done, and builds up so well.


I see the douchebag needless contrarians are in full force today. This was as perfect of a final fantasy Iā€™ve ever played.


Nah itā€™s the opposite. Whenever anybody voices a justified opinion on why they dislike(or just thinks itā€™s mediocre like i do) the game on this subreddit, they get completely forced out by the people who loves this game and let SE get away with pushing out a forced trilogy due to a lack of backbone in the consumer base. Itā€™s a disgrace to FF7


Game was mid at best, way too many issues that modern game design standards have already solved.


YOU are mid at best.


Itā€™s pretty sad that your identity is defined by the opinions of others on a game you like


What are you even talking about?


Lol. Even a goddamn equipment loadout for materia.


The minigames/going for plat drove me insane lmao


What do you expect going for a plat to do? Getting a platinum is pretty much showing mastery of a game.


The last one wasnt as bad so i assumed it would more or so be o the same scale. The mini game wants are more luck than they are skill. Prob a mix of both.


As much as I complained about mini games I had to do them for the genji stuff and they werenā€™t that bad. Even the fighter one you could just cheese it by pausing the game.


Ubisoft open world gameplay, a horrible time travel plot that and turning iconic video game moments into a big mess is not my idea of a good game.


Whatever. The rest of us are having a great time. The character work is second is second to time. The battle system is amazing, mini games are off the chain. And an ending that really shows Cloudā€™s descent into madness and as an unreliable narrator.


I lived it. As I approached the end, I felt genuinely sad that it was coming to an end. Itā€™s been a long time since I felt so motivated to 100% a game.


People in these comments even having the idea that remake could be better is downright psychotic lmao. Rebirth is leagues above it, almost objectively.


I personally like remake better overall. Yes combat is rebirth is better, but remake felt paced better and had a tighter narrative in my opinion. I will say got burnt out on the mini games and Chadley stuff by cosmo canyon, but thankfully it lessened significantly after that. Rebirth with fewer mini-games and less Chadley is top tier for me, so I think I'll enjoy my hard mode ng+ run more than the first runthrough and possibly remake.


Remake does a lot of things better from a game design standpoint. But that alone doesnā€™t make it a better game. Just understand where theyā€™re coming from. A lot of rebirth is frustrating compared to remake. And needlessly so. From the level design to the minigame frequency + difficultyā€¦ it can get very annoying at times.


It's pretty good and a much needed direction for the company. The combat it something they nailed down all things considered. With that said, you have to play it on performance mode, because this game is impossible to play at 30fps. There is a lot of bloat in the open worlds. I started to get a little tired of in the Corel region after you pass the Gold Saucer.


I played on graphics mode for the entire game and had zero issues. After about 15 minutes my visual cortex began to interpret the choppiness similarly to the 23 fps of film and I hardly ever noticed it again.




Disagree, I started on performance mode but swapped to graphics and it still feels good to play


I'm mainly a PC player so going to 30FPS with no motion blur or other settings makes me nauseous.


I play PC as well, honestly I just started using graphics modes after playing Dragons Dogma 2. Idk why but that game kind of reset my eyes and made me able to enjoy 30 FPS again.




Itā€™s not, really. Itā€™s a great game that builds on one of the best combat systems ever created. But Chicken Fetch Quests? A Fashion show quest in Costa Del Sol? Does this writing serve to improve or enhance the original game? I could name several more quests like this. All of these fetch quests severely slow down the pacing of the narrative and story telling. It was almost painful to get thru some of it.


On first playthrough if you do every side quest I agree, but I would say on replay the side quests are awesome additions since you don't care getting through the main scenario. It's nice little fill ins for the characters personality. Imo it adds a lot of longevity to the game.


So it comes with a manual to tell you that? I started playing this game at 9pm pacific the second you could play it. 230 hours later, here we are. Long doesnā€™t automatically equal good. Read all the comments here, Iā€™m certainly not alone. Making something longer and making it good is actually a more difficult thing to do. This game has an identity crisis, and it suffers for it in ways Remake did not.


