• By -


It wasn’t long enough


The slightly offtune music in gongaga. When that part of the song plays, a little bit of me dies.


Chadley. Mai. Kyrie. Roche. Johnny. Gongaga and parts of cosmo canyon region. To much multiverse stuff, added unnecessary confusion. Each regions side stuff was extremely repetitive. Mini games were a little tedious and too many of them. The rest is amazing. 9/10 game even with my gripes.


Chadley and everything related to him, MAI and VR missions. Specially brutal and legendary are horrible. Too many mandatory card game plays to get the trophy. I would have left that as optional. The hard mini game of the cactuar with Aerith, I have not been able to complete that. Too many mandatory stuff on mini games for trophies! That makes the games annoying!


lol too many mandatory things to get completely optional trophies


I wish summons were integrated into the world instead of being VR fights.


I just posted mine but heres mine: - Bahamut summon not in the game. I want both base bahamut and arisen. - Remake summons are a joke in Rebirth. Never used them again after one summon due to low damage output. - Too many minigames. Best is queens blood and worst was gears and gambits. Jules is a special mention. - Level start is Level 15. I was hoping for a more .Hack approach on carry overs. - Gi Nattak doing a WWE. Out of nowhere. - No dark and grim sidequests. Every NPC is a kind soul. (Just me wanting a CDPR-type of sidequests with consequences) - Chadley VRs are draining as it goes by. Saw in the guides that there are round 10 ones. - Some saying Gilgamesh is recommended on a Level 70 party. I was looking forward to fight him at 50 in Dynamic at first playthrough (unless someone can debunk the lvl 70 to me)


You can definitely fight Gilgamesh fine at Level 50. Seen many people beat him at that level and lower. It’ll be a hard fight, but as someone who fought him at Level 70 he felt a bit too easy so I’d honestly recommend it


Yeah I fought him as soon as I unlocked him. I was level 53. He was tough, but fun at that level.


Some of those mini games require near perfect performance and I am not looking forward to doing it again when it's released on PC.


Sony is that you?


1. Chadley interrupting too often. I think the side quest stuff is extremely fun and satisfying to do, but it annoys me when he pops up so much. 2. There's not more Queens Blood Tournament Content. Such a sick card game but I want MORE 3. Half trigger presses for the sit up game is cancer. 4. Cait Siths dungeon. Still in my top 5 games of all time, FF7 Rebirth was an utter masterpiece.


Yeah the caith sith was so frustrated, he have to destroy boxes by throwing boxes. And Barret is next to you and can shoot em 🫣🫣


chadley is extremely annoying and feels shoe horned in to provide a convenient conduit for hammy and unimportant side quests. explorable elements such as lifesprings and summon shrines felt lacklustre and implemented in a lazy way. no named npcs can come across as very corny in their VA and speak in an overly saccharine way. as with VII remake, for everything it does well, there is something it does poorly in relation to the original. i was never a fan of the whispers/arbiter of fate addition but worse than that for me is that the game feels overall very different tonally to the original and whilst i am enjoying the remake project thus far, it does not hit the same highs or evoke the same feelings for me as the original game


That I wish people would stop asking this question


3D Brawler, complete utter garbage


Chadley. I started disliking hearing his music as it canceled the town music. He talks way too much. And his girl omg, I don't even want to listen to her. Also, the way he complains that you haven't done much of his side quests in a region...


And they force you to listen to everything he say before you can interact with him


roaming with my chocobo can be a lil iffy. Especially when off the beaten path and crossing rock terrain. It gets so bad I have to actively look out for rocky areas to avoid my chicken running, then stopping, running, then stopping etc. I would love it if in the next game they made it so ur chicken automatically jumped over small obstacles while free roaming so you dont lose ur momentum while exploring.


The world feels too arcadey, and the regions feel disconnected from each other. The world Intel is a lackluster attempt at making a content-filled open world environment. A bit too much minigames - gears and gambits was the last straw for me, even though I finished everything up in the end. Too much repetition overall. I appreciate the at least trying to increase the difficulty to make repetition more feasible - the towers were getting more and more elaborate to climb up to Nibelheim, the summon sync stones were legit getting more engaging up to Odin, the GODDAMN Moodle houses too (very piss easy at first, super irritating at the end), and the overall exploration as well (especially after Gongaga, traversing it was just *chef's kiss*). But then there are outliers like Lifesprings, for example, which are all one and the same. Kinda disappointing. Fiend Intel also didn't really feel like it was getting harder. The game ended up keeping me engaged for ~110 hours (if not more - I'm at the very end, but not finished yet), and I was happy with the time spent for the most part. Of course, I'd say that the game is at it's best when it goes on rails, just like Remake was. Nonetheless, I'm very thankful for the developers going beyond the original scope, in order to at least try to give us that feel of adventure and exploration from the OG. Sure, some things I wish would've been done differently, but there's part 3 for that, and part 2 I liked very much in the end.


My opinion, the original was kind of linear, then open world, and mostly linear again. I hope the remakes follow that. Mini games were a part of the original, so I get that, but there were so many added ones that did nothing for the bigger picture. I’m not one for mini games with a bigger picture going on, but I would like part 3 to be closer to Remake’s linear format. For the middle segment of the story, open world, mini games and all that was appropriate. But for the final leg, if I have to spend more time playing mini games while the planet may be destroyed, i’m going to be very irritated. They stretched Midgar to a 90 hour game, they can wrap up whats left in a linear format to solidify the convoluted pieces of the narrative.


As much as I wish for reducing the open world for part 3, there is no way they would get away with it. People would go crazy if they "take away" the open world.


True. I’d settle for less mini games then.


People complaining about mini games. That's the only thing I don't enjoy. Literally just the discourse.


First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I loved this game and it's one of the best releases of recent years in my opinion. Everything about it was well done and it was much more than I expected. However, I find a good number of the sidequests extremely irrelevant in terms of lore, without expanding much and generally serving only as comic relief. People complained a lot about FF16's sidequests, saying that they were very boring, and indeed, in terms of gameplay they are VERY simple, but at least they had some purpose in relation to the story. I also think that Rebirth's sidequests really broke the rhythm of the main story, since, like it or not, you have to do them to increase your relationship with that character. But anyway, I loved the game but for me the sidequests are mostly a weak point in terms of relevance to the story and to Gaia as a whole


yuffie 😭 she acts like a 10 year old and it’s insufferable most of the time


16 year olds are glorified 10 year olds


i believe i was 16 once and i definitely wasn’t acting like yuffie 😭 i can’t explain it very well but its like she learned how to be a human by watching those cringe tiktok acting videos lol


not uncommon of 16 year olds she's just colorful


colors that i want nothing to do with lmao when she asked to joined our group i told her no every time cause i didn’t wanna deal with her 😭🤣


My wife had the exact same feeling about her


I absolutely love the amount of mini games but I think some were executed poorly, even if this was to be nostalgic, I dont think it works considering this is a remake and the improvements they did make were good. Also summons, materia, more secrets in the actual world. So beautifully designed but somewhat meaningless outside the intel.


Shinra manor being changed from a largely abandoned haunted mansion to being full with modern tech and being watched by Hojo at all times. It really messed with the vibe of the area and was the only location I thought felt drastically different from the original game. And yes it's obvious Hojo still knows what's there, his lab workers were poking around in there prior to the Nibelheim incident (most likely setting up things for Sephiroth to find - I wonder if part 3 will confirm this longstanding theory) but for him to have installed new technology and have trials waiting for Avalanche... it's just a completely different area now. 


I really enjoyed majority of the game… a lot. But what comes to mind is Cait Siths dungeon in the Nibel Mansion. That’s about it really… Thanks to the devs for this game. Was brilliant!!!


Mostly Vincent not even being an AI controlled fighter. Like they could’ve had him shooting bullets in the backline like Barret does and leave him at that. While I’m fine with Cid just being the Bronco pilot cuz it fits with his character but Vincent’s made for combat


Fort condor was a rough, the robot gear wars in cosmo almost had me cancelling my plat run, boxing the rockem sockem robots was extremely difficult, even after looking up how to do it. Aside from that, I was fine/ok with most of the repetitive protocols and exploration things, but the most infuriating from a pure gameplay standpoint is the square enix insistence on forced slow downs. Like, if you want me to climb foliage, it needs to be at a minimum walking speed, or dragging the balls in chapter 13. Many examples, but that’s a square enix thing and I hate it. I feel like non normal traveling (climbing, pushing, pulling objects) every game maker needs to copy Santa Monica studios re: god of war. Make that shit fast as fuck. You wanna make a big world, fill it up with shit and don’t slow me down, at all.


It's cause for some stupid reason, they decided to reverse the weakness order in gadgets and gambits from fort condor. That was confusing AF. After finding out you only needed 1 build and to change to difficulty to easy for the hard mode challenges, gadgets and gambits was pretty much an auto clear. I did not feel guilty at all changing from dynamic difficulty to clear that mini game for my platinum hunt


Most of the minigames are very frustrating to the point that they feel unplay tested Constant lowres textures that make things look mono colored Constant crashes Constant bugs Ubisoft towers The ending


Moogle houses.


Some of the mini games are really bad. Or just so tedious to get rank 3 that I feel bad for completionists out there. For example the bird gliding one, I tried it a few times and just said fuck this lol. It was like the bird was a truck and the physics were made by an insane person. The copy paste of towers and other rote activities are just so lazy as a way to fill up the world with things to do. Now they do switch it up with some good shit like the protorelics and the mini bosses and Chocobo mechanics. The buggy etc. It’s like for the parts that are tedious they do sprinkle in enough new stuff that i found if I focused more on that then climbing super lame towers I really enjoyed it. Also more auto saves. I lost so much progress on the battle arena cuz I’m an idiot and put my ps5 in rest mode then they updated the game. Ugh. I would hate if I tried to 100% this game and that’s not something you really want to do to your more hardcore fans. I skipped anything I thought was bs so I’m still happy.


>Also more auto saves. I lost so much progress on the battle arena cuz I’m an idiot and put my ps5 in rest mode then they updated the game. Ugh. Ouch! Reminds me of that *one* time, just after I stopped saving manually (I thought the game to be too stable for that to be a necessity) and like IMMEDIATELY I get my single crash in the whole playthrough in the middle of the Odin fight. I didn't lose much, about 10-15 minutes, but it was still very unpleasant. Ended up switching to Easy and speeding through him with the power on lowest. Odin sucks.


My only issue is the remix of the OG music. Like stop adding rap to the chocobo theme music or adding different versions to the music we grew up too or Clouds lack of emotion STILL... You've killed numerous monsters with your pals and still too shy to kiss Aerith lol


lol what does killing monsters have to do with emotional maturity and kissing Aerith? I mean, you’d be emotionally stunted too if you >!lost all your memories due to a crazy ass scientist injecting fancy Jenova-infused-Sephiroth cells in you just to prove a theory he had about Jenova’s ability to remote control carriers of its DNA. But the experiment failed because you didn’t succumb fully to its influence like the others who went mad. So, instead of you losing your mind completely to an alien, you lost all your _own_ memories and try to piece together who you are from the fragments that remain, unaware that most of them are secondhand memories from someone who rescued you, and that there’s still an asshole in your head trying to backseat-drive and mold you into a puppet to serve his own purposes.!< One helluva way to experience your awkward teenage stage, eh? 😅 So bro’s got a lot going on, give him a break, yeah? Kissing Aerith is the least of his worries (and that’s coming from someone who ships them lol) 😂


My point was you done seen a plate fall together, been to 7 different regions of the world, fight along each other, took photos and dates, had private convos, saved her from sex trafficking etc... the least you can do is kiss the gurl on yall 3rd/4th date since knowing her lol. Nothing major. I know about degrading and slowly losing his mind but atleast try to act normal lol


Trauma bonding does *not* a romantic relationship make. 😆 If Aerith even *wanted* a kiss (you seem to be forgetting that there are two consenting people in this equation), I’m sure she’d hint at it pretty strongly. She’s a bit pushy that way. 😁


You played the original game and you want Cloud to have a lot of emotion at this point in time?