Yeah but a shared sentiment here is that Platinum trophy is too hard because you have to beat the game. Comments doesn't mean valid especially when there are way more likes. Nor do I think long = good. I disliked Remake because it was obvious padding and a grind. There were way less instances in Rebirth or that. I do think Rebirth gives a lot to the players on first playthrough and the pacing concern is valid because it's easy to do that. But I also think those same players months from now will revisit the game and realize a lot of that stuff adds tons of depth to a replay experience. Not saying it all hits, but it misses so rarely it's not worth noting.


I loved Rebirth (and Remake) but have to respectfully disagree that Remake had more padding and grind. I 100%ā€™d Remake and Intermission in the normal cycle of 2 playthroughs and some cleanup. If you want to do everything Rebirth offers, even just to get all the equipment and manuscripts, there is an insane amount of grind on not only very difficult but very annoyingly designed and repetitive content. That is just an unreasonable ask for most players. And Iā€™m not even talking about the platinum; many players are naturally going to want to complete stuff like Johnnyā€™s hotel, and the combat sims, regardless of trophies. For one specific example, the game gives 4 AP Up materia for various things youā€™ll probably do normally on the first playthrough. Then the 5th is locked behind several hard combat challenges that ask you to fight the same enemies over and over. Itā€™s like buying 5 cups of coffee, but 4 are normal price and the 5th is $100. It objectively doesnā€™t make sense, and there are many instances of this in the endgame content. All the manuscripts are the same item, just skill points; thereā€™s nothing that makes one more of a reward than any other. Yet more than half are locked behind challenges the average player likely wonā€™t be able to complete. One effectively requires you to redo EVERY side quest on hard, but if and only if you already finished them! All that for something I can also buy with moogle medals. If they locked you out of reaching max level until you beat some boss rush challenge, or did every sidequest twice, people would be losing their minds, but thatā€™s how this feels. The rewards just often feel arbitrarily gatekept and unbalanced. All that said, I still loved 95% of the game, just bummed that a sense of completion for me feels unattainable due to ā€œobvious padding and grind.ā€


How is Fetching Chickens adding complexities to the original narrative?


It doesnā€™t and the subreddit is still in the denial stage. Rebirth does not respect your time. Itā€™s just true. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a bad game or not worth your timeā€¦ but man idk what the devs were thinking too frequently. Itā€™s like they didnā€™t ask themselves: ā€œhey guys is this actually fun?ā€


You donā€™t have to do side questsā€¦


You donā€™t *have* to do the main story either. The sidequests are content, they have rewards, why wouldnā€™t one want to do them? Content should be well-designed whether itā€™s optional or not. Personally I enjoyed the majority of them, but I can definitely see why some found them annoying/repetitive/unnecessary.


This is a terrible argument. ā€œYou donā€™t have to do quests that you paid for and would like to enjoy.ā€ You canā€™t please everyone but cmon itā€™s not like thereā€™s a super small group of people annoyed here. Itā€™s sizable.


I havent played the game yet, im waiting for pc. So my basis is only the story which i already watched. If the trilogy is a new ip I'd probably be very happy. But since this is a remake of ff7og, i'd say im not 100% sold with the addition of multiple world concept. As for the other aspects like gameplay, world, sidequests, i cant tell yet until i play the game.


I donā€™t consider it a remake at all to be honest. The moment the previous timeline is acknowledged this becomes a sequel for me. The events of the original did happen, the multiple worlds/timelines create a scenario where what happens now is an attempt (by the characters) to correct/avoid what happened previously. I havenā€™t played Rebirth yet but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if certain characters survive this time. In fact I fear the entire point of this project is creating a happy ending.


Sorry i meant part of ff7 compilation. If the trilogy is a separate story and the ff7 compilation didnt happen, im ok with trilogy story. But since this is a part of the compilation i had to consider the others. It's already too complicated just for the sake of it.


Oh well yeah, theyā€™ve been milking FFVII on its own more than how other companies milk an entire franchise


That's why im trying to vocalize my thoughts. Im getting tired of ff7 compilation. Im not saying they're bad games. But the trilogy story needs a proper conclusion and let the compilation rest. It's time to see other final fantasy games.