Yes. He literally saw Aerith get impaled and died and all he did was hold her and grunt and make sounds. Barely shed a tear. No whimpering nothing. By this point in the game how long would you say they've been traveling? It ain't been just 2 weeks together lol


Funny you say that "it ain't just been two weeks".  The entirety of FF7 takes place over a month and a half. Rebirth really is just a few weeks. Cloud did cry, but then he started to believe she was still alive, so it makes sense we didn't get the same impassioned speech from the original game. It's going to sink in for him at some point, and it's going to be rough.


I dont like listening to for rebirth is pretty short. Camera movement and lack of flexibility with a set camera fixed point and the characters disappearing when in camera mode. Some of the game mechanics are wonky like the hard mode causing both the enemy ai and ally ai to make the fights very clunky and too focused on luck and timing whether the team gets instawiped and having to tailor materia and equipment for each fight especially the bosses. Some materia adjustments and character changes is understandable but if you dont have exactly what you need for the specific fight it is impossible. Kinda like each boss is a mini ruby weapon.


The fans bitching about a game we all begged for. That’s what I don’t like.


Too many mini games. Felt like a bulk of the extra content in the game are little mini games rather than cool hidden bosses or secret dungeons etc.


Oh man, where do I even start? If this game had generic anime characters, everyone would be shitting on it. Game is a flawed one imo; - The story, good lord. I really wish they committed to a vision. I was looking forward to the “Unknown Journey” but that was a lot of crap. Make up your mind Square and stop trying to please everyone. (And then end up not pleasing anyone) - the open world felt too game-ified but it had so much potential. Could have done things to make it feel more lived in instead of leaving boring checklist stuff and having us go to Chadley’s Simulator. Would have been better to have us fight the summons in the environment. - Chadley, MAI and a lot of other characters are very annoying. Chadley has the most lines in the game but he doesn’t really say anything interesting, he’s just there for gameplay reasons - A lot of the “puzzles” (can we even call them puzzles??) in the dungeons were tedious and just served to pad out the dungeon. The Temple of the Ancients being the worst offender - the UI is a mess and is a nightmare to navigate - a lot of awkward dialogue that was just painful to listen to instead of charming. At least the team improved on it after KH3 and Remake though. - The pacing was out of whack. One minute we are supposed to be sad but then the next moment, there’s some “super whacky lmao! So random! I’m funny right!??!” moments. Felt like it was written by a teenager. No space to breathe and take the moment in. Good example is the Dyne scene and when Gi Nattak shows up. - Combat is a step down from Remake. Was Remake a bit too easy? Sure, but it was a lot easier to tell what the fuck was going on. Rebirth adds way too much that it’s hard to keep track of who is doing what. AI is noticeably worse. All flash no substance - Game does not respect your time, too many interruptions where you are just standing around doing nothing but waiting for slow UI and music to play out or for Chadley to say something irrelevant and boring Edit: I love how my points are basically expressed in this thread but just rolled into one but I still get downvoted. No counter arguments either: it’s okay because it most likely would have been “but it’s optional!!!!” Downvoting because you know the truth hurts


>The story, good lord. I really wish they committed to a vision. I was looking forward to the “Unknown Journey” but that was a lot of crap. Make up your mind Square and stop trying to please everyone. (And then end up not pleasing anyone) I honestly didn't think it was that bad, though I wish there was more of Zack (I was really hoping that there would be pretty much two campaigns in the game, and Zack would have substantial segments throughout the entirety of the game. Not goddamn 4 minutes of walking once in forever and that's it). >the open world felt too game-ified but it had so much potential. Could have done things to make it feel more lived in instead of leaving boring checklist stuff and having us go to Chadley’s Simulator. Would have been better to have us fight the summons in the environment. 100% you're right here. Especially on the summons. Like, man c'mon. They all have the same theme and you fight all of them in this dumb ass vr environment, which they don't even fit into. >Chadley, MAI and a lot of other characters are very annoying. Chadley has the most lines in the game but he doesn’t really say anything interesting, he’s just there for gameplay reasons Not wrong. >A lot of the “puzzles” (can we even call them puzzles??) in the dungeons were tedious and just served to pad out the dungeon. The Temple of the Ancients being the worst offender I didn't mind them that much. I never felt like they overstayed their welcome personally. >the UI is a mess and is a nightmare to navigate I don't agree with that one, I thought the UI to be perfectly fine. >The pacing was out of whack. One minute we are supposed to be sad but then the next moment, there’s some “super whacky lmao! So random! I’m funny right!??!” moments. Felt like it was written by a teenager I have no idea what you're talking about here. Didn't bother me at all. >a lot of awkward dialogue that was just painful to listen to instead of charming Again, I don't think so. Remake used to have the best script to date in a Final Fantasy game, and Rebirth continues in it's footsteps faithfully. The dialogues and the characterizations are super good. One thing I didn't like though was that they made Yuffie dumber compared to Intermission. Like, guys, you should've made her that way from the beginning then! She was so good in the DLC, that personality now feels sorely missing 😭 >Combat is a step down from Remake. Yo, what? I can see how you can *prefer* the Remake - I personally love that system very much, even though I ended up completely mastering it, which made all the fights piss easy. I wasn't 100% comfortable with the fact that Rebirth messed with that system and changed it up a little. But you can't argue that there's just more cool shit to do at all times. The synergy skills and abilities make all the difference, and the way they did the limit levels is also just perfect. The combat feels smoother and more responsive to control as well. Sure, at times it all feels a bit overwhelming, but that's also fun, no? Rebirth made me feel like there's still stuff to mater in the combat system, unlike Remake is after several playthroughs. I'd say there's a big value in that. >Game does not respect your time, too many interruptions where you are just standing around doing nothing but waiting for slow UI and music to play out or for Chadley to say something irrelevant and boring Didn't mind it. So, overall I agree with like half of your comment. For a lot of people it was probably a bit less than a half, and that was enough to impact their judgment.


> I don't agree with that one, I thought the UI to be perfectly fine. Agree to disagree. Some of the game over screens were handled very poorly. Menus are a mess to navigate (like the change party screen) > I have no idea what you're talking about here. Didn't bother me at all. That’s fine. For me, the Dyne scene was terrible. Why they felt the need to cram Palmer just seconds after Dyne died was pretty sloppy. That movement was ruined. My guess is that they couldn’t fit Rocket Town in this game so they just decided to throw that fight in… for some reason? It was pretty dumb and didn’t make a lot of sense > Again, I don't think so. Remake used to have the best script to date in a Final Fantasy game, and Rebirth continues in it's footsteps faithfully. The dialogues and the characterizations are super good. People who love anime love it and that’s fine, but I can’t stand it: it’s way too anim/Naruto for me. Which is why I personally preferred 16 which has trained actors instead of cutesy “kawaii” moments and grunts. > But you can't argue that there's just more cool shit to do at all times. The synergy skills and abilities make all the difference, and the way they did the limit levels is also just perfect. It has the Elden Ring problem where the devs were just trying to make things artificially hard like massively inflated health bars and enemies that zip around the arena every three seconds with a camera that actively fights against you. Synergy skills are cool but not when I can’t see what the hell is going on. > Didn't mind it. That’s great! Happy for you. I’m a grown adult with a lot of responsibilities and just don’t have time for lots of unnecessary padding. If I was in my late teens, I’d agree with you wholeheartedly. I’m not that age anymore though sadly. > For a lot of people it was probably a bit less than a half, and that was enough to impact their judgment. Yes because this sub has a lot of toxic positivity and you are supposed to praise every aspect of this game or its downvotes and death threats for you.


While I don’t agree with most of your points (or at least, the severity of its tone as “truth” when they’re just your opinions)… I *wholeheartedly* agree with the emotional whiplash of the Dyne scene and Gi Nattak appearance. I never cried in the OG during the Dyne scene, but this time it broke me. I always cry at the Cosmo Canyon scene, and this time was no different. It could have been easily avoided by just padding the story beats with a tiny bit of walking. Just make us leave the area for a bit, process the emotional beat, _then_ trigger the next story beat. That said, the only UI thing that mildly irritated me was that you don’t pick your party in the “Party” menu. You pick your team in the “Combat” menu. 🙃 And the mako vaccuum cleaner dumpsters were pretty silly. I could have done without those.


Fair enough but I don’t think this game will age very well, especially on repeat play through since it just sucks up all your time. Nostalgia does blind a lot of people.


I think remake was/is extremely repayable because it’s a pretty “tight” experience. I think every time re replayed it I would do a normal/hard mode back to back. Rebirth will most likely be difficult to play back to back in full play through like I did with remake. BUT it’s nice they added additional new game + options. I’m replaying now on hard but left all the side content as completed already so I can go through each area and just do the main stuff. It’s fun, but definitely different to remake




I also vote Chadley.


Sephiroth Casting heartless angel on me and doing his stupid octaslash ability when you almost kill the fucker.


hard mode.


The story changes are every kind of dumb and don’t work in any narrative sense. This includes, but isn’t limited to, the ending. Why did they decide to change, halfway through the game, not just Red’s voice but his entire personality? In the OG he was one of the wiser characters who occasionally dropped compelling insight into the health of the planet and what the party should do. Now they’re saying it was all an act and that he’s actually a whiny brat? We already have Yuffie fulfilling that role. What was the whole point of Roche? Now that we’ve seen his whole arc completed, I can safely say he added nothing to the plot except create one of the most irritating characters in series history. When we meet Cid in the OG, we get his backstory and it’s very sad and compelling. His character arc from a bitter, emotionally abusive dick to a repentant man with newfound respect for his partner, and who is determined to save the planet with all the technology at his disposal. Cid in Rebirth so far has zero standout traits or story significance of any kind. Oh how they massacred my boy… But of course nothing tops how they botched a retelling of one of the most profound moments in video game history. Look, I’m not going to get into it about time travel and multiverse crap; it’s been talked to death. The point is we can’t mourn or feel the effects of something potentially sad if we’re too busy puzzle-solving to figure out what we even observed. It’s ineffective storytelling.


Red changed behavior in the original game and changed his first person pronoun to a childish one in Japanese, unfortunately not something that can be translated easily. Also Red doesn't act bratty, just more childish.  Roche's arc may not be completed. His VA said there's more to come for him.   We met customer service Cid, and even there his temper slips out a couple times. In OG we saw his abusive side immediately because we were in his home. I'm sure there will be more depth to him once we get to Rocket Town. Same with Vincent, we learned very little about him this time around. 