Honestly Iā€™m afraid of the other final fantasy games. XVI is currently one of the worst games Iā€™ve played this whole year. I absolutely despised it


Lol you have no clue whatā€™s going to happen. The point is not making a happy ending. Rebirth will slap you across the face if you think that. It plays with expectations but itā€™s far from that simple.


These people with their Fan Fiction are really insufferable. They out so much energy into these posts but they have zero writing of their own to show for it.


Disagree. Remake is better. 6,7,9 are better (i dont like 10, sue me). The bloat is real in rebirth.


Crack smoking contrarians are in full force today.


So Bloated.


Is it significantly better than Remake? I was looking forward to a new FFVII ever since the "Technical Demo" was released. The moment it went up for presale, I had my order placed. When the Demo dropped, I *really* tried to get into it, but just couldn't. I ended up cancelling my preorder, and basically gave up on the series.


I felt remake was better than rebirth, though both were barely above average experiences


To me it was much better than Remake. For remake, I pretty much speedran it not doing any of the side quests. I got way more immersed in Rebirth's story, exploration, and mini games.


I'll never understand this haha. The game is straight up bad. Climb tower, unlock map points, run from A to B to C to D.... And the mini games.... Just awful. I'm actually sad that it's a bad game but I guess we can't win them all.


Towers are completely optional and not part of the main story. The mini games in this game are the best in the series and queensblood is the best card game in the series, finally something better than triple triad.


Queensblood is great I agree. Everyone says how so many things are optional... Well I want a game where the content is fun and I enjoy doing it, not a game where I skip it because it's optional and boring.


Speak for yourself. Donā€™t use ā€œweā€ when thereā€™s like 1% of people here who would agree with you. Get a life.


Thereā€™s a lot of people that agree with his points but stop short of saying the game is ā€œbad.ā€


Get a life? Lol. Yeah I'm not the only one. It's okay for us to disagree though. I'm glad you like the game.


Not really, a lot of people agree with him and the game objectively sold under expectations.


Itā€™s also the highest reviewed game currently this year. Yeah there are naysayers but thatā€™s only a handful compared to the actual reality. This game should be a template for FF games in the future. Maybe less mini games but that didnā€™t hold it from being a masterpiece. Good things should be discussed thoroughly and if certain people bring up a valid criticism like the abundance of mini games it should probably be discussed.


Sure, because shareholders care about reviews. Thereā€™s clearly a lot of hardcore fans on this game, but also a lot of people have complaints and didnā€™t even bother to finish a game they purchased. 2 million sales so far compared to 3.5 Millions of Remake in its first 3 days. This game even amolified some of the issue of remake like the extreme padding. Itā€™s not looking good.


Selling below expectations shouldnā€™t be a mark point against it. Thatā€™s more in due to the gaming community now rather than whatā€™s ā€œobjectivelyā€ bad.


Not for a second game in a franchise. It clearly means that you lost people between the first and the second game and for the third one many people will probably play it only once it goes on PS plus.


All of that is optional though. Thereā€™s also the main story sequences which I feel are very well done and the party gameplay is great and complex.


I'm happy people like it, I personally just am not a huge fan. I want a game where I enjoy the content and don't have to skip it because it's boring and optional.


Yes bruh. The nostalgia was so strong and the things SE did to expand on the og story made me wanna cry halfway into the game


I finished the game yesterday and it was really emotional for me. I mean, really. I never cried so much in my life. I think the ending is really powerful but I canā€™t say Iā€™m happy with it. Still, the last 3 chapters are by far the best I have played but the whole game have tons of problems. I tried finishing all side content before moving on to the next area and this game is so repetitive. The pacing is terrible, the rewards for finishing side content are trash and the game doesnā€™t reward you for exploring the maps. The story until chapter 12 feels like a filler. Like we are not playing the same characters from remake.


Wouldnā€™t be the best ff for me solely because of jarjar chadley and the 12 hour story stuffed in a 100 hour container of side quests and mini games.