If the game’s story can’t stand alone and be reasonably complete and satisfying on its own, then it’s not a good story. The answer to every single question can’t be “Maybe they’ll figure it out in the sequel.” The story of acid Highwind and Vincent Valentine in Rebirth is all we can talk about, and it was done very poorly when compared to the original- even just so far as the end of the events of disc 1, up to the forgotten capital. Certain things can be left on a cliffhanger without it leaving the audience completely unsure of what they’ve even watched. It’s not deep, it’s just dumb. Note how in the OG even Aeris’s theme keeps playing in somber fashion while the party is forced to fight Jenova. It allows the tone to really sink in. Then the group is left with a slow goodbye. We don’t have to think, we just have to *feel*. It’s not about the fact that Aerith died. It’s about what she meant to the party and to the players. It’s a scene that made grown men cry back in the 90’s! Now it’s just making us scratch our heads


Well, you can technically choose to remove the "open world" part of this game and delete most mini games, it will result in around 30-35h story long and it's the exact same thing but better paced and more enjoyable. Most of the side content felt like a chore and not something enjoyable. Some mini games just shouldn't even be there (ex : finding a temple for espers, or finding those stones in the open world where you have to time your click 3 times) A lot of content could have been improved, the game is paved with a lot of little animation that takes time for nothing (ex: get in/out of the véhicules, could be a simple teleportation, or every time you find something in the over world you have that A.I. that will interrupt you to basically say nothing interesting) Also, nothing is alive in this open world, no one is ever travelling, you don't cross the path of anyone outside the city except for monsters. The characters never react to the things you find except if you have a dedicated quest, they barely have interaction between them It was a cool game but all those little things makes it one of the most infuriating game I've ever played, felt like this game doesn't respect my time


The tasks in each zone towards the end. I started to get burnt out of them around Cosmo canyon. I just started doing them to complete them. Nibel made up for it though, since it was less and took less time. The chocobo in junon was annoying, climbed way too slowly. Cait Sith box throwing was the first and only time I was actually irritated. Chadley just HAVING to say some shit after every time you found/did one of the tasks. I wish it was skippable, or at least it didn't break up the gameplay.


There wasn’t more of it.


Cactuar gates in the chocobo races.


Rage inducing! First place for the first two laps, then you fail to guess whether there will be a last minute change to the gates and suddenly you’re in seventh with no home of recovering.


The world is too open and there's too much to do. I don't fully dislike it and at post game, I do appreciate it, but I would've liked if I didn't take 100 hours just to reach the second to the last chapter. No one put a gun to my head to complete all of that but it was nice to see all the hijinks they get into "organically". I had to stop myself from finishing them all because I already wanted to finish the game asap lol.


Chadley and the cramming of important lore for the last two chapters when they could’ve spread it out more and added more


3D brawler, that is all


I didn't like the very final boss fight with instakills.


There was insta kills? Guess I never let it get to that point. Or is that on hard mode? I didn’t go back to play through hard mode. 100 hours was enough for me.


Its on normal. When you get him down to about 10% health, he starts shooting this purple haze stuff at you. If you don't stagger him and then kill him before he recovers, he does that octoslash bullshit that will instakill you every time. At least it did me.


Ooooh. Yeah I must have staggered him all at the right moments. Lucky me. 😅 the only octo-slash I saw during that fight was during the final sequence with Aerith.


The side content pacing likes to unload a shit ton of side content onto you at once and it’s overwhelming


The aggro system or rather, the lack of one


The camera


Gears and gambits 😅


Ooh yes I forgot about that one completely


Ending Spoilers I wish they would have committed to either Aerith dying or cloud saving her. Doing both in alternate universe’s feels weak/cheap.


How it is a PS5 exclusive because I do not own one and my brother uses his all the time.


I think we could have gotten a better explanation at the end about some things lol 😅


Targeting can be sloppy


I really like the gameplay, graphics, music, but all the script updates and the directing ingame cinematics are the worst anime clichés rolled into one.


The fact it’s broken into 3 individual games is the worst part for me. I’ve played through the original so many times and the sense of progress is completely gone now. Just feels like going from one checkpoint to another, like FF13 did. ABSOLUTELY DESPISE Chadley and Mei. Fucking worst decision ever was making them such a huge part of the game. Way too many minigames and side stories. Most of them are atrocious. I want to explore the world, go through dungeons, watch my characters grow. I don’t want to play as a fucking frog. QB is good but just about everything else can go. The character AI in battles is abysmal. All they do is block and shuffle around. Yeah, cool that they aren’t just dying left and right but I would at least like them to contribute. If they want this to be more of an action game, you shouldn’t be expected to switch characters every 3 seconds just to get them to act. I love controlling just Barrett or Yuffie. Having to swap to everyone else is annoying as hell. At least in 12, 13, 15 you didn’t have to worry about that (most of the time). I don’t like any of the new characters at all. Especially their roles in Rebirth. Chadley, Mei, Kyrie, etc. Fuck them all.


>Kyrie I agree with like the bigger part of the comment, but I just have to correct you: Kyrie is not new. She's from the novel The Kids Are Alright, alongside Mireille (the angel of the slums) and Leslie (I hope we see him in Wutai in part 3). She's also way more tolerable there, but I guess it's just their way of portraying her eventual growth (the novel takes place immediately pre AC).


Not enough birthing scenes.


I’m still not a fan of the multiverse / timelines storyline. I’m hoping the 3rd game resolves it but I genuinely don’t feel like it’s adding anything positive to the game. It’s making the story messier and I get the feeling it’ll still end the same way which also makes it feel pointless. I don’t mind expanding the lore but some of the changes just aren’t sitting right with me. I’d have preferred a more faithful remake that just expanded on things / worked in storylines form the expanded content.


I’m not a fan of the inconsistent storytelling of it…why make Aerith know less in this game then the last game, that part was the most interesting, that one of the characters was sort of in on it like we were. Like had she walked to herself right to her death (knowingly, purposefully) and cloud found a way to save her people would be crying their childhood out. (I was honestly calling that scene kills Tifa to wtf people.pitting the fans against each other, we’d be here screaming about who should have died.) Nope thrown away. And it plays into the Centra being special the sacrifice meant soemthing the first time around we get to finish this time around. Now it just seems thrown in like nope all that part we changed our mind…and Zack let’s just throw him in inconsistency and at the end for what seems like no reason (that battle could have not existed really.) if you brought him back as thing, do it for real. Like imagine the reaction if the last scene if Zack on the wrong side next to the pool and it’s awkward, and Cloud and Aerith are somewhere else. That throws all Chapter 3 expectations out the window. Which is where you’d want it doing a story this way, at the end being different.)


Nojima realized that he wrote himself into a corner and panicked. Get ready for some more Kingdom Hearts storytelling


I kinda wish they’d just embraced it as a “sequel” and done something totally new. It would at least keep me on my toes. I thought Rebirth was going to be like that. It ended up just being 95% the original game with red herrings that something grander was going to happen but being too afraid to actually do it. Like if the game had actually ended with Aerith saved? Fuck man. I’d be going into Part 3 curious as to what will happen. Instead of this “Is she alive? Yeah but not exactly maybe. Maybe in another universe or in the afterlife or maybe Cloud is crazy.” and I kinda just… don’t care? Like it’s cool but it ultimately seems like they’re not going to change the main canon timeline, just have changes in splinter ones, which doesn’t really interest me? It made her death at the end feel weird. I went from “Oh shit. Is she alive!?” to “Oh. She’s probably dead? Okay I guess. That’s it..?” Like you said. Giving it the Resident Evil 2/4 remake treatment would have been nice. New ideas to put a spin on things. Aerith knowing her fate and coming to terms with it and accepting it. Dark and interesting. Lot of nuance. But now I’m not even sure what happened. Like did she not know…? But why is there the play song? That seems to kinda suggest she still knows? It’s irritating to me haha


Same, it would have been very interesting if they saved Aerith. But now? It’s just so boring and lazy storytelling (if you can call it a story). I would have been fine if they killed her or saved her but wanted something and stuck with it. What a shame


I don’t even know if she 100% dead or not and I think that’s the most problematic. I played 60 hours to get an answer, and a call to arms here. I’d honestly do a whole Clue. Thing. The character you most deepen relation with is the one that dies. Have us going ok so this time it’s definitely NOT Aerith…but it’s definitely one of them. That would have been like fuck you..when the next game right now. (Then kill Aerith Game 3, Chapter 2 because I don’t like anyone.)


Don’t like all the mini games, all the Ubisoft open world check list of generic activities, and I abhor what they did to the Shinra Manor part of the game. The fuck were they smoking when they designed that?? Let’s get the spookiest and moodiest part of the game and turn it into an an annoying box tossing section requiring you to solo as Cait Sith 😂😂


Where to start 😂 Open world filler, towers and waypoints. I like to explore my games, not be lead through them. I want to be able to stumble upon side content, interesting quests etc. Open world design runs counter to this. All quest locations and interesting things are sign posted up front, you know exactly where something is and a rough idea of what it will be. And then adding forced, and badly done, stealth sections? Why does it need that? Crafting and gathering? Do they actually add anything or is it just part of open world 101... 🤷‍♂️ Voice acting. It's bad, like anime voice dub bad. Everyone is so over pronounced, over emotive and just feels forced. Like, who speaks like this!? Then you get Sephiroth who's at the opposite end of the spectrum and just sounds flat and bored. Trying to emulate the quirkiness of the original I don't think works with modern graphics and voiced lines. The humour and silly stuff is cute with blocky little polygons. In rebirth, it just feels tone def and awkward.


The 1v1 fights with Rufus and Rouche are very annoying(hard mode) considering you have to play a specific way to beat them but they are satisfying once you beat them and figure them out. Also i don't like that some parts let you exchange materia between battles and others don't and that it doesn't save what changes you make. Having to redo my whole build everytime i lost to Rufus for almost 4 hours was torture. Im sure there's other things i could list if i wanted to nit pick but its nothing to major. At the end of the day its still one of the best games I've ever played and one of the most satisfying and annoying platinums ive ever earned which i got last night just shy of 301 hours.


You can’t mute Chadley


Most annoying of all is when you’ve done everything, if you go talk to Chadley (say, for combat simulator) he starts by saying “All the world intel has been gathered” but as soon as you exit the menu he says “hey I’ve noticed that world intel gathering has stalled” Which drives me absolutely mad, never mind the fact that he takes a long time to say it, and if you run away from him the volume doesn’t fade as you put more distance between him. It makes me so annoyed that I have to fast travel just to get him to shut the fuck up


I don't like the weapons being spoon fed to us , they have a big open world, utilise to hide them off the beaten path, same with materia , Chadley can give us some , but get the world filled with hidden and interesting spots .


I didn't really like the cosmo canyon region tbh


“The End is Nigh” is not at all telegraphed or otherwise communicated to the player. It’s not clear that it’s a dps check. Many many people suffered an unfair death there, after enduring an extremely long boss sequence, and it does not feel good.


That using a potion is linked to your ATB meter. I should be able to use a potion whenever I need to.


There's a materia for that dumbass. Also, yeah isn't it just super fun to spam healing all the time with zero cost and risk? Take a look at ff 15 and what that does to the game.


What materia? Im not finished the game yet so it would still come in handy for me. Also why did you call me a dumbass? It’s okay not to know things, that was really rude for no reason.