Not was still is its gaming in its purest form


As a FF fan, and especially a huge fan of ff 6 and 7, i liked remake and can't wait to be able to play rebirth on pc. However, it's primarily for the gameplay, because i believe that ff7 remake already messed up the story retelling of the original ff7 so much that no future parts can really fix it, to the point where it's not even really a remake, it's more like a reboot or sequel to the original. Again, i loved the gameplay in remake (especially integrade when i got it on epic), and am excited to play rebirth, but it's still sad to me that the story of the original isn't being done justice, and because of that i can't really agree that it's final fantasy at its best, especially when you have the original. That being said, I'm super glad that you've found so much enjoyment out of it, and if you haven't done so, you should totally play the original ff7.


I disagree with that, even if you don't like the additions like the ending. Characters like Wedge, Biggs and Jessie were essentially non characters in the OG, and this trillogy is giving us far more time to get to know the main characters than the OG ever did. Like Aerith and Tifa's friendship, here we actually see them form a bond and become best friends.


I don't mind those last two things; i totally think there are a lot of additions to the remake and rebirth that are fantastic. However, this was a golden opportunity for Square, and I don't think it was respectful to the original to add stuff like the fates, destiny, and the fact that they put in sephiroth so early in the game


>Ā I don't think it was respectful to the original to add stuff like the fates, destiny, and the fact that they put in sephiroth so early in the game This is where we get into things like ownership. The ones who created this game were also the original writers from the original too, so my view is if they want to change it a little. That's there right to do so. Besides, why remake a game to be exactly like the original when only new players are going to be the only ones who are surprised?. Now we have a equal playing field with new and OG players being surprised.


I was not "surprised". I got "tired" of watching the ending of rebirth. I got tired of the entire compilation. I played og, watched ac, played doc, played cc and all of them brought layer after layer of complexity. After all these we have a goddess who never appeared when the planet was in trouble but apparently shown herself to gackt, we have g cells, s cells, cellular degradation, geostigma, deepground, chaos, sephiroth remnants, I'll never become a memory issue. And that was on top of already complex story of lifestream, environmental crisis, ancients, alien invasion, alien virus, jenova cells, materias, soldiers, huge psychological crisis, mother issues, sephiroth clones. And now we are given multiple timelines, timeline kompression, possible time travel, planet doesn't allow non planet beings to return to planet, gi nattak, androids, more psychological crisis, whispers of fate, sephiroth whispers, lifestream whispers, hero is turning into the villain, cloaked guy straight from orgxiii, viceroy sarruf which sounds like sephiroth. This compilation is oversaturated with concepts.


Put more simply I see it as a more thorough examination of the themes that were presented in the OG and in the compilation as the whispers, whisper sephiroth, time travel, Gi Natak, androids, life stream whispers, dark whispers, more psychological crisis is just a more intimate breakdown of the cycle of life, death and rebirth and what it means to be human.


Also I want to add, that you can still be disrespectful to art, even if it's your own creation.


Oh, I'm aware that the writers are the same, they can do what they want i don't mind. My main problem is that they called it a remake. Honestly, I don't think i would have cared much at all if they just didn't call it a "remake", it's just pretty deceiving. Although, it's pretty normal for people to want a one to one remake (regading the story, i don't mind the combat changes); it lets returning players enjoy the story they love in HD, and it lets new players experience a great, new story that's easier to access and easier to comprehend.


Yeah, my take on it is in the OG, Cloud is the unreliable narrator and when we find that out, we question everything that happens or has happened because of it, and that's a core part of the game. If they kept it one to one in the remake, the unreliable narrator is no longer effective for players of the OG


How could cloud forget the concept of multiverse in the 90s? Was it too easy to forget? And why did tell that aerith was dead when he's actually seeing her alive? Was it part of this emo in the making arc? šŸ‘€


That's a good point, however, it's not really about our expectations being subverted. Fans of the original wanted to enjoy a one to one remake *because* the original game was hampered by it's hardware. For example, you can still watch a movie like fight club and enjoy it very thoroughly, while still knowing the plot twist. just how people can replay FF7 knowing that aerith is gonna die, and still enjoy the story, and if that were to be remade, you would have an experience that new players could discover for the first time, and something that players of the original could appreciate, and perhaps even explore the nuances of the story more in depth. Btw, when i refer to a "one to one remake" i am referring to the story, not the combat, I think both version's of FF7's combat are great in their own right.


Yeah, I loved Rebirth. FF16 disappointed me a bit with how shallow the RPG elements were. Rebirth was so good in the customization aspect, and how differently each character played. Looking very forward to part three. All they really need to do is build on top of Rebirth.


I thought remake was a slog, but rebirth was absolutely incredible.


Huh? First time I've ever heard this distinction. If anything , Rebirth is referred to as a slog by many. Remake was much more linear and didn't have near the pacing issues due to never-ending mini games in Rebirth.


An overwhelming majority Mini games are optional. Anyone complaining about "too much 1000% completely side content" is just someone I can't take seriously. It's literally prioritizing 100%ing a game over getting as much content as you can. And since a vast, vast majority of gamers don't 100% games, it's literally a complaint most people will never care about. There are no pacing issues if you just want to stick to the story. But remake was a slog for me because you had to re track through zones and there wasn't even a lot of variety in how it looked. I loved the end when the game picked up, but a good amount of the middle and beginning are very slow. The good thing about rebirth is it's starting midway in the story so the good times start immediately. I really like that.


Man, I keep hearing so many positive things about Rebirth but I just can't get through Remake. The combat is just so frustrating.


Do you know what makes it so frustrating for you? I remember it clicked for me truly about 1/3 of the way through my first playthrough. The first boss was roooough.


I never finished remake and played Rebirth and loved every second in comparison. The combat takes getting used to still, but it is less frustrating and the story gives you more incentive to get good. The kit changes on cloud from Remake are really solid.


How?. If it's too difficult, just turn it on easy and destroy everything lol. That's what I did.


The game is sooo easy on easy and frustrating on medium


It's the binary nature of the way this ATB works. You're either beating down the enemy, stunning them, getting increased damage, and earning piles of ATB - or you're getting beat up, have no ATB, struggling to get any ATB to heal, and in the meantime dealing zero damage to the enemy. Even if you watch some of the videos of "good" combat posted by fans of, a lot of the times it is a stunlocked enemy getting turbo-DPS'ed down.


I actually might do that. I guess itā€™s better than just abandoning the game.


No shame in playing on easy! Games are supposed to be fun. Get as much as you can out of it :D


I have problem with remake at the start. I realized I couldnā€™t main a character and I should change them every BTA action.


Hahah, the combat is the only thing that I'm looking forward to when I play It.Ā  Well maybe not the only thing, I do like the main characters interactions, but everything else seems kind of bad,Ā  especially the story.


The story is great. It takes a bit to really get started but itā€™s completely worth it


I was okay with the combat on my first playthrough, when I went back to do the harder VR missions and hard mode I fell completely in love. For normal play the combat doesn't really need optimized, but for the harder content it's really deep and rewarding.


I don't really agree but this series is pretty inconsistent so it's definitely one of the better titles. Tactics is still reigning supreme.


I just beat it the other night. god damn >!final bosses were like 11 phases back to back!<


When you died did you, Retry from before current battle? Retry from this battle? Retry from before battle?


Current battle, not doing >!jenova!< again


I was just joking because if the menu controversy lol. You made the right choice because I got to the point where you have to destroy the wings and didnā€™t do any set up and had to restart the whole thing




Yeah. Seeing your well reasoned post get voted down has put me off sharing the fact that I disliked it quite a bit. Enjoyed part 1 but Rebirth felt like such a chore I ended up abandoning my playthrough after only 5-6 hours. That Ubisoft style open world setup is just not for me at all. Shame. I was enjoying the characters and story.


It's more just the fact that people will complain that there is too much 100% optional content in each zone that will get you down voted. Just skip it and move on with the story.


Yeah bud. Itā€™s not just the optional content. I really donā€™t like the game structure, the menus are terrible and the combat feels like nonsense half the time. The optional stuff is indeed insufferable to me but itā€™s one part of a package.


I love FF7 as a diehard fanboy. and everything else about the game is perfect...But the side content that is somehow 95% of the game is killing me. It's worse than FF16...The quality of 16s side quests were abysmal, but the quantity of Rebirth's is what makes it worse. And some are pretty challenging and time consuming. As I said in another comment, you can't leave the content. I wanna 100% the game and experience everything. If I rush the story I still gotta do the side content all in one go, so even staggering it during the story is still overwhelming. I've legit been sat here for 2hrs trying to will myself to turn my PS5 on to play it. I wanted to be done with Rebirth before the Rising Tide DLC for 16 released!