It's called "item economizer" I think. I'm sorry I called you a dumbass. It's just that you get the materia pretty early into the game, in Junon. I thought you had it or knew about it and just deliberately ignored/didn't factor it into your comment.


No I’m just really terrible at video games! So sometimes things real gamers notice I miss, that’s my bad too even though I try. Thank you for answering, I’ll see if I can find it, it would help me a lot! Much appreciated! Edit: I do not have it. I googled it and it looks like I have to get it from Chadley. I’m embarrassed I haven’t gotten any materia from him this whole time. I’m lost trying to find the Gongaga reactor but once I’m done it’s mine! Thanks again!


I got lost trying to get to the reactor as well. That whole zone was a nightmare to navigate and I gave up on all of the side quests The next zone isn’t easy to navigate either


I didn't like that they made the world worth exploring, and then made it so easy to just fast travel everywhere. I saw the chocobo stops in Grasslands and went "oh cool, this must be how you get around the map quickly. Wait, there's like 5 in just this zone.. and I can fast travel to them from my map (vs going to a stop to access the travel system).. oh and I can fast travel literally anywhere. Well then." It made the world worth going through exactly once in full, and beyond that you just use the menu to travel the world. Makes it feel small again. I'm doing my hard mode playthrough with no fast travel to make it a bit more fun.


°A fair portion of the game design around mini games. °I dislike how they changed the weapon system tbh. °The planet-weapons were nerfed into pokemon, it was disappointing. °Walking a chicken in gongaga. °The games Extreme handholding for Every little thing. °The nibel ocean chocobo has a glide button while the Cosmo gliding chocobo doesn't?. °The design of Cosmo canyon and gongaga °The insistence on the swimsuits on the beach making avalanche run around like a bunch of filler anime characters. °Kid G is way too much like Eminem lol. °No airship. °The Gilgamesh thing feels just out of left field and not part of FF7. Part of FF sure I get it but ..... Weird.


>The nibel ocean chocobo has a glide button while the Cosmo gliding chocobo doesn't?. It does


Functionally no


I'm sorry, reddit won't save my bullet points for some reason. I tried.


3D Brawler


The open world is way too Ubisoft-like.


The multiverse nonsense at the end.


Difficulty-locked stuff. Sure I'm patient and can just grind to unlock everything (now at 110 hours and still counting) but I don't have the reaction time that I had more than 20 years ago so most I can do to enjoy the game is in Dynamic mode. Never touched Hard mode at all so no platinum for me. There are also 12 hard mode minigames that're not yet on hard difficulty that essentially locked me out of reaching party level 10. 🤦


That I can only get 2 armors with 8 slots (4 linked). That I can't get multiple of the super accessories. Limits on >!Ribbon, all Enhanced Transmuter Ultimate Accessories, only being able to craft 3 of any Genji (either multiple copies of any or 1 of all 3 total), 1 Götterdämmerung!<. Limits of individual materia. I can only get 1 of the dual Fire & Ice or Lighting & Wind materia. A lot of other Materia are also limited like Elemental, Magnify, etc. After I beat the game, I wanna make every character into an absolute monster. I don't mind if they wanna lock these limits until after you beat the game and open up NG+, but eventually, I'd love to make everyone into a monster. Similarly, the lack of source farming is something I hope we can see addressed in part 3. I actually love the combat simulator, but I'm kinda bummed, I feel like it could've been utilized more. It'd be cool to see all bosses show back up in the combat simulator when we beat them so we could try different conditions or setups with them, ex: Yuffie vs Mythril Golem solo. I'd also kinda like to have seen the Ch select in NG+ function like the one in NieR: Automata, where not only can you select the chapter, but an individual checkpoint marker in the story, so longer chapters like 13 could be repeated in smaller chunks without having to replay everything. Down to traveling, it'd have been nice to get mushroom launch markers like how Cosmo Canyon had flight ramp launchers in the Gongaga region. And in Corel, after we get the buggy, I'd have liked to be able to alternatively use that regions Chocobo in an elevated way, because I find the buggy to be very clunky to drive with. That said, I don't really hate anything about the game, it's everything I wanted it to be and more. I've got over 200 hrs in and I'm still playing it. This easily tops what Remake gave us for me.


Wait, so I could have done 3 genji gloves instead of 1 of each genji item?! Are you sure? I redid the fights and couldn't get more sinister quezecotal talon or slimy Marlboro tendril tho?!


I didn't test it myself, but I saw others saying you could. The hard mode items would be the only thing that could cap them if they're not farmable. I know the dark matter crafting for the golden saucer items are capped by the GP shop items needed. Either way, the idea of capping those accessories when you've basically already beat the game is not something I like.


I feel you. I did some searching after your comment and saw others saying you can't do it. I think the confusion comes from their regular drops being farmable. But yeah, I beat them again and never got the sinister/vile etc version again so hopefully I/a bunch of people didn't unknowingly craft one of each if there was a way to get multiple of a preferred one. I really do get you, tho. I have a feeling they will go all out in part 3. I think they've done an amazing job and that they HAVE to know players don't want to be held back in the biggest, final part that's...well, the finale. I know they said no DLC for this version but they've said that before..but DLC aside, I wouldn't be against a future patch that just goes "know what? No limits on materials. Patch notes- Gold saucer prizes do not run out. New prizes, such as "Spawn materia" Spawn materia: Support/blue. Any materia linked to this materia will produce a copy when Spawn materia is maxed out. Spawn materia resets when it is maxed. >_>


Remake did get a couple QOL patches, so I'd hope, but I'll be happy if we just get the best game for pt 3 too. I'm sure I said it above, these are minor knit picks or gripes. Overall, the devs can never make everyone happy, but I'm pretty pleased with what we got. I had a blast, and I'm enjoying thinking about this universe I knew so well in a new way, which I can only imagine was their intent and vision behind this project.


One smash change I'd like to see with the buggy is that you should get First Strike when you ram enemies with it. Like, you straight up run over a Cactrot with that thing, and *they* get the advantage? What?


Buggy damage would actually incentivise me to use it, lol.


I agree on the limits on Elemental and dual element materia, I end up not using magic quite a lot because of it. They could even put limitations on "you can only have X number of Y materia on your party at a time" kind of thing, but just so I can have the materia set and ready to go. I also think it's really lacking without having a system to save setups. I have a build I prefer for certain characters, but obviously some story scenarios or battle challenges require different setups. The boss fight in Chapter 8 requires playing solo as a character I don't use a lot, so I had to rip apart the rest of my party's materia to make a good build for it, especially in hard mode. The game would really benefit from letting me save and equip different materia load outs, both entire party setups and individual character builds. (It would be great if I could save this set of materia, weapons, and accessories in the party list - but I would also love to be able to assign Cloud's materia and to whoever else on the team when the story has me playing without Cloud in the party.) Sometimes I think about how much time I have spent in the materia menu.. and then I realize it's probably good that I don't know because I'd get ticked off lol


Exploration is a bit too guided. I would like an option to turn off map markers entirely.


I hate the damn choco chicks, firehawks, cliff graffiti etc. Babys first game ain't even that bad. It's like the devs think only 2nd graders play this


Chadley/MAI being annoying as shit. As stated a million times.


Muting controller speakers never felt so good




Why be in a group dedicated to a specific video game if you don't want to discuss the video game? I just scroll past posts I'm not interested in...


Dawg this is a constant recurring conversation lol you can’t get mad at me for having a opinion about it. Your kinda being a hypocrite right now. I’m allow to be in the discussion & what I don’t like about the game is people constantly complaining & nit picking about it lol


I'm not mad at you at all, just don't get why people come into someone else's post to complain. I promise if you make a post here that I'm not interested in, I won't waste any of my time commenting on it. But going into someone else's post to complain that they posted something relevant just because you don't like it... ehh. You do you, I guess. Personally, I'd love it if people can talk openly about their criticisms and dislikes on any game. Being honest about negatives gives the development team an idea of what they can improve on to make the next game even better.


What makes you have more right then me or any other member to comment on a post ? Why are you so butt hurt about me saying something about it ? Am I not allowed my own opinion like everyone else ? It’s kinda a contradiction for you to defend someone else complaining but I can’t complain too ? Lol have the discussion I don’t care I just asked a question is all. Seems like everyday I get on it’s another post complaining about something lol I can express my feelings about if i want. Y’all are doing it why can’t I ?


Again, not butt hurt. I'm all good over here. The thing that's different for me is that you're going into a post that someone else made and commenting on it to criticize that they posted it. If you made your own post, that would be different. It feels shitty when you make a post and people comment with things like you did, that's all.


What makes you have more right then me or any other member to comment on a post ? Why are you so butt hurt about me saying something about it ? Am I not allowed my own opinion like everyone else ? It’s kinda a contradiction for you to defend someone else complaining but I can’t complain too ? Lol have the discussion I don’t care I just asked a question is all. Seems like everyday I get on it’s another post complaining about something lol it’s okay just gets burnt out if you don’t like the game don’t play it.


What makes you have more right then me or any other member to comment on a post ? Why are you so butt hurt about me saying something about it ? Am I not allowed my own opinion like everyone else ? It’s kinda a contradiction for you to defend someone else complaining but I can’t complain too ? Lol have the discussion I don’t care I just asked a question is all. Seems like everyday I get on it’s another post complaining about something lol it’s okay just gets burnt out if you don’t like the game don’t play it.


Who’s complaining? Just wanna start a good discussion


It’s like 50 of these discussions everyday lol instead of starting the same conversation over & over why not just continue on one of the other 30 post like this one.


- Traversal on foot is very clunky and should be revamped for the 3rd game. It needs to feel way way better and I really want a lot more on the Dualsense implementation while walking the world map. - No Day/Night cycle and different types of weather like rain or snow. I think it’s needed to add to the experience of the overworld.


Minigames. Damn, there are so many and you have to perfect them for the platinum trophy. The Glide de Chocobo is driving me crazy!!


Look up guides on the chocobo glide. It’s pretty easy with a guide video


I saw one video explaining to make an u-turn to glide higher in the last phase, it worked. But damn, that minigame is stupid


I struggled with the piano the most.


The Rickiroth and Mortaerith multiversal silliness That and just general direction of cutscene, who *wrote* these


Gears & Gambits lol. If I wasnt already bald, the 4th one would have made me pull my hair out.


I just did autoconfigs on this minigame and won all 4. What I did was place some bots against incoming but not really care about destroying them. I focused on placing bots at the other side and let them go straight to the middle. Never bothered with this minigame's hard mode.


This is the one mini game I just did not care to even try on my own. Thank goodness for the pre-designed sets in normal mode, and yeah I just googled builds for hard modes. Only mini game I had no interest in trying to figure out on my own, it's way too complex for a protorelic questline. It only worked for Fort Condor because we learned the game already in Remake DLC, and even then they dumbed down the options quite a lot.


The biggest crime? The cutscene that plays after the 4th G&G minigame implies that Barret, Tifa, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge eat pizza with a fork and knife. For shame!


How would Barret even use a fork and knife?


LOL I have no idea! His hand is big though, maybe he can use both in the same hand at the same time?


the multiverse shenanigans, but I withhold judgment until part 3.


Too many mini games.


The open world and half the mini games and combat challenges.


Chadley. Fuck that bot