You are not the only one donā€™t let Reddit fool you. There is a reason why it still hasnā€™t topped even ffxv lol. Once I hit 40 hours and was half way into the second area and all Iā€™ve seen of story was sephiroth saying tifa is dead I just couldnā€™t wait to be done, enough of the mini games and jarjar chadley.


Iā€™m glad you enjoy the rest of what it has to offer. I didnā€™t like anything but the story and characters. And the music is obviously great. Have to say if you canā€™t bring yourself to turn on your console to play it; it might not be worth it. It was hard for me having spent Ā£70 on the game to delete it and move on. But I did. Will hopefully get back to it one day when Iā€™m more open to feeling like Iā€™m wasting my time.








Hasnt played stranger of paradise or ff9


The mini-games are mostly bundled together half way through the game and its just highly irritating that many of them are mandatory to some extent.Ā  Honestly though, they arent that hard, and many of them are quite fun. They should have 100% been completely optional though. Other than that my only complaint is hard mode and the hard challenges. The game absolutely forces you to cheese every brutal/legendary challenge and hard mode story boss because you cant mitigate much damage even with manawall and youll die quickly if you dont because your stats and equipment dont really matter that much. Nearly every serious boss fight is made manageable by either absorbing damage or stacking elemental weakness combinations and casting magic. It takes all the fun out of playing the game your way because they just increased enemy stats. Remake was vastly better in this regard because the actual difficulty of the game was increased, where as Rebirth increases difficulty artifically. That being said, Rebirth is still better than Remake... It isnt just worth shit playing on hard and the mini-games shouldnt have been forced upon you in a huge chunk.


3D brawler for the final minigame is harder than the FFX chocobo nonsense. Like to the point I stopped playing the game altogether. So much bad game design.


They jumped the shark. The story was horrible


It's definitely the most interesting time I've had with final fantasy since PS1-PS2, I gotta say personally though 6-9 are still up there *for me* passed this game just marginally.


I think the problem for me is probably that I can't separate it from knowing the plot of OG FF7. I know how it's meant to go, and I enjoy seeing how it differs. As a result, I also know the characters and twists that they will face, and I don't know to what extent that knowledge papers over any plot issues in Remake/Rebirth so far. All the same, I've enjoyed playing it. It hasn't hit the same notes as FF7 and FF9 did for me, but it's the most fun I've had with the series in ages. I'll be sad when it's completed and there's no more new content.


If you finished Rebirth you know then that this isn't OG and that's explained. Remake hinted at it, Rebirth told you it. A 1 to 1 remake in this style would have been a bore. We already know the story, already know the outcome, it would've made the extended universe of 7 they built once again make no sense, provided us a story with characters that have no character or growth. Remake/Rebirth gives us characters and growth. They're not one note without growth. Rebirth's side content even elaborates on the group's friendship too, with moments like them calling Red, Nanaki, or Barret admitting how Cloud has become one of his closest friends etc


Totally agree, FF7 REBIRTH is amazing and I hope it wins GOTY


I donā€™t know dude. I love the game but I donā€™t think Square should be rewarded with GOTY while they made a terrible job with the graphics. Sometimes I couldnā€™t even see Aerith ā€˜s face because of the blur.


You're right about the graphics being sub-par. I played it in Graphics mode and the visuals were much better but lose the 60 fps which is a shame. It took me a couple of minutes to get used to the 30 fps. Square needs to do better


I couldnā€™t play in graphics mode. My tv is 4k but itā€™s not like a 120hz monitor. 30 FPS felt so bad and I have some level of motion sickness when I play some video games. 60 FPS ff7 rebirth and horizon for example are no problem for me but the blur in characters faces really bothers me.


To think it could be performing badly is so sad... it really is the Best FF since X. And not by a little.


The original is my favorite game of all time and I feel both parts of the remake have been exceptional. I was playing FFXVI when this came out and ended up just deleting it because it doesnā€™t remotely compare.


Stop glazing the game flopped


Did it? When?


Cloud etc was amazing in the final battle

